
Veneeta Dayal

Most Influential Person Now

American linguist

Veneeta Dayal's Academic­ Rankings

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Why Is Veneeta Dayal Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Veneeta Dayal is an American linguist. She is currently the Dorothy R. Diebold Professor of Linguistics at Yale University. Education and research Dayal was born in India. She received a BA, MA, and M. Phil in English Literature from Delhi University. She earned a PhD in Linguistics from Cornell University in 1991, under the supervision of Gennaro Chierchia. Before taking up a position at Yale, she was on the faculty of Rutgers University, where she served as Department chair from 2005-2008 and Acting Dean of Humanities in the School of Arts and Sciences from 2008-2009.

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Veneeta Dayal?

Veneeta Dayal is affiliated with the following schools: