Joseph Stiglitz
American economist, professor, and recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economics
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Joseph Eugene Stiglitz is an American New Keynesian economist, a public policy analyst, and a full professor at Columbia University. He is a recipient of the Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences and the John Bates Clark Medal . He is a former senior vice president and chief economist of the World Bank. He is also a former member and chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers. He is known for his support for the Georgist public finance theory and for his critical view of the management of globalization, of laissez-faire economists , and of international institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank.
Joseph Stiglitz's Published Works
Published Works
- Credit Rationing in Markets with Imperfect Information (1981) (13671)
- Monopolistic competition and optimum product diversity (1977) (8719)
- The Great Transformation: The Political and Economic Origins of Our Time (2001) (8714)
- Report by the commission on the measurement of economic performance and social progress (2011) (5008)
- Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device (1984) (5001)
- Globalization and Its Discontents (2002) (4841)
- Increasing risk: I. A definition (1970) (3536)
- Making Globalization Work (2006) (1576)
- The design of tax structure: Direct versus indirect taxation (1976) (1532)
- The Theory of "Screening," Education, and the Distribution of Income (1975) (1447)
- Lectures on public economics (1988) (1434)
- Peer Monitoring and Credit Markets (1990) (1399)
- Prices and Incentives: Towards a General Theory of Compensation and Competition (1983) (1346)
- The Role of the State in Financial Markets (1993) (1326)
- Capital Market Liberalization, Economic Growth, and Instability (2000) (1307)
- Industrial Structure and the Nature of Innovative Activity (1980) (1244)
- Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping (1974) (1232)
- Information and the Change in the Paradigm in Economics (2002) (1196)
- Externalities in Economies with Imperfect Information and Incomplete Markets (1986) (1169)
- The market for 'lemons': quality uncertainty and the market mechanism (2002) (1168)
- The Contributions of the Economics of Information to Twentieth Century Economics (2000) (1157)
- Bargains and Ripoffs: A Model of Monopolistically Competitive Price Dispersion (1977) (1138)
- Credit Markets and the Control of Capital (1985) (1072)
- More instruments and broader goals: moving toward the Post-Washington Consensus (1999) (1059)
- Increasing risk II: Its economic consequences (1971) (1055)
- The Architecture of Economic Systems: Hierarchies and Polyarchies (1984) (1001)
- Economic Crises: Evidence and Insights from East Asia (1998) (997)
- Growth with Exhaustible Natural Resources: Efficient and Optimal Growth Paths (1974) (979)
- Financial Market Imperfections and Business Cycles (1993) (898)
- Uncertainty, Industrial Structure, and the Speed of R&D (1980) (893)
- The Price of Inequality (2013) (885)
- Information and Competitive Price Systems (1976) (850)
- Escaping the resource curse (2007) (829)
- Mismeasuring our lives : why GDP doesn't add up : the report by the Commission on the Measurement of Economic Performance and Social Progress (2010) (811)
- Economics of the Public Sector (1986) (802)
- The Price of Inequality: How Today's Divided Society Endangers Our Future (2012) (773)
- A New View of Technological Change (1969) (743)
- The measurement of economic performance and social progress revisited (2009) (710)
- Informational Imperfections in the Capital Market and Macro-Economic Fluctuations (1984) (704)
- Introduction: imperfect information and rural credit markets - puzzles and policy perspectives. (1990) (699)
- Liaisons Dangereuses: Increasing Connectivity, Risk Sharing, and Systemic Risk (2009) (695)
- Shaken and Stirred: Explaining Growth Volatility (2003) (677)
- Privatization, Information and Incentives (1987) (660)
- Gamma Discounting (2001) (637)
- The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilization: A Study in the Economics of Risk. (1983) (633)
- Whither Reform? Ten Years of the Transition (1999) (632)
- Markets, Market Failures, and Development (1989) (617)
- Incentive Effects of Terminations: Applications to the Credit and Labor Markets (1983) (616)
- A Re-Examination of the Modigliani Miller Theorem (1967) (593)
- Alternative Theories of Wage Determination and Unemployment in LDC's: The Labor Turnover Model (1974) (580)
- Preemption, Leapfrogging, and Competition in Patent Races (1983) (561)
- Increases in risk and in risk aversion (1974) (557)
- Why inequality could spread COVID-19 (2020) (554)
- Towards a New Paradigm for Development: Strategies, Policies and Processes (2002) (549)
- Distribution of income and wealth among individuals (1969) (546)
- The Pure Theory of Country Risk (1986) (538)
- The Efficiency Wage Hypothesis, Surplus Labour, and the Distribution of Income in L.D.C.s (1976) (530)
- Knowledge as a Global Public Good (1999) (512)
- Fair trade for all : how trade can promote development (2006) (490)
- On Selective Indirect Tax Reform in Developing Countries (2002) (467)
- The Procyclical Role of Rating Agencies: Evidence from the East Asian Crisis (1999) (465)
- Incentives, Risk, and Information: Notes Towards a Theory of Hierarchy (1975) (458)
- "Rethinking Pension Reform: Ten Myths About Social Security Systems" (1999) (454)
- On the Irrelevance of Corporate Financial Policy (1972) (453)
- The structure of investor preferences and asset returns, and separability in portfolio allocation: A contribution to the pure theory of mutual funds (1970) (452)
- Reflections on the Natural Rate Hypothesis (1997) (452)
- Towards a new paradigm in monetary economics (2003) (443)
- Imperfect information in the product market (1989) (443)
- Will COVID-19 fiscal recovery packages accelerate or retard progress on climate change? (2020) (440)
- Moral Hazard and Nonmarket Institutions: Dysfunctional Crowding Out or Peer Monitoring? (1991) (438)
- Using tax policy to curb speculative short-term trading (1989) (434)
- Symposium on Bubbles (1990) (429)
- Industrial Policy and Development: The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation (2009) (425)
- Modern Economic Theory and Development (1999) (413)
- Discounting for Time and Risk in Energy Policy (1982) (406)
- Differential Taxation, Public Goods, and Economic Efficiency (1971) (397)
- Report of the high-level commission on carbon prices (2017) (396)
- Taxation, corporate financial policy, and the cost of capital☆ (1973) (394)
- Rethinking the East Asian miracle (2001) (393)
- Distinguished Lecture on Economics in Government: The Private Uses of Public Interests: Incentives and Institutions (1998) (393)
- Monopoly, Non-linear Pricing and Imperfect Information: The Insurance Market (1977) (389)
- Monopoly and the Rate of Extraction of Exhaustible Resources (1976) (385)
- Sharecropping and the Interlinking of Agrarian Markets (1982) (384)
- The Effects of Income, Wealth, and Capital Gains Taxation on Risk-Taking (1969) (378)
- Globalisation and its discontents (2003) (374)
- Participation and Development: Perspectives from the Comprehensive Development Paradigm (2002) (374)
- Pareto Inferior Trade (1984) (363)
- The Theory of Sales: A Simple Model of Equilibrium Price Dispersion with Identical Agents (1982) (362)
- Frontiers of Development Economics: The Future in Perspective (2002) (362)
- Freefall: America, Free Markets, and the Sinking of the World Economy (2010) (361)
- The structure of indirect taxation and economic efficiency (1972) (357)
- The structure of indirect taxation and economic efficiency (1972) (357)
- Information, Competition, and Markets (1983) (342)
- The Role of Exclusive Territories in Producers&Apos; Competition (1994) (331)
- The Theory of Local Public Goods (1977) (328)
- Credit Chains and Bankruptcy Propagation in Production Networks (2007) (322)
- Capital-market Liberalization, Globalization, and the IMF (2004) (317)
- Aggregate Land Rents, Expenditure on Public Goods, and Optimal City Size (1979) (313)
- Information and Economic Analysis: A Perspective (1985) (307)
- The demand for education in public and private school systems (1974) (300)
- Some further results on the measurement of inequality (1973) (299)
- The Quality of Managers in Centralized versus Decentralized Organizations (1990) (291)
- Learning-by-doing, Market Structure and Industrial and Trade Policies (1988) (290)
- Committees, hierarchies and polyarchies (1987) (290)
- The Washington Consensus Reconsidered: Towards a New Global Governance (2008) (290)
- Moneylenders and bankers: price-increasing subsidies in a monopolistically competitive market (1997) (275)
- Equilibrium in Product Markets with Imperfect Information (1979) (275)
- The Three Trillion Dollar War: The True Cost of the Iraq Conflict (2008) (274)
- Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets-Puzzles and Policy Perspectives (2000) (269)
- Default Cascades: When Does Risk Diversification Increase Stability? (2011) (268)
- Money, Credit Constraints, and Economic Activity (1983) (265)
- Some Aspects of the Pure Theory of Corporate Finance: Bankruptcies and Take-Overs: Reply (1972) (260)
- Agent Based-Stock Flow Consistent Macroeconomics: Towards a Benchmark Model (2016) (258)
- The roaring nineties : a new history of the world's most prosperous decade (2003) (250)
- Competition and the Number of Firms in a Market: Are Duopolies More Competitive than Atomistic Markets? (1987) (248)
- The financial accelerator in an evolving credit network (2010) (244)
- Risk and Global Economic Architecture: Why Full Financial Integration May Be Undesirable (2010) (241)
- The new development economics (1986) (239)
- New developments in the analysis of market structure : proceedings of a conference held by the International Economic Association in Ottawa, Canada (1986) (239)
- The Inefficiency of the Stock Market Equilibrium (1982) (236)
- Price Rigidities and Market Structure (1984) (234)
- PRINCIPAL AND AGENT (1989) (231)
- Mis-measuring our lives : why GDP doesn't add up? (2010) (231)
- Artificial Intelligence and its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment (2017) (231)
- The Economic Role of the State (1989) (231)
- Aspects of the Theory of Risk Bearing--Yrjo Jahnsson Lectures (1969) (230)
- Growth with Exhaustible Natural Resources: The Competitive Economy (1974) (227)
- New and Old Keynesians (1993) (220)
- Economic policy and technological performance: Learning to learn, localized learning and technological progress (1987) (219)
- Discouraging Rivals: Managerial Rent-Seeking and Economic Inefficiencies (1992) (217)
- Where Modern Macroeconomics Went Wrong (2017) (215)
- Theories of Wage Rigidity (1984) (210)
- Beyond GDP (2018) (210)
- Factor Price Equalization in a Dynamic Economy (1970) (206)
- The Basic Analytics of Moral Hazard (1988) (202)
- Stability with Growth: Macroeconomics, Liberalization and Development (2006) (202)
- Industrial Policy and Development (2009) (196)
- A New Agenda for Global Warming (2006) (182)
- Endogenous Growth and Cycles (1993) (178)
- Output, employment, and wages in the short run (1968) (177)
- Creating a Learning Society: A New Approach to Growth, Development, and Social Progress (2014) (177)
- Implicit Contracts and Fixed Price Equilibria (1983) (175)
- Some Aspects of the Taxation of Capital Gains (1983) (174)
- The global crisis, social protection and jobs (2009) (174)
- Striving for Balance in Economics: Towards a Theory of the Social Determination of Behavior (2015) (173)
- The Roaring Nineties (2003) (172)
- Reforming the Global Economic Architecture: Lessons from Recent Crises (1999) (171)
- On the Optimality of the Stock Market Allocation of Investment (1972) (171)
- Helping Infant Economies Grow: Foundations of Trade Policies for Developing Countries (2006) (170)
- Equilibrium Fictions: a Cognitive Approach to Societal Rigidity (2010) (165)
- Economic Foundations of Intellectual Property Rights (2008) (165)
- Why Financial Structure Matters (1988) (161)
- Keynesian, New Keynesian, and New Classical Economics (1987) (161)
- Resource Depletion under Technological Uncertainty (1981) (160)
- Credit and equity rationing in markets with adverse selection (1995) (159)
- Institutions and Policies Shaping Industrial Development: An Introductory Note (2006) (158)
- Employment, social justice and societal well-being (2002) (156)
- Aid for trade (2006) (156)
- The World Bank at the Millennium (1999) (154)
- Risk, Incentives and Insurance: The Pure Theory of Moral Hazard (1983) (154)
- The price of complexity in financial networks (2015) (154)
- Real Exchange Rate Policies for Economic Development (2017) (153)
- Equilibrium Unemployment as a Worker Discipline Device: Reply (1985) (152)
- Equilibrium Wage Distributions (1984) (152)
- Democratizing the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank: Governance and Accountability (2003) (151)
- Georgescu-Roegen versus Solow/Stiglitz (1997) (151)
- Is there a Post‐Washington Consensus Consensus? (2008) (151)
- Towards a Reconstruction of Keynesian Economics: Expectations and Constrained Equilibria (1979) (151)
- Capital Market Liberalization and Development (2008) (151)
- Approaches to the Economics of Discrimination (1973) (149)
- The Right to Tell The Role of Mass Media in Economic Development (2002) (148)
- Human Fallibility and Economic Organization (1985) (146)
- People, Power, and Profits: Progressive Capitalism for an Age of Discontent (2019) (145)
- Chapter 16 Credit rationing (1990) (144)
- Some theoretical aspects of agricultural policies (1987) (144)
- The Allocation of Investment in a Dynamic Economy (1967) (144)
- Randomization with Asymmetric Information (1988) (143)
- Freefall: Free Markets and the Sinking of the Global Economy (2010) (139)
- The Stiglitz Report: Reforming the International Monetary and Financial Systems in the Wake of the Global Crisis (2010) (138)
- Technological Change, Sunk Costs, and Competition (1987) (137)
- Moral Hazard and Optimal Commodity Taxation (1983) (135)
- Capital markets and economic fluctuations in capitalist economies (1992) (135)
- Growth, Initial Conditions, Law and Speed of Privatization in Transition Countries: 11 Years Later (2006) (134)
- The Rejuvenation of Industrial Policy (2013) (132)
- Vertical Restraints and Producers&Apos; Competition (1988) (131)
- The Current Economic Crisis and Lessons for Economic Theory (2009) (130)
- Informational Imperfections and Macro-economic Fluctuations (1984) (129)
- Scan globally, reinvent locally: knowledge infrastructure and the localization of knowledge. (2000) (127)
- Financial liberalization : how far, how fast? (2001) (126)
- Behavior Towards Risk with Many Commodities (1969) (126)
- A Neoclassical Analysis of the Economics of Natural Resources (1980) (125)
- Which Industrial Policy Does Europe Need? (2015) (125)
- Public-Private Technology Partnerships (1999) (124)
- Stability with Growth (2006) (119)
- The Invisible Hand and Modern Welfare Economics (1991) (119)
- The Washington Consensus Reconsidered (2008) (118)
- What I Learned at the World Economic Crisis-The Insider (2000) (115)
- Information and economic analysis (1975) (115)
- Business fluctuations and bankruptcy avalanches in an evolving network economy (2009) (115)
- Eliminating Extreme Inequality: A Sustainable Development Goal, 2015–2030 (2014) (115)
- Banks as Social Accountants and Screening Devices for the Allocation of Credit (1988) (114)
- Equilibrium in Competitive Insurance Markets with Moral Hazard (1991) (114)
- Benefit-Cost Analysis and Trade Policies (1974) (112)
- Economic Forecasts and Expectations. (1971) (108)
- The Political Economy of Capabilities Accumulation: the Past and Future of Policies for Industrial Development. A Preface (2008) (108)
- Macroeconomic Fluctuations, Inequality, and Human Development (2012) (108)
- Can Unemployment Be Involuntary? Reply [Equilibrium Unemployemnt as a Worker Discipline Device] (1985) (106)
- The role of government beyond ideology (2013) (106)
- Globalization and growth in emerging markets (2004) (103)
- Explaining Growth Volatility (2000) (103)
- The Economics of Price Scissors (1983) (103)
- The Theory of Local Public Goods Twenty-Five Years after Tiebout: A Perspective (1982) (102)
- The Economics of Rural Organization (1995) (101)
- Mobility Constraints, Productivity Trends, and Extended Crises (2012) (101)
- Time for a Visible Hand: Lessons from the 2008 World Financial Crisis (2010) (99)
- The Informational Content of Initial Public Offerings (1989) (99)
- The Asymmetric Effect of Diffusion Processes: Risk Sharing and Contagion (2008) (99)
- The Economic Costs of the Iraq War: An Appraisal Three Years after the Beginning of the Conflict (2006) (98)
- Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy: An Agenda for Growth and Shared Prosperity (2015) (98)
- Stockholder Unanimity in Making Production and Financial Decisions (1980) (96)
- Information and Economic Efficiency (1993) (96)
- Contagion, Liberalization, and the Optimal Structure of Globalization (2010) (96)
- A Consumption-Oriented Theory of the Demand for Financial Assets and the Term Structure of Interest Rates (1970) (95)
- The Theory of Commodity Price Stabilisation Rules: Welfare Impacts and Supply Responses (1979) (94)
- Examining Alternative Macroeconomic Theories (1988) (94)
- Globalization and growth in emerging markets and the New Economy (2003) (93)
- Two Principles for the Next Round or, How to Bring Developing Countries in from the Cold (2000) (92)
- Invention and Innovation Under Alternative Market Structures: The Case of Natural Resources (1982) (91)
- Post Walrasian and Post Marxian Economics (1993) (91)
- Imperfect Information, Credit Markets and Unemployment (1986) (91)
- Climate Change: An Agenda for Global Collective Action (2001) (90)
- Fair Trade for All (2005) (90)
- Interconnectedness as a Source of Uncertainty in Systemic Risk (2016) (88)
- Knowledge for Development Economic Science, Economic Policy, and Economic Advice (2009) (88)
- Responding to Economic Crises: Policy Alternatives for Equitable Recovery and Development (1999) (88)
- Government Failure vs. Market Failure: Principles of Regulation (2009) (87)
- Credit Rationing: Reply (1987) (87)
- Information, Finance, and Markets: The Architecture of Allocative Mechanisms (1991) (87)
- Dividend Taxation and Intertemporal Tax Arbitrage (2008) (86)
- Symposium on Organizations and Economics (1991) (86)
- Toward a Theory of Rigidities (1989) (85)
- Addressing Climate Change Through Price and Non-Price Interventions (2019) (85)
- Business fluctuations in a credit-network economy (2006) (84)
- The Role Of Government In A Digital Age (2000) (83)
- Good Growth and Governance in Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies (2012) (83)
- Intellectual Property, Dissemination of Innovation and Sustainable Development (2010) (83)
- An Analysis of the Japanese Credit Network (2009) (82)
- What Is the Problem with Natural Resource Wealth? (2007) (81)
- Cost-Sharing Arrangements under Sharecropping: Moral Hazard, Incentive Flexibility, and Risk (1986) (81)
- The Political Economy of High and Low Growth (1997) (81)
- The Role of International Financial Institutions in the Current Global Economy (1998) (81)
- The Choice of Techniques and the Optimality of Market Equilibrium with Rational Expectations (1982) (81)
- The Taxation of Exhaustible Resources (1980) (80)
- Pareto Inefficiency of Market Economies: Search and Efficiency Wage Models (1988) (80)
- Recent developments in corporate finance: Credit rationing and collateral (1986) (80)
- On Optimal Taxation and Public Production (1972) (80)
- Rational Expectations Equilibrium : Generic Existence and the Information Revealed by Prices (2007) (80)
- Tariffs vs . Quotas as Revenue Raising Devices under Uncertainty (1977) (80)
- A Development-Friendly Prioritisation of Doha Round Proposals (2005) (79)
- New Theoretical Perspectives on the Distribution of Income and Wealth Among Individuals (2016) (79)
- Heterogeneous Interacting Agent Models for Understanding Monetary Economies (2011) (77)
- Making Globalisation Work (2008) (77)
- Globalization and Its Discontents Revisited: Anti-Globalization in the Era of Trump (2017) (76)
- Information and the Change in the Paradigm in Economics, Part 1 (2003) (75)
- Notes on Estate Taxes, Redistribution, and the Concept of Balanced Growth Path Incidence (1978) (75)
- Beyond Tradeoffs: Market Reforms and Equitable Growth in Latin America (1998) (74)
- Industrial Policies, the Creation of a Learning Society, and Economic Development (2013) (74)
- Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty (2010) (74)
- Pareto Optimality and Competition (1981) (74)
- Globalization and the economic role of the state in the new millennium (2003) (73)
- Scrooge and intellectual property rights (2006) (73)
- Labor Turnover, Wage Structures, and Moral Hazard: The Inefficiency of Competitive Markets (1985) (73)
- Financial Market Imperfections and Productivity Growth (1989) (72)
- Leverage and Asset Bubbles: Averting Armageddon with Chapter 11? (2009) (72)
- Strategic Considerations in Invention and Innovation: The Case of Natural Resources (1983) (72)
- The overselling of globalization (2017) (71)
- Toward a General Theory of Wage and Price Rigidities and Economic Fluctuations (1999) (71)
- Intergenerational Transfers and Inequality (1980) (70)
- Principles of Financial Regulation : A Dynamic Portfolio Approach (2001) (69)
- The Invariance of Market Innovation to the Number of Firms (1987) (69)
- The Cambridge-Cambridge Controversy in the Theory of Capital; A View from New Haven: A Review Article (1974) (68)
- The Industrial Policy Revolution II (2013) (68)
- Rational Heuristics? Expectations and Behaviors in Evolving Economies with Heterogeneous Interacting Agents (2017) (68)
- Lessons From East Asia (1999) (67)
- Bankruptcy Protection Against Macroeconomics Shocks: The case for a 'super Chapter 11' (1999) (67)
- Whither reform? Towards a new agenda for Latin America (2003) (66)
- Underpinnings for a stable and equitable global financial system from old debates to a new paradigm (1999) (66)
- Financial Restraint: Towards a New Paradigm (1997) (66)
- The Creation of the Rule of Law and the Legitimacy of Property Rights: The Political and Economic Consequences of a Corrupt Privatization (2005) (66)
- The Welfare Economics of Moral Hazard (1990) (65)
- Optimal commodity stock-piling rules (1982) (65)
- From Global Savings Glut to Financing Infrastructure: The Advent of Investment Platforms (2016) (65)
- Redefining the Role of the State (2001) (65)
- Potential Competition May Reduce Welfare (1981) (64)
- Risk Aversion and Wealth Effects on Portfolios with Many Assets (1972) (64)
- Leaders and Followers: Perspectives on the Nordic Model and the Economics of Innovation (2014) (64)
- Implicit Contracts, Labor Mobility and Unemployment (1987) (63)
- Money, Credit, and Business Fluctuations (1989) (63)
- Landlords, Tenants, and Technological Innovations (1986) (63)
- A Two-Sector Two Class Model of Economic Growth (1967) (63)
- The Financial Crisis of 2007-2008 and its Macroeconomic Consequences (2009) (62)
- What Caused the Crime Decline? (2015) (62)
- Robust Financial Restraint (2001) (61)
- Potential Competition, Actual Competition, and Economic Welfare (1988) (61)
- Dumping on Free Trade: The US Import Trade Laws (1997) (61)
- The euro : how a common currency threatens the future of Europe : [with a new section on Brexit] (2018) (61)
- Rural-urban migration, surplus labour, and the relationship between urban and rural wages (1969) (60)
- The corporation tax (1976) (60)
- On the Relevance or Irrelevance of Public Financial Policy (1983) (60)
- Two ideas to increase innovation and reduce pharmaceutical costs and prices. (2008) (60)
- Entry, innovation, exit: Towards a dynamic theory of oligopolistic industrial structure☆ (1981) (58)
- Capital Gains, Income, and Saving (1969) (58)
- Redefining the Role of the State : What should it do ? How Should it Do it ? And How should these decisions be made ? (58)
- Government, Financial Markets, and Economic Development (1991) (57)
- Pareto Efficient Tax Structures (1990) (57)
- Peasants versus City-Dwellers: Taxation and the Burden of Economic Development (1993) (57)
- Aggregate Land Rents and Aggregate Transport Costs (1980) (56)
- The new politics: A third way for New Zealand (1999) (56)
- Chapter 15 Pareto efficient and optimal taxation and the new new welfare economics (1987) (56)
- Towards A New Global Reserve System (2010) (56)
- 8. Inequality and Economic Growth (2015) (56)
- Price Scissors and the Structure of the Economy (1985) (55)
- Aid for Trade: A report for the Commonwealth Secretariat (2006) (55)
- Medicine for Tomorrow: Some Alternative Proposals to Promote Socially Beneficial Research and Development in Pharmaceuticals (2010) (55)
- Readings in the modern theory of economic growth (1969) (55)
- Economic Growth Revisited (1994) (54)
- Market Structure and Resource Depletion: A Contribution to the Theory of Intertemporal Monopolistic Competition (1982) (54)
- Economic consequences of income inequality (1998) (54)
- A model of employment outcomes illustrating the effect of the structure of information on the level and distribution of income (1982) (53)
- The quest for security : protection without protectionism and the challenge of global governance (2013) (52)
- Keynesian, New Keynesian and New Classical Economics (1987) (52)
- Stochastic Capital Theory (1989) (52)
- The Social Cost of Carbon, Risk, Distribution, Market Failures: An Alternative Approach (2021) (52)
- Tapping the Brakes: Are Less Active Markets Safer and Better for the Economy? (2014) (52)
- Sovereign wealth funds and long-term investing (2011) (51)
- Development Economics through the Decades: A Critical Look at Thirty Years of the World Development Report (2008) (51)
- Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis of 2008 (2010) (51)
- Capital, Wages and Structural Unemployment (1969) (50)
- Development Thinking at the Millennium (2001) (50)
- Capital Market Liberalization and Exchange Rate Regimes: Risk without Reward (2002) (50)
- Income contingent loans : theory, practice and prospects (2014) (50)
- Methodological Issues and the New Keynesian Economics (1991) (50)
- Addendum to "increasing risk: I. A definition" (1972) (49)
- Strategies for African Development (2011) (49)
- New perspectives on public finance: recent achievements and future challenges (2002) (49)
- Interest Rates, Risk, and Imperfect Markets: Puzzles and Policies (1999) (48)
- Development Oriented Tax Policy (2008) (48)
- Non-Substitution Theorems with Durable Capital Goods (1970) (48)
- Rewriting the Rules of the American Economy (2015) (48)
- Prices and queues as screening devices in competitive markets (1976) (47)
- An agenda for sustainable and inclusive growth for emerging markets (2016) (47)
- Unemployment and Innovation (2014) (47)
- The Euro: And its Threat to the Future of Europe (2016) (47)
- Competition and Insurance Twenty Years Later (1997) (47)
- Cost-Benefit Analysis: Discount rates: The rate of discount for benefit–cost analysis and the theory of the second best (1994) (46)
- Short-Term Contracts as a Monitoring Device (1993) (46)
- Introduction: The Rejuvenation of Industrial Policy (2013) (46)
- Economics of Information and the Theory of Economic Development (1985) (46)
- Group Lending, Joint Liability, and Social Capital (2016) (46)
- For Good Measure: Advancing Research on Well-Being Metrics Beyond GDP (2018) (46)
- The Implications of Alternative Saving and Expectations Hypotheses for Choices of Technique and Patterns of Growth (1969) (46)
- Innovation, Intellectual Property, and Development: A Better Set of Approaches for the 21st Century (2017) (45)
- American Economic Association Monopolistic Competition and Optimum Product Diversity (1977) (45)
- Credit rationing, tenancy, productivity, and the dynamics of inequality (1989) (45)
- Some Theoretical Aspects of the Privatization: Applications to Eastern Europe (1992) (45)
- Implications of the New Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac Risk-based Capital Standard (2002) (45)
- Alternative Approaches to Analyzing Markets with Asymmetric Information: Reply (1983) (44)
- Exiting a Lawless State (2008) (44)
- On the Relevance or Irrelevance of Public Financial Policy: Indexation,Price Rigidities and Optimal Monetary Policy (1983) (44)
- Perspectives on the Role of Government Risk-Bearing within the Financial Sector (1991) (44)
- Overcoming the Copenhagen Failure with Flexible Commitments (2015) (44)
- Lessons from the Global Financial Crisis (2000) (44)
- Public Goods in Open Economies with Heterogeneous Individuals (1981) (44)
- Labor-Market Adjustments and the Persistence of Unemployment (1995) (43)
- International Development: Is It Possible? (1998) (43)
- Towards a Reformulation of Monetary Theory: Competitive Banking (1991) (43)
- Microfinance and Missing Markets (2007) (43)
- The Development Round Of Trade Negotiations In The Aftermath Of Cancún (2004) (42)
- Reconstructing Macroeconomic Theory to Manage Economic Policy (2014) (41)
- The Lessons of the North Atlantic Crisis for Economic Theory and Policy (2014) (41)
- Too Little, Too Late : The Quest to Resolve Sovereign Debt Crises (2016) (41)
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- Selected Works of Joseph E. Stiglitz: Volume I: Information and Economic Analysis (2009) (13)
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- The World Bank: Introduction (2000) (4)
- The Invariance of R&D to the Number of Firms in the Industry (1985) (4)
- Creating a Learning Firm and a Learning Environment (2014) (4)
- The IMF's Switch in Time (2011) (4)
- Financial Hypocrisy (2007) (4)
- A Learning Economy (2014) (4)
- Keynesian economics and critique of first fundamental theorem of welfare economics (2002) (4)
- Life After Debt (2014) (4)
- Policies and Institutional Engineering in Developing Economies (2007) (4)
- Institutional Design for China’s Evolving Market Economy (2011) (4)
- Studies in the theory of economic growth and income distribution. (1966) (4)
- An Analysis of Puerto Rico's Debt Relief Needs to Restore Debt Sustainability (2018) (4)
- The Barcelona Development Agenda (2008) (4)
- Interview with Joseph Stiglitz Transition Economy Is Still A Well-Defined Category (4)
- Lessons from COVID-19 and Trump for Theory and Policy (Paper) (2021) (3)
- The COVID-19 pandemic: a letter to G20 leaders (2020) (3)
- The Stiglitz Consensus (2004) (3)
- Contemporary issues in macroeconomics : lessons from the crisis and beyond (2016) (3)
- Contemporary Issues in Macroeconomics (2016) (3)
- Some Are More Unequal Than Others (2012) (3)
- The pandemic economic crisis, precautionary behavior, and mobility constraints: an application of the dynamic disequilibrium model with randomness (2021) (3)
- 3. Private Creditor Power and the Politics of Sovereign Debt Governance (2016) (3)
- Preface: Towards a Twenty-first Century Investment Agreement (2018) (3)
- Who Do These Bankers Think They Are (2010) (3)
- The Role of the IMF (2008) (3)
- Social Protection Without Protectionism (2013) (3)
- Characterization, Existence, and Pareto Optimality in Markets with Asymmetric Information and Endogenous and Asymmetric Disclosures: Basic Analytics of Revisiting Rothschild-Stiglitz (2019) (3)
- IFls and the provision of international public goods (1998) (3)
- Good Growth and Governance for Africa: Rethinking Development Strategies: Introduction and Overview (2008) (3)
- The Financial System, Bussiness Cycles and Growth (1999) (3)
- Introduction: Industrial Policy in the African Context (2013) (3)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds – Distinguishing Aspects and Opportunities (2011) (3)
- American Economic Association On the Impossibility of Informationally Efficient Markets (1980) (3)
- The Imperative for Improved Global Economic Coordination (2009) (3)
- Is Populism Really So Bad for Latin America (2006) (3)
- Point of View: Conquering the Great Divide (2020) (3)
- Moral Hazard in Banking , and Prudential Regulation : Are Capitai Requirements Enough ? (2005) (3)
- What Is the Appropriate Role of the Federal Government in the Private Markets for Credit and Insurance? What Is the Outlook? (2006) (3)
- A better way to crack it (2006) (3)
- A Simple Proof that Futures Markets are Almost Always Informationally Inefficient (1989) (3)
- The causes of and responses to today’s inflation (2023) (3)
- Countering the Power of Vested Interests: Advancing Rationality in Public Decision-Making (2017) (3)
- Taxation of exhaustible resources. [Monograph] (1980) (3)
- Managerial Quality in Centralized versus Decentralized Economic Systems (1986) (3)
- 13. Does Manufacturing Colocate with Intermediate Services? Analyzing the World Input-Output Database (2016) (3)
- Theory of liquidity preference and the term structure of interest rates (1968) (2)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds: Form and Function in the Twenty-first Century (2011) (2)
- Income Contingent Loans for the Unemployed (2014) (2)
- Whither reform? Towards a new agenda (2003) (2)
- Financing Long-Term Investments After the Crisis: A View from Europe (2011) (2)
- 4. Uncertainty, Investment, and Financing: The Strategic Role of National Development Banks (2016) (2)
- Introduction. Quality of Growth in Africa: An Overview (2019) (2)
- Inequality and Growth : Patterns and Policy, Volume 2. Regions and Regularities (2016) (2)
- FINANCIAL LIBERALIZATION : HOW FAR ? HOW FAST ? Introduction and Overview (1999) (2)
- A framework for analyzing monopolistically competitive price dispersion (1977) (2)
- The Welfare State in the Twenty-First Century (2017) (2)
- Working Paper 301 - Structural Transformation, Deep Downturns, and Government Policy (2018) (2)
- Learning and Macro-Economic Dynamics (2014) (2)
- Sharing the Burden of Saving the Planet: Global Social Justice for Sustainable Development: Lessons from the Theory of Public Finance (2009) (2)
- Economic Policy for the 21st Century (2003) (2)
- Fair trade for all : the role of WTO (2005) (2)
- Tilt of Benchmarks (2011) (2)
- Leverage and asset bubbles (2008) (2)
- Understanding the consequences of IMF surcharges: the need for reform (2022) (2)
- Collective Moral Hazard and the Interbank Market (2020) (2)
- Optimal Fire Departments (2002) (2)
- Lessons from the Financial Crisis and their Implications for Global Economic Policy (2018) (2)
- Journal of Human Development and Capabilities : A Multi-Disciplinary Journal for People-Centered Development (2012) (2)
- 9. Creditor Committees in Sovereign Debt Restructurings: Understanding the Benefits and Addressing Concerns (2016) (2)
- A Progressive Agenda for the Twenty-First Century (2015) (2)
- Interview with the 2001 Laureates in Economics, George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz (2001) (2)
- The future of globalization: lessons from Cancún and recent financial crises (2014) (2)
- ICC announcement: annual special issue on macro economics and development (2020) (2)
- Should the Government Invest, or Try to Spur Private Investment? (2011) (2)
- Landlords, tenants, and technical innovation and Sharecropping and the interlinking of agrarian markets (1981) (2)
- Micro nance and Missing Markets (2011) (2)
- The Krugman Thesis (2000) (2)
- Interests, Incentives and Institutions: An Economist's Experience of Government Failure (1998) (2)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Financial market liberalization (2003) (2)
- Frameworks for Sovereign Debt Restructuring (2015) (2)
- The Dynamics of Social Inequalities in the Present World (2017) (2)
- On the micro-economics of technical progress (1979) (2)
- The Economics of Saving and Growth: Foreword Joseph Stiglitz (1999) (2)
- Aggregate Land Rents, Aggregate Transportation Costs and Expenditure on Public Goods (1975) (2)
- Vaccinating the world against COVID-19 is a no-brainer (2022) (2)
- Intercreditor and Debtor-creditor Equity Issues in Sovereign Debt Restructuring (2015) (2)
- The Strategic Role of the IMF: Risks for Emerging Market Economies amid Increasingly Globalized Financial Markets (2005) (2)
- The Contradictions of Capital in the Twenty-First Century (2018) (2)
- The Role of Cognitive Frames in Societal Rigidity and Change (2011) (2)
- Uncertain Industrial Structure and the Speed of Research and Development (1980) (2)
- Transition to a market economy (2014) (2)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds and the Shifting Wealth of Nations (2011) (2)
- Stabilization, Liberalization, and Growth (2006) (2)
- The Rationale for Sovereign Wealth Funds from a Development Perspective1 (2011) (2)
- Ethics, Market and Government Failure, and Globalization: Perspectives on Debt and Finance (2006) (2)
- Incentive schemes under differential information structures : an application to trade policy (1975) (2)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Regional downturns and development and monetary policy (2003) (1)
- State versus market : have Asian currency crises affected the reform debate? (1999) (1)
- Capital Market Liberalization and Poverty Preliminary Draft for IPD Capital Market Task force (2004) (1)
- 14. The G20 and Global Governance (2013) (1)
- Which Financial Benchmarks and Other Incentives Work for Long-Term Investing?1 (2011) (1)
- A call to arms to change capitalism Mariana Mazzucato Mi (2021) (1)
- A Modest Proposal for the G20 (2011) (1)
- Alternative Approaches to Stabilization Policy: An Overview (2003) (1)
- Panel Paper: The Four Benchmarks of Sovereign Wealth Funds (2011) (1)
- Defending the Clinton Administration (1997) (1)
- 11. Could Technology Make Natural Resources a Platform for Industrialization? Identifying a New Opportunity for Latin America (and Other Resource-Rich Countries) (2016) (1)
- Reconciling Sovereignty, Accountability, and Transparency in Sovereign Wealth Funds (2011) (1)
- Some Comments on IMF Paper on Restructuring Sovereign Debt (2002) (1)
- The Right to Trade (2013) (1)
- The Social Cost of Labour (2002) (1)
- Towards a New Model of Development: Remarks prepared for the China Development Forum, Beijing, March 2007 (2007) (1)
- Economic fluctuations and pseudo-wealth (2021) (1)
- The labor turn-over model (1972) (1)
- Inequality and Growth (2016) (1)
- The Review of Economic Studies Ltd . Incentives and Risk Sharing in Sharecropping (2007) (1)
- You and AI: The Future of Work (2018) (1)
- Compensation and Risk-Taking in the U.S. Financial Industry (2011) (1)
- Land Speculation and Wobbly Dynamics with Endogenous Phase Transitions (2022) (1)
- Industrial Policies and Development Cooperation for a Learning Society (2018) (1)
- The Need for an Adequate International Framework for FDI (2008) (1)
- 13. Perspectives on a Sovereign Debt Restructuring Framework: Less Is More (2016) (1)
- Panel Paper: L-Shares – Rewarding Long-Term Investors (2011) (1)
- The Spigot of Global Growth - Winter 2007 (2008) (1)
- Creating the Institutional Foundations for a Market Economy (2013) (1)
- The East Asian Crisis: Lessons for Today and for Tomorrow: Introduction (1999) (1)
- Business fluctuations in an evolving network economy (2007) (1)
- Effects of risk on prices and quantities of energy supplies. Volume 4. Technical reports. Final report (1978) (1)
- Information and communication technologies at the service of the rural poor of Latin America and the Caribbean (2005) (1)
- Arti cial Intelligence, Worker-Replacing Technological Progress and Income Distribution (2017) (1)
- Learning with Monopolistic Competition (2014) (1)
- Rethinking the East Asian Miracle . Edited by Joseph E. Stiglitz and Shahid Yusuf. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. x, 526 pp. (2002) (1)
- 12. Making a Legal Framework for Sovereign Debt Restructuring Operational: The Case for a Sovereign Debt Workout Institution (2016) (1)
- Panel Paper: Managing Commodity Risk – Can Sovereign Funds Help? (2011) (1)
- Learning and Industrial Policy (2013) (1)
- Spring Is Here, but Contain Your Excitement (2009) (1)
- Fixing America's Housing Market (2010) (1)
- On the Theory of Social Insurance — Comments on “The State and the Demand for Security in Contemporary Societies” (1983) (1)
- Taming Capital Flows (2015) (1)
- The World Economy: Where To After the Pandemic? Rethinking Global Cooperation (2022) (1)
- 10. Reflections on the Global Financial Crisis Ten Years On (2019) (1)
- A conversation with Joseph Stiglitz1 (2006) (1)
- Wealth and Income Inequality in the Twenty-First Century (2017) (1)
- This PDF is a selection from an out-of-print volume from the National Bureau of Economic Research Volume Title: International Volatility and Economic Growth: The First Ten Years of The International Seminar on Macroeconomics (1991) (1)
- Symposium on Microeconomics: 1 Reflections on the State of Economics: 1988* (1989) (1)
- Chapter 4. The Anatomy of a Murder: Who Killed America’s Economy? (2011) (1)
- The Wobbly Economy: Global Dynamics with Phase and State Transitions (2022) (1)
- The efficiency wage model (1973) (1)
- 1. The Importance of Critical Thinking (2004) (1)
- Remarks on Income Contingent Loans (2014) (1)
- Creditor Rights and Aggregate Factors in Loan Terms (2018) (1)
- 2. Industrial Policies in Learning Economies (2016) (1)
- Intellectual Property Rights and Development (2014) (1)
- What we have learned from the recent crises: implications for banking regulation (1999) (1)
- 7. Development Banks and Industrial Finance: The Indian Experience and Its Lessons (2016) (1)
- Joseph E. Stiglitz (2014) (1)
- Introduction: Public Economics (2015) (1)
- Time for a Second Stimulus (2010) (1)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds as Catalysts of Socially Responsible Investing (2011) (1)
- Deposit Mobilization and Financial Restraint (1994) (1)
- Transition 9 (6) (1998) (1)
- Human Rights and Globalization: The Responsibility of States and Private Actors (2013) (1)
- Budget Policy And Processes: Where Do We Go From Here? (1984) (1)
- On the Importance of Learning (2014) (1)
- Chile and Copper (2011) (1)
- Chapter Thirteen. Financial Policy and Creating a Learning Society (2014) (1)
- Capital Market Liberalization: The Arguments For and Against (2006) (1)
- 2. Sovereign Debt of Developing Countries: Overview of Trends and Policy Perspectives (2016) (1)
- Edmund Phelps: American Economic Association Luncheon Speech Honoring the 2006 Nobel Laureate in Economics (2008) (1)
- Invited Article Dumping on Free Trade: The U.S. Import Trade Laws (1997) (1)
- The Wobbly Economy; Global Dynamics with Phase Transitions and State Transitions (2022) (1)
- The Economics of Town-versus-Country Problems (1986) (1)
- The Sovereign Debt Problem (2011) (1)
- A Social Democratic Agenda for a More Dynamic Indian Economy: Creating an Innovative and Learning Society (2013) (1)
- 4. From the Pari Passu Discussion to the “Illegality” of Making Payments: The Case of Argentina (2016) (1)
- Work ( s ) : Knowledge , Information , and Expectations in Modern Macroeconomics : In Honor of (2007) (1)
- The Fall of Wall Street (2008) (1)
- Making the World Safe for Interdependence ‐ Spring 2002 (2008) (0)
- The HBR agenda (2011) (0)
- Bilateral Information Disclosure in Adverse Selection Markets with Nonexclusive Competition (2020) (0)
- Chapter Five. Market Structure, welfare, and Learning (2014) (0)
- US Economic Folly Should Worry Us All (2003) (0)
- A Modest Proposal for International Monetary Reform 1 (2009) (0)
- Evaluation in a World of Complexity and Information Failures (2018) (0)
- Crisis y contagio: una investigación (2016) (0)
- Crisis Banking 101 (2009) (0)
- 14. It Works for Mergers, Why Not for Finance? (2012) (0)
- Federalism in Securities Regulation: An Economist’s Perspective (2006) (0)
- “Globalism’s Discontents” (2020) (0)
- The Economists' Voice 2.0: The Financial Crisis, Health Care Reform, and More (2012) (0)
- The Price Scissors in Open Economies (2002) (0)
- From Global Savings Glut to Financing Infrastructure 1 (2016) (0)
- Financial Policy and Creating a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- Working with a great public intellectual: Remembering Tony Atkinson (2018) (0)
- Introduction: Debates on the Measurement of Global Poverty (2009) (0)
- Taxation in the Urban Sector: Some Aspects of the Underlying Model (2002) (0)
- Meetings, Vienna, Austria, August (1986) (0)
- A Second Chance for Brazil and the I.M.F. (2002) (0)
- Social Transformation and the Creation of a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- Is it a Turning Point in the US Economy? (2022) (0)
- The People's Professor (2009) (0)
- Where the G‐20 Stands (2011) (0)
- Hidden Wounds and Accounting Tricks (2015) (0)
- Interventions in Capital Markets (2006) (0)
- Market Structure and Resource Depletion: A Contribution to the Theory of lntertemporal Monopolistic Competition* (2003) (0)
- Replication data for: How to Restore Equitable and Sustainable Economic Growth in the United States (2019) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: The new paradigm and the “new economy” (2003) (0)
- Part I Introduction Introduction and Overview Noman and Stiglitz Complexities of African Development Introduction and Overview a Disappointing Record Introduction and Overview Noman and Stiglitz (0)
- Research Agenda on the Resource Curse (2004) (0)
- Re-Defi ning the Global Economy (2009) (0)
- Income-Contingent Loans As an Unemployment Benefit (2021) (0)
- 17. Why Paulson Is Wrong (2012) (0)
- Introduction to the first annual special issue on Macro Economics and Development (2021) (0)
- A Policy Index to Create a Sustainable, Shared-Prosperity Economy1 (2019) (0)
- What Sovereign Wealth Funds Can Do to Alleviate Global Poverty (2011) (0)
- Preface to the Original Edition (2015) (0)
- Some Aspects of the Wage–Productivity Hypothesis That Are Relevant for Taxation Analysis (2002) (0)
- Chapter twelve. Intellectual Property (2015) (0)
- Chapter Nine. Learning with Monopolistic Competition (2014) (0)
- The Role of Industrial and Trade Policy in Creating a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- Climate change and growth (2023) (0)
- Sovereign Wealth Funds as Stabilizers (2011) (0)
- NATIONAL BUREAU OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH 1050 Massachusetts (1987) (0)
- Introduction to Macroeconomic Models. Training Seminar Series, 5. (1966) (0)
- Management of Commodity Price Risks on Sovereign Balance Sheets1 (2011) (0)
- Chapter Eight. A two-Period, N-Good Model with endogenous Labor Supply (2014) (0)
- Caribbean Report 16-04-1998 (2014) (0)
- Online Appendix for “Collective Moral Hazard and the Interbank Market” (2022) (0)
- Introduction to Research in Taxation (1978) (0)
- Contemporary issues in microeconomics (2016) (0)
- Macroeconomic Uncertainty and Managing Risk for Sovereign Wealth Funds (2011) (0)
- Chapter Two. On the Importance of Learning (2014) (0)
- 13. Fixing Bankers’ Pay (2012) (0)
- Investments in environmental objects construction in the Russian Federation (2021) (0)
- Chapter Ten. Long-term Growth and innovation (2014) (0)
- Correction to: Mis-measurement of inequality: a critical reflection and new insights (2019) (0)
- 3 Theory of Pseudo-Wealth 1 (2016) (0)
- Chapter Seventeen. Concluding remarks (2014) (0)
- Descent of the Dollar and Rise of the Rest (2009) (0)
- 1 Artificial Intelligence and Its Implications for Income Distribution and Unemployment 1 (2017) (0)
- Economies with heterogeneous interacting learning agents (2014) (0)
- Capital Market Liberalization: Summary and Remaining Debates (2006) (0)
- Chapter Nineteen. Further Considerations (2014) (0)
- Building Long-Term Strategies for Investment of Sovereign Wealth (2011) (0)
- Chapter Seven. Learning in a Closed economy—the Basic Model (2014) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: The ideal banking system (2003) (0)
- Initiative for Policy Dialogue Working Paper Series (2011) (0)
- ST ] 8 N ov 2 01 0 An Analysis of the Japanese Credit Network (0)
- IF ONLY WE KNEW (2002) (0)
- Back Matter (1969) (0)
- Correction to: Mis-measurement of inequality: a critical reflection and new insights (2019) (0)
- An End To Global Trade (2004) (0)
- Smart Energy Globalization (2011) (0)
- Building Emerging Countries’ Financial Infrastructure by Investing in Microfinance (2011) (0)
- Regulation and Failure (Regulación y Fallas) (Spanish) (2010) (0)
- A vision for development : dialogues on the work of Vinod Thomas (2011) (0)
- Time for More Stimulus (2009) (0)
- The Value of Transparency (2011) (0)
- Credit Chains and Failure Propagation in Production Networks (2006) (0)
- Financial Liberalization: Preface (2001) (0)
- Has the New Millennium Repealed the Old Economic Laws (2004) (0)
- 25. Does College Still Pay (2011) (0)
- Dynastic inequality, mobility and equality of opportunity (2016) (0)
- Development, Inequality and Demagogy in the 21st Century (2018) (0)
- Chapter Three. A Learning Economy (2014) (0)
- Economists and public sector efficiency (1996) (0)
- James A. Mirrlees, William S. Vickrey, George A. Akerlof, A. Michael Spence and Joseph E. Stiglitz (2010) (0)
- The Soviet Industrialization Debate and Collectivization (2002) (0)
- PROGRAMME FOR THE HIGH-LEVEL SEGMENT "Achieving the internationally agreed development goals, including those contained in the Millennium Declaration, as well as implementing the outcomes of the major United Nations conferences and summits: progress made, challenges and opportunities" (2005) (0)
- Optimal Provision of Social Insurance Under Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard (2010) (0)
- Restrictions on Cross-Border Investment (2011) (0)
- Addressing Inequality: Education for the Information Age (2018) (0)
- Pref ace Inequality and Growth: A Preamble 1 (2016) (0)
- Comment by Roger Sedjo on “The IMF’s Switch in Time” (2013) (0)
- At Shibuya Station ‐ Winter 2004 (2008) (0)
- Influencing Clean Innovations (2011) (0)
- Chapter Fourteen. Macroeconomic and investment Policies for a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- 5 Responding to the Crisis 1 (2009) (0)
- Regulatory policy and the new paradigm (2003) (0)
- Economic Crisis or Global Malaise in 2006? (2006) (0)
- Imperfect Information: The Insurance Market (2007) (0)
- 2008 Defense Economics Conference: The Economics of War (2008) (0)
- The Price Scissors in Closed and Partially Closed Socialist Economies (2002) (0)
- Selling our sovereignty for no economic benefit (2016) (0)
- 5. Greek Debt Denial: A Modest Debt Restructuring Proposal and Why It Was Ignored (2016) (0)
- Three Perspectives on Policy (2006) (0)
- ama-gi The Journal of the Hayek Society at the London School of Economics 2 Globalization Through Human Action or Human Design ? (0)
- Chapter Eleven. The Infant-Economy Argument for Protection: Trade Policy in a Learning environment (2014) (0)
- Exchange Rate Management and Micro Tools for Macro-Management (2006) (0)
- Privatization , infarmation and (2005) (0)
- Taxes and Subsidies on Different Goods in the Rural Sector (2002) (0)
- [Solow and Stiglitz on Employment and Distribution: A New Romance with an Old Model?]: Reply (1970) (0)
- Conference on Research in Taxation: Introduction (1978) (0)
- Income Distribution and Alternative Organizational Forms Within the Rural Sector (2002) (0)
- Conference Organizers (2011) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Restructuring the banking sector (2003) (0)
- Interview with Joseph Stiglitz: “The cost of keeping the Eurozone together probably exceeds the cost of breaking it up” (2016) (0)
- Evaluation as an incentive investment (2017) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: From the corn economy to the monetary economy (2003) (0)
- The Rise of Carbon-Free Technology (2011) (0)
- A Two-Period, N-Good Model with Endogenous Labor Supply (2014) (0)
- PII: S0165-1889(01)00039-2 (2001) (0)
- PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE CRISES : PRINCIPLES AND POLICIES 1 With an Application to the Eurozone Crisis (2013) (0)
- The Review of Economic Studies Ltd. (2011) (0)
- National Ambient Air Quality Standards (Naaqs) Brief (2000) (0)
- Building a Better Umbrella (1998) (0)
- Africa in the 21st century (2013) (0)
- The World Bank Research Observer 16 (1), Mar 2001 (2001) (0)
- The Learning Revolution (2014) (0)
- The RAND Corporation Randomization with Asymmetric Information Author ( s ) : (1988) (0)
- Credits Rationing, Tenancy, Productivity, And Inequality (1988) (0)
- Inequality and Environmental Policy (2018) (0)
- The Welfare Economics of Schumpeterian Competition (2014) (0)
- 7. Contractual and Voluntary Approaches to Sovereign Debt Restructuring: There Is Still More to Do (2016) (0)
- General Theoretical Considerations, with Applications (2016) (0)
- Tax Policy in the Presence of Migration and Urban Unemployment (2002) (0)
- Economic Justice in America: Fifty Years After the Kerner Report (2018) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Preface (2003) (0)
- Economics and Policy (2015) (0)
- The Infant-Economy Argument for Protection (2014) (0)
- 26. How to Deal with Terrorism (2011) (0)
- Which Industrial Policy Does Europe Need? (2015) (0)
- Improving Transatlantic Relations in the Aftermath of the Iraq War (2006) (0)
- Chapter seven. Learning in a Closed Economy (2015) (0)
- The Network Age : Increasing the Rewards for Knowledge and Capacity (0)
- MONEY, CREDIT, AND BANKING LECTURE Credit Markets and the Control of Capital (2008) (0)
- Introduction 2 Development with Chinese Characteristics (2012) (0)
- Introducing the Key Questions (2006) (0)
- Reply: Transfers vs. Economic Costs in the Iraq War (2006) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Towards a general equilibrium theory of credit (2003) (0)
- EXTERNALITIES IN ECONOMIES 263 On the other hand , the Jacobian of the excess demands (0)
- Voces de la crisis financiera (2008) (0)
- Three Fundamental Questions (2016) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: The principles of the new paradigm (2003) (0)
- Capitalism, Inequality & Globalization (2018) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Concluding remarks (2003) (0)
- 6. Recent Developments in Global Criminal Industries (2013) (0)
- Rural–Urban Prices in Open Economies (2002) (0)
- Chapter fourteen. Concluding Remarks (2015) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Reflections on the current state of monetary economics (2003) (0)
- Policy Instruments from Three Perspectives: Fiscal and Monetary Policy (2006) (0)
- On Transitions between Steady States (1971) (0)
- * rethinking economics in resPonse to current crisis Phenomena (2016) (0)
- Readers Respond (2016) (0)
- Chapter Four. Creating a Learning Firm and a Learning environment (2014) (0)
- Effects of risk on prices and quantities of energy supplies. Volume 2. Overview of the economic theory of uncertainty and its implications for energy supply. Final report (1978) (0)
- Project Appraisal and Foreign Exchange Constraints: a Simple Exposition (1987) (0)
- Balancing Market, State and Community (2018) (0)
- For Richer, for Poorer? (2002) (0)
- Panel 1 Antitrust and Populism (2018) (0)
- Achieving Shared Prosperity for Korea (2018) (0)
- Chapter Twelve. The role of industrial and trade Policy in Creating a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- Learning in a Closed Economy—the Basic Model (2014) (0)
- Chapter thirteen. Social Transformation and the Creation of a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- 1 Real Exchange Rate Policies for Economic Development 1 (2016) (0)
- Joseph STIGLITZ (Columbia University): Competition policy, the need for a more nuanced view (2019) (0)
- A Cognitive Approach to Institutions, with an Application to Race (2009) (0)
- Concluding Remarks: The Crisis in Economics (2016) (0)
- Macroeconomic and Investment Policies for a Learning Society (2014) (0)
- Creating Postal Savings and Provident Funds (2012) (0)
- Increase and in Risk Aversion (1973) (0)
- Rumors of War (2003) (0)
- Alternatives to Debt-driven Growth: Continuing in China's 40 year of Reform (2018) (0)
- 2 Imperfect Information and Rural Credit Markets : Puzzles arnd Policy Perspectives (2007) (0)
- Panel Paper: Capital Access Bonds – Securities Implementing Countercyclical Investment Strategies (2011) (0)
- Reward Capital Market Liberalization and Exchange Rate Regimes: Risk without (2010) (0)
- Comment on " Shaken and Stirred : Explaining Growth Volatility , " by William Easterly , Roumeen Islam (2011) (0)
- The international financial crisis: new rules and future outlook (2009) (0)
- Joseph E. Stiglitz and Carl E. Walsh's Principles of macroeconomics : test-item file (2006) (0)
- UN-DUE CREDIT: IS FORMAL LAW ESSENTIAL FOR DEVELOPMENT? Peru and Bangladesh in Comparative Perspective (2010) (0)
- An Approach to Applied Welfare Economics (2002) (0)
- Funds and Volatility (2011) (0)
- Alternatives for Europe’s Future* (2018) (0)
- International Studies, Geneva. The research reported here is part of the NBER's research program in International Studies. Any opi- (1982) (0)
- The global market economy (2015) (0)
- Open Economy Complications (2006) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Bibliography (2003) (0)
- Growing Inequality: Laws of Nature or Laws of Men? (2017) (0)
- Information and Multi-Period Optimal Income Taxation with Government Commitment (1987) (0)
- Jim Wolfensohn's Contribution to the Development Agenda (2010) (0)
- 22. Please Think This Over (2012) (0)
- Overview of the economic theory of uncertainty and its implications for energy supply (1978) (0)
- Effects of risk on prices and quantities of energy supplies. Volume 3. Surveys of the effects of risk on energy supply. Final report (1978) (0)
- The 1991 US recession and the recovery (2003) (0)
- 2 Creating the Institutional Foundations for A Market Economy (2012) (0)
- The overselling of globalization (2017) (0)
- Financial Market Stability, Monetary Policy, and The IMF (2003) (0)
- Objectives and Ethical Guidelines of Norges Bank Investment Management (2011) (0)
- Chapter Six. The Welfare Economics of Schumpeterian Competition (2014) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Monetary policy (2003) (0)
- The Monopolistic Competition Revolution in Retrospect: Monopolistic Competition and the Capital Market (2001) (0)
- Economics for a Global Community: A Conversation with Joseph Stiglitz (2016) (0)
- Effects of risk on prices and quantities. Volume 1. Summary and policy implications of energy supplies. Final report (1978) (0)
- The Contribution of Institutional Investors to Fostering Stability and Long-Term Growth (2011) (0)
- Chapter Fifteen. Intellectual Property (2014) (0)
- Long-Term Growth and Innovation (2014) (0)
- Market Structure, Welfare, and Learning (2014) (0)
- America’s Growing Inequality: Causes and Remedies (2018) (0)
- Cooperatives and the Social Economy: Key Elements for Economic Balance and The Future and Challenges of Economic Development in Costa Rica and the Region (2018) (0)
- Chapter One. The Learning Revolution (2014) (0)
- Corrigendum to "Agent based-stock flow consistent macroeconomics : towards a benchmark model" [Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control, 69 (2016) 375–408] (2017) (0)
- 3. Dynamic Efficiency: Structural Dynamics and Economic Growth in Developing Countries (2016) (0)
- A Formal Approach: Capital Market Failures (2006) (0)
- Welfare Effects of Integrated Social Insurance System (2006) (0)
- Applications of the new paradigm (2003) (0)
- The global market economy is not working (2015) (0)
- 1 A Theory of Pseudo-Wealth 1 (2015) (0)
- Liberalizing financial markets (1999) (0)
- The Impact of Urban Wage and Employment Determination on Taxation Policies (2002) (0)
- Applied Industrial Economics: Vertical pricing schemes (1998) (0)
- The Emerging Role of State Investors in the Governance of Global Corporations (2011) (0)
- Labour Turnover, Wage Structures and Moral Hazard (1982) (0)
- Amid the Mortgage Defaults, America's Day of Reckoning (2007) (0)
- Information and Paradigm Change in Economics (Part II) (2004) (0)
- 1 2 Crises and Contagion : A Survey 1 (2012) (0)
- The Economists’ Voice: Special Issue on Nutrition and Poverty Introduction (2017) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Market equilibrium (2003) (0)
- The Rule of Law, Economic Efficiency and Social Justice: A Primer for the President (2018) (0)
- How to Reward Long-Term Investors (2011) (0)
- The Objectives and Instruments of Government Policy and the Structure of the Economy in LDCs (2002) (0)
- 15. Hedge Fund Wizards (2012) (0)
- Three Strands of Theory (2016) (0)
- Crises and Contagion: A Survey 1 (2012) (0)
- 8. Sovereign Debt Restructuring: A Coasean Perspective (2016) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: Restricted banking (or, the banking system of today) (2003) (0)
- Globalization's New Left - Spring 2006 (2008) (0)
- ScienceDirect The coming great transformation (2017) (0)
- Conclusions: The East Asian Crisis: Lessons for Today and Tomorrow (2000) (0)
- 6 Overcoming the Copenhagen Failure with Flexible Commitments * (2017) (0)
- Applications to capital, labor, and product markets (2013) (0)
- Edmund S. Phelps and Modern Macroeconomics (2021) (0)
- Industrial Policies and Development Cooperation in Light of the Learning Society (2018) (0)
- Regions and regularities (2016) (0)
- An Analytical Solution for Agent Based Models (2011) (0)
- AI, Worker-Replacing Technological Change and Income Distribution (2018) (0)
- Towards a New Paradigm in Monetary Economics: How finance differs (2003) (0)
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Joseph Stiglitz is most known for their academic work in the field of economics. They are also known for their academic work in the fields of
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