Heather Harrington
American mathematician
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Heather A. Harrington is an applied mathematician interested in applied algebra and geometry, dynamical systems, chemical reaction network theory, topological data analysis, and systems biology. Since 2020, she is professor of mathematics and Royal Society University Research Fellow at the Mathematical Institute, University of Oxford, where she heads the Algebraic Systems Biology group. In 2023, she became a director at the Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, where she is also leading the interinstitutional Center for Systems Biology Dresden together with partners from the Technical University Dresden and the Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems.
Heather Harrington's Published Works
Published Works
- A roadmap for the computation of persistent homology (2015) (496)
- Coronary intraplaque hemorrhage evokes a novel atheroprotective macrophage phenotype. (2009) (296)
- Clinical drug resistance linked to interconvertible phenotypic and functional states of tumor-propagating cells in multiple myeloma. (2012) (126)
- A blood atlas of COVID-19 defines hallmarks of disease severity and specificity (2021) (112)
- Construction and analysis of a modular model of caspase activation in apoptosis (2008) (107)
- Topological data analysis of contagion maps for examining spreading processes on networks (2015) (90)
- Persistent homology of time-dependent functional networks constructed from coupled time series. (2016) (86)
- Nuclear to cytoplasmic shuttling of ERK promotes differentiation of muscle stem/progenitor cells (2014) (82)
- What are higher-order networks? (2021) (64)
- Algebraic Systems Biology: A Case Study for the Wnt Pathway (2015) (61)
- Cellular compartments cause multistability and allow cells to process more information. (2013) (55)
- Stratifying Multiparameter Persistent Homology (2017) (54)
- Bistability in Apoptosis by Receptor Clustering (2009) (40)
- The role of the Hes1 crosstalk hub in Notch-Wnt interactions of the intestinal crypt (2016) (40)
- Evasion of the Innate Immune Type I Interferon System by Monkeypox Virus (2015) (39)
- Parameter-free methods distinguish Wnt pathway models and guide design of experiments (2014) (37)
- A comparison of the anti-Staphylococcus aureus activity of extracts from commonly used medicinal plants. (2014) (33)
- Skin Barrier Homeostasis in Atopic Dermatitis: Feedback Regulation of Kallikrein Activity (2011) (31)
- Parameter-free model discrimination criterion based on steady-state coplanarity (2011) (31)
- Joining and decomposing reaction networks (2018) (28)
- Complex contagions for topological data analysis of networks (2014) (28)
- Multiparameter persistent homology landscapes identify immune cell spatial patterns in tumors (2021) (28)
- Geometric anomaly detection in data (2019) (27)
- Nanog Fluctuations in Embryonic Stem Cells Highlight the Problem of Measurement in Cell Biology (2017) (25)
- A hybrid model for tumor-induced angiogenesis in the cornea in the presence of inhibitors (2007) (24)
- Sampling Real Algebraic Varieties for Topological Data Analysis (2018) (23)
- Monkeypox virus induces the synthesis of less dsRNA than vaccinia virus, and is more resistant to the anti-poxvirus drug, IBT, than vaccinia virus (2016) (23)
- Algebraic and Geometric Methods in Discrete Mathematics (2017) (22)
- Topological data analysis of task-based fMRI data from experiments on schizophrenia (2018) (22)
- Numerical algebraic geometry for model selection and its application to the life sciences (2015) (21)
- Topological data analysis of continuum percolation with disks. (2018) (19)
- Role of seasonality on predator-prey-subsidy population dynamics. (2016) (19)
- The Topological "Shape" of Brexit (2016) (18)
- Linear Compartmental Models: Input-Output Equations and Operations That Preserve Identifiability (2018) (18)
- Reduction of dimension for nonlinear dynamical systems (2015) (17)
- Topological data analysis distinguishes parameter regimes in the Anderson-Chaplain model of angiogenesis (2021) (14)
- Characterization of the Physiological Response following In Vivo Administration of Astragalus membranaceus (2016) (14)
- Mathematical modeling reveals the functional implications of the different nuclear shuttling rates of Erk1 and Erk2 (2012) (12)
- Commentary: Teach network science to teenagers (2013) (12)
- Inference of Multisite Phosphorylation Rate Constants and Their Modulation by Pathogenic Mutations (2020) (12)
- Differential Elimination for Dynamical Models via Projections with Applications to Structural Identifiability (2021) (12)
- Mathematical and Statistical Techniques for Systems Medicine: The Wnt Signaling Pathway as a Case Study. (2015) (12)
- Double branched covers of knotoids (2018) (11)
- Decomposing the Parameter Space of Biological Networks via a Numerical Discriminant Approach (2016) (11)
- Multiscale Topology Characterises Dynamic Tumour Vascular Networks (2020) (10)
- The geometry of Sloppiness (2016) (10)
- Erratum: Topological data analysis of contagion maps for examining spreading processes on networks (2015) (10)
- Multiscale topology characterizes dynamic tumor vascular networks (2022) (9)
- Phosphorelay of non-orthodox two component systems functions through a bi-molecular mechanism in vivo: the case of ArcB. (2015) (9)
- Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition in Metastatic Cancer Cell Populations Affects Tumor Dormancy in a Simple Mathematical Model (2014) (8)
- Topological Methods for Characterising Spatial Networks: A Case Study in Tumour Vasculature (2019) (7)
- Coloured Noise from Stochastic Inflows in Reaction–Diffusion Systems (2018) (7)
- Cellular compartments cause multistability in biochemical reaction networks and allow cells to process more information (2012) (6)
- Topological approximate Bayesian computation for parameter inference of an angiogenesis model (2021) (6)
- Grid diagrams as tools to investigate knot spaces and topoisomerase-mediated simplification of DNA topology (2019) (6)
- Topology Characterises Tumour Vasculature (2019) (6)
- Principal Components Along Quiver Representations (2021) (5)
- Quantification of vascular networks in photoacoustic mesoscopy (2021) (5)
- Continuous Indexing of Fibrosis (CIF): improving the assessment and classification of MPN patients (2022) (5)
- Geometric combinatorics and computational molecular biology: Branching polytopes for RNA sequences (2015) (5)
- Differential Algebra for Model Comparison (2016) (5)
- Teach Network Science to Teenagers (2013) (4)
- A Parameter-Free Model Comparison Test Using Differential Algebra (2019) (3)
- Theoretical Biology and Medical Modelling (2009) (3)
- Graph-facilitated resonant mode counting in stochastic interaction networks (2017) (3)
- A history of the 3 Rs in toxicity testing : From Russell and Burch to 21 st century toxicology (2014) (3)
- Constructing custom-made radiotranscriptomic signatures of vascular inflammation from routine CT angiograms: a prospective outcomes validation study in COVID-19 (2022) (3)
- Tensor clustering with algebraic constraints gives interpretable groups of crosstalk mechanisms in breast cancer (2016) (3)
- Numerical algebraic geometry for model selection (2015) (3)
- The problem of measurement in cell biology: a tale of two alleles (2017) (2)
- Detecting Temporal shape changes with the Euler Characteristic Transform (2022) (2)
- Bistability in Apoptosis by Receptor Clustering 1 Bistability in Apoptosis by Receptor Clustering (2013) (2)
- Hypergraphs for multiscale cycles in structured data (2022) (2)
- Barcodes distinguish morphology of neuronal tauopathy (2022) (2)
- Nanog fluctuations in ES cells highlight the problem of measurement in cell biology (2016) (2)
- Homology of homologous knotted proteins (2022) (2)
- Complex contagions on noisy geometric networks (2014) (1)
- Algebra, Geometry and Topology of ERK Kinetics (2021) (1)
- Stability of topological descriptors for neuronal morphology (2022) (1)
- Multiscale topology classifies and quantifies cell types in subcellular spatial transcriptomics (2022) (1)
- Tensors and algebra give interpretable groups for crosstalk mechanisms in breast cancer (2016) (1)
- A parameter-free model selection criterion based on steady-state coplanarity (2011) (1)
- Creating Patterns Reaction-Diffusion Theory (2006) (1)
- Multiscale Methods for Signal Selection in Single-Cell Data (2022) (1)
- Mathematical models of cellular decisions: investigating immune response and apoptosis (2010) (1)
- Brain Chains as Topological Signatures for Alzheimer's Disease (2022) (1)
- Computing input-output projections of dynamical models with applications to structural identifiability (2021) (0)
- Title : Modeling Tumor-Induced Angiogenesis in the Cornea (2005) (0)
- The Fas trimer hysteron model: bistability in apoptosis from receptor clustering (2009) (0)
- Algebraic network reconstruction of discrete dynamical systems (2022) (0)
- Coloured Noise from Stochastic Inflows in Reaction–Diffusion Systems (2020) (0)
- On some configurations of oppositely charged trapped vortices in the plane (2018) (0)
- Topological Data Analysis Detects Percolation Thresholds in Arctic Melt-Pond Evolution (2022) (0)
- Grounded persistent path homology: a stable, topological descriptor for weighted digraphs (2022) (0)
- ABSTRACTS: INFOMM ANNUAL MEETING 2018 Room C: Jon Chapman: ‘Effective transport properties on lattices’ The method of multiple-scales is used to calculate the effective macroscopic transport properties of a random walk on a periodic lattice with arbitrary, spatially-dependent transition (2018) (0)
- Dynamics on networks with higher-order interactions. (2023) (0)
- MSR34 Forecasting the Long-Term Treatment Effect Duration of Immuno-Oncology Therapies: An Analysis of the Predictive Accuracy of Treatment Waning Methods Applied to Pembrolizumab in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (2022) (0)
- Reduction of dimension for nonlinear dynamical systems (2016) (0)
- Correction: Continuous Indexing of Fibrosis (CIF): improving the assessment and classification of MPN patients (2023) (0)
- Algebraic and geometric methods in applied discrete mathematics : AMS special session on algebraic and geometric methods in applied discrete mathematics, January 11, 2015, San Antonio, Texas (2017) (0)
- Topological descriptors for coral reef resilience using a stochastic spatial model (2022) (0)
- Effects of Lifestyle Choices on Atherosclerosis (2009) (0)
- Dependence of MAPK mediated signaling on Erk isoforms and differences in nuclear shuttling (2011) (0)
- Joining and decomposing reaction networks (2020) (0)
- Supplementary material from "Graph-facilitated resonant mode counting in stochastic interaction networks" (2017) (0)
- Algebraic Systems Biology: A Case Study for the Wnt Pathway (2015) (0)
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