Thomas Zacharia
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Indian-American computer scientist
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Thomas Zachariacomputer-science Degrees
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Computer Science
Thomas Zacharia's Degrees
- PhD Engineering Science Clarkson University
- Masters Mechanical Engineering Northeastern University
Why Is Thomas Zacharia Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thomas Zacharia is an Indian-born American computer scientist. He received his bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering from National Institute of Technology, Karnataka in 1980 and a master's degree in Materials Science from the University of Mississippi in 1984. He obtained his doctoral degree from Clarkson University in 1987.
Thomas Zacharia's Published Works
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Published Works
- New analytical procedure to determine stress-strain curve from spherical indentation data (1998) (260)
- Numerical analysis of GTA welding process with emphasis on post-solidification phase transformation effects on residual stresses (1998) (160)
- Modeling the kinetics and microstructural evolution during static recrystallization—Monte Carlo simulation of recrystallization (1998) (133)
- Enhanced electron field emission in B-doped carbon nanotubes (2002) (121)
- Weld pool development during GTA and laser beam welding of Type 304 stainless steel; Part I - theoretical analysis (1989) (111)
- Heat transfer during Nd: Yag pulsed laser welding and its effect on solidification structure of austenitic stainless steels (1989) (97)
- Three-dimensional transient model for arc welding process (1989) (92)
- Modeling of fundamental phenomena in welds (1995) (83)
- Weld pool development during GTA and laser beam welding of Type 304 stainless steel; Part II-experimental correlation (1989) (82)
- Finite element simulations of cold deformation at the mesoscale (1998) (72)
- Intrinsic electron transport properties of carbon nanotube Y-junctions (2002) (65)
- Dynamic stresses in weld metal hot cracking (1994) (60)
- Integration algorithm for modeling the elasto-viscoplastic response of polycrystalline materials (1999) (47)
- A new one-point quadrature, quadrilateral shell element with drilling degrees of freedom (1996) (43)
- Effects of alloying additions on the microstructures, mechanical properties and weldability of Fe3Al-based alloys (1994) (40)
- Modeling of Autogenous Welding (1988) (36)
- Monte Carlo simulation of grain boundary pinning in the weld heat-affected zone (1995) (34)
- Monte Carlo simulation of deformation substructure evolution during recrystallization (1998) (31)
- A finite element model for residual stress in repair welds (1996) (31)
- Neural network-based resistance spot welding control and quality prediction (1999) (28)
- Quantification of thermomechanical conditions for weld solidification cracking (1997) (28)
- Role of thermophysical properties in weld pool modeling (1992) (27)
- Thermal stress development in a nickel based superalloy during weldability test (1997) (26)
- Pile-up Behavior of Spherical Indentations in Engineering Materials (1998) (25)
- Three-step H − charge exchange injection with a narrow-band laser (2003) (21)
- Numerical analysis of residual stress distribution in tubes with spiral weld cladding (1998) (19)
- Analysis of Ball-indentation Load-depth Data: Part I. Determining Elastic Modulus (1997) (17)
- Monte Carlo simulation of stored energy driven interface migration (2003) (17)
- Application of fully automatic remeshing to complex metal-forming analyses (1997) (16)
- Weldability of Fe3Al-type aluminide (1993) (15)
- Surface temperature distribution of GTA weld pools on thin-plate 304 stainless steel (1995) (14)
- A microstructure model for laser processing of Ti-6Al-4V (2005) (11)
- Modelling the deformation of face centred cubic crystals to study the effect of slip on {110} planes (1999) (10)
- Using high performance Fortran for parallel programming (1998) (10)
- Modeling of thermal stresses in welds (1993) (8)
- ORNL Cray X1 evaluation status report (2004) (7)
- Welding of Iron Aluminides (2013) (7)
- Coupled finite element-Monte Carlo simulation of microstructure and texture evolution during thermomechanical processing (1998) (6)
- Modeling and validation of residual stress distribution in an HSLA-100 disk (1995) (6)
- Design for Manufacturing (DFM) approach for Productivity Improvement in Medical Equipment Manufacturing (2014) (6)
- On the Monte Carlo simulation of curvature-driven growth (2002) (6)
- An Overview of Some Current Research on Welding Residual Stresses and Distortion in the U.S. Navy (1997) (5)
- Residual stress distribution in FeAl weld overlay on steel (1994) (5)
- Weld pool phenomena (1994) (5)
- Modeling the effect of surface active elements on weld pool fluid flow, heat transfer and geometry (1989) (4)
- Modeling of thermomechanical conditions in Sigmajig weldability test (1995) (4)
- Distributed Implementation of KIVA-3 on the Intel Paragon (1996) (4)
- Response to “Comment on ‘Intrinsic electron transport properties of carbon nanotube Y junctions’ ” [Appl. Phys. Lett. 83, 1674 (2003)] (2003) (4)
- Ultra‐Scale Computing for Emergency Evacuation (2009) (4)
- 5. Delamination in composite materials: measurement, assessment and prediction (2015) (3)
- Cellular automata modeling of weld solidification structure (1993) (3)
- Some Effects of Composition and Microstructure on the B2↔DO 3 Ordered Phase Transition in Fe 3 Al Alloys (1992) (3)
- Modeling of Autogenous Welding A mathematical model is developed to simulate the convection and heat transfer conditions of a GTA weld pool BY (2013) (3)
- Weldability of Fe[sub 3]Al-type Aluminide (1993) (3)
- Design and development of orthosis for clubfoot correction in infants an additive manufacturing approach (2020) (3)
- Polycrystal Simulations of Texture Evolution during Deformation Processing (1998) (3)
- Implementation of KIVA-3 on distributed memory MIMD computers (1995) (3)
- Field Emission Properties of BN/C and BN@C Hybrid Nanotubes (2002) (2)
- Predicting social impacts associated with roadway development in a scenic area (1994) (2)
- High performance computing for materials process modeling (1993) (2)
- Application of high performance computing to automotive design and manufacturing: Composite materials modeling task technical manual for constitutive models for glass fiber-polymer matrix composites (1997) (2)
- Modeling of residual stresses by HY-100 weldments (1997) (2)
- Effect of convection on weld pool development (1991) (2)
- Welding of Iron Aluminides The weldability of FejAI is very sensitive to the welding conditions and alloy content conditions (1989) (2)
- Residual stresses in weld overlay tubes: A finite element study (1997) (1)
- Understanding heat and fluid flow in linear GTA welds (1992) (1)
- Weldability and microstructural characterization of Al-Li alloys (1989) (1)
- An integrated model for optimizing weld quality (1995) (1)
- Application of damage models in metal forming (1995) (1)
- Massively parallel simulation of welding processes (1995) (1)
- Weldability of iron aluminides (1991) (1)
- On the prediction of HAZ grain size using Monte Carlo simulation (1993) (1)
- Application of High Performance Computing for Automotive Design and Manufacturing (1999) (1)
- Advanced computational simulation for design and manufacturing of lightweight material components for automotive applications (1997) (1)
- A coupled Monte Carlo-finite element approach to modeling microstructural evolution during static recrystallization (1996) (1)
- Weldability of Fe sub 3 Al based iron aluminide alloys (1992) (1)
- Ergonomic optimisation of machining operations of power transmission shaft (2018) (1)
- Modeling of Single-Crystal Laser Weld Microstructures (1994) (1)
- Pansharpening using Adaptive Fusion (2016) (0)
- Transport phenomena in welds (1992) (0)
- Modeling studies of a composite tube floor in black liquor recovery boilers (1999) (0)
- Advanced Computing for a Clean Energy Future (2010) (0)
- Advanced Computational Research in Materials Processing for Design and Manufacturing (1994) (0)
- Development of a comprehensive weld process model (1997) (0)
- BES welding science contractors summary report, 1987-88 (1988) (0)
- Prediction of parallel NIKE3D performance on the KSR1 system (1995) (0)
- Implementation of parallel matrix decomposition for NIKE3D on the KSR1 system (1995) (0)
- Development of weldable high-strength iron aluminides (1992) (0)
- Simulation for analysis and control of superplastic forming. Final report (1996) (0)
- An improved Monte Carlo algorithm for simulating grain growth (1994) (0)
- Simulation of the weld heat affected zone of a 0.5Cr-Mo-V steel (1995) (0)
- Basic Research at ORNL: A Distinguished Past, An Exciting Future (2001) (0)
- Rapid tooling for functional prototyping of metal mold processes. CRADA final report (1997) (0)
- Modeling of nucleation during recrystallization (1998) (0)
- Supercomputing applications in welding simulations (1995) (0)
- Intelligent decision support technologies for design and manufacturing (1997) (0)
- MPI implementation of CFD program PHOENICS (1994) (0)
- High caryophyllene black pepper germplasm (Piper nigrum) (2006) (0)
- On-line development of robust welding schedules (1993) (0)
- Modelling of fundamental phenomena in gas tungsten arc welds (2014) (0)
- Computer modeling of arc welds to predict effects of critical variables on weld penetration (1991) (0)
- Use of an integrated design tool for weld quality enhancement (1993) (0)
- Preparation and characterization of bi-metallic nanoparticle catalyst having better anti-coking properties using reverse micelle technique (2012) (0)
- Automotive Underhood Thermal Management Analysis Using 3-D Coupled Thermal-Hydrodynamic Computer Models: Thermal Radiation Modeling (2002) (0)
- Model predicts three-dimensional convection and temperature conditions of the weld pool generated by a moving arc (1988) (0)
- Comparative Experimental Investigation with Different Wire Electrodes on SS440C Component Using Wire Cut EDM (2020) (0)
- Welding of ductile intermetallic alloys (1991) (0)
- Computational modeling of GTA (gas tungsten arc) welding with emphasis on surface tension effects (1990) (0)
- Some effects of composition and microstructure on the B2[leftrightarrow]DO[sub 3] ordered phase transition in Fe[sub 3]Al alloys (1992) (0)
- Response to « Comment on Intrinsic electronic transport properties of carbon nanotube Y-junctions » (APL83-1074-2003) (2003) (0)
- MPI implementation of PHOENICS: A general purpose computational fluid dynamics code (1995) (0)
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