Daniel A. Bell
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Canadian political theorist
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Political Science Philosophy
Why Is Daniel A. Bell Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Daniel A. Bell is a Canadian political theorist. He is currently Chair of Political Theory at the University of Hong Kong Faculty of Law. He was previously Dean of the School of Political Science and Public Administration at Shandong University and professor at Tsinghua University .
Daniel A. Bell's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
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Published Works
- The Coming of the Post-Industrial Society (1973) (4254)
- The Coming of Post-Industrial Society, a venture in Social Forecasting (1974) (2099)
- The Cultural Contradictions Of Capitalism (1976) (2012)
- The East Asian Challenge for Human Rights (1999) (370)
- China's New Confucianism: Politics and Everyday Life in a Changing Society (2010) (336)
- Communitarianism And Its Critics (1993) (280)
- East Meets West: Human Rights and Democracy in East Asia (2000) (210)
- Ethnicity and Social Change (1975) (177)
- The Coming of Postindustrial Society (2001) (167)
- Towards Illiberal Democracy in Pacific Asia (1995) (125)
- Towards Illiberal Democracy (1995) (107)
- The East Asian Challenge to Human Rights: Reflections on an East West Dialogue (1996) (102)
- The Reforming of General Education (1966) (98)
- The Spirit of Cities: Why the Identity of a City Matters in a Global Age (2011) (98)
- Beyond Liberal Democracy: Political Thinking for an East Asian Context (2006) (96)
- A Confucian Constitutional Order: How China's Ancient Past Can Shape Its Political Future (2012) (96)
- Confucianism for the Modern World: Index (2003) (88)
- Ancient Chinese Thought, Modern Chinese Power (2011) (84)
- Beyond Liberal Democracy (2006) (83)
- Toward the year 2000 : work in progress (1968) (78)
- The China Model (2018) (78)
- Confucianism and ubuntu: Reflections on a dialogue between chinese and african traditions (2011) (75)
- The Winding Passage : Essays and Sociological Journeys, 1960-1980 (1981) (71)
- Ethics in action : the ethical challenges of international human rights nongovernmental organizations (2006) (69)
- Reconciling Socialism and Confucianism?: Reviving Tradition in China (2009) (56)
- Marxian socialism in the United States (1996) (56)
- China's New Confucianism (2008) (54)
- The Ethical Dilemmas of International Human Rights and Humanitarian NGOs: Relections on a Dialogue Between Practitioners and Theorists (2004) (50)
- Justice for Migrant Workers? The Case for Foreign Domestic Workers in Hong Kong and Singapore (2005) (48)
- The Reforming of General Education: The Columbia College Experience in its National Setting (1970) (47)
- Welcome to the post‐industrial society (1976) (47)
- Confucian Political Ethics (2010) (46)
- The Return of the Sacred? The Argument on the Future of Religion * (1977) (45)
- The East Asian Challenge for Democracy: Political Meritocracy In Comparative Perspective (2013) (45)
- A communitarian critique of authoritarianism (1995) (43)
- Functional anatomy of the chameleon tongue (1989) (39)
- Kinematics of prey capture in the chameleon (1990) (39)
- Resolving the contradictions of modernity and modernism (1990) (35)
- The social sciences since the Second World War (1983) (34)
- The French National Front (1994) (34)
- Forms of Justice: Critical Perspectives on David Miller's Political Philosophy (2005) (31)
- The new class: A muddled concept (2020) (31)
- Confucianism for the Modern World: Introduction: The Contemporary Relevance of Confucianism (2003) (29)
- 2. Just War and Confucianism: Implications for the Contemporary World (2006) (28)
- The future of technology (2001) (27)
- War, Peace, and China's Soft Power: A Confucian Approach (2009) (26)
- Toward the Year 2000 (2000) (26)
- Sociological journeys : essays 1960-1980 (1980) (24)
- Harmony in the World 2013: The Ideal and the Reality (2014) (22)
- Confrontation: The Student Rebellion and the Universities (1969) (21)
- Which Rights are Universal? (1999) (21)
- Democracy in Confucian Societies: The Challenge of Justification (1995) (20)
- The Radical Right The New American Right Expanded And Updated (2011) (19)
- On Equality: I. Meritocracy and Equality. (1972) (18)
- The Winding Passage: Sociological Essays and Journeys (1991) (17)
- A cryptic intermediate in the evolution of chameleon tongue projection (1988) (16)
- Egg retention in snakes. (1983) (16)
- Democracy with Chinese Characteristics: A Political Proposal for the Post-Communist Era (1999) (16)
- The politics of affective relations : East Asia and beyond (2004) (15)
- Confucianism for the Modern World: Confucian Constraints on Property Rights (2003) (15)
- A Communitarian Critique of Liberalism (2005) (14)
- The Future World Disorder: The Structural Context of Crises (2020) (14)
- Understanding Illiberal Democracy: A Framework (1995) (13)
- Meritocracy Is a Good Thing (2012) (13)
- The Engineers and the Price System (2017) (12)
- Salmonella panama: isolation from aborted and newborn canine fetuses (1983) (12)
- Reconciling Confucianism and Nationalism (2014) (12)
- From Marx to Confucius: Changing Discourses on China's Political Future (2011) (12)
- From Communism to Confucianism: China's Alternative to Liberal Democracy (2010) (10)
- Just Hierarchy (2020) (10)
- Quo Warranto?--Notes on the Governance of Universities in the 1970's. (1970) (9)
- A grass seed in the parotid duct of a dog (1978) (9)
- Comparing Political Values in China and the West: What Can Be Learned and Why It Matters (2017) (8)
- Against Individualism: A Confucian Rethinking of the Foundations of Morality, Politics, Family, and Religion by Henry Rosemont Jr. (review) (2017) (8)
- Resolving the contradictions of modernity and modernism (Part two) (1990) (8)
- Citizenship and State-Sponsored Physical Education: Ancient Greece and Ancient China (2004) (8)
- Is there a post-industrial society? (1974) (7)
- Engineering and society (1984) (7)
- East Asia and the West: The Impact of Confucianism on Anglo‐American Political Theory (2008) (7)
- The Deficits: How Big? How Long? How Dangerous? (1985) (6)
- Deliberative Democracy with Chinese Characteristics: A Comment on Baogang He’s Research (2006) (6)
- Mr. Veysey's Strabismus (1982) (6)
- The Spirit of Cities (2013) (6)
- Between Merit and Pedigree (2013) (5)
- Chapter Eleven. Just War and Confucianism: Implications for the Contemporary World (2010) (5)
- 11. Justice for Migrant Workers? The Case of Migrant Domestic Workers in East Asia (2006) (5)
- Chinese Students' Constructive Nationalism. (2008) (4)
- Li, Chenyang,The Confucian Philosophy of Harmony (2015) (4)
- Election 2000 and future prospects (2001) (4)
- The Liberal Critique of Democracy (2013) (4)
- Being Confucian: Why Confucians Needn't Be Old, Serious and Conservative 2 (Politics of Identity – XII 1 ) (2008) (4)
- Human Rights and Social Criticism in Contemporary Chinese Political Theory (2004) (4)
- Employers and Domestic Workers: A Confucian Approach (2011) (3)
- Ethics and Evil: Frameworks for Twenty-First-Century Culture (2017) (3)
- The Once and Future Marx (1977) (3)
- Ethics in Action: Introduction: Reflections on Dialogues between Practitioners and Theorists of Human Rights (2006) (3)
- Beyond Liberal Democracy: A Debate on Democracy and Confucian Meritocracy (2009) (3)
- Toward Meritocratic Rule in China?: A Response to Professors Dallmayr, Li, and Tan (2009) (3)
- A Comment on Confucian Role Ethics (2012) (3)
- The End of Ideology Revisited (Part I) (1988) (3)
- How East Asians View Meritocracy (2013) (2)
- Introduction: cities and identities (2021) (2)
- Mediating growth tensions (1978) (2)
- East Asian capitalism: Towards a normative framework (2001) (2)
- The Politics of Sports: Watching the World Cup in Beijing (2011) (2)
- The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights NGOs (2006) (2)
- What Did Tomorrow's Future Look like Yesterday?@@@The Coming of Post-Industrial Society@@@The Service Society and the Consumer Vanguard@@@An Inquiry into the Human Prospect@@@The Limits to Growth (1975) (2)
- National Citizenship and Migrant Workers in East Asia (2005) (2)
- 10. East Asian Capitalism in an Age of Globalization (2006) (2)
- Why China Won't Follow Arab Revolt (2011) (2)
- Crime as an American Way of Life: A Queer Ladder of Social Mobility (2017) (2)
- Hierarchical Rituals for Egalitarian Societies (2012) (1)
- 3. Human Rights and “Values in Asia”: Reflections on East-West Dialogues (2006) (1)
- The popular front in Europe (1989) (1)
- British manufacturing industry: an independent viewpoint (1987) (1)
- Political Legitimacy in China: A Confucian Approach (2016) (1)
- Harmony in the World 2013: The Ideal and the Reality (2013) (1)
- Student Power: Problems, Diagnosis, Action.@@@Confrontation: The Student Rebellion and the Universities. (1970) (1)
- Singapore: The City of Nation Building (2014) (1)
- Chen, Lai, Tradition and Modernity: A Humanist View Trans. Edmund Ryden (2011) (1)
- China: Making a Friend (2014) (1)
- Daniel A. Bell Replies (2011) (1)
- Jiang Qing’s Political Confucianism (2011) (1)
- The End of American Exceptionalism (1980) (1)
- Post-Industrial Society (2020) (1)
- Jerusalem: The City of Religion (2014) (1)
- 4. The Ethical Challenges of International Human Rights NGOs: Reflections on Dialogues between Practitioners and Theorists (2006) (1)
- Exchanges: Reconciling Confucianism and Socialism? (2010) (1)
- Teaching Political Theory in Beijing (2011) (1)
- The Revival of Confucianism in an Age of Globalization (2014) (1)
- Application of Indices of Readability to Highschool Vocational Material. (1976) (1)
- The commission on the year 2000 (1970) (1)
- What does Confucius add to human rights (1999) (1)
- Reflections on Political Meritocracy (2013) (1)
- Partial Cultural Resource Survey of the Capay-Lamb Valley Water Project Main Canal (1978) (0)
- Concluding Thoughts. Realizing the China Model (2015) (0)
- Response to Sungmoon Kim’s Review of Just Hierarchy: Why Social Hierarchies Matter in China and the Rest of the World (2021) (0)
- Towards Illiberal Democracy in Pacific Asia . By Daniel A. Bell, David Brown, Kanishka Jayasuriya, and David Martin Jones. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995. vii, 197 pp. $59.95. (1997) (0)
- Introduction: One Size Doesn't Fit All Human Rights for an East Asian Context (0)
- Innovative society and the energy factor (1979) (0)
- Scientific progress and human values : proceedings of the conference celebrating the 75th anniversary of the California Institute of Technology (1967) (0)
- Just Hierarchy between Humans and Machines (2020) (0)
- Can Democracies Learn from China's Meritocratic System? (2017) (0)
- The Limits of Liberal Justice (1998) (0)
- Hong Kong: The City of Materialism (2014) (0)
- 6. Taking Elitism Seriously: Democracy with Confucian Characteristics (2006) (0)
- Berlin: The City of (In)Tolerance (2014) (0)
- Chapter 4. Three Models of Democratic Meritocracy (2015) (0)
- New York: The City of Ambition (2014) (0)
- Christian Political Ethics . Edited by John A. Coleman, S.J. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 2008. xvii + 289 pp. $60.00 cloth, $21.95 paper (2009) (0)
- How East Asians View Democracy . Edited by Yan-Han Chu, Larry Diamond, Andrew J. Nathan, and Doh Chull Shin. New York: Columbia University Press, 2008. xv, 309 pp. $55.00 (cloth); $26.50 (paper). (2011) (0)
- Is Democracy the Least Bad Political System (2018) (0)
- Polset: policy analysis using disaggregate models (1977) (0)
- Where are the opportunities for self-employment? (1986) (0)
- The right target for a boycott (2009) (0)
- Multiculturalism in Asia (2005) (0)
- Employment. Manufacturing versus service industries (1985) (0)
- Oxford: The City of Learning (2014) (0)
- Sungmoon Kim: Theorizing Confucian Virtue Politics: The Political Philosophy of Mencius and Xunzi. (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2020. Pp. xiv, 237.) (2020) (0)
- 8. Democratic Education in a Multicultural Context: Lessons from Singapore (2006) (0)
- Vertical Democratic Meritocracy in China: Response to Comments (2018) (0)
- Asian Justifications for Human Rights (2017) (0)
- X 80 tankar om framtiden : PLM seminar "Society and management in the 1980's," 3-4 juni 1970, Malmö (1971) (0)
- Cooperation with industry (1977) (0)
- Preface to the Paperback Edition Troubles for the China Model (2017) (0)
- Montreal: The City of Language(s) (2014) (0)
- Paris: The City of Romance (2014) (0)
- Control engineering and economic modelling (1984) (0)
- Political Meritocracy and Direct Democracy (2013) (0)
- Comparing Urban Ethoses (2012) (0)
- Democracy after Virtue: Toward Pragmatic Confucian Democracy. Sungmoon Kim. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018. 255p. $78.00 cloth, $34.95 paper. (2021) (0)
- The Outer Circle (2015) (0)
- Politics and religion (1989) (0)
- Social cohesion without electoral democracy: The case of China (2020) (0)
- 9. Culture and Egalitarian Development: Confucian Constraints on Property Rights (2006) (0)
- Just Hierarchy between Humans and Animals (2020) (0)
- Chapter 3. What’s Wrong with Political Meritocracy (2015) (0)
- The China Model: A Précis (2018) (0)
- Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University Institutional Knowledge at Singapore Management University Review of beyond liberal democracy Review of beyond liberal democracy (2020) (0)
- The ethics of international human rights non-governmental organizations (2011) (0)
- Chapter 2. On the Selection of Good Leaders in a Political Meritocracy (2015) (0)
- Employment. Where will the jobs come from (1984) (0)
- What’s Wrong with Political Meritocracy (2018) (0)
- Book review (1998) (0)
- Confucianism in Chinese Academia (2009) (0)
- On the Selection of Good Leaders in a Political Meritocracy (2018) (0)
- Reflections of a bourgeois Menshevik (1989) (0)
- Confucianism for the Modern World: Editors' Note (2003) (0)
- On Their Own Grounds (2005) (0)
- Qingdao: the city of ideals (2021) (0)
- Democracy Is a Good Thing: Essays on Politics, Society, and Culture in Contemporary China . By Yu Keping. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution, 2008. 240p. $34.95. (2010) (0)
- Post-Industrial Societies (2009) (0)
- The Dean of Shandong (2023) (0)
- Towards Democracy and Meritocracy in China: A Response to Critics (2018) (0)
- The Intellectual in Modern Chinese History. By Timothy Cheek. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015. 370 pp. $99.99, £64.99 (cloth), $39.99, £31.99 (paper), $32.00 (ebook). (2017) (0)
- 5. What’s Wrong with Active Citizenship? A Comparison of Physical Education in Ancient Greece and Ancient China (2006) (0)
- Dominique schnapper and thecommunity of citizens (2002) (0)
- Western Critics of China Need to Avoid a Colonial Mindset (2016) (0)
- Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Right-Of-Way of the Realignment of the Coachella Canal, With Supplement (1974) (0)
- Chapter 1. Is Democracy the Least Bad Political System (2015) (0)
- Archaeological Survey of the Proposed Right-Of-Way of the Realignment of the Coachella Canal (1974) (0)
- China: Making a Friend (2014) (0)
- Towards an Asian regional order led by China and India (2020) (0)
- Nuclear energy for the future (1979) (0)
- Scientists for society (1976) (0)
- Book Reviews (2002) (0)
- 1. Introduction: One Size Doesn’t Fit All (2006) (0)
- A Fling at the Future (2016) (0)
- Cultural Resource Inventory and Assessment of the Ortigalita Alternative Reservoir Site, Merced County, California (1992) (0)
- Experience with dodotrans: demand model estimation (mclynn) and supply specification (1977) (0)
- Just Hierarchy between Intimates (2020) (0)
- What has happened to British manufacturing industry (1986) (0)
- What it Means to be Disadvantaged and What can be Done about it (2008) (0)
- Just Hierarchy between States (2020) (0)
- Daniel A. Bell Replies (2010) (0)
- Remembering Vincent Shen (2019) (0)
- Employment of scientists (1973) (0)
- Cultural Resource Inventory and Assessment of the Del Puerto Alternative Reservoir Site, Stanislaus County, California (1993) (0)
- 12. Responses to Critics: The Real and the Ideal (2006) (0)
- JLR volume 25 issue 2 Cover and Front matter (2009) (0)
- Toward Confucian-Inspired Democratic Meritocracy: A Response to Yong Huang, Chenyang Li, and Binfan Wang (2019) (0)
- Confucianism for the Modern World. Edited by Daniel A. Bell and Hahm Chaibong. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2003. Pp. xiii + 383. Paperback. ISBN 0-521-52788-0 (2004) (0)
- Three Models of Democratic Meritocracy (2018) (0)
- Preface to the Paperback Edition: The City and Identity (2014) (0)
- From Nationalism to Civicism (2012) (0)
- The Changing American School@@@The Reforming of General Education (1967) (0)
- Beijing: The City of Political Power (2014) (0)
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