Tom Kibble
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British physicist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Sir Thomas Walter Bannerman Kibble was a British theoretical physicist, senior research investigator at the Blackett Laboratory and Emeritus Professor of Theoretical Physics at Imperial College London. His research interests were in quantum field theory, especially the interface between high-energy particle physics and cosmology. He is best known as one of the first to describe the Higgs mechanism, and for his research on topological defects. From the 1950s he was concerned about the nuclear arms race and from 1970 took leading roles in promoting the social responsibility of the scientist.
Tom Kibble's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Global Conservation Laws and Massless Particles (1964) (2801)
- Topology of cosmic domains and strings (1976) (2726)
- Lorentz Invariance and the Gravitational Field (1961) (1323)
- Symmetry Breaking in Non-Abelian Gauge Theories (1967) (1102)
- Some Implications of a Cosmological Phase Transition (1980) (883)
- Interaction of Intense Laser Beams with Electrons (1964) (395)
- Vortex formation in neutron-irradiated superfluid 3He as an analogue of cosmological defect formation (1996) (306)
- Gauge Theories Of Gravitation: A Reader With Commentaries (2013) (275)
- Cosmic strings (1994) (217)
- Walls bounded by strings (1982) (184)
- Mathematical Physics 2000 (2000) (175)
- Mutual Refraction of Electrons and Photons (1966) (168)
- Big bang simulation in superfluid 3He-B -- Vortex nucleation in neutron-irradiated superflow (1995) (167)
- Cosmic strings and superstrings (2009) (165)
- Strings in SO(10) (1982) (160)
- Geometrization of quantum mechanics (1979) (159)
- Evolution of a system of cosmic strings (1985) (155)
- Coherent soft-photon states and infrared divergences. ii. mass-shell singularities of green's functions (1968) (138)
- Self-intersection of cosmic strings (1982) (137)
- Relativistic models of nonlinear quantum mechanics (1978) (117)
- Fundamental cosmic strings (2005) (116)
- Phase-transition dynamics in the lab and the universe (2007) (114)
- Coherent Soft‐Photon States and Infrared Divergences. I. Classical Currents (1968) (113)
- Causality and Chance in Modern Physics (1984) (111)
- Coherent soft-photon states and infrared divergences. iv. the scattering operator (1968) (105)
- Non-linear coupling of quantum theory and classical gravity (1980) (105)
- Refraction of Electron Beams by Intense Electromagnetic Waves (1966) (104)
- Frequency Shift in High-Intensity Compton Scattering (1965) (102)
- Coherent Soft-Photon States and Infrared Divergences. III. Asymptotic States and Reduction Formulas (1968) (100)
- Conservation Laws for Free Fields (1965) (94)
- Cosmology with a spin (2012) (76)
- Causality and non-equilibrium second-order phase transitions in inhomogeneous systems (2013) (73)
- Cosmic strings reborn (2004) (69)
- Collisions of strings with Y junctions. (2006) (68)
- On phase ordering behind the propagating front of a second-order transition (1996) (62)
- Canonical Variables for the Interacting Gravitational and Dirac Fields (1963) (48)
- Classical Mechanics (5th Edition) (2004) (47)
- Average Magnification Effect of Clumping of Matter (2004) (45)
- Intensity-dependent mass shift and symmetry breaking (1975) (44)
- Relativistic transformation laws for thermodynamic variables (1966) (43)
- Broken symmetries and the Goldstone theorem (1967) (41)
- Collision of cosmic superstrings (2007) (41)
- Feynman Rules for Regge Particles (1963) (40)
- Is a Semi-Classical Theory of Gravity Viable? (1981) (40)
- Evolution of a network of cosmic string loops (1998) (37)
- Kinematic constraints on formation of bound states of cosmic strings: Field theoretical approach (2007) (33)
- Constraints on string networks with junctions (2007) (31)
- The Uncertainty Principle and Foundations of Quantum Mechanics: A Fifty Years’ Survey (1977) (30)
- Classification of Topological Defects and Their Relevance to Cosmology and Elsewhere (2000) (27)
- Symmetry Breaking and Defects (2002) (26)
- Dynamics and properties of chiral cosmic strings in Minkowski space (2000) (25)
- Gauge theories of gravity and supergravity (1985) (25)
- Monopoles connected by strings and the monopole problem (1988) (21)
- Non-intercommuting configurations in the collisions of type I U(1) cosmic strings (1994) (21)
- Phase transitions in the early Universe. (1981) (20)
- Evolution of small-scale structure on cosmic strings (1991) (20)
- Spontaneous symmetry breaking in gauge theories (2015) (19)
- Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism (2009) (18)
- Energy and Angular Momentum (2004) (18)
- Spontaneous vortex formation on a superconducting film (2004) (17)
- Baryon Number From Collapsing Cosmic Strings (1982) (17)
- Nielsen-Olesen vortex in varying alpha theories (2001) (16)
- Phase transitions and topological defects in the early universe (1997) (15)
- Higher order spinor Lagrangians (1958) (15)
- Topological defects in lattice gauge theories (2000) (14)
- Radiative corrections to Thomson scattering from laser beams (1966) (14)
- Monopole mass in the three-dimensional Georgi-Glashow model (2001) (14)
- History of electroweak symmetry breaking (2015) (13)
- Estimation of vortex density after superconducting film quench (2003) (12)
- Testing cosmological defect formation in the laboratory (2001) (11)
- Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanism (history) (2009) (11)
- Formation of non-Abelian monopoles connected by strings (2008) (10)
- Highlights of mathematical physics (2002) (10)
- Density of strings formed at a second-order cosmological phase transition (1995) (9)
- Phase transitions: Cosmology in the laboratory (1985) (8)
- High-harmonic configurations of cosmic strings: an analysis of self-intersections (1994) (8)
- Condensed matter analogues of cosmology (2013) (8)
- Jost functions and dispersion relations (1959) (7)
- Configuration of Z2 strings (1986) (7)
- Non-Abelian String Conductivity (1997) (7)
- Renormalization of semiclassical field theories (1980) (6)
- Count down (1992) (6)
- Quench-induced vortices in the symmetry-broken phase of liquid He (1996) (5)
- Dispersion relations for inelastic scattering (1958) (5)
- Phase Transitions in the Early Universe and Defect Formation (1995) (5)
- Topology and Geometry for Physicists (1984) (4)
- Selected Papers of Abdus Salam (with Commentary) (1994) (4)
- Comment of the remarks of Gamba (1966) (4)
- Electroweak Vacuum Geometry (1999) (4)
- Large pre-inflationary thermal density perturbations (2011) (4)
- Remarks on the comments of Dr. Arzeliès (1966) (4)
- Classifying Vortex Solutions to Gauge Theories (1999) (4)
- Muhammad Abdus Salam, K. B. E.. 29 January 1926–21 November 1996 (1998) (3)
- Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work (1998) (3)
- Nuclear Power Issues and Choices: Report of the Nuclear Energy Policy Study Group Sponsored by the Ford Foundation, Administered by the MITRE Corporation (1977) (3)
- Wick's theorem for nonsymmetric normal ordered products and contractions (1998) (3)
- The Standard Model of Particle Physics (2014) (2)
- Composite defect extends cosmology - 3He analogy (2000) (2)
- An extension to models for cosmic string formation (1995) (2)
- Recollections of Abdus Salam's at Imperial College (1999) (2)
- A natural origin of primordial density perturbations (2009) (1)
- The goldstone theorem (1967) (1)
- Topological Defects and Their Homotopy Classification (2006) (1)
- Abdus Salam at Imperial College (2008) (1)
- Symmetry and fundmental physics : Tom Kibble at 80 (2014) (1)
- Symmetry Breaking in Field Theory (2006) (1)
- Monopoles in the present and early universe. (1982) (1)
- The final theory (1993) (1)
- Measuring the brightness of classical noise dominated light at the shot noise limit (2015) (1)
- Surface Quantum Effects in a Fireball Model of Gamma Ray Bursts (1999) (1)
- Central Conservative Forces (2004) (1)
- Thermally induced perturbations in inflation (2011) (1)
- Evolution of small-scale structure on cosmic strings (1991) (1)
- Nielsen–Olesen vortex in varying-α theories (0)
- J. J. Sakurai Prize for Theoretical Particle Physics Talk (2010) (0)
- Ways Out of the Arms Race: From the Nuclear Threat to Mutual Security; Proceedings of the Second International Scientists' Congress (1989) (0)
- Geometrization of quantum mechanics. [Instantapeous pure states, origin of complex structure, states near vacuum] (1979) (0)
- C O ] 3 M ay 2 01 3 Cosmology with a spin (0)
- C O ] 6 O ct 2 01 1 Imperial / TP / 11 / TK / 01 Thermally induced perturbations in inflation (0)
- Quantum Field Theory and Dispersion Relations (1994) (0)
- Interdisciplinarity holds the key (1989) (0)
- Mathematical Foundations of Quantum Theory (1979) (0)
- Gerald Guralnik (1936–2014) (2014) (0)
- Gravity, Supersymmetry and Strings (1994) (0)
- Yoichiro Nambu and the origin of mass (2016) (0)
- Small Oscillations and Normal Modes (2004) (0)
- Langacker-pi Mechanism of Monopole Annihilation? (1992) (0)
- Experimental demonstration of radiation flux measurement accuracy surpassing the Nyquist limit (2016) (0)
- Dynamical Systems and Their Geometry (2004) (0)
- The Significance of Nonlinearity in the Natural Sciences (1978) (0)
- Cosmology meets condensed matter - Introduction. (2008) (0)
- Clasical mechanics / T.W.B. Kibble and F.H. Berkshire (1996) (0)
- Condensed Matter and Biology (1994) (0)
- Susy's six (2009) (0)
- The underlying unity (1982) (0)
- 'Big-bang' vortex formation in neutron-irradiated 3He-B superflow (1996) (0)
- GRB as Vacuum Discharge of Schwinger Critical Field at Fireball Surface (1998) (0)
- Lepton-Hadron Unification (1994) (0)
- Cosmic strings (1995) (0)
- Prehistory of the Higgs (2014) (0)
- Elementary particle symmetries (1965) (0)
- 0 00 73 69 v 4 3 O ct 2 00 0 Composite defect extends cosmology – 3 He analogy (2022) (0)
- Many-Body Systems (2004) (0)
- On the consistency of Schwinger’s action principle (1958) (0)
- The Abdus Salam Memorial Meeting (1999) (0)
- Topics in quantum field theory (1958) (0)
- Paul Taunton Matthews, 19 November 1919 - 26 February 1987 (1988) (0)
- Geometry, Particles and Fields (1982) (0)
- Symmetries and Electroweak Unification (1994) (0)
- Evolution of cosmic strings and cosmological implications (1994) (0)
- Schrödinger: Gauge fields, topological defects and cosmology (1987) (0)
- Paul Dirac: The Man and his Work (1998) (0)
- Genesis of unified gauge theories: Personal recollections from Imperial (1993) (0)
- The Two-Body Problem (2004) (0)
- Order and Chaos in Hamiltonian Systems (2004) (0)
- Gravity, Particles, and Astrophysics (1981) (0)
- Topics in quantum field theory : 1. Schwinger's action principle ; 2. Dispersion relations for inelastic scattering processes (1958) (0)
- The commutation relations obtained from Schwinger’s action principle (1959) (0)
- Imperial / TP / 98-99 / 26 DAMTP-1999-41 Electroweak Vacuum Geometry (1999) (0)
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