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Why Is Julian Rayner Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Julian Charles Rayner is a New Zealand malaria researcher, and the Director of the Cambridge Institute for Medical Research, part of the University of Cambridge School of Clinical Medicine. He is also Director of Wellcome Connecting Science. He was previously a member of academic Faculty at the Wellcome Sanger Institute.
Julian Rayner's Published Works
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Published Works
- BASIGIN is a receptor essential for erythrocyte invasion by Plasmodium falciparum (2011) (572)
- Uncovering the essential genes of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum by saturation mutagenesis (2018) (557)
- Origin of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum in gorillas (2010) (509)
- Analysis of Plasmodium falciparum diversity in natural infections by deep sequencing (2012) (426)
- Multiple populations of artemisinin-resistant Plasmodium falciparum in Cambodia (2013) (422)
- Functional Profiling of a Plasmodium Genome Reveals an Abundance of Essential Genes (2017) (385)
- A novel multiple-stage antimalarial agent that inhibits protein synthesis (2015) (315)
- Phenotypic variation of Plasmodium falciparum merozoite proteins directs receptor targeting for invasion of human erythrocytes (2003) (278)
- Revealing the Sequence and Resulting Cellular Morphology of Receptor-Ligand Interactions during Plasmodium falciparum Invasion of Erythrocytes (2015) (238)
- A Plasmodium falciparum Homologue of Plasmodium vivax Reticulocyte Binding Protein (PvRBP1) Defines a Trypsin-resistant Erythrocyte Invasion Pathway (2001) (204)
- Malaria Vaccines: Recent Advances and New Horizons (2018) (195)
- African origin of the malaria parasite Plasmodium vivax (2014) (186)
- Evolution of human-chimpanzee differences in malaria susceptibility: relationship to human genetic loss of N-glycolylneuraminic acid. (2005) (184)
- Phosphoinositide Metabolism Links cGMP-Dependent Protein Kinase G to Essential Ca2+ Signals at Key Decision Points in the Life Cycle of Malaria Parasites (2014) (177)
- Analysis of Protein Palmitoylation Reveals a Pervasive Role in Plasmodium Development and Pathogenesis (2012) (175)
- Two Plasmodium falciparum genes express merozoite proteins that are related to Plasmodium vivax and Plasmodium yoelii adhesive proteins involved in host cell selection and invasion. (2000) (175)
- Transmembrane domain‐dependent sorting of proteins to the ER and plasma membrane in yeast (1997) (163)
- New antigens for a multicomponent blood-stage malaria vaccine (2014) (161)
- Genomic analysis of local variation and recent evolution in Plasmodium vivax (2016) (160)
- A Plasmodium Calcium-Dependent Protein Kinase Controls Zygote Development and Transmission by Translationally Activating Repressed mRNAs (2012) (159)
- Generation of Antigenic Diversity in Plasmodium falciparum by Structured Rearrangement of Var Genes During Mitosis (2014) (159)
- A Knockout Screen of ApiAP2 Genes Reveals Networks of Interacting Transcriptional Regulators Controlling the Plasmodium Life Cycle (2017) (149)
- Indels, structural variation, and recombination drive genomic diversity in Plasmodium falciparum (2016) (147)
- A novel SNARE complex implicated in vesicle fusion with the endoplasmic reticulum (1997) (145)
- The Malaria Cell Atlas: Single parasite transcriptomes across the complete Plasmodium life cycle (2019) (143)
- Genome sequencing of chimpanzee malaria parasites reveals possible pathways of adaptation to human hosts (2014) (138)
- Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte Invasion: Combining Function with Immune Evasion (2014) (136)
- Genomes of cryptic chimpanzee Plasmodium species reveal key evolutionary events leading to human malaria (2016) (130)
- Neutralization of Plasmodium falciparum Merozoites by Antibodies against PfRH5 (2014) (127)
- The Saccharomyces cerevisiae Protein Mnn10p/Bed1p Is a Subunit of a Golgi Mannosyltransferase Complex* (1999) (126)
- A full-length recombinant Plasmodium falciparum PfRH5 protein induces inhibitory antibodies that are effective across common PfRH5 genetic variants (2013) (124)
- PfSET10, a Plasmodium falciparum methyltransferase, maintains the active var gene in a poised state during parasite division. (2012) (121)
- Identification of the MNN2 and MNN5Mannosyltransferases Required for Forming and Extending the Mannose Branches of the Outer Chain Mannans of Saccharomyces cerevisiae * (1998) (117)
- A plethora of Plasmodium species in wild apes: a source of human infection? (2011) (114)
- Malaria and intestinal helminth co-infection among pregnant women in Ghana: prevalence and risk factors. (2009) (109)
- A Genome-Scale Vector Resource Enables High-Throughput Reverse Genetic Screening in a Malaria Parasite (2015) (107)
- A Library of Functional Recombinant Cell-surface and Secreted P. falciparum Merozoite Proteins* (2013) (102)
- A scalable pipeline for highly effective genetic modification of a malaria parasite (2011) (101)
- Post-translational protein modifications in malaria parasites (2015) (100)
- RH5–Basigin interaction plays a major role in the host tropism of Plasmodium falciparum (2013) (95)
- Extreme mutation bias and high AT content in Plasmodium falciparum (2016) (93)
- Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion: a conserved myosin associated complex. (2006) (86)
- PlasmoGEM, a database supporting a community resource for large-scale experimental genetics in malaria parasites (2014) (86)
- Extensive polymorphism in the Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface coat protein MSP-3α is limited to specific domains (2002) (79)
- Global Analysis of Apicomplexan Protein S-Acyl Transferases Reveals an Enzyme Essential for Invasion (2013) (74)
- Genome-Scale Identification of Essential Metabolic Processes for Targeting the Plasmodium Liver Stage (2019) (70)
- An Adaptable Two-Color Flow Cytometric Assay to Quantitate the Invasion of Erythrocytes by Plasmodium falciparum Parasites (2010) (70)
- Semaphorin-7A Is an Erythrocyte Receptor for P. falciparum Merozoite-Specific TRAP Homolog, MTRAP (2012) (68)
- Independent Origin and Global Distribution of Distinct Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein Gene Duplications (2016) (64)
- Dramatic difference in diversity between Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium vivax reticulocyte binding-like genes. (2005) (61)
- Variant merozoite protein expression is associated with erythrocyte invasion phenotypes in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Tanzania. (2007) (60)
- Plasmodium falciparum-like parasites infecting wild apes in southern Cameroon do not represent a recurrent source of human malaria (2013) (60)
- Quantitation of malaria parasite-erythrocyte cell-cell interactions using optical tweezers. (2014) (59)
- The Alveolin IMC1h Is Required for Normal Ookinete and Sporozoite Motility Behaviour and Host Colonisation in Plasmodium berghei (2012) (57)
- P113 is a merozoite surface protein that binds the N terminus of Plasmodium falciparum RH5 (2017) (56)
- Plasmodium knowlesi Genome Sequences from Clinical Isolates Reveal Extensive Genomic Dimorphism (2015) (54)
- Identification of highly-protective combinations of Plasmodium vivax recombinant proteins for vaccine development (2017) (52)
- Plasmodium vivax merozoite surface protein PvMSP-3 beta is radically polymorphic through mutation and large insertions and deletions. (2004) (52)
- Basigin is a druggable target for host-oriented antimalarial interventions (2015) (51)
- Transcriptional regulation of the PCNA promoter by p53. (1994) (50)
- Plasmodium vivax vaccine research - we've only just begun. (2017) (49)
- Biochemical and Functional Analysis of Two Plasmodium falciparum Blood-Stage 6-Cys Proteins: P12 and P41 (2012) (49)
- The effect of malaria and intestinal helminth coinfection on birth outcomes in Kumasi, Ghana. (2010) (49)
- Molecular Analysis of Erythrocyte Invasion in Plasmodium falciparum Isolates from Senegal (2007) (48)
- A Library of Plasmodium vivax Recombinant Merozoite Proteins Reveals New Vaccine Candidates and Protein-Protein Interactions (2015) (47)
- Malaria, Intestinal Helminths and Other Risk Factors for Stillbirth in Ghana (2010) (47)
- Synergistic malaria vaccine combinations identified by systematic antigen screening (2017) (46)
- Effects of calcium signaling on Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion and post-translational modification of gliding-associated protein 45 (PfGAP45). (2009) (45)
- CCR4-Associated Factor 1 Coordinates the Expression of Plasmodium falciparum Egress and Invasion Proteins (2011) (44)
- Refining the transcriptome of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum using amplification-free RNA-seq (2019) (44)
- Evolutionary history of human Plasmodium vivax revealed by genome-wide analyses of related ape parasites (2018) (43)
- Red blood cell tension protects against severe malaria in the Dantu blood group (2020) (43)
- An Antibody Screen of a Plasmodium vivax Antigen Library Identifies Novel Merozoite Proteins Associated with Clinical Protection (2016) (42)
- Biochemical Analysis of the Plasmodium falciparum Erythrocyte-binding Antigen-175 (EBA175)-Glycophorin-A Interaction (2013) (42)
- The exported chaperone Hsp70-x supports virulence functions for Plasmodium falciparum blood stage parasites (2017) (41)
- Confident and sensitive phosphoproteomics using combinations of collision induced dissociation and electron transfer dissociation☆ (2014) (41)
- Multigenomic Delineation of Plasmodium Species of the Laverania Subgenus Infecting Wild-Living Chimpanzees and Gorillas (2016) (41)
- Ape parasite origins of human malaria virulence genes (2015) (40)
- A member of the Plasmodium falciparum PHIST family binds to the erythrocyte cytoskeleton component band 4.1 (2013) (38)
- Identifying novel Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte invasion receptors using systematic extracellular protein interaction screens (2013) (36)
- Rapid evolution of an erythrocyte invasion gene family: the Plasmodium reichenowi Reticulocyte Binding Like (RBL) genes. (2004) (36)
- Landscape of the Plasmodium Interactome Reveals Both Conserved and Species-Specific Functionality (2019) (34)
- The origins of malaria: there are more things in heaven and earth … (2014) (33)
- Asymptomatic Plasmodium vivax infections induce robust IgG responses to multiple blood-stage proteins in a low-transmission region of western Thailand (2017) (32)
- Quantitative insertion-site sequencing (QIseq) for high throughput phenotyping of transposon mutants (2016) (30)
- Towards a comprehensive Plasmodium falciparum merozoite cell surface and secreted recombinant protein library (2014) (29)
- KILchip v1.0: A Novel Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Protein Microarray to Facilitate Malaria Vaccine Candidate Prioritization (2018) (29)
- Great Apes and Zoonoses (2013) (28)
- Cutting Edge: The Membrane Attack Complex of Complement Is Required for the Development of Murine Experimental Cerebral Malaria (2011) (27)
- Recombination-mediated genetic engineering of Plasmodium berghei DNA. (2013) (27)
- Proteomic analysis of extracellular vesicles from a Plasmodium falciparum Kenyan clinical isolate defines a core parasite secretome (2017) (27)
- Binding of Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Proteins DBLMSP and DBLMSP2 to Human Immunoglobulin M Is Conserved among Broadly Diverged Sequence Variants* (2016) (26)
- Ubiquitous Hepatocystis infections, but no evidence of Plasmodium falciparum-like malaria parasites in wild greater spot-nosed monkeys (Cercopithecus nictitans). (2012) (26)
- RecQ helicases in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum affect genome stability, gene expression patterns and DNA replication dynamics (2018) (26)
- PhenoPlasm: a database of disruption phenotypes for malaria parasite genes (2017) (24)
- An open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 7,000 worldwide samples. (2021) (23)
- Conservation and divergence in erythrocyte invasion ligands: Plasmodium reichenowi EBL genes. (2004) (19)
- Spatio-temporal dynamics of Plasmodium falciparum transmission within a spatial unit on the Colombian Pacific Coast (2020) (19)
- An in vitro erythrocyte preference assay reveals that Plasmodium falciparum parasites prefer Type O over Type A erythrocytes (2018) (19)
- Adaptation of Plasmodium falciparum to humans involved the loss of an ape-specific erythrocyte invasion ligand (2019) (18)
- The apicoplast link to fever-survival and artemisinin-resistance in the malaria parasite (2020) (18)
- Schizont transcriptome variation among clinical isolates and laboratory-adapted clones of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (2018) (18)
- p53 represses SV40 transcription by preventing formation of transcription complexes. (1995) (18)
- Palmitoylation and palmitoyl-transferases in Plasmodium parasites. (2015) (18)
- Plasmodium malariae Malaria: From Monkey to Man? (2015) (17)
- Palmitoyl transferases have critical roles in the development of mosquito and liver stages of Plasmodium (2016) (17)
- Getting stuck in: protein palmitoylation in Plasmodium. (2012) (16)
- The structure of the Plasmodium falciparum EBA175 ligand domain and the molecular basis of host specificity. (2006) (16)
- Frequent expansion of Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein in Ethiopia and its epidemiological significance (2019) (16)
- Whole genome sequencing of Plasmodium vivax isolates reveals frequent sequence and structural polymorphisms in erythrocyte binding genes (2020) (15)
- The merozoite has landed: reticulocyte-binding-like ligands and the specificity of erythrocyte recognition. (2009) (15)
- Using Plasmodium knowlesi as a model for screening Plasmodium vivax blood-stage malaria vaccine targets reveals new candidates (2020) (14)
- Study of Plasmodium falciparum DHHC palmitoyl transferases identifies a role for PfDHHC9 in gametocytogenesis (2016) (14)
- Genetic diversity of the malaria vaccine candidate Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein-3 in a hypoendemic transmission environment. (2009) (14)
- Sorting of membrane proteins in the yeast secretory pathway (1997) (14)
- Source of the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (2011) (13)
- A Stem Cell Strategy Identifies Glycophorin C as a Major Erythrocyte Receptor for the Rodent Malaria Parasite Plasmodium berghei (2016) (13)
- A forward genetic screen reveals a primary role for Plasmodium falciparum Reticulocyte Binding Protein Homologue 2a and 2b in determining alternative erythrocyte invasion pathways (2018) (12)
- Plasmodium knowlesi as a model system for characterising Plasmodium vivax drug resistance candidate genes (2019) (12)
- The Malaria Cell Atlas: a comprehensive reference of single parasite transcriptomes across the complete Plasmodium life cycle (2019) (12)
- Malaria Vaccine Development: Focusing Field Erythrocyte Invasion Studies on Phenotypic Diversity: The West African Merozoite Invasion Network (WAMIN). (2016) (12)
- Design and implementation of multiplexed amplicon sequencing panels to serve genomic epidemiology of infectious disease: A malaria case study (2021) (11)
- Single genome amplification and direct amplicon sequencing of Plasmodium spp. DNA from ape fecal specimens. (2010) (11)
- Essential Genes of the Parasitic Apicomplexa. (2021) (11)
- Controlled human malaria infection with a clone of Plasmodium vivax with high-quality genome assembly (2021) (10)
- Analysis of Plasmodium vivax schizont transcriptomes from field isolates reveals heterogeneity of expression of genes involved in host-parasite interactions (2020) (10)
- Regulators of male and female sexual development critical for transmission of a malaria parasite (2021) (10)
- Atypical Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase Phosphatase Implicated in Regulating Transition from Pre-S-Phase Asexual Intraerythrocytic Development of Plasmodium falciparum (2013) (9)
- Genome variation and meiotic recombination in Plasmodium falciparum: insights from deep sequencing of genetic crosses (2015) (9)
- Red blood cell tension controls Plasmodium falciparum invasion and protects against severe malaria in the Dantu blood group (2018) (9)
- Malaria Immunoepidemiology in Low Transmission: Correlation of Infecting Genotype and Immune Response to Domains of Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein 3 (2011) (9)
- Profiling invasive Plasmodium falciparum merozoites using an integrated omics approach (2017) (9)
- Corrigendum: A novel multiple-stage antimalarial agent that inhibits protein synthesis (2016) (8)
- The Plasmodium falciparum Rh5 invasion protein complex reveals an excess of rare variant mutations (2021) (8)
- Plasmodium falciparum secretory pathway: characterization of PfStx1, a plasma membrane Qa-SNARE. (2009) (7)
- Erythrocyte exit: Out, damned merozoite! Out I say! (2006) (6)
- PlasmoTron: an open-source platform for automated culture of malaria parasites (2017) (6)
- Erratum to "Variant merozoite protein expression is associated with erythrocyte invasion phenotypes in Plasmodium falciparum isolates from Tanzania" [Mol. Biochem. Parasitol. 149 (2006) 208-215] (DOI:10.1016/j.molbiopara.2007.01.007) (2007) (6)
- An enhanced toolkit for the generation of knockout and marker-free fluorescent Plasmodium chabaudi. (2020) (5)
- Limited variation in vaccine candidate Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Protein-6 over multiple transmission seasons (2010) (5)
- Towards a comprehensive Plasmodium falciparum merozoite cell surface and secreted recombinant protein library (2014) (5)
- An open dataset of Plasmodium vivax genome variation in 1,895 worldwide samples (2022) (5)
- An enhanced toolkit for the generation of knockout and marker-free fluorescent Plasmodium chabaudi (2020) (4)
- A library of functional recombinant Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface proteins (2010) (4)
- Getting down to malarial nuts and bolts: the interaction between Plasmodium vivax merozoites and their host erythrocytes (2005) (4)
- Genomic epidemiology of the current wave of artemisinin resistant malaria (2015) (4)
- Defining multiplicity of vector uptake in transfected Plasmodium parasites (2020) (4)
- Single cell sequencing shines a light on malaria parasite relatedness in complex infections. (2020) (3)
- Pf7: an open dataset of Plasmodium falciparum genome variation in 20,000 worldwide samples (2023) (3)
- The erythrocyte membrane properties of beta thalassaemia heterozygotes and their consequences for Plasmodium falciparum invasion (2022) (3)
- Antibodies directed against merozoite surface protein‐6 are induced by natural exposure to Plasmodium falciparum in a low transmission environment (2011) (3)
- Barcoding Genetically Distinct Plasmodium falciparum Strains for Comparative Assessment of Fitness and Antimalarial Drug Resistance (2022) (3)
- A comprehensive survey of protein palmitoylation in late blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum (2010) (2)
- High-throughput screens to identify novel interactions between erythrocyte multi-pass receptors and P. falciparum merozoite surface ligands that are involved in invasion (2010) (2)
- Resolving drug selection and migration in an inbred South American Plasmodium falciparum population with identity-by-descent analysis (2022) (2)
- Parasite species regulates T cell activation in human malaria (2021) (1)
- Biophysical Tools and Concepts Enable Understanding of Asexual Blood Stage Malaria (2022) (1)
- Landscape of the Plasmodium Interactome (2019) (1)
- Longitudinal IgG antibody responses to Plasmodium vivax blood-stage antigens during and after acute vivax malaria in individuals living in the Brazilian Amazon (2022) (1)
- Plasmodium falciparum schizont stage transcriptome variation among clinical isolates and laboratory-adapted clones (2018) (1)
- Impact of Plasmodium falciparum small-sized extracellular vesicles on host peripheral blood mononuclear cells (2020) (1)
- A new approach to identify human red blood cell receptors for Plasmodium parasites (2012) (1)
- A comprehensive survey of protein palmitoylation in late blood-stage Plasmodium falciparum (2010) (1)
- Asymptomatic Plasmodium vivax infections induce robust IgG responses to multiple blood-stage proteins in a low-transmission region of western Thailand (2017) (1)
- Systematic Identification of Plasmodium Falciparum Sporozoite Membrane Protein Interactions Reveals an Essential Role for the p24 Complex in Host Infection (2021) (1)
- Mapping T cell activation and differentiation at single cell resolution in naive hosts infected with Plasmodium vivax (1)
- Great Apes and Zoonoses EVOLUTION (1)
- A member of the Plasmodium falciparum PHIST family binds to the erythrocyte cytoskeleton component band 4.1 (2013) (1)
- Molecular Characterization and Immuno-Reactivity Patterns of a Novel Plasmodium falciparum Armadillo-Type Repeat Protein, PfATRP (2020) (1)
- Protein KIC5 is a novel regulator of artemisinin stress response in the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (2023) (1)
- A molecular barcode and web-based data analysis tool to identify imported Plasmodium vivax malaria (2022) (1)
- Controlled Human Malaria Infection reveals that the Dantu blood group variant provides high level protection against uncomplicated malaria (2022) (0)
- Quantitation of vector uptake reveals non-Poissonian transfection dynamics in Plasmodium falciparum (2019) (0)
- Characterization of a novel Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface antigen and potential vaccine target (2023) (0)
- Cerebral Malaria Development of Murine Experimental Complex of Complement Is Required for the Cutting Edge: The Membrane Attack (2011) (0)
- Plasmodium falciparum Intraerythrocytic Development of Transition from Pre-S-Phase Asexual Phosphatase Implicated in Regulating Atypical Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase (2013) (0)
- Probing SARS-CoV-2-positive plasma to identify potential factors correlating with mild COVID-19 in Ghana, West Africa (2022) (0)
- Lineage-informative microhaplotypes for spatio-temporal surveillance of Plasmodium vivax malaria parasites (2023) (0)
- Author Correction: Adaptation of Plasmodium falciparum to humans involved the loss of an ape-specific erythrocyte invasion ligand (2021) (0)
- Red blood cell tension protects against severe malaria in the Dantu blood group (2020) (0)
- Controlled human malaria infection with PvW1: a new clone of Plasmodium vivax with high quality genome assembly (2021) (0)
- Vesicle targeting molecules (1996) (0)
- Systematic Serological Diversity of a Putative Malaria Vaccine Candidate and Broad Protection (2020) (0)
- Identifying and targeting key cellular mechanisms for proliferation in Plasmodium parasites: a combined experimental and computational strategy (2017) (0)
- Southwestern blotting to establish the composition of UGPB, a putative transcription factor that binds to the rabbit uteroglobin promotor (1992) (0)
- Rapid inducible protein displacement in and Plasmodium in vivo (2017) (0)
- Title Independent Origin and Global Distribution of Distinct Plasmodium vivax Duffy Binding Protein Gene Duplications Permalink (2016) (0)
- Chemogenomic Profiling of a Plasmodium falciparum Transposon Mutant Library Reveals Shared Effects of Dihydroartemisinin and Bortezomib on Lipid Metabolism and Exported Proteins (2023) (0)
- Profiling invasive Plasmodium falciparum merozoites using an integrated omics approach (2017) (0)
- The Plasmodium falciparum Rh5 invasion protein complex reveals an excess of rare variant mutations (2021) (0)
- Schizont transcriptome variation among clinical isolates and laboratory-adapted clones of the malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum (2018) (0)
- The structure of a Plasmodium vivax Tryptophan Rich Antigen suggests a lipid binding function for a pan-Plasmodium multi-gene family (2022) (0)
- An in vitro erythrocyte preference assay reveals that Plasmodium falciparum parasites prefer Type O over Type A erythrocytes (2018) (0)
- Merozoite Surface Protein 3 Domains of Plasmodium falciparum Genotype and Immune Response to Transmission: Correlation of Infecting Malaria Immunoepidemiology in Low (2014) (0)
- Flow cytometry-based invasion phenotyping assay for malaria (2011) (0)
- Molecular Characterization and Immuno-Reactivity Patterns of a Novel Plasmodium falciparum Armadillo-Type Repeat Protein, PfATRP. (2020) (0)
- asexual intraerythrocytic development of Plasmodium falciparum 2 (2013) (0)
- Calcium Builds Strong Host-Parasite Interactions. (2015) (0)
- Inhibition, tissue distribution and hormonal specificity of a promoter-binding factor for the uteroglobin gene. (1994) (0)
- Human IgM Binds Broadly Diverged DBLMSP Protein Variants 1 Binding of Plasmodium falciparum Merozoite Surface Proteins DBLMSP and DBLMSP2 to Human Immunoglobulin M Is Conserved Amongst Broadly Diverged Sequence Variants (2016) (0)
- Toward the identification of cellular mechanisms behind the lethal phenotypes in malaria parasites blood stages with PlasmoGEM and metabolic modeling (2017) (0)
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