Joe L. Kincheloe
American academic
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- Bachelors Sociology Lee University
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Why Is Joe L. Kincheloe Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Joe Lyons Kincheloe was a professor and Canada Research Chair at the Faculty of Education, McGill University in Montreal and founder of The Paulo and Nita Freire International Project for Critical Pedagogy. He wrote more than 45 books, numerous book chapters, and hundreds of journal articles on issues including critical pedagogy, educational research, urban studies, cognition, curriculum, and cultural studies. Kincheloe received three graduate degrees from the University of Tennessee. The father of four children, he worked closely for the last 19 years of his life with his partner, Shirley R. Steinberg.
Joe L. Kincheloe's Published Works
Published Works
- Rethinking Critical Theory and Qualitative Research (2011) (2261)
- Teachers as Researchers: Qualitative Inquiry as a Path to Empowerment (1991) (898)
- Describing the Bricolage: Conceptualizing a New Rigor in Qualitative Research (2001) (640)
- Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy (2008) (522)
- What is Indigenous Knowledge?: Voices from the Academy (1999) (432)
- On to the Next Level: Continuing the Conceptualization of the Bricolage (2005) (414)
- Knowledge and Critical Pedagogy: An Introduction (2004) (346)
- Critical Constructivism Primer (2005) (275)
- Critical pedagogy and qualitative research: moving to the bricolage (2011) (273)
- White reign : deploying whiteness in America (2000) (273)
- Toward a Critical Politics of Teacher Thinking: Mapping the Postmodern (1993) (245)
- A Tentative Description of Post-Formal Thinking: The Critical Confrontation with Cognitive Theory (1993) (233)
- Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research: Conceptualizing the Bricolage (2004) (228)
- Indigenous Knowledges in Education: Complexities, Dangers, and Profound Benefits (2008) (219)
- Getting Beyond the Facts: Teaching Social Studies/Social Sciences in the Twenty-First Century (1989) (183)
- Introduction: what Is Indigenous Knowledge and Why Should We Study It? (2002) (163)
- Kinderculture: The Corporate Construction of Childhood (1997) (161)
- The much exaggerated death of positivism (2009) (141)
- How Do We Tell The Workers?: The Socioeconomic Foundations Of Work And Vocational Education (1998) (129)
- The Knowledges of Teacher Education: Developing a Critical Complex Epistemology (2004) (129)
- Critical Pedagogy and Qualitative Research (2011) (124)
- Students As Researchers : Creating Classrooms That Matter (1998) (121)
- Curriculum as social psychoanalysis : the significance of place (1992) (119)
- Measured Lies: The Bell Curve Examined. (1996) (110)
- Critical pedagogy in the twenty-first century: Evolution for su (2007) (106)
- The Sign of the Burger: McDonald's and the Culture of Power (2003) (88)
- The Struggle to Define and Reinvent Whiteness: A Pedagogical Analysis (1999) (84)
- Everybody Belongs: Changing Negative Attitudes Toward Classmates with Disabilities (2000) (79)
- Critical Pedagogy and the Knowledge Wars of the Twenty-First Century (2011) (78)
- Toil and Trouble. Good Work, Smart Workers, and the Integration of Academic and Vocational Education. Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Vol. 7. (1995) (78)
- Critical Ontology: Visions of Selfhood and Curriculum (2011) (75)
- 19 Urban Questions: Teaching in the City (2005) (75)
- Power, Emancipation, and Complexity: Employing Critical Theory (2010) (70)
- Contextualizing Teaching: Introduction to Education and Educational Foundations (1999) (68)
- The Post-Formal Reader Cognition and Education (1999) (65)
- The miseducation of the West : how schools and the media distort our understanding of the Islamic world (2004) (65)
- 7. Critical Ontology and Indigenous Ways of Being: Forging a Postcolonial Curriculum (2006) (59)
- Rigour and Complexity in Educational Research. Conducting Educational Research. (2004) (56)
- Critical Pedagogy and Qualitative Research: Advancing the Bricolage (2017) (55)
- Critical Complexity and Participatory Action Research: Decolonizing “Democratic” Knowledge Production (2009) (53)
- Traveling companions : feminism, teaching, and action research (2004) (53)
- The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology (2008) (52)
- Kidworld : childhood studies, global perspectives, and education (2002) (51)
- 1 Introduction : the power of the bricolage : expanding research methods (2004) (51)
- Teachers as Researchers (Classic Edition) : Qualitative inquiry as a path to empowerment (2012) (49)
- White Reign: Deploying Whiteness in America (2001) (47)
- Rethinking Intelligence: Confronting Psychological Assumptions About Teaching and Learning (1999) (45)
- Students as Researchers: Critical Visions, Emancipatory Insights (2002) (43)
- Thirteen questions : reframing education's conversation (1992) (41)
- Critical thinking and learning : an encyclopedia for parents and teachers (2004) (41)
- Meet me behind the curtain: The struggle for a critical postmodern action research (1995) (37)
- The Future of the Past: Reflections on the Present State of Empire and Pedagogy (2007) (36)
- Unauthorized Methods Strategies for Critical Teaching (2012) (35)
- Critical Ontology and Indigenous Ways of Being (2011) (33)
- The Stigma of Genius: Einstein, Consciousness, and Education (1992) (33)
- Art, Culture, & Education: Artful Teaching in a Fractured Landscape (2004) (32)
- Harry Potter's world : multidisciplinary critical perspectives (2003) (30)
- Cutting class : socioeconomic status and education (2007) (30)
- Doing Educational Research in a Complex World (2006) (29)
- The Praeger handbook of urban education (2006) (28)
- The Complex Politics of McDonald's and the New Childhood: Colonizing Kidworld (2011) (27)
- Critical Research in Science Education (1998) (27)
- Contextualizing the Madness: A Critical Analysis of the Assault on Teacher Education and Schools (2009) (25)
- Teaching City Kids: Understanding and Appreciating Them (2006) (25)
- Educational Historiographical Meta-analysis: Rethinking Methodology in the 1990s. (1991) (25)
- Teaching teachers : building a quality school of urban education (2004) (25)
- Clarifying the Purpose of Engaging Students as Researchers (2007) (21)
- A Last Dying Chord? Toward Cultural and Educational Renewal in the South (1994) (21)
- Rethinking Multicultural Education: Case Studies in Cultural Transition (2002) (21)
- Employing the Bricolage as Critical Research in Science Education (2012) (21)
- Auto/biography and Critical Ontology: Being a Teacher, Developing a Reflective Teacher Persona (2005) (20)
- What you don't know about schools (2006) (20)
- Describing the Bricolage (2011) (17)
- Reading, Writing, and Thinking: The Postformal Basics (2006) (17)
- An Ideology of Miseducation: Countering the Pedagogy of Empire (2006) (16)
- How do we tell the workers (1998) (15)
- Lesson Plans from the Outer Limits: Unauthorized Methods (2012) (15)
- Females And Harry Potter: Not All that Empowering (2006) (13)
- Metropedagogy : power, justice and the urban classroom (2006) (13)
- Kincheloe, Joe L., "Critical Democracy and Education," pp. 70-83 in James G. Henderson and Kathleen R. Kesson, eds., Understanding Democratic Curriculum Leadership. New York: Teachers College Press, 1999. (1999) (12)
- Cultural Studies and Democratically Aware Teacher Education: Post-Fordism, Civics, and the Worker-Citizen. (1996) (11)
- Doing educational research (2006) (10)
- Standards and schooling in the United States : an encyclopedia (2001) (10)
- The Vicissitudes of Twenty-First Century Critical Pedagogy (2008) (10)
- The Praeger Handbook of Education and Psychology. Volume 1. (2007) (10)
- How Did this Happen? The Right-Wing Politics of Knowledge and Education (2006) (9)
- Urban Education: A Comprehensive Guide for Educators, Parents, and Teachers. (2007) (9)
- Understanding the New Right and Its Impact on Education. Fastback 195. (1983) (9)
- Introduction: What We Call Knowledge Is Complicated and Harbors Profound Consequences (2008) (9)
- A Tentative Description of Post-Formal Thinking (2011) (8)
- What You Don’t Know Is Hurting You and the Country (2006) (8)
- A Critical Politics of Knowledge: Analyzing the Role of Educational Psychology in Educational Policy (2006) (8)
- Cutting Class: Socioeconomic Status and Education. Culture and Education Series. (2007) (8)
- The Knowledges of Teacher Education (2011) (8)
- Teachers Are Researchers (2012) (7)
- Getting beyond the facts : teaching social studies in the late twentieth century (1989) (7)
- Why Teach against Islamophobia? Striking the Empire Back (2016) (7)
- Selling A New and Improved Jesus – Christotainment and the Power of Political Fundamentalism (2011) (6)
- Afterward: Ten Short Years—Acting on Freire's Requests (2008) (6)
- Interrogating Whiteness@@@White Reign: Deploying Whiteness in America (2000) (5)
- Introducing metropedagogy: Sorry, no short cuts in urban education (2006) (5)
- The New Childhood (2011) (5)
- Breaking the cycle of dependency: dual diagnosis and AFDC families. (1997) (5)
- The Cultural Link: Sioux Grandmothers as Educators (1983) (4)
- Using Primary Research to Teach Elementary School Social Studies Methods: Exploring Shreveport's Water. (1985) (4)
- On to the Next Level (2011) (4)
- Lost in the Hamburger Patch: Reading Ray Kroc's Grinding it Out: The Making of McDonald's (1995) (4)
- The curriculum and the classroom (2016) (4)
- A Curriculum for the South@@@Curriculum as Social Psychoanalysis: The Significance of Place (1992) (4)
- Transgressions: Cultural Studies and Education (2007) (4)
- The Stigma of Genius (2000) (4)
- The Southern Place and Racial Politics Southernification, Romanticization, and the Recovery of White Supremacy (2006) (4)
- Meet Me Behind the Curtain (2011) (4)
- Deep Viewing: A Critical Look at Visual Texts (2012) (3)
- Willie Morris and the Southern Curriculum (2011) (3)
- Teaching on a Rural Reservation: An Authentic Learning Experience. (1983) (3)
- Mcdonald’s, Power, and Children (2011) (3)
- Imagining New Ways of Thinking about Education: Postformal Speculations (2006) (3)
- Teaching City Kids: Understanding and Appreciating Them. Counterpoints, Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education Volume 306. (2007) (3)
- Exposing the Technocratic Perversion of Education (2011) (3)
- Alice Moore and the Kanawha County Textbook Controversy. (1980) (3)
- Regenerating the Philosophy of Education: What Happened to Soul? Counterpoints: Studies in the Postmodern Theory of Education, Volume 352. (2011) (2)
- The Conclusion Is Just the Beginning: Continuing the Conceptualization of a Critical Complex Epistemology (2008) (2)
- The Politics of Epistemology, the Politics of Education (2008) (2)
- Teaching Anthropology: Understanding the Concept Of Culture (1985) (2)
- McDonald’s, Power, and Children: Ronald McDonald (Aka Ray Kroc) Does it All for You (2011) (2)
- Schools Where Ronnie and Brandon Would Have Excelled (2011) (2)
- Still Crazy After All of These Years: Teaching Critical Media Literacy (2012) (2)
- Bilingual Education in America: In Search of Equity and Social Justice (2012) (2)
- TV Is Here to Stay: Use It. (1980) (1)
- The Southern Place and Racial Politics (2011) (1)
- Curing the Disease and Saving the Patient: A Response to Wayne Urban (1992) (1)
- Vietnam to Central America: A Case of Educational Failure. (1983) (1)
- A Critical Complex Epistemology of Practice (2017) (1)
- Kincheloe, Joe L., "Critical Pedagogy in the Twenty-first Century," pp. 9-42 in Peter McLaren and Joe L. Kincheloe, eds., Critical Pedagogy: Where are We Now? New York: Peter Lang, 2007. (2007) (1)
- 9-11, Iran, and Americans' Knowledge of the U.S. Role in the World (2002) (1)
- Chautauqua: The Spirit and Evolution of an Experiment in Adult Education. (1978) (1)
- Kinderculture: The Corporate Construction of Childhood. The Edge: Critical Studies in Educational Theory. (1998) (1)
- The Trouble with Geography. (1984) (1)
- Innovative Pedagogy in Art Education (2012) (1)
- Tobin, Kenneth, and Joe L. Kincheloe, eds., Doing Educational Research: A Handbook. Rotterdam: Sense Publishers, 2006. (2006) (1)
- Hope, Gods, and Corporate Culture: Three Paths for the Future of America's Children@@@Horace's Hope: What Works for the American High School@@@The End of Education: Redefining the Value of School@@@Kinderculture: The Corporate Construction of Childhood (1997) (1)
- The Long March to a New Knowledge Space: Constructing a Critical Complex Epistemology (2008) (0)
- Understanding the Climate of Deceit. (1983) (0)
- Reading, Writing, and Thinking (2006) (0)
- European Roots of Evangelical Revivalism: Methodist Transmission of the Pietistic Socio-Religious Tradition (1980) (0)
- The Ft. Wayne Flood: Insights into Social Studies (1985) (0)
- Questions of Power and Knowledge (2008) (0)
- Postformalism and the Socio-cultural and Political Challenge: Taking Multilogicality Seriously (2006) (0)
- Macho Christianity: The Success of Jerry Falwell. (1984) (0)
- The Power of FIDUROD (2008) (0)
- Knowledge Stampede On Land, at Sea, and in Cyberspace: What Is and What Could Be (2008) (0)
- Post-formalist explanation of academic achievement : Exploring the contribution of (2017) (0)
- The Complexities of Higher Order Thinking: Teachers as Postformal Thinkers (2006) (0)
- Traditional Practices: A Critical (Re)Consideration of Reading and Writing in Schools (2006) (0)
- You’ve Always Got the Rock n Roll (2010) (0)
- Teaching/Learning Mathematics in School (2012) (0)
- Meta-analysis, Memory, and the Politics of the Past: Historical Method, Curriculum, and Social Responsibility. (1990) (0)
- What Reading and Writing?: An Introduction (and Description) (2006) (0)
- Teaching Social Studies Skills to Your Students. (1979) (0)
- An Interpretivist Revision: Reading and Writing Texts, Self, and the World (2006) (0)
- The Naked and the Epistemologically Deadening: Understanding FIDUROD (2008) (0)
- Creating an Open Scholarly Archive on Paulo Freire (2007) (0)
- Down and Dirty: Outlining FIDUROD (2008) (0)
- The Iranian Hostage Crisis as an Educational Issue. (1985) (0)
- Workin' for a Livin'@@@Toil and Trouble: Good Work, Smart Workers, and the Integration of Academic and Vocational Education (1996) (0)
- Postformal Teaching in a Mechanistic World: What Does It Look Like? (2006) (0)
- From Reductionism to Critical Knowledge (2008) (0)
- Values, Objectivity and Ideology (2002) (0)
- Verifiability and the Concept of Rigor in Qualitative Research (2002) (0)
- In Pursuit of New Forms of Intelligence: Postformal Thinking (2006) (0)
- Cultivating a Need: The First Step to Basic Skill Development (1984) (0)
- Towards an Alternative Pedagogy (2012) (0)
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