Prasanta Pattanaik
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Prasanta Pattanaik's Degrees
- PhD Economics Delhi University
Why Is Prasanta Pattanaik Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Prasanta Kumar Pattanaik , is an Indian-American emeritus professor at the Department of Economics at the University of California. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society. Along with Amartya Sen and Kenneth Arrow, Pattanaik is an advisory editor for the journal Social Choice and Welfare.
Prasanta Pattanaik's Published Works
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Published Works
- The Measurement of Diversity (2001) (3993)
- Ranking Sets of Objects (2001) (402)
- On Ranking Opportunity Sets in Terms of Freedom of Choice (1990) (398)
- Maximization and the Act of Choice (2007) (342)
- Necessary and Sufficient Conditions for Rational Choice under Majority Decision (1969) (238)
- Individual Rights Revisited (1992) (189)
- Ranking Opportunity Sets: A n Ax-iomatic Approach (1994) (181)
- On choosing rationally when preferences are fuzzy (1990) (175)
- On Preference and Freedom (1998) (173)
- Social choice and welfare (1983) (143)
- Falmagne and the Rationalizability of Stochastic Choices in Terms of Random Orderings (1986) (136)
- Strategy and group choice (1978) (134)
- On diversity and freedom of choice (2000) (108)
- On Measuring Deprivation and the Standard of Living in a Multidimensional Framework on the Basis of Aggregate Data (2003) (104)
- On Ranking Opportunity Sets in Economic Environments (2000) (102)
- On the structure of fuzzy social welfare functions (1986) (100)
- Choice under complete uncertainty: axiomatic characterizations of some decision rules (2000) (99)
- An axiomatic characterization of the lexicographic maximin extension of an ordering over a set to the power set (1984) (88)
- Extending an order on a Set to the power set: Some remarks on Kannai and Peleg's approach (1984) (86)
- Risk, Impersonality, and the Social Welfare Function (1968) (82)
- On some axioms for ranking sets of alternatives (1984) (74)
- Rationality and aggregation of preferences in an ordinally fuzzy framework (1992) (70)
- Choice, welfare, and development : a Festschrift in honour of Amartya Sen (1995) (65)
- On the stability of sincere voting situations (1973) (64)
- Median-based extensions of an ordering over a set to the power set: An axiomatic characterization (1984) (63)
- On some suggestions for having non-binary social choice functions (1972) (63)
- Similarity of Options and the Measurement of Diversity (2003) (61)
- Exact choice and fuzzy preferences (1986) (55)
- Stochastic Revealed Preference and the Theory of Demand (1999) (53)
- Game Forms, Rights, and the Efficiency of Social Outcomes* (1997) (53)
- Soft sets: an ordinal formulation of vagueness with some applications to the theory of choice (1992) (52)
- Majority Rule, Social Welfare Functions, and Games Forms (1995) (52)
- The Oxford Handbook of Rational and Social Choice (2007) (51)
- Fuzzy Sets, Preference and Choice: Some Conceptual Issues (1989) (49)
- On Nicely Consistent Voting Systems (1978) (48)
- Minimal relativism, dominance, and standard of living comparisons based on functionings (2006) (44)
- Distribution of Power under Stochastic Social Choice Rules (1986) (41)
- Rights, welfarism, and social choice (1994) (37)
- Positional rules of collective decision-making (2002) (37)
- Voting and collective choice : some aspects of the theory of group decision-making (1973) (36)
- Threats, Counter-Threats, and Strategic Voting (1976) (36)
- The Handbook of Rational and Social Choice - an overview of new foundations and applications (2009) (35)
- Explaining the Food Stamp Cash-Out Puzzle (2001) (34)
- Strategic voting under minimally binary group decision functions (1981) (32)
- Demand Aggregation and the Weak Axiom of Stochastic Revealed Preference (2002) (32)
- A general revealed preference theorem for stochastic demand behavior (2004) (31)
- Globalization, culture, and the limits of the market : essays in economics and philosophy (2004) (31)
- Counter-threats and Strategic Manipulation under Voting Schemes (1976) (30)
- Domestic Distortions and the Gains from Trade (1970) (30)
- On Modelling Individual Rights: Some Conceptual Issues (1996) (30)
- Rights and freedom in welfare economics (1994) (30)
- Strategic Voting Without Collusion Under Binary and Democratic Group Decision Rules (1975) (29)
- A Note on Democratic Decision and the Existence of Choice Sets (1968) (28)
- On measuring deprivation and living standards of societies in a multi-attribute framework (2012) (25)
- On Measuring Multidimensional Deprivation (2018) (24)
- Stability of sincere voting under some classes of non-binary group decision procedures (1974) (23)
- Measures of Food Insecurity at the Household Level (2006) (23)
- On the Mean of Squared Deprivation Gaps (2007) (22)
- On social choice with quasitransitive individual preferences (1970) (21)
- Binary data, hierarchy of attributes, and multidimensional deprivation (2015) (20)
- Collective Choice and Social Welfare.@@@Voting and Collective Choice. (1972) (19)
- ‘Regular’ choice and the weak axiom of stochastic revealed preference (2007) (18)
- The structure of coalitional power under probabilistic group decision rules (1982) (17)
- On Procedures for Measuring Deprivation and Living Standards of Societies in a Multi-Attribute Framework (2008) (16)
- Little and Bergson on Arrow's concept of social welfare (2005) (16)
- Human Development in the Era of Globalization (2006) (16)
- Transitive Multi-Stage Majority Decisions with Quasi-Transitive Individual Preferences (1972) (15)
- A note on a property of maximal sets and choice in the absence of universal comparability (1996) (14)
- Aggregation of Fuzzy Preferences (1990) (14)
- Collective rationality and strategy-proofness of group decision rules (1976) (12)
- On the Consistency of Libertarian Values (1988) (12)
- An interview with amartya sen (1988) (12)
- Ordinal Distance, Dominance, and the Measurement of Diversity (2006) (11)
- India's economy and the reforms of the 1990s: genesis and prospect (1997) (11)
- Sufficient Conditions for the Existence of a Choice Set Under Majority Voting (1970) (11)
- Revenue risks, insurance, and the behavior of competitive firms (1996) (11)
- Well‐Being, Deprivation, and the Great Recession in the U.S.: A Study in a Multidimensional Framework (2019) (11)
- Chapter 3 – The structure of general probabilistic group decision rules (1983) (10)
- On the structure of simple preference-based choice functions (2000) (10)
- Perspectives on public choice: Some paradoxes of preference aggregation (1996) (10)
- Economic Growth, Intermediate Products, and the Terms of Trade (1971) (9)
- Conditions for Transitive and Quasi-Transitive Majority Decisions (1974) (9)
- Limits of Utilitarianism as the Ethical Basis of Public Action (2009) (8)
- Freedom and Its Value (2013) (8)
- The Liberal Paradox (1996) (8)
- An interview with I. M.D. Little (2005) (8)
- Group choice with lexicographic individual orderings (1973) (7)
- Rational Choice and Social Welfare (2009) (7)
- Poverty And Famines An Essay On Entitlement And Deprivation Epdf Download (2021) (7)
- Outcomes of admissible Nash equilibria and sophisticated voting when decisions are based on pairwise comparisons (1982) (6)
- Preference, choice, and rationality : Amartya Sen's critique of the theory of rational choice in economics (2009) (6)
- Transitivity of Social Decisions under Some More General Group Decision Rules than the Method of Majority Decision (1971) (6)
- On measuring the value of life (1995) (6)
- Restricted Preferences and Strategy-Proofness of a Class of Group Decision Functions (1980) (6)
- Trade, distribution and saving (1974) (5)
- Distributive Justice and Inequality (1988) (5)
- On the Structure of Some Measures of Deprivation (2003) (5)
- Conceptions of Individual Rights and Freedom in Welfare Economics: A Re-Examination (2007) (5)
- Rational choice and social welfare : theory and applications : essays in honor of Kotaro Suzumura (2008) (5)
- Housing deprivation in a village in Orissa (2000) (4)
- Bargaining over employment and wages, with threats of strikes and lockouts: An extension of the Nash solution☆ (1989) (4)
- Choice, Welfare, and Development: A Festschrift for Amartya K. Sen (1995) (4)
- Essays on Individual Decision Making and Social Welfare (2009) (4)
- Fuzziness and the Normative Theory of Social Choice (1997) (3)
- Amartya Sen: Preference, Choice, and Rationality (2009) (3)
- On Comparing Functioning Bundles and Capability Sets (2006) (3)
- Professor Sen on Minimal Liberty (1990) (3)
- The concepts of choice and preference in economics (2013) (3)
- A Note on A. D. Taylor’s Property of Independence of Irrelevant Alternatives for Voting Rules (2017) (3)
- On Optimality and Competitive Equilibria in the Presence of Fuzzy Preferences (2002) (3)
- Non-Welfaristic Policy Assessment and the Pareto Principle (2003) (3)
- Welfarism, Individual Rights and Game Forms. (1991) (2)
- On measuring multi-dimensional deprivation on the basis of aggregate data (2003) (2)
- Nash Equilibria of Games When Players'Preferences are Quasi-Transitive (2014) (2)
- Factor Market Imperfections, the Terms of Trade, and Welfare (2016) (2)
- The Economy of Odisha: A Profile (2016) (2)
- Revealed Preference with Stochastic Demand Correspondence (2010) (2)
- On Measuring Personal Connections and the Extent of Social Networks (2007) (2)
- Measuring Multidimensional Well-Being and Deprivation with Discrete Ordinal Data (2019) (2)
- Conceptions of individual rights and freedom in welfare economics : A re-examination (2009) (2)
- Nutrient Consumption in India: Evidence from a Village Study (2020) (2)
- Social Choice and Voting (2018) (1)
- The Derivation of the Demand Theorem in the Revealed Preference Approach (1972) (1)
- Distributive justice and inequality : a selection of papers given at a conference, Berlin, May 1986 (1988) (1)
- Rights, Individual Preferences and Collective Rationality (2008) (1)
- On Notions of Agency, Individual Heterogeneity and the Existence, Size and Composition of a Bonded Child Labour Force (2004) (1)
- Rationality and Context-Dependent Preferences (2013) (1)
- Nash equilibria of games when players’ preferences are quasi-transitive: Nash equilibria of games (2018) (1)
- A Note on the ‘Rationality of Becoming’ and Revealed Preference (1980) (1)
- Binary data, hierarchy of attributes, and multidimensional deprivation (2016) (1)
- On Dominance and Context-Dependence in Multi-Attribute Decisions (2008) (0)
- Explaining the Food Stamp Cash-Out Puzzle: Introduction (2001) (0)
- Institutions and their ethical evaluation (2019) (0)
- SEN (5) HAS SHOWN that majority decision will necessarily be transitive if every triple of alternatives is subject to at least one of the "value restrictions," "not- (1970) (0)
- Poverty Measurement: A Generalization of Sen's Result (1988) (0)
- On Capability and its Measurement (2020) (0)
- Measuring Deprivation in a Multi-Attribute Framework with Ordinal Data (2014) (0)
- Listing service (1987) (0)
- Revenue Risks, Risk Attitudes and the Optimal Output and Insurance Cover pf a Competitive Firm (1991) (0)
- Individual Freedom and Welfare Economics (2018) (0)
- Ophi Working Freedom, Opportunity and Wellbeing Freedom, Opportunity and Wellbeing (2010) (0)
- A study of the adoption behaviour of an Electronic Health Information Exchange System for a Green economy (2021) (0)
- Kotaro Suzumura, Rational Choice, Collective Decisions, and Social welfare (1985) (0)
- 【Book Review】Kotaro Suzumura, Rational Choice, Collective Decisions, and Social welfare (1985) (0)
- A Note on Leibenstein's "Notes on Welfare Economics and the Theory of Democracy" (1967) (0)
- Comparative Statics for a Consumer with Possibly Multiple Optimum Consumption Bundles (2010) (0)
- Editorial announcement (1988) (0)
- Rationing, price control and black marketing (2019) (0)
- Revealed Preference and Stochastic Demand Correspondence: A Unified Theory (2007) (0)
- Women ’ s Employment , Intra-Household Bargaining and Distribution : A Two-Sector Analysis by Indraneel Dasgupta (0)
- Institutions and their ethical evaluation (2020) (0)
- Some Political Constraints on Economic Development (2016) (0)
- Introduction (2004) (0)
- Individual Freedom and Welfare Economics (2017) (0)
- Little and Bergson on Arrow's concept (2005) (0)
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