Jean Bethke Elshtain
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American ethicist, political philosopher, and public intellectual
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Jean Bethke Elshtain's Degrees
- PhD Political Science Brandeis University
- Masters History University of Colorado
- Bachelors History Colorado State University
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Why Is Jean Bethke Elshtain Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Jean Paulette Bethke Elshtain was an American ethicist, political philosopher, and public intellectual. She was the Laura Spelman Rockefeller Professor of Social and Political Ethics in the University of Chicago Divinity School with a joint appointment in the department of political science.
Jean Bethke Elshtain's Published Works
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Published Works
- Women and War (1988) (576)
- Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought (1982) (500)
- Public Man, Private Woman (2020) (309)
- Just War Against Terror: The Burden Of American Power In A Violent World (2003) (195)
- Democracy On Trial (1994) (189)
- Against Our Will. Men, Women and Rape (1976) (161)
- The culture of disbelief : how American law and politics trivialize religious devotion (1994) (157)
- Jane Addams and the dream of American democracy : a life (2001) (107)
- On beautiful souls, just warriors and feminist consciousness (1982) (101)
- Just war theory (1992) (91)
- The City of Man (1998) (86)
- The Jane Addams Reader (2001) (84)
- A Quarter-Century of Promoting Democracy (2007) (81)
- Feminist Discourse and Its Discontents: Language, Power, and Meaning (1982) (75)
- Sovereignty: God, State, and Self (2008) (67)
- II. Reflections on War and Political Discourse (1985) (65)
- The Family in Political Thought (1982) (62)
- Promises to keep : decline and renewal of marriage in America (1997) (57)
- Rebuilding the Nest: A New Commitment to the American Family (1991) (56)
- Sovereignty, Identity, Sacrifice (1991) (55)
- Women, militarism, and war : essays in history, politics, and social theory (1990) (54)
- Power Trips and Other Journeys: Essays in Feminism As Civic Discourse (1990) (50)
- Moral Woman and Immoral Man: A Consideration of the Public-Private Split and Its Political Ramifications (1974) (45)
- Against the New Utopianism (2005) (43)
- A call to Civil Society (1999) (39)
- Women and War: ten years on (1998) (38)
- Meditations on Modern Political Thought: Masculine/Feminine Themes from Luther to Arendt (1986) (36)
- Augustine and the Limits of Politics (1996) (35)
- Real Politics: At the Center of Everyday Life (1997) (34)
- Feminism and Family. (1983) (31)
- Religion and Democracy (2009) (30)
- International Justice as Equal Regard and the Use of Force (2003) (23)
- Politics and forgiveness (2002) (23)
- Task Force on Civic Education Statement of Purpose (1997) (22)
- Forum: Really existing communities (1999) (21)
- But Was It Just?: Reflections on the Morality of the Persian Gulf War (1992) (20)
- A Catholic modernity? : Charles Taylor's Marianist Award lecture, with responses by William M. Shea, Rosemary Luling Haughton, George Marsden, Jean Bethke Elshtain (1999) (19)
- Who Are We?: Critical Reflections and Hopeful Possibilities (2000) (18)
- The Third Annual Grotius Lecture: Just War and Humanitarian Intervention (2001) (15)
- Commentary: Political Children (1996) (14)
- The Social Relations of the Classroom: A Moral and Political Perspective (1976) (14)
- Kant, Politics, & Persons: The Implications of His Moral Philosophy (1981) (14)
- The Meaning of Marriage: Family, State, Market, and Morals (2006) (14)
- Author Response: A Response to the Review of Jane Addams and the Dream of American Democracy (2004) (13)
- The Dignity of the Human Person and the Idea of Human Rights: Four Inquiries (1999) (13)
- Richard Rorty: Don't Be Cruel: Reflections on Rortyan Liberalism (2003) (12)
- Woman, the State, and War (2009) (11)
- Charles Taylor: Toleration, Proselytizing, and the Politics of Recognition: The Self Contested (2004) (11)
- The Feminist Movement & the Question of Equality (1975) (10)
- Task Force to Set Agenda for Civic Education Program (1997) (10)
- The power and powerlessness of women (2005) (10)
- `Shooting' at the Wrong Target: A Response to Van Creveld (2000) (10)
- Not a Cure-All: Civil Society Creates Citizens; It Does Not Solve Problems (1997) (10)
- Philosophy in an age of pluralism: The risks and responsibilities of affirming ordinary life (1994) (9)
- The Decline of the City (1987) (9)
- On Never Reaching the Coast of Utopia (2008) (9)
- New wine and old bottles : international politics and ethical discourse (1998) (9)
- Against Androgyny (1981) (9)
- Terrorism, Regime Change, and Just War: Reflections on Michael Walzer (2007) (8)
- One Electorate under God?: A Dialogue on Religion and American Politics (2004) (8)
- Luther's Lamb: When and How to Fight a Just War (2002) (8)
- The Ethics of Fleeing What America Still Owes Iraq (2008) (8)
- “Thank heaven for little girls”: The dialectics of development (1975) (8)
- Religion in American public life : living with our deepest differences (2001) (8)
- Begging to Differ (1992) (7)
- Why science cannot stand alone (2008) (7)
- Iran's Resilient Civil Society: The Student Movement's Struggle (2007) (7)
- New wine and old bottles (1998) (7)
- Toleration, Proselytizing, and the Politics of Recognition (2008) (7)
- A communitarian position on the family (1993) (6)
- Politics and the Human Body: Assault on Dignity (1995) (6)
- Democracy at Century's End: The Social Service Review Lecture (1996) (6)
- The World as We Know It (2011) (6)
- Why Augustine? Why Now? (1998) (6)
- Divine Economy: Theology and the Market (2004) (6)
- Bonhoeffer on Modernity: Sic et Non (2001) (6)
- Catholic social thought, the city, and liberal America (1994) (6)
- Does, or Should, Teaching Reflect the Religious Perspective of the Teacher? (2002) (5)
- The Just War Tradition and Natural Law (2004) (5)
- A Man for This Season: Václav Havel on Freedom and Responsibility (1992) (5)
- A return to hull house: Reflections on Jane Addams (1997) (5)
- Against liberal monism (2003) (5)
- Feminist Themes and International Relations (1991) (1995) (4)
- The Impact of 9/11 on Religion and Philosophy (2009) (4)
- Democracy at Century ’ s End (4)
- Christianity and Civil Society: Catholic and Neo-Calvinist Perspectives (2008) (4)
- Devalued Currency: Elegiac Symposium on Paradigm Shifts, Part 2 (2008) (4)
- Ethics in the Women's Movement (1991) (4)
- Chapter 3. Augustine (2007) (4)
- Jean Bethke Elshtain Responds (2011) (4)
- Politics without cliché (1993) (4)
- The Vexation of Weil (1983) (4)
- Time to Reform the Schools. (1983) (3)
- IN CONTEMPORARY U. (1993) (3)
- Fighting Forces, Writing Women: Identity and Ideology in the First World War (review) (1996) (3)
- Politics and Persons (2006) (3)
- Against the Third Reich: Paul Tillich's Wartime Radio Broadcasts into Nazi Germany. Ronald H. Stone , Matthew Lon Weaver (2000) (3)
- The Price of Peace: Terrorism (2007) (3)
- Critics and crusaders on neoconservatism (1989) (3)
- Sovereign God, Sovereign State, Sovereign Self (2014) (3)
- The Relationship Between Political Language and Political Reality (1985) (3)
- i I Report from the Institute for Philosophy & Public Policy (3)
- Niebuhr's ‘Nature of Man’ and Christian Realism (2010) (3)
- Leadership and the Humanities (2009) (2)
- Women and the Dilemma of Equality (2003) (2)
- Jane Addams: A Pilgrim's Progress (1998) (2)
- The Sexual Contract . By Carole Pateman. (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 1988. Pp. 264. $39.00 hard, $12.95 paper.) (1990) (2)
- Stories and Political Life (1995) (2)
- Response to Tom Farer's "Un-just War Against Terrorism and the Struggle to Appropriate Human Rights" (2008) (2)
- Women, Equality, and the Family (2000) (2)
- Public Man, Private Woman (Women in Social and Political Thought) (1984) (2)
- In the Grand Manner (1987) (2)
- The politicization of the university and its consequences (1998) (2)
- Book Review:Karol Wojtyla: The Thought of the Man Who Became Pope John Paul II Rocco Buttiglione (2000) (2)
- Toward a Reflective Feminist Theory (1983) (2)
- Theology and Public Philosophy: Four Conversations (2012) (2)
- Public Woman (2015) (2)
- Just war theory : with a new preface (1992) (2)
- Augustine and Diversity (1999) (2)
- The Self: Reborn, Undone, Transformed (1980) (2)
- Varieties of “Violence” (2012) (2)
- Between Heaven and Hell: Politics before the End-Time (2011) (1)
- The global importance of ‘illiberal moderates’, an exchange: partners in peace to precede a concert of democracies (2008) (1)
- Birth Control and Controlling Birth. Women‐Centered Perspectives. By the same editors. (1982) (1)
- Augustine and the Limits of Virtue (1993) (1)
- Consilience or Creation? (1999) (1)
- The Ethics of Preventive War: Prevention, preemption, and other conundrums (2013) (1)
- Intellectuals and Their America (2010) (1)
- Nuclear Weapons and the Future of Humanity: The Fundamental Questions (1986) (1)
- Beyond Traditionalism and Progressivism, or against Hardening of the Categories (2001) (1)
- Making peace with justice the story of las madres de plaza de mayo (1992) (1)
- United States (1994) (1)
- If you can't say anything nice・・・ (2005) (1)
- Christian Imperatives and Civil Life (2001) (1)
- On Toleration . By Michael Walzer. (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997. Pp. 126. $16.50.) (1998) (1)
- A Higher Education: Baylor and the Vocation of a Christian University (2012) (1)
- 3. Religion, Enlightenment, and a Common Good (2011) (1)
- Neither Victims Nor Heroes: Reflections from a Polio Person (2009) (1)
- Etzioni on Religion: Challenging the Warrior/Preacher' Faultline (2008) (1)
- Work and Its Meanings (2002) (1)
- Essay: How Should We Talk (1999) (1)
- How Does—or Should?—Theology Influence Politics? (2004) (1)
- Ethics, Education, and Civic Life (2010) (1)
- Response to Panel Papers (2001) (1)
- Communities and Community: Critique and retrieval (2008) (1)
- Book Review: The Desire of the Nations: Rediscovering the Roots of Political Theology (1997) (1)
- Thinking about September 11: Defining Terrorism and Terrorists. (2003) (1)
- Reflections on Abortion, Values, and the Family (1984) (1)
- Peace, Order, Justice: Competing Understandings (2008) (1)
- Law and the Moral Life (1999) (1)
- Response to Baer and Bositis (1983) (1)
- The Equality of Persons and the Culture of Rights (2003) (1)
- Against the New Utopianism: Response to "Against the New Internationalism" (2005) (1)
- Cosmopolitanism and the Claims of Religious Identity (2018) (1)
- Hobbesian Choice Feminists Against the Family (2018) (0)
- Contributor Notes (2002) (0)
- Elegy and Eulogy (2008) (0)
- Universalism Vs. Relativism: Making Moral Judgments in a Changing, Pluralistic, and Threatening World (2006) (0)
- Embodied Ideas (1992) (0)
- Coming to Terms with Slavery: David Brion Davis Sums Up (2003) (0)
- Religion and American Public Life (2012) (0)
- Abortion: round 1. (1994) (0)
- Commentary to Chapter 5 (1984) (0)
- If Things Are, on the Whole, so Good, Whence the Widespread Perception of Decay and Decline? (1991) (0)
- Theology and Politics: A Match Made in Heaven or Hell? Everybody Wants to Be a Critic (2013) (0)
- Ethics and the Gulf War: Religion, Rhetoric, and Righteousness. By Kenneth L. Vaux. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press, 1992. 188 pp. $44.00 cloth; $12.95 paper (1994) (0)
- Comments on Kasher and Yadlin (2008) (0)
- Is There a Feminist Tradition on War and Peace? (2020) (0)
- Bad Seed: the hard questions. (1998) (0)
- Morality and Politics: What's Morality Got to Do With It? Making the Right Distinctions (2004) (0)
- Taking Bertrand Russell Seriously (1994) (0)
- Book reviews (1986) (0)
- Pope John Paul II's Social Thought: Beyond Politics Or Ideology (2000) (0)
- Westward the Star of Empire (2017) (0)
- When privacy goes too far (1999) (0)
- Recruiting for Uncle Sam . By David H. Segal. Lawrence: University Press of Kansas, 1989. 221p. $25.00. - Arms and the Enlisted Woman . By Judith Hicks Stiehm. Philadelphia: Temple University Press. 331p. $29.95. (1990) (0)
- Friendship and Society: An Introduction to Augustine's Practical Philosophy. Donald X. BurtTemporality, Eternity, and Wisdom: The Rhetoric of Augustine's Confessions. Calvin L. Troup (2001) (0)
- Commentary on Sociology as Art as Science (1994) (0)
- International Relations and Politics (1989) (0)
- “In Common Together”: Christianity and Democracy in America (2019) (0)
- The Sacred and the Profane (2017) (0)
- Cultivating Citizens: Soulcraft and Citizenship in Contemporary America (2002) (0)
- Human Dignity and Reproductive Technology (2003) (0)
- Freedom and Control (2017) (0)
- Private Lives, Public Selves (1990) (0)
- The hard questions: our bodies, our clones. (1997) (0)
- St Augustine (1990) (0)
- Chapter 48. Nations (2007) (0)
- Will the Real Civil Society Advocates Please Stand Up (2000) (0)
- Reinhold Niebuhr and Richard John Neuhaus on Religion and Democracy in the United States (2013) (0)
- Luther Sic— Luther Non (1986) (0)
- In Memoriam: Jean Bethke Elshtain (2014) (0)
- Europe (1988) (0)
- Book Review: Augustine and Politics as Longing in the World (2004) (0)
- The Compassionate Warrior: Wartime Sacrifice (2019) (0)
- Mill and Sexual Equality Gail Tulloch Brighton: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1989, pp. xviii, 212 (1991) (0)
- Moral Soundings: Readings on the Crisis of Values in Contemporary Life (2004) (0)
- Can This Republic Be Saved (1998) (0)
- War Stories Retold (1988) (0)
- Introduction:: Bodies and Politics (2020) (0)
- Contesting Care (1994) (0)
- On Public Moral Appeals and Identification (2001) (0)
- Contributors (2003) (0)
- Chapter 11. Civil Society, Religion, and the Formation of Citizens (2017) (0)
- Conversations (2005) (0)
- Commentary on “Human Nature and Political Theory” (1984) (0)
- No relief in sight (1994) (0)
- Tayloring Reformed Epistemology: Charles Taylor, Alvin Plantinga and the De Jure Challenge to Christian Belief, by Deane-Peter Baker (2009) (0)
- Faith and Loyalty (2017) (0)
- Reply (2011) (0)
- Book Review:The East German Church and the End of Communism John P. Burgess (1999) (0)
- Books in Review (1990) (0)
- The ongoing battle of the bulge (1998) (0)
- Right Makes Might: Lincoln's Evocation Of Natural Rights Still Reverberates In American Politics (2001) (0)
- Feminisms and the State (1991) (0)
- Politika i praštanje (2001) (0)
- For the Time Being. Annie Dillard (2000) (0)
- The New Eugenics and Feminist Quandaries (2020) (0)
- “9/11 created a very ‘teachable’ moment” (2011) (0)
- Books in review (1986) (0)
- Citizenship and Maternal Thinking (2018) (0)
- Ideas, Faiths and Feelings Essays on American Intellectual and Religious History 1952–1982 by Henry F. May New York, Oxford, 1983. 244 pp. $25.00 (1984) (0)
- How Should We Talk ? (2019) (0)
- Justice and Punishment: The Rationale of Coercion. By Matt Matravers. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2000. 286p. $70.00. (2002) (0)
- Responses to Clark and Corcoran (2000) (0)
- Health care reform and finitude. (1999) (0)
- Post-Lecture Discussion (2014) (0)
- Faith Communities and American Democracy (2004) (0)
- T he W orld as We K no W IT (2011) (0)
- List of reviewers (2021) (0)
- Books in Review (1998) (0)
- Acid Stomachs and Breines' Bromides (1981) (0)
- Society and the Sacred by Langdon Gilkey New York, Crossroad, 1982. 170 pp. $12.95 (1983) (0)
- Contributors (2005) (0)
- The Genesis of the State. By Martin Sicker. New York: Praeger, 1990. 161p. $39.95.The Changing Architecture of Politics: Structure, Agency, and the Future of the State. By Philip G. Cerny. London: Sage, 1990. 267p. $47.50 cloth, $18.95 paper. (1992) (0)
- Augustine and Political Theology (2018) (0)
- Book Review:Albert Camus: A Life Olivier Todd, Benjamin Ivry (1999) (0)
- 10. Feminism and the Crisis of Contemporary Culture (2019) (0)
- List of Referees (2005) (0)
- Intellectual dissent and the war on terror. (Reflections) (2003) (0)
- Nuclear Discourse and its Discontents, or Apocalypse Now or Never (1989) (0)
- An Unbridgeable Chasm (1997) (0)
- Roe v. Wade:: Speaking the Unspeakable (2016) (0)
- The Practice of Political Authority: Authority and the Authoritative.Richard E. Flathman (1981) (0)
- Political Philosophy as Therapy: Marcuse Reconsidered. By Steuernagel Gertrude A.. (Westport, Conn.: Greenwood Press, 1979. Pp. xi + 147. $15.95.) (1980) (0)
- Comment on Morris's "Privacy, Privation, Perversity: Toward New Representations of the Personal" (2000) (0)
- The victim syndrome (1991) (0)
- RESPONSE TO "AGAINST THE NEW INTERNATIONALISM" Against the New Utopianism (2005) (0)
- The War over the Family: Capturing the Middle Ground@@@Shaping Tomorrow's Family: Theory and Policy for the 21st Century (1984) (0)
- Books in review (1987) (0)
- Book Review:A Feminist Perspective in the Academy: The Difference It Makes Elizabeth Langland, Walter Gove (1984) (0)
- Recognizing Outstanding Contributions to the Profession: The 2002 Honors Ceremony (2002) (0)
- Justifying Ethics: Human Rights and Human Nature.Jan Gorecki (1997) (0)
- Peace, security and politics (1989) (0)
- Neither Heroes nor Victims: Disability and Identity (2011) (0)
- The State and Violence (2010) (0)
- Political Theory and Moral Responsibility (2021) (0)
- The Imaginary War: Civil Defense and American Cold War Culture. By Guy Oakes. New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. 194p. $29.95 (1995) (0)
- Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Social and Political Thought.@@@The Family in Political Thought. (1983) (0)
- The Family and Civic Life (2015) (0)
- Society, Sects, and Solitude (2017) (0)
- Book Review:Bystanders: Conscience and Complicity during the Holocaust Victoria J. Barnett (2002) (0)
- José M. Sánchez, Pius XII and the Holocaust: Understanding the Controversy. Washington, D.C.: Catholic University of America Press, 2002. vii+197 pp. $34.95 (cloth); $19.95 (paper). (2004) (0)
- Book Review:Peace and War: Cross-Cultural Perspectives. Mary Lecron Foster (1989) (0)
- Elegy and Eulogy (2008) (0)
- International Relations and Politics (1996) (0)
- Introduction: (2020) (0)
- St. Augustine Goes Global (2010) (0)
- Peace and Mind: Seriatim Symposium on Dispute, Conflict, and Enmity Part 2: Caveats and Consolations (2002) (0)
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