James D. Foley
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, James David Foley is an American computer scientist and computer graphics researcher. He is a Professor Emeritus and held the Stephen Fleming Chair in Telecommunications in the School of Interactive Computing at Georgia Institute of Technology . He was Interim Dean of Georgia Tech's College of Computing from 2008–2010. He is perhaps best known as the co-author of several widely used textbooks in the field of computer graphics, of which over 400,000 copies are in print and translated in ten languages. Foley most recently conducted research in instructional technologies and distance education.
James D. Foley's Published Works
Published Works
- Fundamentals of interactive computer graphics (1982) (1761)
- Computer graphics: principles and practice (2nd ed.) (1990) (938)
- The human factors of computer graphics interaction techniques (1984) (476)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics (1993) (321)
- Evaluating a Web Lecture Intervention in a Human–Computer Interaction Course (2006) (300)
- Interfaces for advanced computing (1987) (241)
- The art of natural graphic man—Machine conversation (1974) (225)
- Computer Graphics - Principles and Practice, 3rd Edition (1990) (191)
- Visualizing the World-Wide Web with the Navigational View Builder (1995) (171)
- A second generation user interface design environment: the model and the runtime architecture (1993) (156)
- Visualizing complex hypermedia networks through multiple hierarchical views (1995) (155)
- UIDE—an intelligent user interface design environment (1991) (140)
- Coupling a UI framework with automatic generation of context-sensitive animated help (1990) (132)
- Providing high-level control and expert assistance in the user interface presentation design (1993) (119)
- Coupling application design and user interface design (1992) (115)
- The art of natural graphic man-machine conversation (1974) (113)
- A knowledge-based user interface management system (1988) (109)
- Virtual Reality for Industrial Applications (1997) (94)
- ResultMaps: Visualization for Search Interfaces (2009) (83)
- Defining interfaces at a high level of abstraction (1989) (80)
- Evaluating web lectures: a case study from HCI (2006) (75)
- DON: user interface presentation design assistant (1990) (74)
- Automating interface evaluation (1994) (73)
- Computer graphics (2nd ed. in C): principles and practice (1995) (60)
- Next-Generation Data Visualization Tools (1994) (58)
- Dynamic Process Visualization (1986) (58)
- History, Results, and Bibliography of the User Interface Design Environment (UIDE), an Early Model-based System for User Interface Design and Implementation (1994) (58)
- Towards specifying and evaluating the human factors of user-computer interfaces (1982) (56)
- Knowledgeable development environments using shared design models (1993) (56)
- Controlling user interface objects through pre- and postconditions (1992) (56)
- Supporting adaptive interfaces in a knowledge-based user interface environment (1993) (52)
- Introduction to Computer Graphics Macintosh Version Software of SRGP and SPHIGS Software (1994) (48)
- Evaluating the Efficiency and Effectiveness of Adaptive Parsons Problems (2018) (46)
- Getting There: The Ten Top Problems Left (2000) (43)
- The Mental Rotation and Perceived Realism of Computer-Generated Three-Dimensional Images (1988) (41)
- Generalized formal models for faceted user interfaces (2009) (38)
- Interactive clustering for navigating in hypermedia systems (1994) (34)
- Graphics Programming Using the Core System (1978) (33)
- Model-based user interfaces: what are they and why should we care? (1994) (31)
- Parallel processing approaches to hidden-surface removal in image space (1985) (30)
- Graphics Programming Using a Database System with Dependency Declarations (1982) (29)
- An approach to the optimum design of computer graphics systems (1971) (28)
- Some Major Issues in the Design of the Core Graphics System (1978) (28)
- Showing the context of nodes in the World-Wide Web (1995) (26)
- Technology transfer: so much research, so few good products (1996) (25)
- User interface reengineering (1998) (24)
- Research issues in perception and user interfaces (1994) (24)
- Technology transfer from university to industry (1996) (24)
- Fundamentals of Computer Graphics (1983) (24)
- Model-based user interface design by example and by interview (1993) (23)
- A pure reasoning engine for programming by demonstration (1994) (22)
- Research directions for user interface software tools (1993) (20)
- Configurable applications for graphics employing satellites (CAGES) (1975) (19)
- Empirical Studies of Interactive Computer Graphics: Perceptual and Cognitive Issues (1987) (19)
- Automating interface evaluation (1994) (19)
- Inference bear: designing interactive interfaces through before and after snapshots (1995) (19)
- Navigational view builder: a tool for building navigational views of information spaces (1994) (18)
- Investigating learning with web lectures (2008) (17)
- Managing the design of user-computer interfaces (1986) (15)
- A Tutorial on Satellite Graphics Systems (1976) (15)
- Investigating Multimedia Learning with Web Lectures (2006) (15)
- Effective software systems for scientific data visualization (1989) (14)
- The User Interface Design Environment (1988) (14)
- An educational digital library for human-centered computing (2006) (12)
- Computer Graphics in C#: Principles and Practices (2008) (12)
- A conceptual model of raster graphics systems (1982) (11)
- Facilitating interactive tool selection by adaptive prompting (1993) (11)
- A standard computer graphics subroutine package (1979) (11)
- Picture naming and modification: An overview (1976) (10)
- The art of natural man-machine conversation (1998) (10)
- Software for satellite graphics systems (1973) (9)
- Graduate education in human-computer interaction (2005) (9)
- The Human Factors of Graphic Interaction: Tasks and Techniques (1980) (9)
- Models and Tools for the Designers of User-Computer Interfaces (1988) (8)
- A Markovian model of the university of Michigan executive system (1967) (8)
- Educating Cyber Professionals: A View from Academia, the Private Sector, and Government (2012) (7)
- A Model-based User Interface Architecture: Enhancing a Runtime Environment with Declarative Knowledge (1994) (6)
- Requirements and Architecture of an Information Visualization Tool (1995) (6)
- UIST'007 (panel): where will we be ten years from now? (1997) (6)
- The George Washington University Core System implementation (1981) (6)
- Browsing affordance designs for the human-centered computing education digital library (2006) (6)
- Optimum design of computer driven display systems (1969) (6)
- Scientific Data Visualization Software: Trends and Directions (1990) (5)
- UIST'007: Where Will We Be Ten Years from Now? (Panel). (1997) (5)
- Computer graphics in higher education (Panel Session) (1983) (5)
- Grouping and Ordering User Interface Components (1994) (5)
- Selective update (1984) (5)
- Report of the NSF undergraduate computer science education workshop (1988) (5)
- Visualizing the Internet: putting the user in the driver's seat (1996) (5)
- Some raster graphics extensions to the Core System (1979) (5)
- Building user interfaces interactively using pre- and postconditions (1992) (4)
- The Convergence of Graphics and Imaging (1998) (4)
- Multimedia: System Architectures and Applications (1994) (4)
- Guest Editor's Introduction: Special Issue on User Interface Software (1986) (3)
- The development of user-oriented interactive systems (1979) (3)
- Graphics System Modeling: Verification and Applications. (1976) (3)
- User Interface Software Tools (1991) (3)
- Built-In User Modelling Support, Adaptive Interfaces, and Adaptive Help in UIDE (1992) (3)
- Teaching the design and evaluation of user-computer interfaces (1982) (3)
- Model-base user interface design by example and by answering questions (1993) (3)
- The Design of Satellite Graphics Systems (1977) (2)
- Session 3: graphical output and input capabilities (1976) (2)
- An analogue and propositional hybrid model for the perception of computer generated graphical images (1989) (2)
- Image Composition via Lookup Table Manipulation (1987) (2)
- Guest Editors' Introduction: Using Color in Gomputer Graphics (1988) (2)
- Inference Bear: Inferring Behavior from Before and After Snapshots (1994) (2)
- Optimum Systems Design of Computer Driven Graphics Terminals (1971) (2)
- Future directions in user-computer interface software (1991) (2)
- Graphics System Modeling. (1974) (2)
- Human-computer interaction research at Georgia Institute of Technology (1992) (2)
- ACM-SIGGRAPH/NBS workshop on machine independent graphics (1974) (2)
- User interface strategies '88 (videotape) (1988) (1)
- Integrating computer technology, people technology and application technology: strategies and case studies from Georgia Tech's Graphics, Visualization and Usability Center (1994) (1)
- 6.2 Experimental Results (1988) (1)
- Teaching the Design and evaluation of User-Computer Interfaces (1982) (1)
- ICL: The Image Composition Language (1986) (1)
- Usability engineering on a budget (1990) (1)
- An event-driven data collection and analysis facility for a two-computer network (1974) (1)
- Visualizing the Internet (panel session): putting the user in the driver's seat (1995) (1)
- Volume visualization—a sleeping giant about to awaken (1998) (1)
- Information Visualization: The Need for a Data Base Approach (1995) (1)
- Computer Graphics SRGP/SPHIGS for Macintosh (1995) (1)
- Raster Graphics Extensions to the Graphics Compatibility System (GCS). (1979) (1)
- Optimum Design of Two-Computer Networks (1980) (1)
- A Report of the NSF/IRIS Workshop (1995) (0)
- Caribbean Report 02-10-1997 (1990) (0)
- Proceedings, 1999 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, Atlanta, Georgia, April 26-28, 1999 (1999) (0)
- The Classroom [Fall 2006] (2006) (0)
- The effect of changing technology on computer graphic systems (1974) (0)
- An interactive molecular graphics system with a satellite terminal closely coupled to its host (1975) (0)
- Teaching human factors in computer systems: a summary of a session held at the human factors in computer systems conference (1982) (0)
- [38] O. Sudarsky and C. Gotsman. Output-sensitive Rendering and Communication in Dynamic A. Funkhouser. Ring: a Client-server System for Multi-user Virtual Environments. in Bibliography Summary and Conclusions (0)
- Multimedia on-line help experiment (1991) (0)
- Line Drawing Algorithm on an Interleaved Grid (2021) (0)
- The Graphics, Visualization, and Usability Center Brochure (1991) (0)
- Hill. "a 2-d Graphics System for Multi-user Interactive Graphics Based on Objects And (1992) (0)
- 7 Conclusions, Open Questions and Further Research (1995) (0)
- Perspectives of Multimedia Systems: Reports from the 1994 Dagstuhl Multimedia Seminar (1995) (0)
- Proceedings of the Fifth ACM International Conference on Multimedia '97, Seattle, WA, USA, November 9-13, 1997 (1997) (0)
- Fundamentals and Perspectives of Multimedia Systems (Dagstuhl Seminar 9427) (2021) (0)
- Surface Region Optimization (2001) (0)
- Proceedings of the 1999 Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics, SI3D '99, Atlanta, GA, USA, April 26 - May 2, 1999 (1999) (0)
- Open Systems Interconnection: A Basis for Computer Communication Systems (1987) (0)
- Human-computer dialogue: Interaction tasks and techniques. Survey and categorization (1983) (0)
- Augmenting Faceted Exploration with ResultMaps (2008) (0)
- SATMODEL User's Guide, (1976) (0)
- IMAGYS graphics programming language: description and analysis (1984) (0)
- Multimedia - System Architectures and Applications (Dagstuhl Seminar 9245) (2021) (0)
- Problems, perils and promises of computer graphics (1974) (0)
- Providing access to graphical user interfaces : the mercator project (1996) (0)
- Augmenting Digital Library Search Interfaces with Visual Analysis Tools (2007) (0)
- CHI education community SIG (2006) (0)
- Review of Graphic Languages (1972) (1973) (0)
- Specifying symbol instances (1976) (0)
- Software Tools for Designing and Implementing User-Computer Interfaces (1991) (0)
- Topological Modeling for Vector Graphics (2019) (0)
- [38] O. Sudarsky and C. Gotsman. Output-sensitive Rendering and Communication in Dynamic A. Funkhouser. Ring: a Client-server System for Multi-user Virtual Environments. in Summary and Conclusions (0)
- AASERT : scalable user interfaces (1999) (0)
- Look-up Table Compiler (1985) (0)
- OPTIC: a user-orientated optimisation package for IC design (1989) (0)
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