William M. Bass
American forensic anthropologist, (1928 – ), Virginia, USA
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William M. Bass's Degrees
- PhD Anthropology University of Pennsylvania
- Masters Anthropology University of Kentucky
- Bachelors Anthropology University of Kentucky
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Areas of Specialization: Forensic Anthropology
William M. Bass is a forensic anthropologist, famous for his work on the study of human decomposition. He earned his B.A. from the University of Virginia, his MS from the University of Kentucky, and his Ph.D. in anthropology from the University of Pennsylvania.
He founded the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research, also known as “The Body Farm”. The Body Farm is a facility where researchers can study the decomposition of the human body under a variety of conditions. This research helps law enforcement and scientists to better understand time and manner of death, based on a better understanding of how the decomposition process works under a given set of conditions.
His research has yielded some surprising results as well, such as when he found that the maggots that fed on the bodies of recreational drug users could be distinguished from others, and that the bodies of cancer victims had a scent that was distinct from that of other bodies.
A retired professor from the University of Tennessee Knoxville, Bass continues to assist federal, state, and local law enforcement with identifying and understanding human remains. He has also written a number of works of fiction under a pseudonym, including Cut To the Bone, The Breaking Point, The Devil’s Bones, and others. He collaborated with Jon Jefferson to write a book about his life and work, titled, Death’s Acre.
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According to Wikipedia, William Marvin Bass III is an American forensic anthropologist, best known for his research on human osteology and human decomposition. He has also assisted federal, local, and non-U.S. authorities in the identification of human remains. He taught at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and founded the University of Tennessee Anthropological Research Facility, the first such facility in the world. The facility is more popularly known as "The Body Farm", a name used by crime author Patricia Cornwell in a novel of the same name, which drew inspiration from Bass and his work. Bass has also described the body farm as "Death's Acre" – the title of the book on his life and career, co-written with journalist Jon Jefferson. Jefferson and Bass, under the pen name "Jefferson Bass", have also written several fictional works: Carved In Bone, Flesh and Bone, The Devil's Bones, Bones of Betrayal, The Bone Thief, The Bone Yard, The Inquisitor's Key, Cut To the Bone, and The Breaking Point. Though currently retired from teaching, Bass still plays an active research role in the university's forensic anthropology program.
William M. Bass's Published Works
Published Works
- Human Osteology: A Laboratory and Field Manual (1971) (941)
- Time since death and decomposition of the human body: variables and observations in case and experimental field studies. (1990) (591)
- Insect Activity and Its Relationship to Decay Rates of Human Cadavers in East Tennessee (1983) (434)
- Time since death determinations of human cadavers using soil solution. (1992) (377)
- Human osteology : a laboratory and field manual of the human skeleton (1971) (337)
- Decomposition of buried bodies and methods that may aid in their location. (1985) (324)
- Outdoor Decomposition Rates in Tennessee (1996) (132)
- Phylloplanins of Tobacco Are Defensive Proteins Deployed on Aerial Surfaces by Short Glandular Trichomes (2005) (126)
- Maxillary suture obliteration: a visual method for estimating skeletal age. (1991) (120)
- Enhanced disease resistance conferred by expression of an antimicrobial magainin analog in transgenic tobacco (2001) (114)
- Maxillary suture obliteration: aging the human skeleton based on intact or fragmentary maxilla. (1987) (109)
- Stature estimation from fragmentary femora: a revision of the Steele method. (1990) (95)
- Artificial interproximal grooving of the teeth in American Indians. (1969) (79)
- The autodegradation of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) in human rib bone and its relationship to the time interval since death. (1988) (79)
- Cremation weights in east Tennessee. (2004) (69)
- Demographic and Osteological Evidence for Warfare at the Larson Site, South Dakota (1977) (62)
- Seasonal Dating of Burials from the Presence of Fly Pupae (1967) (59)
- Paleopathological Diagnosis and Interpretation: Bone Diseases in Ancient Human Populations. R. Ted Steinbock. Springfield, IL: Charles C. Thomas (1978) (59)
- A demographic analysis of skeletons from the Larson site (39WW2) Walworth County, South Dakota: Vital statistics (1979) (58)
- The Leavenworth site cemetery: archaeology and physical anthropology (1971) (45)
- Recognition of cemetery remains in the forensic setting. (1991) (42)
- The Sonota complex and associated sites on the northern Great Plains (1975) (34)
- Developments in the identification of human skeletal material (1968-1978). (1979) (32)
- Summary of skeletal identification in Tennessee: 1971-1981. (1983) (26)
- Unusual osteolytic defects in ancient South Dakota skulls. (1982) (26)
- Recent developments in the identification of human skeletal material. (1969) (22)
- Exostoses in the External Auditory Canals (1970) (21)
- Dodecyl maltoside-sodium dodecyl sulfate two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of chloroplast thylakoid membrane proteins. (1988) (21)
- Resistance to Tobacco Black Shank in Nicotiana Species (2006) (20)
- Health and Disease in the Prehistoric Southwest (1987) (19)
- Paleopathology: meeting ground for many disciplines. (1967) (17)
- The occurrence of Japanese trophy skulls in the United States. (1983) (17)
- Demographic and Osteological Evidence for Warfare At the Larson Site (39WW2), Walworth County, South Dakota (1977) (15)
- Bilateral asymmetry of long arm bones and jugular foramen: implications for handedness. (1986) (14)
- Death's Acre (2003) (13)
- Examining geographic visualization as a technique for individual risk assessment (2011) (13)
- Death's Acre (2003) (13)
- Preliminary Investigation of Artifact Association in an Arikara Cemetery (Larson Site), Walworth County, South Dakota (1976) (10)
- Human Skeletal Remains from the Tollifero (Ha6) and Clarksville (Mc14) Sites, John H. Kerr Reservoir Basin, Virginia (1962) (10)
- Isoflavone levels, nodulation and gene expression profiles of a CRISPR/Cas9 deletion mutant in the isoflavone synthase gene of red clover (2021) (10)
- Description of skeletal remains from a Black slave cemetery from Montserrat, West Indies. (1987) (9)
- Ancient osteopathology from the Caddoan burials at the Kaufman-Williams site, Texas. (1985) (9)
- Demographic Analysis of Skeletons from the Larson Site (39WW2) (1979) (9)
- Levels of Cu61, Cu64, Ga67, and Ga68 Excited by the (p,n) Reaction (1970) (8)
- Archeology of the John H. Kerr reservoir basin, Roanoke River Virginia-North Carolina : with appendix human skeletal remains from the Tollifero (Ha6) and Clarksville (Mc14) sites, John H. Kerr reservoir basin, Virginia by Lucile E. Hoyme and William M. Bass (2017) (8)
- Skeletal Biology On the United States Plains: a History and Personal Narrative (1981) (8)
- Arikara Glassworking Techniques at Leavenworth and Sully Sites (1970) (8)
- Levels in 53 Mn, 58 Co, 63 Zn, and 70 Ga from the (p,n) Reaction (1970) (8)
- Ankylosing Spodylitis (Marie Strumpel Disease) In Historic and Prehistoric Northern Plains Indians (1974) (7)
- Lansing man: a half century later. (1973) (7)
- Prehistoric Human Skeletal Material From Three Sites In North and South Dakota (1976) (7)
- Archeology of the Elk City Reservoir: a Local Archeological Sequence in Southeast Kansas Volumes 1 and 2 (1972) (6)
- Woodland Burial From Boney Spring, Missouri (1973) (5)
- The West Island Site, 14PH10, a Keith Focus Plains Woodland Site in Kirwin Reservoir Phillips County, Kansas (1966) (5)
- Scalped Skull from Pawnee County (1978) (5)
- Human Skeletal Remains from the Williams Site (1983) (4)
- Some Additional Artifacts from the Fanning Site (14DP1) (1966) (4)
- Osteochondritis dissecans from the Great Plains of North America. (1984) (4)
- First Hujan Skeletal Material From the Huff Site, 32MO11, and a Summary of Putative Mandan Skeletal Material (1962) (4)
- Cranial Studies of the Caddo Indians from the Kaufman-Williams Site (1983) (3)
- Archaeology, science and forensic anthropology: a tribute to Dr T. Dale Stewart. (2000) (3)
- Human Burials from Rodgers Shelter (1976) (3)
- An early Indian cranium from the Medicine Crow site, (39BF2), Buffalo County, South Dakota (1976) (3)
- Averbuch: a Late Mississippian Manifestation in the Nashville Basin - Volume II - Descriptions (1984) (3)
- Skeletal biology and bioarchaeology of the Northwestern Plains (2008) (3)
- Disease Resistance in Plants that Carry a Feedback-regulated Yeast Poly(A) Binding Protein Gene (2006) (3)
- Paleopathological diagnosis and interpretation: Bone diseases in ancient human populations. By R. T. Steinbock. Springfield, Illinois: Charles C Thomas, 1976. xvi + 423 pp., figures, tables, references, indices. $30.50 (cloth) (1983) (2)
- Indentification of pathological conditions in human skeletal remains. By D. J. Ortner and W. G. J. Putschar. Washington D. C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, Smithsonian Contributions to Anthropology No. 28. 1981. xi + 479 pp., figures, tables, references. $12.00 (paper) (1983) (2)
- Case of Forgery of Indian Artifacts--Worked Human Bone Tools from Kansas (1971) (2)
- Human Skeletal Material from a Late Archaic Site in Kansas, In: Salvage Archaeology of the John Redmond Lake, Kansas (1980) (2)
- A tribute to Dr. Ellis R. Kerley: the Kansas years. (2001) (2)
- Charles Ernest Snow. 1910-1967. (1968) (2)
- West Island Site, 14Ph10, a Keith Focus Plains Woodland Site in Kirwin Reservoir, Phillips County, Kansas; With Human Skeletal Material From a Keith Focus Plains Woodland Site, 14Ph10, Kirwin Reservoir, Phillips County, Kansas (1964) (2)
- A Review of Postmortem Changes in Human and Animal Remains (1993) (2)
- Human evidence in criminal justice (1985) (2)
- Two Human Skeletons From 39LM227, a Mound Near the Stricker Site, Lyman County, South Dakota (1965) (2)
- Papers in Northern Plains Prehistory and Ethnohistory - the Wabash Ferry Site, 320L102 (1986) (1)
- Overview of Great Plains Human Skeletal Biology (1994) (1)
- A Review of Studies on Certain Forensic Aspects of Skull Identification and Individualization (1992) (1)
- Human Skeletal Material Form a Keith Focus Plains Woodland Site (1966) (1)
- Human Skeleton from Pueblo County, Colorado (1963) (1)
- Excavation of Arikara Burials From the Leavenworth Site 39CO9, Corson County, South Dakota (Abstract) (1966) (1)
- Microwave-Assisted Esterifications: An Unknowns Experiment Designed for an Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory (2015) (1)
- Skeletal material associated with the Lindbergh kidnap case (1991) (1)
- A Human Skeleton from 14BT467 Barton County, Kansas (1970) (1)
- Three Human Skeletons From the PK Burial Sheridan County, Wyoming (1963) (1)
- Human Skeleton From 140B401, Osborne County, Kansas (1971) (1)
- Analysis of a Human Skeleton From 14RY302 Riley County, Kansas (1966) (1)
- A Human Skeleton from the Anthony Site, 14HP1, Harper County, Kansas (1963) (1)
- 1960 Excavations At the Leary Site, 25RH1, Richardson County, Nebraska (1961) (1)
- A Review of: A Field Guide for Human Skeletal Identification (1996) (1)
- Excavation of Human Skeletal Remains (1962) (1)
- A Life in Science: Papers in Honor of J. Lawrence Angel. Jane E. Buikstra, editor. Center for American Archeology, Kampsville, Illinois, 1990. Scientific Papers No. 6. xiii + 210 pp., tables, figures, references cited. $12.50 (paper). (1992) (1)
- Human Skeletal Material from Stockton, Kansas (1974) (1)
- Human Skeleton From the Pryor Creek Burial, 24YL404, Yellowstone County, Montana (1964) (1)
- Possible Shoshonean Skeletal Material From the Turk Burial Site, 48WA301 (1963) (1)
- Human Osteology.Tim D. White (1992) (1)
- Human Evolution@@@Mankind Evolving. (1963) (0)
- Biological Anthropology: Human Paleopathology: Current Syntheses and Future Options. Donald J. Ortner and Arthur C. Aufderheide, eds. (1992) (0)
- Biological Anthropology of the George Preston, Smith, and Sam Sites: Three Fourche Maline Sites in Southeastern Oklahoma (1983) (0)
- Human Skeletal Material from the Howard Hays Site, 14NT51, Norton County, Kansas, a Plains Woodland Burial (1964) (0)
- Service as Part of the Job. (1987) (0)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Biomedical Challenges Presented by the American Indians. Pan American Health Organization (1969) (0)
- Identification of an Adult Kansa Indian Male from the Doniphan Site, 14DP2, Doniphan County, Kansas (1968) (0)
- Physical:Craniometry and Biological Distance: Biocultural Continuity and Change at the Late‐Woodland‐Mississippian Interface. Judith Droessler (1983) (0)
- Anthropometric Measurements of Children in the Head Start Program. (1967) (0)
- Analysis of Skeletal Material From the Langdeau Site, 39LM209 (1969) (0)
- Analysis of a Human Skeleton from Near Quinter, in Gove County, Kansas (1975) (0)
- The archaelogy of New York State. By William A. Ritchie The Natural History Press, Garden City, New York, $12.50, 355 pages, 113 illustrations. 1965 (1966) (0)
- Handbook of Middle American Indians, Volume 9, Physical Anthropology Volume Editor, T. Dale Stewart (General Editor of Handbook Series, Robert Wauchope). 296 pp., University of Texas Press, Austin. 1970. $15.00 (1972) (0)
- Three Human Skeletons From the P.K. Burial (1963) (0)
- Archeological Investigations At Five Sites In Lyon, Jefferson, and Phillips Counties, Kansas (1967) (0)
- The physical anthropology of Southern Nigeria. By P. A. Talbot and H. Mulhall. Cambridge university Press. 127 pages, 67 tables, 6 figures, 3 maps, $6.50, 1962 (1963) (0)
- Excavations of a Paleoindian Site At Agate Basin, Wyoming (1970) (0)
- Prehistory of North America. By Jesse D. Jennings, 391 pp., illustrated. Mc‐Graw‐Hill, New York. 1968. $9.92 (1968) (0)
- "Bullet hole" in an ancient South Dakota skull, or a trephination? (1984) (0)
- Head Start Evaluation and Research Center, University of Kansas. Report No. VIII, Physical Development of Children in the Head Start Program in the Central United States. (1967) (0)
- Human Skeletal Material From 23AD95, Adair County, Missouri (1968) (0)
- Host Park (1991) (0)
- A Preliminary Survey Of Human Skeletal Material From Archaeological Sites in Nebraska (1961) (0)
- Biocultural Adaptation in Prehistoric America. Robert L. Blakely, ed. (1978) (0)
- Preliminary Analysis of Burial Data on 255 Individuals from Sully Site, 39SL4, Sully County, South Dakota (1962) (0)
- Physical Anthropology of the Sully Site, 39Sl4, Sully County, South Dakota (1965) (0)
- PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY: Ancient Disease in the Midwest. Dan Morse. Preface by Milton D. Thompson (1970) (0)
- Human Skeleton From the Gillette Site (39ST23), Stanley County, South Dakota (1966) (0)
- A human calvarium from Foard County, Texas. (1962) (0)
- Handbook of forensic archaeology and anthropology. Edited by D. Morse, J. Duncan, and J. Stoutamire. Tallahassee, FL: The Editors. 1983. xix + 240 pp., figures, tables, references, appendices. $16.95 (cloth), $10.95 (paper) (1983) (0)
- Human Skeletal Material from an Upper Republican Site: the White Mound 14MO323, Morris, Kansas (1970) (0)
- Assessment of Risk Perceptions Based Upon Prior Flood Occurences [sic] in the Region of South-Central Texas: The Influence of Cartographic Visualizations and Experience on Accurate Risk Perception (2005) (0)
- Osteitis pubis in the male (1996) (0)
- The Physical Gharacteristics of the Aboriginal La ]ollan Population of Southern California. Spencer L. Rogers. San Diego Museum Papers, No. 4, July, 1963. 32 pp., 8 tables, 9 figs. No price indicated. (1965) (0)
- Anthropology in Kansas (1964) (0)
- The physical anthropologist in the field (1979) (0)
- Analysis and Interpretation of Human Osteological Remains From the South Dakota Archaeological Research Center (1992) (0)
- Skeletal biology in the great plains: Migration, warfare, health, and subsistence. Edited by Douglas W. Owsley and Richard L. Jantz. 415 pp. Washington, DC: Smithsonian Institution Press. 1994. $45.00 (cloth) (1995) (0)
- Pedagogy in Paleopathology (1979) (0)
- Erosion of The Supraorbital Plate (1994) (0)
- Late Paleo‐Indian and early archaic manifestations in Western Kentucky. By Martha A. Rolingson and Douglas W. Schwartz. Studies in Anthropology, 3, University of Kentucky Press, 168 pages, 72 figures, 26 tables, $5.00 (1966) (0)
- Physical Anthropology: Biocultural Evolution: A Workbook for Physical Anthropology and Archaeology. Kenneth L. Beals and Timothy G. Baugh. (1980) (0)
- Leavenworth Site Cemetary: Archaeology and Physical Aanthropology (1971) (0)
- Human Skeletal Material From 32AD95 (1968) (0)
- Human Skeletal Material From the Vicinity of the Hosterman Site, 39PO7, Oahe Reservoir, South Dakota (1964) (0)
- Study of a Kansa Child from the Doniphan Site, 14DP2 Doniphan County, Kansas (1969) (0)
- The Australian Aborigines. By A. P. Elkin. The Natural History Library Anchor Books; Doubleday and Company, Inc., N37 369 pages. Paperback. $1.95 (1965) (0)
- Readings in Physical Anthropology THOMAS W. MCKERN, ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J (1967) (0)
- New roads to yesterday. Essays in archaeology, edited by Joseph R. Caldwell. P. vii and 546. Illustrated. Basic Books Inc., 1966. $12.50 (1967) (0)
- Modern Vector Control: Genetically Modified Mosquitoes (2015) (0)
- Modern Vector Control: Genetically Modifying Anopheles gambiae (2015) (0)
- LEVELS IN $sup 53$Mn, $sup 58$Co, $sup 63$Zn, AND $sup 70$Ga FROM THE (p,n) REACTION. (1970) (0)
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