David B. Audretsch
American economist
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, David Bruce Audretsch is an American economist. He is a distinguished professor at the School of Public and Environmental Affairs at Indiana University and also serves as director of the SPEA International Office, Ameritech Chair of Economic Development, and director of SPEA's Institute for Development Strategies . He is co-founder and co-editor of Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal, and also works as a consultant to the United Nations, the World Bank, the OECD, the EU Commission, and the U.S. Department of State. He was the director of the Entrepreneurship, Growth and Public Policy Group at the Max Planck Institute of Economics in Germany from 2003 to 2009. Since 2020, he also serves as a distinguished professor in the Department of Innovation Management and Entrepreneurship at the University of Klagenfurt.
David B. Audretsch's Published Works
Published Works
- R&D spillovers and the ge-ography of innovation and production (1996) (5183)
- Innovation in Large and Small Firms: An Empirical Analysis (1988) (2155)
- Innovation and Small Firms (1990) (1978)
- Innovation in Cities: Science-Based Diversity, Specialization and Localized Competition (1999) (1906)
- The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship (2005) (1718)
- Knowledge spillovers and the geography of innovation (2004) (1361)
- Company-Scientist Locational Links: The Case of Biotechnology (1996) (1266)
- Innovation and Industry Evolution (1995) (1240)
- Innovation, Market Structure, and Firm Size (1987) (1194)
- Agglomeration and the location of innovative activity (1998) (1179)
- New Firm Survival: New Results Using a Hazard Function (1995) (1045)
- R&D spillovers and recipient firm size (1994) (1005)
- What's New About the New Economy? Sources of Growth in the Managed and Entrepreneurial Economies (2000) (968)
- Entrepreneurship Capital and Economic Performance (2003) (948)
- New-Firm Survival and the Technological Regime (1991) (919)
- Innovation, growth and survival (1995) (872)
- Does the Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship hold for regions (2005) (853)
- Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth (2006) (842)
- Real Effects of Academic Research: Comment (1992) (794)
- Innovative clusters and the industry life cycle (1995) (738)
- Does Self-Employment Reduce Unemployment? (2005) (729)
- Capitalism and democracy in the 21st Century: from the managed to the entrepreneurial economy* (2000) (702)
- New Venture Growth: A Review and Extension (2006) (697)
- Growth Regimes over Time and Space (2002) (657)
- The Economics of Small Firms (1990) (603)
- Does Entry Size Matter? The Impact of the Life Cycle and Technology on Firm Survival (2001) (583)
- The lineages of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach (2017) (566)
- An Eclectic Theory of Entrepreneurship: Policies, Institutions and Culture (2002) (560)
- University spillovers and new firm location (2005) (547)
- From the entrepreneurial university to the university for the entrepreneurial society (2014) (526)
- Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research (2005) (517)
- The missing link: knowledge diffusion and entrepreneurship in endogenous growth (2010) (515)
- The Theory of Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship (2007) (515)
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities: establishing the framework conditions (2017) (500)
- The Geography of Firm Births in Germany (1994) (489)
- Strategic Entrepreneurship: Exploring Different Perspectives of an Emerging Concept (2009) (460)
- Entrepreneurship capital and economic growth (2007) (460)
- The Process of Creative Construction: Knowledge Spillovers, Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth (2007) (456)
- Patents as a Measure of Innovative Activity (1989) (440)
- The entrepreneurial society (2007) (434)
- The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship (2013) (423)
- Start-up size and industrial dynamics: some evidence from Italian manufacturing (1999) (415)
- Resolving the knowledge paradox: Knowledge-spillover entrepreneurship and economic growth (2008) (413)
- Everyday Entrepreneurship—A Call for Entrepreneurship Research to Embrace Entrepreneurial Diversity (2017) (406)
- Institutional factors, opportunity entrepreneurship and economic growth: Panel data evidence (2016) (404)
- Entrepreneurship : determinants and policy in a European-US comparison (2002) (388)
- The Future of Entrepreneurship Research (2011) (388)
- The Missing Link: The Knowledge Filter and Entrepreneurship in Endogenous Growth (2004) (379)
- Gibrat's Law: Are the Services Different? (2004) (376)
- Does Firm Size Matter? Evidence on the Impacts of Liquidity Constraints on Firm Investment Behaviour in Germany (1994) (371)
- Entrepreneurship - A Survey of the Literature - (2006) (369)
- Entrepreneurship and regional growth: an evolutionary interpretation (2004) (355)
- A model of the entrepreneurial economy (2004) (346)
- Clusters, knowledge spillovers and new venture performance: An empirical examination (2008) (343)
- The Dynamic Role of Small Firms: Evidence from the U.S (2002) (343)
- Emotions and Opportunities: The Interplay of Opportunity Evaluation, Fear, Joy, and Anger as Antecedent of Entrepreneurial Exploitation (2012) (337)
- Linking entrepreneurship to growth (2001) (333)
- Entrepreneurship capital and its impact on knowledge diffusion and economic performance (2008) (311)
- Growth and entrepreneurship (2012) (305)
- Does Entrepreneurship Capital Matter? (2004) (304)
- Innovation in large and small firms (1987) (300)
- Small firms and entrepreneurship : an East-West perspective (1994) (299)
- Sustaining Innovation and Growth: Public Policy Support for Entrepreneurship (2004) (299)
- Innovation and Technological Change (2003) (296)
- Public policy to promote entrepreneurship: a call to arms (2016) (295)
- The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy (2004) (292)
- Innovation and Technological Change: An International Comparison (1991) (284)
- Twenty-five years of research on institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: what has been learned? (2019) (282)
- Cultural diversity and entrepreneurship: a regional analysis for Germany (2008) (273)
- Entrepreneurship capital and regional growth (2005) (263)
- The Bayh-Dole Act and scientist entrepreneurship (2011) (256)
- Innovation with Limited Resources: Management Lessons from the German Mittelstand (2018) (253)
- Impeded Industrial Restructuring: The Growth Penalty (2000) (252)
- Regional competitiveness, university spillovers, and entrepreneurial activity (2010) (249)
- Knowledge spillovers and strategic entrepreneurship (2010) (242)
- The rate of hazard confronting new firms and plants in U.S. manufacturing (1994) (235)
- The Multinational Corporation in the 1980s (1983) (232)
- Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research: An Interdisciplinary Survey and Introduction (International Handbook Series on Entrepreneurship) (2003) (229)
- Firm growth and innovation (2014) (224)
- The Economics of Science and Technology (2012) (224)
- Clarifying the domains of corporate entrepreneurship (2013) (222)
- Infrastructure and entrepreneurship (2015) (220)
- Small-Firm Entry in U.S. Manufacturing (1989) (220)
- Knowledge creation, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: a historical review (2009) (211)
- Firms size and R&D spillovers: Evidence from Italy (1996) (211)
- On the measurement of entry rates (1994) (208)
- Location: A Neglected Determinant of Firm Growth (2007) (207)
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems: economic, technological, and societal impacts (2018) (203)
- Explaining Entrepreneurship and the Role of Policy: A Framework (2007) (199)
- The missing pillar: the creativity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship (2013) (199)
- Why Does the Self-Employment Rate Vary Across Countries and Over Time? (1994) (196)
- Technology transfer in a global economy (2012) (192)
- Innovation and Size at the Firm Level (1991) (192)
- Firm selection and industry evolution: the post-entry performance of new firms (1994) (190)
- Institutions and Entrepreneurship Quality (2018) (181)
- Entrepreneurship and economic development in cities (2015) (181)
- The Role of Small Firms in U.S. Biotechnology Clusters (2001) (180)
- The Localization of Entrepreneurship Capital - Evidence from Germany (2007) (176)
- Religion, social class, and entrepreneurial choice (2013) (175)
- Firm Survival in the Netherlands (2000) (171)
- Entrepreneurial finance and technology transfer (2016) (164)
- Financial signaling by innovative nascent ventures: The relevance of patents and prototypes (2012) (164)
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation And Economic Growth (2006) (161)
- New-firm startups, technology, and macroeconomic fluctuations (1994) (158)
- Innovation And Spatial Externalities (2003) (156)
- Competition policy in dynamic markets (2001) (156)
- Technological Regimes, Industrial Demography and the Evolution of Industrial Structures (1997) (154)
- Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Technological Change (2005) (153)
- Entrepreneurial Access and Absorption of Knowledge Spillovers: Strategic Board and Managerial Composition for Competitive Advantage (2005) (152)
- National systems of entrepreneurship (2016) (147)
- Knowledge spillovers in biotechnology: sources and incentives (1999) (147)
- The economics of small firms : a European challenge (1990) (146)
- Conditions for innovation in public sector organizations (2017) (145)
- Local Entrepreneurship in Context (2012) (140)
- R&D spillovers and innovative activity (1994) (140)
- Industry structure, entrepreneurship, and culture: An empirical analysis using historical coalfields (2016) (139)
- Making sense of the elusive paradigm of entrepreneurship (2015) (139)
- Financing High-Tech Growth: The Role of Banks and Venture Capitalists (2004) (138)
- The rise of the entrepreneurial economy and the future of dynamic capitalism (2013) (138)
- Research Issues Relating to Structure, Competition, and Performance of Small Technology-Based Firms (2001) (138)
- Does Entrepreneurship Reduce Unemployment (2001) (137)
- Entrepreneurship culture, knowledge spillovers and the growth of regions (2018) (137)
- Small-Firm Strategic Research Partnerships: The Case of Biotechnology (2003) (135)
- Financing the German Mittelstand (1997) (131)
- University Spillovers: Does the Kind of Science Matter? (2004) (126)
- Religion and Entrepreneurship (2007) (125)
- Entrepreneurial Regions: Do Macro-Psychological Cultural Characteristics of Regions Help Solve the “Knowledge Paradox” of Economics? (2015) (123)
- The Industry Component of Regional New Firm Formation Processes (1999) (120)
- Handbook of Research on Entrepreneurship Policy (2009) (120)
- Innovation and firm size in manufacturing (1988) (116)
- Proof of concept centers: accelerating the commercialization of university innovation (2008) (112)
- Standing on the Shoulders of Midgets: The U.S. Small Business Innovation Research Program (SBIR) (2003) (112)
- Births and Firm Size (1989) (111)
- Renascent entrepreneurship (2006) (111)
- Entrepreneurship and innovation: public policy frameworks (2012) (110)
- The post-entry performance of firms: Introduction (1995) (109)
- The role of R&D and knowledge spillovers in innovation and productivity (2020) (108)
- Growth and Entrepreneurship: An Empirical Assessment (2006) (107)
- Financing the entrepreneurial decision: an empirical approach using experimental data on risk attitudes (2011) (102)
- Public/private technology partnerships: evaluating SBIR-supported research (2013) (102)
- The determinants of small-firm growth in US manufacturing (1990) (101)
- The Knowledge Filter and Economic Growth: The Role of Scientist Entrepreneurship (2006) (100)
- The decision between internal and external R&D (1996) (99)
- Linking Entrepreneurship to Growth: The Case of West Germany (2003) (98)
- Mansfield's Missing Link: The Impact of Knowledge Spillovers on Firm Growth (2004) (97)
- The Missing Link: The Knowledge Filter and Endogenous Growth (2003) (96)
- Innovation, Industry Evolution, and Employment (2010) (94)
- Artificial intelligence and big data in entrepreneurship: a new era has begun (2019) (94)
- The Link between the Entry Decision and Post-entry Performance: Evidence from Italy (1998) (93)
- The Seven Secrets of Germany: Economic Resilience in an Era of Global Turbulence (2015) (92)
- Do University policies make a difference (2005) (91)
- Firm profitability, growth, and innovation (1995) (90)
- Technology transfer and entrepreneurship: cross-national analysis (2016) (89)
- A new perspective on entrepreneurial regions: linking cultural identity with latent and manifest entrepreneurship (2017) (89)
- Small firms and R&D spillovers: Evidence from Italy (1994) (89)
- Everything in Its Place: Entrepreneurship and the Strategic Management of Cities, Regions, and States (2015) (88)
- Does policy influence the commercialization route? Evidence from National Institutes of Health funded scientists (2010) (87)
- Stakeholder collaboration in entrepreneurship education: an analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystems of European higher educational institutions (2018) (86)
- Varieties of entrepreneurship: institutional drivers across entrepreneurial activity and country (2012) (85)
- National systems of innovation (2017) (84)
- The Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth (2005) (84)
- National Business Regulations and City Entrepreneurship in Europe: A Multilevel Nested Analysis (2018) (82)
- Agency and Governance in Strategic Entrepreneurship (2009) (81)
- Social capital building and new business formation (2011) (80)
- Business Survival and the Decision to Exit (1994) (80)
- The Effects of Experience, Ownership, and Knowledge on IPO Survival: Empirical Evidence from Germany (2005) (77)
- Analysing Innovation Output Indicators: The US Experience (1993) (77)
- The role of labour mobility and informal networks for knowledge transfer (2005) (77)
- Entrepreneurial activity and regional competitiveness: an introduction to the special issue (2012) (77)
- Macropsychological Factors Predict Regional Economic Resilience During a Major Economic Crisis (2016) (76)
- Knowledge effects on competitiveness: from firms to regional advantage (2015) (75)
- Sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems: an emerging field of research (2019) (74)
- The role of small firms in US biotechnology clusters (2003) (74)
- It's All in Marshall: The Impact of External Economies on Regional Dynamics (2007) (74)
- Entrepreneurship and Community: The Next Frontier of Entrepreneurship Inquiry (2012) (72)
- Knowledge, Globalization, and Regions: An Economist's Perspective (2002) (72)
- SMEs in Europe 2003 (2004) (71)
- Does entrepreneurial activity matter for economic growth in developing countries? The role of the institutional environment (2019) (67)
- The Oxford Handbook of Local Competitiveness (2015) (66)
- Unraveling the entrepreneurial mindset (2020) (65)
- Do Services Differ from Manufacturing? The Post-Entry Performance of Firms in Dutch Services (1997) (65)
- Families as active monitors of firm performance (2013) (64)
- Academic policy and entrepreneurship: a European perspective (2015) (64)
- Why don't all young firms invest in R&D? (2014) (64)
- Innovative start-ups and policy initiatives (2020) (63)
- The Emergence of Entrepreneurship Policy: Entrepreneurship Policy and the Strategic Management of Places (2003) (61)
- Determinants of new-firm startups in Italy (1996) (61)
- New-firm formation in Italy: A first report (1995) (60)
- Market dynamics in the Netherlands: Competition policy and the role of small firms (2001) (59)
- Dynamic entrepreneurship and technology-based innovation (2016) (59)
- The Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Society (2008) (58)
- From Small Business to Entrepreneurship Policy (2007) (57)
- A new industry creation and originality: Insight from the funding sources of university patents (2014) (57)
- New Economy and Economic Growth in Europe and the U. S. (2002) (57)
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystems: The Foundations of Place-based Renewal (2018) (56)
- Risk attitudes, wealth and sources of entrepreneurial start-up capital (2010) (56)
- Do small firms compete with large firms? (1999) (55)
- Small Firms and Efficiency (1999) (53)
- Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2005) (53)
- Sources of growth. The entrepreneurial versus the managed economy (1997) (52)
- Do knowledge conditions make a difference?: Investment, finance and ownership in German industries (2005) (51)
- R&D Rivalry, Industrial Policy, and U.S.-Japanese Trade (1988) (51)
- The two views of small firms in industry dynamics: a reconciliation (1999) (51)
- The Limits to Collaboration Across Four of the Most Innovative UK Industries (2019) (51)
- The Knowledge Filter, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Growth (2007) (51)
- The Innovative Advantage of US Cities (2002) (50)
- An empirical test of the industry life cycle (1987) (50)
- The Impact of the SBIR on Creating Entrepreneurial Behavior (2002) (50)
- The university technology transfer revolution in Saudi Arabia (2010) (49)
- Conditions for complex innovations: evidence from public organizations (2018) (48)
- Democracy and Entrepreneurship (2020) (48)
- The Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship and Technological Diffusion (2005) (48)
- Small Firms in the 1990s (1990) (48)
- An Eclectic Theory of An Eclectic Theory of Entrepreneurship Entrepreneurship (2001) (48)
- Embracing an entrepreneurial ecosystem: an analysis of the governance of research joint ventures (2019) (48)
- University Evolution, Entrepreneurial Activity and Regional Competitiveness (2016) (47)
- Internationalization strategies of hidden champions: lessons from Germany (2018) (47)
- Do locational spillovers pay? empirical evidence from German IPO data (2005) (47)
- Introduction to the Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research (2003) (46)
- Does corruption matter for international entrepreneurship? (2015) (46)
- Towards an entrepreneurial ecosystem typology for regional economic development: the role of creative class and entrepreneurship (2021) (45)
- Understanding Entrepreneurship Across Countries and Over Time (2002) (44)
- Globalization, entrepreneurship and the region (2012) (44)
- Sources of knowledge used by entrepreneurial firms in the European high-tech sector (2018) (44)
- Chinese technology transfer policy: the case of the national independent innovation demonstration zone of East Lake (2013) (43)
- Innovation in agro-food chain (2014) (43)
- Public sector innovation: the effect of universities (2019) (43)
- The Knowledge Society, Entrepreneurship, and Unemployment (1998) (43)
- Understanding the determinants of novel technology adoption among teachers: the case of 3D printing (2018) (43)
- Emergence of the entrepreneurial society (2009) (42)
- The hazard rate of new establishments: A first report (1991) (42)
- SMEs in the Age of Globalization (2003) (42)
- Structure, Conduct, and Performance (1992) (41)
- Scientist commercialization as conduit of knowledge spillovers (2009) (41)
- Small Firms and Entrepreneurship (1993) (41)
- The Knowledge Spillover Theory of Entrepreneurship and Spatial Clusters (2008) (40)
- Handbook of Research on Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2011) (39)
- Flexible technology and firm size (1991) (38)
- Entrepreneurship and knowledge spillovers from the public sector (2018) (38)
- Have we oversold the Silicon Valley model of entrepreneurship? (2019) (38)
- The entrepreneurial regime, learning, and industry turbulence (1990) (38)
- The spread of obesity (1997) (38)
- Female entrepreneurship in the digital era (2019) (38)
- Testing the Schumpeterian Hypothesis (1988) (38)
- Entrepreneurial strategy and the presence of small firms (1989) (37)
- The propensity to exit and innovation (1995) (37)
- Entrepreneurship, economic growth, and geography (2018) (37)
- Valuing an entrepreneurial enterprise (2012) (37)
- Local heroes in the global village : globalization and the new entrepreneurship policies (2005) (37)
- Entrepreneurship Capital - Determinants and Impact (2005) (36)
- Entrepreneurship Capital: A Regional, Organizational, Team, and Individual Phenomenon (2007) (36)
- Sources of Knowledge and Entrepreneurial Behavior (2019) (36)
- Scientist entrepreneurship across scientific fields (2014) (36)
- Public cluster policy and new venture creation (2016) (36)
- The Innovation, Unemployment and Competitiveness Challenge in Germany (1995) (36)
- Industry Evolution (2004) (36)
- Knowledge Spillovers, Entrepreneurship and Regional Development (2009) (36)
- Knowledge management and entrepreneurship (2020) (34)
- Entrepreneurship, State Economic Development Policy, and the Entrepreneurial University (2007) (34)
- Can a sport mega-event support hosting city's economic, socio-cultural and political development? (2015) (34)
- Regional unemployment structure and new firm formation (2015) (34)
- Linking Entrepreneurship and Management: Welcome to the International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal (2005) (33)
- Universities as research partners in publicly supported entrepreneurial firms (2012) (33)
- From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: the knowledge spillover construction circle (2019) (33)
- The dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems (2018) (33)
- Knowledge complexity and firm performance: evidence from the European SMEs (2021) (32)
- Why is export-oriented entrepreneurship more prevalent in some countries than others? Contextual antecedents and economic consequences (2021) (32)
- Tolerance and innovation: the role of institutional and social trust (2017) (32)
- Does Science Make a Difference? Investment, Finance and Corporate Governance in German Industries (1999) (32)
- Small business in Industrial Economies: the new learning (1994) (32)
- Advancing Our Understanding of Theory in Entrepreneurship (2016) (31)
- Empirical studies in industrial organization : essays in honor of Leonard W. Weiss (1992) (31)
- Entry, growth, and survival: The new learning on firm selection and industry evolution (1993) (31)
- Can Institutional Change Impact High-technology Firm Growth?: Evidence from Germany’s Neuer Markt (2006) (31)
- Innovation capital (2018) (31)
- A Note on the Measurement of Entry Rates (1993) (31)
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities: The role of institutions (2021) (31)
- Flexibility, Plant Size and Industrial Restructuring (1990) (30)
- The Mobility of Economic Agents as Conduits of Knowledge Spillovers (2005) (30)
- Determinants of Scientist Entrepreneurship: An Integrative Research Agenda (2005) (29)
- Local Heroes in the Global Village (2005) (29)
- Innovation, Evolution of Industry and Economic Growth (2000) (29)
- Institution as looting apparatus: impact of gender equality and institutions on female entrepreneurship (2014) (29)
- Cultural diversity and knowledge in explaining entrepreneurship in European cities (2019) (29)
- Innovation in the European chemical industry (1996) (28)
- Small firms in U.S. manufacturing : A first report (1989) (28)
- The evolution of the global digital platform economy: 1971–2021 (2021) (28)
- The Economics of Science and Innovation (2000) (27)
- Local Strategies within a European Policy Framework (2009) (27)
- Incremental innovation in services through continuous improvement (2011) (27)
- Entrepreneurship, Growth, and Public Policy: Contents (2009) (26)
- An interdisciplinary survey and introduction (2005) (26)
- The Market and the State (1989) (26)
- Start-ups, Innovation and Knowledge Spillovers (2021) (26)
- Entrepreneurship, Growth and Restructuring (2008) (26)
- Regional Appropriation of University-Based Knowledge and Technology for Economic Development (2013) (26)
- Entrepreneurial Ecosystems Place-Based Transformations and Transitions (2018) (26)
- New firm survival: industry versus firm effects (1997) (25)
- Who’s got the aces up his sleeve? Functional specialization of cities and entrepreneurship (2011) (25)
- Public cluster policy and firm performance: evaluating spillover effects across industries (2018) (25)
- The knowledge production function: lessons from biotechnology (2000) (25)
- Flexible technology and plant size U.S. manufacturing and metalworking industries (1994) (25)
- Globalization and the Rise of the Entrepreneurial Economy (2007) (25)
- The Lifecycle of Regions (2008) (24)
- Policy and institutions facilitating entrepreneurial spin-offs: USA, Asia and Europe (2014) (24)
- Entrepreneurship Capital: Determinants and Impact on Regional Economic Performance (2005) (23)
- Ownership, productivity and firm survival in China (2016) (23)
- University Spillovers: Strategic Location and New Firm Performance (2003) (23)
- Intrapreneurship and absorptive capacities: The dynamic effect of labor mobility (2021) (23)
- OECD Science , Technology and Industry Working Papers 2001 / 2 Linking Entrepreneurship to Growth (2006) (23)
- The Convergence of International and Domestic Markets (1989) (23)
- Emerging needs of social innovators and social innovation ecosystems (2021) (22)
- A reconciliation of the unemployment — New firm startup paradox (1994) (22)
- Economic Doctrines and Policy Differences: Has the Washington Policy Debate Been Asking the Wrong Questions? (2008) (22)
- Microfirms and innovation in the service sector (2020) (22)
- Sources of innovation and innovation type: firm-level evidence from the United States (2019) (22)
- Overcoming the liability of poorness: disadvantage, fragility, and the poverty entrepreneur (2020) (22)
- Unraveling the Shift to the Entrepreneurial Economy (2010) (22)
- Introduction to the 2nd Edition of the Handbook of Entrepreneurship Research (2010) (21)
- Corporate Governance and Entrepreneurial Firms (2014) (21)
- Financing High-Tech Growth: The Role of Debt or Equity (2004) (21)
- Technological Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Development (2009) (21)
- Technological Competition, Employment and Innovation Policies in OECD Countries (1997) (21)
- Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship (2010) (21)
- Debt or Equity? The Role of Venture Capital in Financing the New Economy in Germany (2002) (20)
- Globalization, Innovation and the Strategic Management of Places (2003) (20)
- Job Creation and Firm Size in the U.S. and West Germany (1989) (19)
- The Indiana University Advanced Research and Technology Institute: A Case Study (2004) (19)
- Necessity or opportunity? Government size, tax policy, corruption, and implications for entrepreneurship (2021) (19)
- Financial Signalling by Innovative Nascent Entrepreneurs (2009) (19)
- Entrepreneurship in transitional economy (2011) (19)
- Three-ring entrepreneurial university: in search of a new business model (2021) (19)
- The Post-Entry Performance of New Firms (1995) (19)
- Scientist entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia (2012) (18)
- Does the New Economy Need New Governance? Ownership, Knowledge and Performance (2002) (18)
- Knowledge begets knowledge: university knowledge spillovers and the output of scientific papers from U.S. Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) projects (2019) (18)
- Union Participation, Innovation, and Concentration: Results from a Simultaneous Model * (1990) (18)
- Time and the dynamics of entrepreneurial ecosystems (2021) (17)
- Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Economic Performance (2019) (17)
- Transnational social capital and scientist entrepreneurship (2012) (17)
- The Impact of Location on Firm Growth (2004) (16)
- The Industry Life Cycle and the Concentration Profits Relationship (1986) (16)
- Economic performance and the knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: a comment (2017) (16)
- An empirical examination of small firm growth (1987) (16)
- Sustaining entrepreneurship and economic growth:lessons in policy and industry iInnovations from Germany and India (2009) (16)
- Amenities, subcultures, and entrepreneurship (2019) (15)
- Does Entrepreneurship Matter for Inclusive Growth? The Role of Social Progress Orientation (2020) (15)
- Creating Competitiveness: Entrepreneurship and Innovation Policies for Growth (2013) (15)
- The Effect of Entrepreneurial Activity on Economic Growth (2019) (15)
- The Dynamic Role of Small Firms: Evidence from the U.S. (2002) (15)
- Public policy to promote entrepreneurship: a call to arms (2016) (15)
- Concise Guide to Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation (2015) (14)
- Globalization and Regionalization (2002) (14)
- International product life cycles, trade and development stages (2017) (14)
- Industrial Policy and Competitive Advantage (1998) (14)
- The Neuer Markt as an institution of creation and destruction (2008) (14)
- Industrial Organization and the Organization of Industries: Linking Industry Structure to Economic Performance (2018) (14)
- The role of institutions in latent and emergent entrepreneurship (2022) (14)
- Biases in FX-forecasts: Evidence from panel data (2005) (13)
- The influence of trust and collaboration with external partners on appropriability in open service firms (2018) (13)
- The Entrepreneurship-Philanthropy Nexus: Nonmarket Source of American Entrepreneurial Capitalism (2007) (13)
- The Benefits of Family Ownership, Control and Management on Financial Performance of Firms (2010) (13)
- The future of entrepreneurship: the few or the many? (2021) (13)
- A strategic alignment framework for the entrepreneurial university (2021) (13)
- The Effects of Experience, Ownership, and Knowledge on IPO Survival: Evidence from the Neuer Markt (2004) (13)
- Entrepreneurship in Cities (2021) (13)
- 4: The entrepreneurial society (2006) (13)
- Clusters, economic performance, and social cohesion: a system dynamics approach (2020) (13)
- Do corruption and regulations matter for home country nascent international entrepreneurship? (2020) (13)
- Joseph Schumpeter and John Kenneth Galbraith: two sides of the same coin? (2015) (12)
- Who Do Scientists in Public Research Institutions Cooperate with Private Firms (2010) (12)
- Economic Doctrines and Approaches to Antitrust (2011) (12)
- A Context-Choice Model of Niche Entrepreneurship (2020) (12)
- On experiments in entrepreneurship research (2010) (12)
- Innovation in women-led firms: an empirical analysis (2020) (12)
- Universities and the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem (2017) (12)
- Essays in public sector entrepreneurship (2016) (12)
- Entrepreneurship and universities (2017) (12)
- Mergers and acquisitions in IPO markets: evidence from Germany (2007) (12)
- Knowledge Spillover Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth (2011) (12)
- Sub-optimal scale plants and compensating factor differentials in U.S. and Japanese manufacturing (1992) (12)
- The Determinants of Conglomerate Mergers (1989) (11)
- Corruption, Entrepreneurship, and Social Welfare (2018) (11)
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- From knowledge to innovation: the role of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship (2014) (10)
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- Introduction: Technology Transfer in the Global Economy (2012) (10)
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- The entrepreneurial society and the role of the University (2014) (7)
- Female Immigrant Entrepreneurship in Germany (2016) (7)
- Corporate Governance in Newly Listed Companies (2013) (7)
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- From knowledge to innovation (2014) (7)
- Location and New Venture Creation (2006) (7)
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- The Technological Regime and Small-firm Turbulence (1990) (6)
- Corporate Governance in Small and Medium-sized Firms (2011) (6)
- Public Policy in the Entrepreneurial Society (2014) (6)
- From entrepreneur to philanthropist: two sides of the same coin? (2014) (6)
- Empirical evidence on knowledge flows from research collaborations: Introduction to the special issue (2006) (6)
- CEO gender, institutional context and firm exports (2022) (6)
- The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship (2013) (6)
- Divergent views in antitrust economics (1988) (6)
- Looking forward: Creative construction as a road to recovery from theCOVID‐19 crisis (2020) (6)
- A Research Agenda for Entrepreneurship and Innovation (2019) (6)
- Radical and Incremental Innovation and the Role of University Scientist (2016) (6)
- The Technological Regime And Market Evolution: The New Learning (1992) (6)
- International Business, Entrepreneurship and the Global Economy (2010) (6)
- Advancing the economics of entrepreneurship (2016) (6)
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- Small-firm mobility: A first report (1988) (5)
- The Distribution of Firm Start-Up Size across Geographic Space (2008) (5)
- R&D Intensity and the Relationship between Firm Size and Growth in Germany (2006) (5)
- Knowledge as growth (2019) (5)
- Creating an entrepreneurial society in Europe (2018) (5)
- Environmental technology transfer and emission standards for industry in China (2015) (5)
- Diversity: Implications for Income Distribution (2004) (5)
- Motivating Entrepreneurship and Innovative Activity: Analyzing US Policies and Programs (2016) (5)
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- R&D Intensity and the Relationship between Firm Size and Growth in Germany (2006) (5)
- From Knowledge to Innovation: Resolving the ‘European Paradox’ David B. Audretsch (2009) (5)
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- Entrepreneurial ecosystems, regional clusters, and industrial districts: Historical transformations or rhetorical devices? (2022) (5)
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- Capitalizing on Science, Technology, and Innovation: An Assessment of the Small Business Innovation Research Program Project Methodology (2004) (5)
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- The Knowledge Context and the Entrepreneurial Process: Academic, User and Employee Entrepreneurship (2006) (5)
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- Tolerance and innovation: the role of institutional and social trust (2017) (4)
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- Industrial Organization and the New Industrial Policy (1998) (4)
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- Social Progress Orientation, Entrepreneurship and Economic Development (2019) (3)
- The Foundations of the Entrepreneurial Society (2019) (3)
- Biotechnology in Europe: lessons from the USA (2001) (3)
- University Entrepreneurship and Economic Growth (2010) (3)
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- Strategic Niches and Profitability: A First Report (1995) (1)
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- A Golden Opportunity: The Gold Rush, Entrepreneurship and Culture (2022) (1)
- Introduction: Entrepreneurship and Industrial Organization (2020) (1)
- Creativity Filter and Start-Ups to Resolve the Innovation Paradox (2015) (1)
- Globalization and the Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Society (2010) (1)
- Entry Regulation and Firm Entry: Evidence from German Reunification (2011) (1)
- Does corruption matter for international entrepreneurship? (2015) (1)
- Microfirms and innovation in the service sector (2020) (1)
- Entrepreneurship: An Overview (2018) (1)
- Entrepreneurship as Creative Construction (2006) (1)
- International product life cycles, trade and development stages (2017) (0)
- Scientist entrepreneurship in Saudi Arabia (2011) (0)
- The mandate for industrial policy (1998) (0)
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems, institutional quality, and the unexpected role of the sustainability orientation of entrepreneurs (2023) (0)
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- Public cluster policy and new venture creation (2016) (0)
- Technology transfer and entrepreneurship: cross-national analysis (2015) (0)
- SMEs, Industry Dynamics and Economic Growth (2010) (0)
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- Entrepreneurial finance and technology transfer (2014) (0)
- Conditions for complex innovations: evidence from public organizations (2018) (0)
- Shaker A. Zahra: pioneering entrepreneurship scholar (2015) (0)
- Chinese technology transfer policy: the case of the national independent innovation demonstration zone of East Lake (2012) (0)
- Knowledge effects on competitiveness: from firms to regional advantage (2015) (0)
- Organizational Ambidexterity and Firm Performance Before and During the COVID-19: Evidence From European Small and Medium-Sized Firms (2021) (0)
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- Embracing an entrepreneurial ecosystem: an analysis of the governance of research joint ventures (2017) (0)
- Won't Get Fooled Again? (2007) (0)
- Not Your Father's University (2007) (0)
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- The Economic Costs of the Russia-Ukraine War: A Synthetic Control Study of (Lost) Entrepreneurship (2023) (0)
- Academic Freedom and Innovation: A Research Note (2023) (0)
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- From latent to emergent entrepreneurship: the knowledge spillover construction circle (2019) (0)
- Book reviews (1994) (0)
- Entrepreneurship and innovation: public policy frameworks (2011) (0)
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- From the entrepreneurial university to the university for the entrepreneurial society (2012) (0)
- Applications of Traditional Valuation Methods (2012) (0)
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- On the development and use of theory: Editors' introduction to volume 2 (2006) (0)
- The strategic management of places and regional competitiveness (2017) (0)
- Does Low Cost Import Competition Effect Entrepreneurial Activity? (2019) (0)
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- Knowledge Externalities in the Microfoundations of Growth (2001) (0)
- National systems of innovation (2016) (0)
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- The knowledge spillover theory of entrepreneurship: the developing country context (2020) (0)
- Twenty-five years of research on institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: what has been learned? (2018) (0)
- Entrepreneurship Policy in Comparative-Historical Transatlantic Perspectives (2005) (0)
- The lineages of the entrepreneurial ecosystem approach (2017) (0)
- Overcoming the liability of poorness: disadvantage, fragility, and the poverty entrepreneur (2020) (0)
- Industry and country studies (1998) (0)
- Knowledge management and entrepreneurship (2020) (0)
- Stakeholder collaboration in entrepreneurship education: an analysis of the entrepreneurial ecosystems of European higher educational institutions (2017) (0)
- Scientist entrepreneurship across scientific fields (2014) (0)
- Publishing in Small Business Economics: An Entrepreneurship Journal (2021) (0)
- Making sense of the elusive paradigm of entrepreneurship (2015) (0)
- Globalization of the Economy and Increasing International Competition (1999) (0)
- Emerging needs of social innovators and social innovation ecosystems (2021) (0)
- The Financial Systems of Industrial Countries Evidence from Financial Accounts (2012) (0)
- Current industrial policy: business knowledge and innovation (2007) (0)
- Home-country Export Regulations, Credit Markets, and Corruption: Implications for Different Types of Internationalization (2021) (0)
- University-Industry Cooperation and Conditions for Start-Ups (2013) (0)
- Improvisation and Innovation in Teams: The Jazz Effect (2022) (0)
- The Emergence of the Entrepreneurial Economy (2006) (0)
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- Entrepreneurial ecosystems: economic, technological, and societal impacts (2018) (0)
- Introduction: the dynamics of industrial organization (1996) (0)
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- R&D Policy and Employment in the Triade (1998) (0)
- Entrepreneurship and Rent-Seeking Behavior Marcus Dejardin (2019) (0)
- Does democracy foster entrepreneurship? (2023) (0)
- Regional competitiveness, university spillovers, and entrepreneurial activity (2011) (0)
- The influence of trust and collaboration with external partners on appropriability in open service firms (2018) (0)
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- Traditionally Used Valuation Methods (2012) (0)
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- Resources and Factors (2015) (0)
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- Creating an entrepreneurial society in Europe (2016) (0)
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- The missing pillar: the creativity theory of knowledge spillover entrepreneurship (2013) (0)
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- Theoretical and Practical Aspects of High Technology Policy (1999) (0)
- Transnational social capital and scientist entrepreneurship (2010) (0)
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- Sustainable orientation management and institutional quality: Looking into European entrepreneurial innovation ecosystems (2023) (0)
- Amenities, subcultures, and entrepreneurship (2019) (0)
- Entrepreneurship and culture (2019) (0)
- Leonard W. Weiss and industrial organization (1995) (0)
- Entrepreneurship policy (2021) (0)
- Innovation in family firms: The Brittelstand (2022) (0)
- Academic policy and entrepreneurship: a European perspective (2014) (0)
- The Human Element (2015) (0)
- Technology transfer in a global economy (2012) (0)
- Unraveling the entrepreneurial mindset (2020) (0)
- Bilingualism and regional entrepreneurship (2020) (0)
- The Future Role of R&D Policy: Policy Options and Recommendations (1999) (0)
- Entrepreneurial ecosystems in cities: establishing the framework conditions (2016) (0)
- The Global Economy: R&D, Structural Change and Employment Shifts (1998) (0)
- Human Capital Accumulation, Globalization and Global Productivity Growth (1999) (0)
- Expanding entrepreneurship education and engagement with entrepreneurial ecosystems (2018) (0)
- A Hurdle-Rate Theory of Inventive Procyclicality (2023) (0)
- Exploring the Relationship Between Entrepreneurship and Public Policy (2022) (0)
- Radical innovation and its regional impact—a roadmap for future research (2021) (0)
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