Hal Brands
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American historian
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- Bachelors History Stanford University
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Why Is Hal Brands Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Hal Brands is an American political scientist and writer. He is an international relations scholar of U.S. foreign policy. He is the Henry A. Kissinger Distinguished Professor of Global Affairs at the Johns Hopkins University School of Advanced International Studies and a resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute. He graduated from Stanford University with a BA in history and political science and earned his MA, MPhil, and PhD in history from Yale University. His father is historian H. W. Brands.
Hal Brands's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Latin America’s Cold War (2010) (81)
- The Age of Vulnerability: Eisenhower and the National Insecurity State (1989) (54)
- The Devil We Knew: Americans and the Cold War (1993) (52)
- The First American: The Life and Times of Benjamin Franklin (2000) (51)
- The Unexceptional Superpower: American Grand Strategy in the Age of Trump (2017) (50)
- What Good Is Grand Strategy?: Power and Purpose in American Statecraft from Harry S. Truman to George W. Bush (2014) (49)
- What America Owes the World: The Struggle for the Soul of Foreign Policy (1998) (48)
- Testing Massive Retaliation: Credibility and Crisis Management in the Taiwan Strait (1988) (44)
- Traitor to His Class: The Privileged Life and Radical Presidency of Franklin Delano Roosevelt (2008) (44)
- Paradoxes of the Gray Zone (2016) (44)
- The Specter of Neutralism: The United States and the Emergence of the Third World,1947-1960 (1989) (42)
- The Age of Gold: The California Gold Rush and the New American Dream (2002) (41)
- Non-Proliferation and the Dynamics of the Middle Cold War: The Superpowers, the MLF, and the NPT (2007) (41)
- Mexico's Narco-Insurgency and U.S. Counterdrug Policy (2009) (41)
- American Colossus: The Triumph of Capitalism, 1865-1900 (2010) (41)
- “Conspiring Bastards”: Saddam Hussein's Strategic View of the United States* (2012) (39)
- The limits of manipulation: How the united states didn't topple sukarno (1989) (38)
- Making the Unipolar Moment: U.S. Foreign Policy and the Rise of the Post-Cold War Order (2016) (35)
- Crime, Irregular Warfare, and Institutional Failure in Latin America: Guatemala as a Case Study (2011) (35)
- The Reckless Decade: America in the 1890s (1995) (33)
- The Global Cold War: Third World Interventions and the Making of Our Times (2006) (32)
- Dilemmas of Brazilian Grand Strategy (2010) (32)
- Bound to Empire: The United States and the Philippines (1992) (31)
- Saddam, Israel, and the Bomb: Nuclear Alarmism Justified? (2011) (31)
- Decisions on American Armed Intervention: Lebanon, Dominican Republic, and Grenada (1987) (30)
- The Strange Death of American Liberalism (2017) (29)
- Crime, Violence, and the Crisis in Guatemala: A Case Study in the Erosion of the State (2010) (29)
- Critical reflections on the Cold War : linking rhetoric and history (2001) (28)
- The wages of globalism : Lyndon Johnson and the limits of American power (1995) (27)
- Cold Warriors: Eisenhower's Generation and American Foreign Policy (1988) (27)
- Andrew Jackson: His Life and Times (2005) (25)
- T.R.: The Last Romantic (1997) (24)
- The Cold War Begins in Asia: American East Asian Policy and the Fall of the Japanese Empire@@@Decision against War: Eisenhower and Dien Bien Phu, 1954@@@Cold Warriors: Eisenhower's Generation and American Foreign Policy (1989) (24)
- Glimmer of a New Leviathan: Total War in the Realism of Niebuhr, Morgenthau, and Waltz (2005) (23)
- Democracy vs Authoritarianism: How Ideology Shapes Great-Power Conflict (2018) (22)
- Rethinking Nonproliferation: LBJ, the Gilpatric Committee, and U.S. National Security Policy (2006) (22)
- India and the United States: The Cold Peace (1990) (21)
- Progress Unseen: U.S. Arms Control Policy and the Origins of Détente, 1963–1968 (2006) (19)
- Was the Rise of ISIS Inevitable? (2017) (19)
- From Berlin to Baghdad: America's Search for Purpose in the Post-cold War World (2008) (18)
- Inside the Cold War: Loy Henderson and the Rise of the American Empire, 1918-1961 (1991) (18)
- The Cairo-Tehran Connection in Anglo-American Rivalry in the Middle East,1951–1953 (1989) (17)
- U.S. Grand Strategy in an Age of Nationalism: Fortress America and its Alternatives (2017) (17)
- Inside the Iraqi State Records: Saddam Hussein, ‘Irangate’, and the United States (2011) (16)
- What Are America's Alliances Good For? (2017) (15)
- The American Story (2001) (14)
- The Money Men: Capitalism, Democracy, and the Hundred Years' War Over the American Dollar (2007) (14)
- Into the Labyrinth: The United States and the Middle East,1945-1993 (1994) (14)
- Barack Obama and the Dilemmas of American Grand Strategy (2016) (14)
- George Bush and the Gulf War of 1991 (2004) (13)
- Comrades at Odds: The United States and India, 1947–1964 (2000) (13)
- From ANZUS to SEATO: United States Strategic Policy towards Australia and New Zealand, 1952–1954 (1987) (13)
- American Grand Strategy and the Liberal Order: Continuity, Change, and Options for the Future (2016) (13)
- The Man Who Saved the Union: Ulysses Grant in War and Peace (2012) (12)
- Third World Politics in an Age of Global Turmoil: The Latin American Challenge to U.S. and Western Hegemony, 1965–1975 (2008) (12)
- Consensus be Damned!@@@The Cambridge History of American Foreign Relations.@@@The Creation of a Republican Empire, 1776-1865.@@@The American Search for Opportunity, 1865-1913.@@@The Globalizing of America, 1913-1945.@@@America in the Age of Soviet Power, 1945-1991. (1994) (11)
- Fools Rush Out? The Flawed Logic of Offshore Balancing (2015) (11)
- The Dwight D. Eisenhower Administration, Syngman Rhee, and the "Other" Geneva Conference of 1954 (1987) (11)
- Should America Retrench (2016) (11)
- After the Responsible Stakeholder, What? Debating America’s China Strategy (February 2019) (2019) (11)
- The Lessons of Tragedy (2019) (10)
- Rhetoric, Public Opinion, and Policy in the American Debate over the Japanese Emperor during World War II (2005) (10)
- Stress-Testing American Grand Strategy (2016) (10)
- Reagan: The Life (2015) (10)
- Criminal Fiefdoms in Latin America: Understanding the Problem of Alternatively Governed Spaces (2010) (10)
- Presidential Doctrines: An Introduction (2006) (10)
- Wisdom without tears: Statecraft and the uses of history (2018) (9)
- The Gaither Committee, Eisenhower, and the Cold War. (2000) (9)
- The Eisenhower administration and the cold war (1985) (9)
- Saddam Hussein, the United States, and the invasion of Iran: was there a green light? (2012) (9)
- Getting Serious About Strategy in the South China Sea (2018) (9)
- Saddam and Israel: What Do the New Iraqi Records Reveal? (2011) (9)
- Richard Nixon and Economic Nationalism in Latin America: The Problem of Expropriations, 1969–1974 (2007) (8)
- :A War of Frontier and Empire: The Philippine-American War, 1899–1902. By David J. Silbey . (New York, Hill and Wang, 2007. xvi + 254 pp. $26) (2008) (8)
- India and Pakistan in American strategic planning, 1947–54: The commonwealth as collaborator (1986) (8)
- The Promise and Pitfalls of Grand Strategy (2012) (8)
- American Dreams: The United States Since 1945 (2010) (8)
- Evaluating Brazilian Grand Strategy under Lula (2011) (7)
- Redefining the Cold War: American Policy toward Yugoslavia, 1948–60 (1987) (7)
- Making the Conspiracy Theorist a Prophet: Covert Action and the Contours of United States–Iraq Relations (2011) (7)
- The use of force after the Cold War (2000) (7)
- The foreign policies of Lyndon Johnson : beyond Vietnam (2000) (7)
- The United States and the Peruvian Challenge, 1968–1975 (2010) (7)
- Masters of Enterprise: Giants of American Business from John Jacob Astor and J.P. Morgan to Bill Gates and Oprah Winfrey (1999) (6)
- The United States and the Reemergence of Independent Japan (1986) (6)
- The case for Bush revisionism: Reevaluating the legacy of America’s 43rd president (2018) (5)
- The Politics of Foreign Policy (2008) (5)
- America enters the Cyprus tangle, 1964 (1987) (5)
- The Cold war and defense (1991) (5)
- Choosing Primacy: U.S. Strategy and Global Order at the Dawn of the Post-Cold War Era (February 2018) (2018) (5)
- Breaking Down Obama's Grand Strategy (2014) (5)
- The Lost Art of Long-Term Competition (2018) (4)
- A Grand Strategy of Democratic Solidarity (2021) (4)
- Unpremeditated lansing: his ˝scraps˝ (1985) (4)
- The Limits of Offshore Balancing (2015) (4)
- Since Vietnam: The United States in World Affairs, 1973-1995 (1995) (3)
- Dealing With Political Ferment in Latin America: The Populist Revival, the Emergence of the Center, and Implications for U.S. Policy (2009) (3)
- Saddam, Israel, and the Bomb (2011) (3)
- “Korea: America's First Limited War.” Lyndon Baines Johnson Library and Museum, 2313 Red River, Austin, TX 78705 (1989) (3)
- Johnson and de Gaulle: American Diplomacy Sotto Voce (1987) (3)
- The Power of the Past: History and Statecraft (2015) (3)
- The General vs. the President: MacArthur and Truman at the Brink of Nuclear War (2016) (3)
- Reform, democratization, and counter-insurgency: evaluating the US experience in Cold War-era Latin America (2011) (3)
- Avoiding a Strategy of Bluff: The Crisis of American Military Primacy (2017) (3)
- Before the Tilt: The Carter Administration Engages Saddam Hussein (2015) (3)
- From Berlin to Baghdad (2008) (2)
- The Emperor's New Clothes: American Views of Hirohito after World War II (2006) (2)
- Trump and Terrorism (2017) (2)
- The World in a Word: The Rise and Fall of Détente (2010) (2)
- Who Saved the Emperor (2006) (2)
- One War is Not Enough: Strategy and Force Planning for Great-Power Competition (Spring 2020) (2020) (2)
- Lyndon Johnson and Foreign Policy: What the New Documents Show (1995) (2)
- The United States in the World : A History of American Foreign Policy (1993) (2)
- Retrenchment Chic: The Dangers of Offshore Balancing (2015) (2)
- Foreign Policy and the Utopian Imagination. By Susan M. Matarese. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 2001. 164p. $28.95. (2002) (1)
- What America Owes the World: Reinhold Niebuhr and the Foreign Policy of Original Sin (1998) (1)
- What America Owes the World: Exceptionalists All! The First Hundred Years (1998) (1)
- Jim Crow's Cold War (2001) (1)
- The Ambiguous Legacy: The Idea of the National Interest (1999) (1)
- American grand strategy in the post–Cold War era (2018) (1)
- Preface: War and Forgetfulness (2006) (1)
- Dean Rusk: Defending the American Mission Abroad (review) (2002) (1)
- Economic Development and the Contours of U.S. Foreign Policy: The Nixon Administration's Approach to Latin America, 1969–1974 (2008) (1)
- The Power of the Past (2015) (1)
- Waging the War on Terror (2008) (1)
- Opportunistic Aggression in the Twenty-first Century (2020) (1)
- America in the World: The Historiography of American Foreign Relations Since 1941 Michael J. Hogan (1997) (1)
- Ideas and Foreign Affairs (2007) (1)
- The Crisis of American Military Primacy and the Search for Strategic Solvency (2016) (1)
- FDR: A Traitor to His Class? (2008) (1)
- Burying Theodore White: Recent Accounts of the 1960 Presidential Election (2010) (1)
- Woodrow Wilson and the Irony of Fate (2004) (1)
- Rethinking America's Grand Strategy: Insights from the Cold War (2015) (1)
- Dealing with Allies in Decline: U.S. Strategy and Alliance Management in an Era of Global Power Shifts (2017) (1)
- George F. Kennan and the Making of American Foreign Policy, 1947-1950. (1993) (1)
- Let the Sea Make a Noise …: A History of the North Pacific from Magellan to MacArthur. By Walter A. McDougall. (New York: BasicBooks, 1993. xiv, 793 pp. $30.00, ISBN 0-465-05152-9.) (1994) (0)
- The United States and Germany in the Era of the Cold War, 1945–1990: The United States, Germany, and the Multilateralization of International Relations (2004) (0)
- Vietnam and the American Political Tradition: Friendly Fire: Lyndon Johnson and the Challenge to Containment (2003) (0)
- Beyond the Cold War (2008) (0)
- The Road to Baghdad: The United States and the Persian Gulf (2006) (0)
- A Question of Power—and a Partial Answer (2009) (0)
- The Triumph and Tragedy of Diplomatic History (November 2017) (2017) (0)
- Melvyn P. Leffler. A Preponderance of Power: National Security, the Truman Administration, and the Cold War. (Stanford Nuclear Age Series.) Stanford: Stanford University Press. 1992. Pp. xvii, 689. $29.95 (1993) (0)
- Richard J. Aldrich. The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence. London: John Murray. 2001. Pp. xv, 733. £25.00 (2002) (0)
- Why the American Century? Oliver Zunz (2000) (0)
- FDR and GWB: Unlearned lessons of a wartime presidency (2008) (0)
- John Jacob Astor: America's First Multimillionaire. By Axel Madsen. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 2001. 304 pp. Notes, bibliography, index. Cloth, $30.00. ISBN 0-471-38503-4 (2001) (0)
- Archives and the Study of Nuclear Politics (2013) (0)
- Getting Grand Strategy Right (2021) (0)
- Lives and Times, Then and Now (2013) (0)
- About the Contributors (2011) (0)
- Gambling with the fate of the world (2012) (0)
- Presidential Leadership and the Creation of the American Era by Joseph S. Nye, Jr. Princeton, NJ, Princeton University Press, 2013. 200 pp. $27.95. (2014) (0)
- Haiku History: The American Saga Three Lines at a Time (2020) (0)
- It Ain't Over till It's Over – and Not Even Then (1998) (0)
- Correspondence: The Establishment and U.S. Grand Strategy (2019) (0)
- Reviews of Books:Glimmer of a New Leviathan: Total War in the Realism of Niebuhr, Morgenthau, and Waltz Campbell Craig (2005) (0)
- American-Soviet Trade in the Cold War. By Philip J. Funigiello. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 1988. xxiv + 289 pp. $32.50.) (1989) (0)
- The Dark Art of Political Warfare: A Primer (2020) (0)
- Obama's grand strategy (2013) (0)
- Cold War Conservative (2007) (0)
- Warren F. Kimball. The Juggler: Franklin Roosevelt as Wartime Statesman. Princeton: Princeton University Press. 1991. Pp. xii, 304. $19.95 (1992) (0)
- What America Owes the World: Walter Lippmann and a New Republic for a New Era (1998) (0)
- The Watson Dynasty: The Fiery Reign and Troubled Legacy of IBM's Founding Father and Son. By Richard S. Tedlow. New York: HarperBusiness, 2003. xi + 340 pp. Bibliography, notes, index. Cloth, $26.95. ISBN: 0-060-01405-9 (2004) (0)
- A very peculiar institution (2003) (0)
- Jussi M. Hanhimaki. The Flawed Architect: Henry Kissinger and American Foreign Policy. New York: Oxford University Press. 2005. Pp. xxii, 554. $35.00 (2006) (0)
- Spy in the Sky. Prod. by Linda Garmon. WGBH-Boston, 1996. 56mins. (PBS Video, 1320 Braddock PL, Alexandria, VA 22314-1698) (1996) (0)
- Dereliction of Duty: Lyndon Johnson, Robert McNamara, the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and the Lies That Led to Vietnam H. R. McMaster (1998) (0)
- Introduction (2019) (0)
- P ARADOXES OF THE G RAY Z ONE By Hal Brands (2016) (0)
- The Case for Reassessing America's 43 rd President (2018) (0)
- What America Owes the World: God Blinked but Herman Didn't (1998) (0)
- Whither Foreign Policy (2008) (0)
- Wilson at war, Wilson in love (2013) (0)
- Reviews of Books:The Hidden Hand: Britain, America and Cold War Secret Intelligence Richard J. Aldrich (2002) (0)
- Christopher Maynard, Out of the Shadow: George H. W. Bush and the End of the Cold War (College Station: Texas AM'>isbn 1 60344 039 9. (2009) (0)
- Command of Office: How War, Secrecy, and Deception Transformed the Presidency from Theodore Roosevelt to George W. Bushby Stephen Graubard (2005) (0)
- Dark night of the soul (2009) (0)
- What America Owes the World: Kennan, Morgenthau, and the Sources of Superpower Conduct (1998) (0)
- To die for: War and America's national interest (1999) (0)
- Introduction: Structure, Strategy, and American Resurgence (2018) (0)
- Master of the Senate: The Years of Lyndon Johnson. By Robert A. Caro. (New York: Knopf, 2002. xxiv, 1,167 pp. $35.00, ISBN 0394-52836-0.) (2003) (0)
- Fractal History, or Clio and the Chaotics* (1992) (0)
- Online Roundtable: Hal Brands' Latin America's Cold War (2012) (0)
- Review Of Fisher, Presidential War Power (2005) (0)
- The Trouble with U.S.-Third World Studies (1996) (0)
- Jussi M. Hanhimaki.The Flawed Architect: Henry Kissinger and American Foreign Policy.:The Flawed Architect: Henry Kissinger and American Foreign Policy (2006) (0)
- Meeting of the Minds: National Security Discussion (2011) (0)
- Introduction: The American Occupation Of Iraq By 2006 And The Search For A New Strategy Timothy Andrews Sayle And Hal Brands (2019) (0)
- What America Owes the World: When the Future Worked and the Trains Ran on Time: Lincoln Steffens (1998) (0)
- China's Threat to Global Democracy (2023) (0)
- American Liberalism: An Interpretation for Our Time. By John McGowan. (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2007. x, 269 pp. $29.95, ISBN 978-0-8078-3171-7.) (2008) (0)
- John Foster Dulles and the Diplomacy of the Cold War. Ed. by Richard H. Immcrman. (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1990. xiv + 297 pp. $29.95.) (1991) (0)
- Review of Orsi, Sunset Limited: The Southern Pacific Railroad and the Development of the American West, 1850-1930 (2006) (0)
- Cold War Respite: The Geneva Summit of 1955 (review) (2002) (0)
- Life after death (2010) (0)
- The Early Modern Chesapeake Redux—Again (2013) (0)
- Linda Killen. Testing the Peripheries: US-Yugoslav Economic Relations in the Interwar Years. Boulder, CO: East European Monographs, 1994. ix, 234 pp. $48.00. Distributed by Columbia University Press, New York. (1996) (0)
- Reviews of Books:Lyndon Johnson and Europe: In the Shadow of Vietnam Thomas Alan Schwartz (2004) (0)
- Brooks Adams: Marx for Imperialists (1998) (0)
- What America Owes the World: The Brief of Norman's Woe: Commentary and the New Conservatism (1998) (0)
- The Return of Geopolitics: Latin America and the Caribbean in an Era of Great-Power Rivalry (2022) (0)
- Diplomatic Milestones, 1992–2000: Dilemmas of the Post-Cold War Era (2012) (0)
- Clarence G. Lasby. Eisenhower's Heart Attack: How Ike Beat Heart Disease and Held on to the Presidency. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas. 1997. Pp. xiii, 384 (1999) (0)
- The Chinese Century? (2018) (0)
- mark a. stoler. George C. Marshall: Soldier-Statesman of the American Century. (Twayne's Twentieth-Century American Biography Series, number 10.) Boston: Twayne of G. K. Hall. 1989. Pp. xii, 252. Cloth $24.95, paper $10.95 (1990) (0)
- Review: Michael Grow, U.S. Presidents and Latin American Interventions: Pursuing Regime Change in the Cold War, Lawrence, KS, University Press of Kansas, 2008; xiv + 266 pp.; US$34.95; ISBN 9780700615865 (2010) (0)
- What America Owes the World: Note on Sources (1998) (0)
- The View from Xanadu: William Randolph Hearst and United States Foreign Policy. By Ian Mugridge. (Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press, 1995. x, 220 pp. Cloth, $44.95, ISBN 0-7735-1281-0. Paper, $17.95, ISBN 0-7735-1295-0.) (1996) (0)
- The War on Terror Has Not Yet Failed: A Net Assessment After 20 Years (2021) (0)
- As usual, politics (1993) (0)
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