Louis Burgio
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American gerontologist
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Social Work
Louis Burgio's Degrees
- PhD Gerontology University of Southern California
- Masters Gerontology University of Southern California
Why Is Louis Burgio Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Louis D. Burgio was an American gerontologist formerly the Harold R. Johnson Professor of Social Work and research professor at University of Michigan and previously a UA Distinguished Professor at University of Alabama.
Louis Burgio's Published Works
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Published Works
- Enhancing the Quality of Life of Dementia Caregivers from Different Ethnic or Racial Groups (2006) (576)
- Dementia caregiver intervention research: in search of clinical significance. (2002) (441)
- An operant approach to rehabilitation medicine: overcoming learned nonuse by shaping. (1994) (395)
- Effect of multicomponent interventions on caregiver burden and depression: the REACH multisite initiative at 6-month follow-up. (2003) (383)
- Interventions for Caregivers of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease: A Review and Analysis of Content, Process, and Outcomes (1996) (284)
- Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH): overview, site-specific outcomes, and future directions. (2003) (252)
- Positive aspects of Alzheimer's caregiving: the role of race. (2004) (236)
- Come talk with me: improving communication between nursing assistants and nursing home residents during care routines. (2001) (231)
- The Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH): project design and baseline characteristics. (2003) (224)
- Enhancing Caregiver Health: Findings from the Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health II Intervention (2010) (213)
- Teaching and maintaining behavior management skills in the nursing home. (2002) (169)
- The Pittsburgh Agitation Scale: A User-Friendly Instrument for Rating Agitation in Dementia Patients. (1994) (166)
- Impact of two psychosocial interventions on white and African American family caregivers of individuals with dementia. (2003) (165)
- Positive aspects of caregiving as a moderator of treatment outcome over 12 months. (2007) (149)
- Judging outcomes in psychosocial interventions for dementia caregivers: the problem of treatment implementation. (2001) (141)
- Modifying repetitive verbalizations of community-dwelling patients with AD. (1997) (140)
- Studying disruptive vocalization and contextual factors in the nursing home using computer-assisted real-time observation. (1994) (133)
- Conversational coherence: discourse analysis of older adults with and without dementia (2004) (133)
- Pain Assessment and Management in Cognitively Impaired Nursing Home Residents: Association of Certified Nursing Assistant Pain Report, Minimum Data Set Pain Report, and Analgesic Medication Use (2002) (131)
- A participative management approach for improving direct-care staff performance in an institutional setting. (1983) (130)
- Memory aids as an augmentative and alternative communication strategy for nursing home residents with dementia (2001) (120)
- Translating the REACH caregiver intervention for use by area agency on aging personnel: the REACH OUT program. (2009) (119)
- Improving Morning Care Routines of Nursing Home Residents with Dementia (1999) (119)
- Environmental "white noise": an intervention for verbally agitated nursing home residents. (1996) (118)
- A Controlled Study of Disruptive Vocalizations among Geriatric Residents in Nursing Homes (1991) (115)
- Psychometric analysis of the Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist: factor structure of occurrence and reaction ratings. (2003) (114)
- Effective behavioral interventions for decreasing dementia‐related challenging behavior in nursing homes (1999) (112)
- A staff management system for maintaining improvements in continence with elderly nursing home residents. (1990) (103)
- Legacy activities as interventions approaching the end of life. (2008) (100)
- Quality of care in the nursing home: effects of staff assignment and work shift. (2004) (99)
- The four-factor model of depressive symptoms in dementia caregivers: a structural equation model of ethnic differences. (2008) (95)
- Institutional Staff Training and Management: A Review of the Literature and a Model for Geriatric, Long-Term-Care Facilities (1990) (92)
- A descriptive analysis of nursing staff behaviors in a teaching nursing home: differences among NAs, LPNs, and RNs. (1990) (91)
- Testing a theoretical model of the stress process in Alzheimer's caregivers with race as a moderator. (2009) (90)
- Development of the Risk Appraisal Measure: A Brief Screen to Identify Risk Areas and Guide Interventions for Dementia Caregivers (2009) (90)
- Perceived income inadequacy as a predictor of psychological distress in Alzheimer's caregivers. (2009) (81)
- Behavioral gerontology: application of behavioral methods to the problems of older adults. (1986) (76)
- A self-instructional package for increasing attending behavior in educable mentally retarded children. (1980) (75)
- Caregiver Appraisals of Functional Dependence in Individuals With Dementia and Associated Caregiver Upset (2005) (72)
- Skills Training for Spouses of Patients with Alzheimer's Disease: Outcomes of an Intervention Study (2002) (72)
- Advance care planning in nursing homes: correlates of capacity and possession of advance directives. (2003) (70)
- An open pilot study of citalopram for behavioral disturbances of dementia. Plasma levels and real-time observations. (1997) (69)
- Effects of a communication intervention on the discourse of nursing home residents with dementia and their nursing assistants (2002) (69)
- Behavioral Treatment of Incontinence in the Long‐Term Care Setting (1990) (66)
- Teaching and maintaining behavior management skills with nursing assistants in a nursing home. (1998) (63)
- Interventions for the Behavioral Complications of Alzheimer's Disease: Behavioral Approaches (1996) (63)
- Agitation in Nursing Home Residents: The Role of Gender and Social Context (2000) (62)
- Behavior problems in an urban nursing home. (1988) (62)
- Timed-event sequential analysis of agitation in nursing home residents during personal care interactions with nursing assistants. (2002) (59)
- Preserving Identity and Planning for Advance Care (PIPAC): preliminary outcomes from a patient-centered intervention for individuals with mild dementia (2014) (58)
- Social Marketing as a Framework for Recruitment (2004) (58)
- Improving quality of life in diverse rural older adults: a randomized trial of a psychological treatment. (2007) (58)
- Family Caregiving to Those With Dementia in Rural Alabama (2007) (58)
- Using a new taxonomy to combine the uncombinable: integrating results across diverse interventions. (2003) (56)
- Predictors of agitation in nursing home residents. (2003) (55)
- Measuring problem behaviors in dementia: developing a methodological agenda. (1997) (53)
- Communication Skills Training for Nursing Aides of Residents with Dementia (2004) (51)
- The Effects of Changing Prompted Voiding Schedules in the Treatment of Incontinence in Nursing Home Residents (1994) (51)
- Predictors of need-driven behaviors in nursing home residents with dementia and associated certified nursing assistant burden (2010) (50)
- Excess Disability During Morning Care in Nursing Home Residents With Dementia (2000) (48)
- Increasing Communication Among Nursing Home Residents (2001) (48)
- Temporal patterns of disruptive vocalization in elderly nursing home residents (2001) (48)
- Management of the patient with disruptive vocalization. (1997) (46)
- Prescription and Dosage of Analgesic Medication in Relation to Resident Behaviors in the Nursing Home (2003) (44)
- A comparison of in-home and telephone-based skill training interventions with caregivers of persons with demetia. (2004) (43)
- Obtaining self-report data from cognitively impaired elders: methodological issues and clinical implications for nursing home pain assessment. (2006) (39)
- Report on milestones for care and support under the U.S. National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease (2016) (39)
- Racial Differences in Perceived Burden of Rural Dementia Caregivers (2010) (38)
- Behavior therapies for urinary incontinence in the elderly. (1986) (38)
- My Recaller is on Vacation: Discourse Analysis of Nursing-Home Residents With Dementia (2002) (37)
- Increasing distance and independence of ambulation in elderly nursing home residents. (1986) (35)
- The Influences of Gender and Religiousness on Alzheimer Disease Caregivers' Use of Informal Support and Formal Services (2008) (35)
- Behavioral characteristics of agitated nursing home residents with dementia at the end of life. (2005) (35)
- The effects of verbal and written supervisory feedback on staff compliance with assigned prompted voiding in a nursing home (1993) (34)
- Correspondence of the Functional Independence Measure (FIM) self-care subscale with real-time observations of dementia patients' ADL performance in the home (2002) (34)
- Can senior volunteers deliver reminiscence and creative activity interventions? Results of the legacy intervention family enactment randomized controlled trial. (2014) (33)
- Treating severe behavioral disorders in geriatric residential settings (1992) (31)
- Nurses' Attitudes Towards Geriatric Behavior Problems in Long-Term Care Settings (1988) (31)
- When primary and secondary caregivers disagree: predictors and psychosocial consequences. (1996) (30)
- The Spectrum of Family Caregiving for Adults and Elders with Chronic Illness (2016) (29)
- Clinical behavioral pharmacology: methods for evaluating medications and contingency management. (1985) (28)
- Stimulus variation as a means of enhancing punishment effects. (1988) (28)
- Behavioral treatment for urinary incontinence in elderly inpatients: Initial attempts to modify prompting and toileting procedures (1988) (27)
- The Revised Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist--Nursing Home: instrument development and measurement of burden among certified nursing assistants. (2003) (27)
- A longitudinal examination of agitation and resident characteristics in the nursing home. (2007) (25)
- Data and safety monitoring in social behavioral intervention trials: the REACH II experience (2006) (25)
- Application of Psychosocial Interventions for Treating Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia (2000) (25)
- Direct Observation of Behavioral Disturbances of Dementia and Their Environmental Context (1997) (25)
- A trial of buspirone for the control of disruptive behaviors in community‐dwelling patients with dementia (1994) (25)
- Physicians' acceptance of behavioral treatments and pharmacotherapy for behavioral disturbances in older adults. (1992) (24)
- Assessment and treatment of multiple behavior problems exhibited by a profoundly retarded adolescent. (1986) (24)
- Caregiver Performance in the Nursing Home: The Use of Staff Training and Management Procedures (1994) (23)
- Development of Listening Skills in Retarded Children: A Correspondence Training Program. (1983) (23)
- Exemplary care as a mediator of the effects of caregiver subjective appraisal and emotional outcomes. (2011) (23)
- Behavioral treatments and pharmacotherapy: acceptability ratings by elderly individuals in residential settings. (1990) (21)
- Elders' acceptability ratings of behavioral treatments and pharmacotherapy for the management of geriatric behavioral disturbances. (1995) (21)
- Examining the effectiveness of traditional audiological assessments for nursing home residents with dementia-related behaviors. (2009) (21)
- Studying incontinence in an urban nursing home. (1988) (20)
- A behavioral microanalysis of the effects of haloperidol and oxazepam in demented psychogeriatric inpatients (1992) (20)
- Comparative Effectiveness of 2 Interventions for Hispanic Caregivers of Persons with Dementia (2018) (19)
- Disentangling the Translational Sciences: A Social Science Perspective (2010) (19)
- Normalization of institutional mealtimes for profoundly retarded persons: effects and noneffects of teaching family-style dining. (1984) (19)
- Predicting desire for institutional placement among racially diverse dementia family caregivers: the role of quality of care. (2013) (19)
- "It Was Very Rewarding for Me …": Senior Volunteers' Experiences With Implementing a Reminiscence and Creative Activity Intervention. (2016) (18)
- Behavioral Interventions and Motivational Systems in the Nursing Home (1998) (17)
- Behavioral treatments and pharmacotherapy: acceptability ratings for elderly individuals. (1989) (16)
- A user-friendly instrument for rating agitation in dementia patients. (1994) (15)
- Northern Manhattan Hispanic Caregiver Intervention Effectiveness Study: protocol of a pragmatic randomised trial comparing the effectiveness of two established interventions for informal caregivers of persons with dementia (2016) (15)
- The Use of Morycz’s Desire-to-Institutionalize Scale Across Three Racial/Ethnic Groups (2011) (14)
- Urinary incontinence: an augmented prompted void approach. (1992) (14)
- Translational Research on Caregiving (2015) (13)
- Neuroleptics and behavior: a comparative study. (1987) (13)
- Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer's Caregiver Health (REACH II), 2001-2004 (2006) (12)
- Behavioral Staff Training and Management in Geriatric Long-Term Care Facilities (1991) (12)
- Comparison of Caregiver and Occupational Therapist Ratings of Dementia Patients' Performance of Activities of Daily Living (2008) (11)
- Nurses' acceptance of behavioral treatments and pharmacotherapy for behavioral disturbances in older adults. (1995) (11)
- Caregiving for Individuals with Alzheimer’s Disease and Related Disorders (2016) (11)
- Alive and well: the state of behavioral gerontology in 2011. (2011) (10)
- Using patient and proxy reports as outcome measures in Alzheimer disease research. (1997) (10)
- Providing Mental Health Services to Older People Living in Rural Communities (2006) (9)
- Caring for Alzheimer’s Disease Patients: Issues of Verbal Communication and Social Interaction (2018) (9)
- Assessing toileting skills and habits in an adult day care center. (1991) (9)
- Caregiving for the Chronically Ill: State of the Science and Future Directions (2016) (8)
- Formal services utilization by family caregivers of persons with Dementia living in rural Southeastern U.S.A. (2007) (8)
- Behavioral covariation in the treatment of delusional verbalization with contingency management. (1985) (7)
- Behavioral Assessment of the Effects of Psychotropic Medications on Demented Nursing Home Residents (1991) (7)
- Caregiver and care recipient characteristics as predictors of psychotropic medication use in community-dwelling dementia patients (2016) (6)
- Observational data collection using computer and manual methods: which informs best? (1999) (5)
- Assessment of Dementia Family Caregivers (2008) (5)
- The reduction of seizure-like behaviors through contingency management. (1985) (5)
- Operantly based treatment procedure for stair avoidance by a severely mentally retarded adult. (1986) (5)
- Assessing disruptive behaviors of nursing home residents: use of microcomputer technology to promote objectivity in planning nursing interventions. (1995) (5)
- Treatment in Residential Settings (1996) (5)
- Acceptability Ratings of Psychotherapeutic Treatments for Elderly Individuals (1998) (4)
- Issues in assessment and intervention for distress in Alzheimer caregivers (2008) (4)
- Racial and ethnic differences in psychotropic medication use among community-dwelling persons with dementia in the United States (2018) (4)
- Bladder and Bowel Incontinence (1989) (3)
- Some musings of an aging researcher. (1999) (3)
- Translating the REACH OUT dementia caregiver intervention into a primary care setting: a pilot study (2020) (3)
- Development and Overview (2021) (3)
- The Problem of Urinary Incontinence (1991) (2)
- Can Providing Support to Dementia Caregivers Improve Their Quality of Life? (2006) (2)
- Cognitive Behavioral Interventions with Mentally Retarded Children (1984) (2)
- Reducing cigarette smoking in a retarded adult: An application of self‐management procedures (1987) (2)
- Caregiving for Family Members with Chronic Illness (2016) (1)
- Behavioral Microanalysis of Helping Interactions Between Mothers and Adult Children with Mental Retardation (1998) (1)
- Gender differences in positive aspects of caregiving (2004) (1)
- Increasing Retarded Adults' Compliance with Occupational and Household Tasks with a Guided Compliance and Verbal Praise Procedure: A Preliminary Investigation (1988) (1)
- Training nursing home care staff to recognise psychopathology improves their ability to identify depressed residents (2006) (1)
- Characteristics of Incontinent and Continent Elderly in a Nursing Home Setting (1986) (0)
- Racial differences in assessing quality of care: The role of caregiving skills (2008) (0)
- Rates of resident need-driven behaviors and nursing assistant skill use in nursing homes (2007) (0)
- Risk Appraisal and Action Plans (2021) (0)
- Pittsburgh Agitation Scale 1994 (2004) (0)
- Application of Machine Learning Techniques to Examine Social Service Needs Among Hispanic Family Caregivers of Persons with Dementia (2022) (0)
- Exemplary caregiving as a mediator of the effects of daily care bother on caregiver emotional outcomes (2009) (0)
- Race/Ethnicity as a moderator of social resources in Alzheimer’s family caregivers (2008) (0)
- Policy Forum Report on milestones for care and support under the U.S. National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease (2016) (0)
- Nurses' Acceptance of Behavioral Pharmacotherapy for Behavioral Older Adults Treatments and Disturbances in (1995) (0)
- Risk Area 3: Caregiver Emotional Well-Being (2021) (0)
- SPECIAL SECTION Resources for Enhancing Alzheimer’s Caregiver Health (REACH): Overview, Site-Specific Outcomes, and Future Directions (2003) (0)
- Assessment and interventions for caregivers' distress (2008) (0)
- Risk Area 2: Keeping the Caregiver Physically Healthy (2021) (0)
- The REACH OUT Caregiver Support Program (2021) (0)
- Filling in the Gaps (2021) (0)
- An observational analysis of self‐stimulatory behavior of older adults in a nursing home (1987) (0)
- Management of the Patient With Disruptive Vocalization 1 (2008) (0)
- Reach II Risk Appraisal Measure (2015) (0)
- Risk Area 4: Managing Challenging Behaviors (2021) (0)
- Risk Area 5: Social Support (2021) (0)
- Planning cognitive-behavioral management programs for long-term care. (1999) (0)
- Risk Area 1: Home Safety (2021) (0)
- An examination of service utilization of rural dementia familial caregivers (2005) (0)
- Analysis of Disruptive Behavior and Social Interactions: A Longitudinal Study (2011) (0)
- Aging and Mental Retardation (1998) (0)
- An examination of quality of care as a mechanism underlying caregiver desire to institutionalize (2010) (0)
- The Racial differences in caregiving burden: The mediating effect of religiosity (2006) (0)
- Coping styles of caregivers of older persons with dementia in rural Alabama (2005) (0)
- Practice Concepts. Nancy L Wilson, MA, Editor (1997) (0)
- Examining differences between spouse and non-spouse caregivers of individuals with dementia (2008) (0)
- ranslating Psychosocial Research Psychosocial Research Into Practice: Into Practice: A Methodological A Methodological Overview Overview (2003) (0)
- Reducing Burden on Hispanic Caregivers of Relatives with Dementia ‐‐ The Northern Manhattan Hispanic Caregiver Intervention Effectiveness Study (NHiCE) (2019) (0)
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