Reva Williams
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Reva Williams's Degrees
- Masters Astronomy University of California, Berkeley
Why Is Reva Williams Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Reva Kay Williams is a theoretical astrophysicist. She is the first person to successfully work out the Penrose process using Einstein's Theory of Relativity to extract energy from black holes. Also, she is the first Black American woman to earn a PhD in theoretical astrophysics. Her work focuses on general relativistic astrophysics.
Reva Williams's Published Works
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Published Works
- Universal correlations between Tc and ns/m (carrier density over effective mass) in high-Tc cuprate superconductors. (1989) (845)
- Scaling in the relaxation of supercooled liquids. (1990) (395)
- Ultrahigh-gradient acceleration of injected eletrons by laser-excited relativistic electron plasma waves. (1993) (263)
- Observation of a magnetically induced Wigner solid. (1988) (257)
- Observation of dynamical localization in atomic momentum transfer: A new testing ground for quantum chaos. (1994) (225)
- Submicron-scale surface roughening induced by ion bombardment. (1991) (212)
- Adsorbate-substrate resonant interactions observed for CO on Cu(100) in the far infrared. (1990) (195)
- Luminescence of F and F+ centers in magnesium oxide. (1989) (194)
- Luminescence of F and F+ centers in magnesium oxide. (1989) (194)
- Scalings of Ion-Temperature-Gradient-Driven Anomalous Transport in Tokamaks. (1996) (190)
- Dominant influence of beam-induced interface rearrangement on solid-phase epitaxial crystallization of amorphous silicon. (1985) (184)
- Atomic arrangement of iodine atoms inside single-walled carbon nanotubes (2000) (177)
- Dynamical Hall effect in a two-dimensional classical plasma. (1985) (166)
- Sound velocity and attenuation in single-crystal C60. (1992) (164)
- High atom density in the "1 x 1" phase and origin of the metastable reconstructions on Si(111). (1994) (158)
- Thermoelectric power: A simple, instructive probe of high-Tc superconductors. (1995) (149)
- Off-center self-trapped excitons and creation of lattice defects in alkali halide crystals. (1986) (149)
- Step capillary waves and equilibrium island shapes on Si(001). (1994) (145)
- Experimental evidence for a transverse magnetization of the Abrikosov lattice in anisotropic superconductors. (1988) (143)
- Conduction threshold and pinning frequency of magnetically induced Wigner solid. (1991) (138)
- Structure analysis of the Si(111) sqrt 3 x sqrt 3 R30 degrees -Ag surface. (1991) (136)
- Dielectric properties of sputtered SrTiO3 films. (1994) (135)
- Nonlocal electron heat transport by not quite Maxwell-Boltzmann distributions. (1986) (135)
- Production of small doubly charged negative carbon cluster ions by sputtering. (1990) (130)
- Magnetic penetration depth in single-crystal YBa2Cu3O7- delta. (1989) (128)
- Electrical study of Schottky barriers on atomically clean GaAs(110) surfaces. (1986) (127)
- Tunneling spectroscopy and inverse photoemission: Image and field states. (1985) (120)
- Nonlinear optical response of excitons confined to one dimension. (1987) (118)
- Correlation of the electrical properties of metal contacts on diamond films with the chemical nature of the metal-diamond interface. II. Titanium contacts: A carbide-forming metal. (1992) (117)
- Terrace-width distributions on vicinal Si(111). (1990) (115)
- Brownian motion of steps on Si(111). (1993) (102)
- Multifragment disintegration of the 129Xe+197Au system at E/A=50 MeV. (1991) (102)
- Compressive deformation of a single microcapsule. (1996) (101)
- Multiparticle coherence calculations for synchrotron-radiation emission. (1991) (101)
- Temperature dependence of vicinal Si(111) surfaces. (1988) (100)
- Role of attractive interactions on Bose-Einstein condensation. (1996) (96)
- Numerical study of phonon localization in disordered systems. (1985) (95)
- Muon-spin-relaxation measurements of magnetic penetration depth in organic superconductors (BEDT-TTF)2-X: X=Cu(NCS)2 and Cu (1992) (92)
- Strain relaxation during the initial stages of growth in Ge/Si(001). (1991) (92)
- Simple formula for the atomic forces in the augmented-plane-wave method. (1989) (92)
- Impact-collision ion-scattering spectroscopy of Cu(110) and Cu(110)-(2 x 1)-O using 5-keV 6Li+ (1986) (92)
- Collision properties of ultracold 133Cs atoms (2000) (88)
- Zirconium nitride-a new material for Josephson junctions. (1985) (88)
- In-plane anisotropy of the penetration depth due to superconductivity on the Cu-O Chains in YBa2Cu3O7- delta, Y2Ba4Cu7O 15- delta, and YBa2Cu4O8. (1995) (83)
- Paramagnetic Meissner effect in Nb. (1996) (81)
- Suppression of the Superconducting Condensate in the High-Tc Cuprates by Zn Substitution and Overdoping: Evidence for an Unconventional Pairing State. (1996) (78)
- Crystalline-to-amorphous transition for Si-ion irradiation of Si(100). (1991) (78)
- Surface phase separation of vicinal Si(111). (1987) (77)
- Fragmentation of necklike structures. (1994) (75)
- Anisotropic temperature dependence of the magnetic-field penetration in superconducting UPt3. (1990) (75)
- N-scaling algorithm for density-functional calculations of metals and insulators. (1994) (75)
- Line shapes of high resolution photoassociation spectra of optically cooled atoms. (1994) (74)
- Hyperon electroproduction in a crossing and duality constrained model. (1992) (72)
- Mechanism of sputtering of large biomolecular ions by impact of highly ionizing particles. (1987) (72)
- Vortex-ring model of the superfluid lambda transition. (1987) (72)
- Surface Structure of 1 x 2 Reconstructed TiO2(110) Studied Using Electron Stimulated Desorption Ion Angular Distribution. (1996) (72)
- Arrott-plot criterion for ferromagnetism in disordered systems. (1986) (69)
- Low-energy electron-microscopy investigations of orientational phase separation on vicinal Si(111) surfaces. (1991) (69)
- Magnetic penetration depth in the organic superconductor kappa - (1990) (68)
- Augmented-plane-wave forces. (1990) (68)
- Medium modifications to the omega -meson mass in the Walecka model. (1993) (67)
- Synchrotron infrared spectroscopy at megabar pressures: Vibrational dynamics of hydrogen to 180 GPa. (1992) (66)
- Undressing a collective intersubband excitation in a quantum well. (1996) (65)
- Magnetic penetration depth and condensate density of cuprate high-Tc superconductors determined by muon-spin-rotation experiments. (1995) (65)
- Longitudinal-field micro+ spin relaxation via quadrupolar level-crossing resonance in Cu at 20 K. (1986) (64)
- Precise atomic radiative lifetime via photoassociative spectroscopy of ultracold lithium. (1995) (64)
- Quantum limitation on Coulomb blockade observed in a 2D electron system. (1993) (61)
- Effect of Ion-Wave Damping on Stimulated Raman Scattering in High-Z Laser-Produced Plasmas. (1996) (60)
- Quasiparticle damping in Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8 and Bi2Sr2CuO6. (1992) (60)
- Image states: Binding energies, effective masses, and surface corrugation. (1985) (60)
- Strain evolution in coherent Ge/Si islands (2000) (60)
- Pressure-temperature phase diagram, inverse isotope effect, and superconductivity in excess of 13 K in kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu (1991) (60)
- Giant magnetoresistive behavior near the metamagnetic transition in Ce(Fe0.93Ru0.07)2. (1996) (58)
- Measurement of the energy gap in an organic superconductor: Evidence for extremely strong coupling. (1986) (57)
- Magnetic properties of icosahedral alloys: The case of Al65Cu20Fe15. (1989) (57)
- Solving the Bethe-Salpeter equation for scalar theories in Minkowski space. (1995) (56)
- Raman scattering from high-Tc superconductors. (1988) (55)
- Shear-induced superconductivity in beta -di (1986) (55)
- Sources and emission time scales in E/A=50 MeV 129Xe+natCu reactions. (1993) (55)
- Generation of point defects in crystalline silicon by MeV heavy ions: Dose rate and temperature dependence. (1993) (55)
- Evidence for collisional damping in high-energy Raman-scattering experiments at 0.26 microm. (1985) (55)
- Three-plus-one formulation of Regge calculus. (1986) (53)
- Microscopic structure and multiple charge states of a PtH2 complex in Si. (1995) (53)
- Unusual behavior in the upper critical magnetic fields of the ambient-pressure organic superconductor kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu (1990) (53)
- Infrared optical properties of the 10-K organic superconductor (BEDT-TTF)2 (1991) (52)
- Direct measurement of the ground-state dissociation energy of Na2. (1996) (52)
- Dynamics of charged particles in a Paul radio-frequency quadrupole trap. (1991) (51)
- Dispersive chaos in one-dimensional traveling-wave convection. (1990) (50)
- Macroscopic quantum tunneling of vortices in He II. (1988) (49)
- Mechanism of the electric-field effect in the high-Tc cuprates. (1995) (49)
- Experiments with supercooled liquid hydrogen. (1987) (49)
- Freezing of spin and charge in La2-xSrx (1988) (48)
- Crossover from metastable to unstable facet growth on Si(111). (1993) (48)
- Evidence that stimulated Raman scattering in laser-produced plasmas is an absolute instability. (1988) (47)
- Observation of forward Raman scattering in laser-produced plasmas. (1986) (47)
- Atomic force microscope study of growth kinetics: Scaling in the heteroepitaxy of CuCl on CaF2(111). (1994) (46)
- de Haas-van Alphen studies of the organic superconductors alpha -(ET)2(NH4)Hg(SCN)4 and kappa -(ET)2Cu(NCS)2 (1992) (46)
- Growth, microstructure, and electrochemical oxidation of MBE-grown c-axis La2CuO4 thin films. (1996) (46)
- Two-dimensional ordering of chlorine on Ag(100). (1985) (45)
- Specific heat in high magnetic field of kappa -di (1989) (45)
- Dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement with an infrared-vanishing gluon propagator? (1993) (45)
- Thermodynamic measurement on the melting of a two-dimensional electron solid. (1988) (44)
- Influence of spatial and temporal laser beam smoothing on stimulated brillouin scattering in filamentary laser light. (1995) (44)
- Collective expansion in central Au+Au collisions. (1994) (43)
- Superfluid transition of 4He films adsorbed in porous materials. (1986) (43)
- Competition between the stimulated Raman and Brillouin scattering instabilities in 0.35- microm irradiated CH foil targets. (1989) (43)
- Experimental study of the band structure of GaP, GaAs, GaSb, InP, InAs, and InSb. (1986) (43)
- Step-height-tripling transition on vicinal Si(111). (1990) (43)
- Pulse propagation in a resonant medium: Application to sound waves in superfluid 3He-B. (1986) (42)
- Picosecond photoelectron spectroscopy of excited states at Si(111) sqrt 3 x sqrt 3 R30 degrees-B, Si(111)7 x 7, Si(100)2 x 1, and laser-annealed Si(111)1 x 1 surfaces. (1993) (42)
- Correlation of the electrical properties of metal contacts on diamond films with the chemical nature of the metal-diamond interface. I. Gold contacts: A non-carbide-forming metal. (1992) (42)
- Valence- and conduction-band structure of the sapphire (11-bar02) surface. (1985) (42)
- Nanometer-resolved spatial variations in the Schottky barrier height of a Au/n-type GaAs diode. (1994) (42)
- Picosecond photoelectron spectroscopy of excited states at Si(111) sqrt 3 x sqrt 3 R30 degrees-B, Si(111)7 x 7, Si(100)2 x 1, and laser-annealed Si(111)1 x 1 surfaces. (1993) (42)
- New limit on the rate-density of evaporating black holes. (1993) (42)
- Laser Beam Deflection Induced by Transverse Plasma Flow. (1996) (41)
- Experimental study of localization and electron-electron interaction effects in thin Au wires. (1986) (41)
- Step-height mixtures on vicinal Si(111) surfaces. (1992) (41)
- Surface-structure analysis of Au overlayers on Si by impact-collision ion-scattering spectroscopy: sqrt 3 x sqrt 3 and 6 x 6 Si(111)/Au. (1988) (40)
- Polymer confinement in surfactant bilayers of a lyotropic lamellar phase. (1995) (40)
- Decay of silicon mounds: scaling laws and description with continuum step parameters (2000) (39)
- Fragment flow and the multifragmentation phase space. (1995) (39)
- Charge-symmetry breaking in neutron-proton elastic scattering. (1986) (39)
- Supercooling of liquid hydrogen. (1986) (38)
- Anomalously small 4f-5d oscillator strengths and 4f-4f electronic Raman scattering cross sections for Ce3+ in crystals of LuPO4. (1989) (38)
- Neutron-diffraction evidence for ordering in the high-Tc phase of beta -di (1986) (37)
- Electromagnetic spallation of 6.4-TeV 32S nuclei. (1988) (36)
- Line-shape and lifetime studies of exciton luminescence from confined CuCl thin films. (1991) (36)
- Charge transfer across the As/Si(100)-2 x 1 interface. (1992) (36)
- Arc-evaporated carbon films: Optical properties and electron mean free paths. (1985) (36)
- Simplicial quantum gravity in three dimensions: Analytical and numerical results. (1993) (35)
- Thermal properties of the high-Tc superconductors La1.85Sr0.15CuO4 and YBa2Cu3O7. (1987) (35)
- High-resolution angle-resolved photoemission study of the Ag band structure along Lambda. (1985) (35)
- Magnetic penetration depth and flux dynamics in single-crystal Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+ delta. (1991) (35)
- Magnetic penetration depth and fluxon-line dynamics in the organic superconductor kappa - (1994) (34)
- Far-infrared transmittance and reflectance studies of oriented YBa2Cu3O7- delta thin films. (1991) (34)
- Femtosecond time-resolved observation of coherent molecular vibrational motion. (1987) (33)
- Field-dependent susceptibility of a paramagnet. (1988) (33)
- Intensities and asymmetries of electronic Raman scattering in ErPO4 and TmPO4. (1985) (33)
- Sign Reversal of the Quantum Hall Number in (TMTSF)2PF6. (1995) (32)
- Coherence effects in long-wavelength infrared synchrotron radiation emission. (1989) (32)
- Gamow-Teller strength in 60,62,64Ni(n,p) reactions at 198 MeV. (1995) (32)
- Unified Theory of Stimulated Raman Scattering and Two-Plasmon Decay in Inhomogeneous Plasmas: High Frequency Hybrid Instability. (1995) (31)
- Observation of strong electron-phonon coupling effects in YbPO4. (1992) (31)
- Diffuse x-ray scattering from La2-xSrxNiO4 and La2-ySryCuO4. (1994) (31)
- Nonlinear competition between waves on convective rolls. (1989) (31)
- Far-infrared transmission study of single-crystal Bi2Sr2Ca1Cu2Ox superconductors. (1990) (31)
- Intermultiplet transitions in praseodymium using neutron spectroscopy. (1988) (30)
- Structure-sensitive spectroscopy of transition-metal-hydrogen complexes in silicon. (1993) (30)
- Low damping of micron capillary waves on superfluid 4He. (1995) (30)
- Mixed-basis band-structure interpolation scheme applied to the fluorite-structure compounds NiSi2, AuAl2, AuGa2, and AuIn2. (1985) (30)
- Supercurrent transport through a high-mobility two-dimensional electron gas. (1994) (30)
- Evidence for the role of fluxoids in enhancing NMR spin-lattice relaxation and implications for intrinsic pinning of the flux lattice in organic superconductors. (1993) (29)
- First Optical Observation of Intensity Dependent Laser Beam Deflection in a Flowing Plasma. (1996) (29)
- Quasiparticle damping and the coherence peak in YBa2Cu3O7- delta. (1996) (29)
- Size Scaling in the Decay of Metastable Structures. (1996) (29)
- Electronic structure of some beta -(C10H8S8)2X compounds as studied by infrared spectroscopy. (1987) (29)
- Adsorbate-induced changes in the infrared reflectance and resistivity of metals. (1993) (28)
- Effect of substitutional hydride ions on the charge states of oxygen vacancies in thermochemically reduced CaO and MgO. (1990) (28)
- Collision of a field-driven polymer with a post: Electrophoresis in microlithographic arrays. (1996) (28)
- Band structure of CdS and CdSe at high pressure. (1996) (28)
- Interplanar coupling, induced superconductivity, and van Hove singularity in high-Tc cuprates. (1996) (28)
- X-ray emission caused by Raman scattering in long-scale-length plasmas. (1989) (28)
- Rotating spiral edge flames in von karman swirling flows (2000) (28)
- Simultaneous Ionization and Excitation to the He+ 2(2)P State. (1996) (27)
- X-ray-scattering determination of the dynamic structure factor of Al metal. (1992) (27)
- New features of self-trapped-exciton luminescence in rubidium iodide. (1991) (27)
- Variation of the in-plane penetration depth lambda ab as a function of doping in La2-xSrxCuO4+/- delta thin films on SrTiO3: Implications for the overdoped state. (1996) (27)
- New features of self-trapped-exciton luminescence in rubidium iodide. (1991) (27)
- 89Y NMR study of the effect of Zn substitution on the spin dynamics of YBa2Cu4O8. (1995) (27)
- Mass Dependence of Directed Collective Flow. (1996) (27)
- Formation of the pseudoscalars pi 0, eta, and eta ' in the reaction gamma gamma --> gamma gamma. (1988) (26)
- Angular dependence of the cyclotron effective mass in organic superconductors. (1991) (26)
- Observation of steepening in electron plasma waves driven by stimulated Raman backscattering. (1987) (26)
- Photoemission study of hydrogen adsorption on vanadium dioxide near the semiconductor-metal phase transition. (1992) (26)
- Misconceptions regarding spin 3/2. (1985) (26)
- Circumstantial evidence for critical behavior in peripheral Au+Au collisions at 35 MeV/nucleon. (1995) (26)
- Low stimulated Brillouin backscatter observed from large, hot plasmas in gas-filled Hohlraums. (1995) (25)
- Specific heat of the ambient-pressure organic superconductor beta -di (1986) (25)
- Intermediate mass fragment emission as a probe of nuclear dynamics. (1992) (25)
- Intensities of electronic Raman scattering between crystal-field levels of Ce3+ in LuPO4: Nonresonant and near-resonant excitation. (1989) (25)
- Pressure shift of Cr3+-ion-pair emission lines in ruby. (1985) (25)
- Systematics of charge-pickup reactions by GeV/nucleon heavy nuclei. (1989) (24)
- Doubly charged sputtered ions of fourth-row elements. (1992) (24)
- Search for energetic-charged-particle emission from deuterated Ti and Pd foils. (1989) (24)
- Reflectance anisotropy spectroscopy and reflection high-energy electron diffraction of submonolayer coverages of Si grown on GaAs(001) by molecular-beam epitaxy. (1995) (24)
- QCD, relativistic flux tubes, and potential models. (1992) (24)
- 89Y NMR study of Zn-induced local moments and pair breaking in Y(Ba1-yLay)2(Cu1-xZnx)4O8. (1995) (24)
- Observations on the potential confinement of a light fermion. (1994) (24)
- Superfluid transition of 4He films adsorbed on multiply connected surfaces. (1989) (23)
- 3H(p, gamma )4He reaction and the ( gamma,p)/( gamma,n) ratio in 4He. (1990) (23)
- Initial growth of Ti on Si. (1986) (23)
- Simultaneous spectrally and spatially resolved measurements of 3 omega 0/2 emission from laser-produced plasmas. (1988) (23)
- Anticorrelation between yields of recombination luminescence and recombination-induced defect formation in alkali-metal halides. (1986) (22)
- Crossing and duality consistent study of Lambda, Sigma 0, and Lambda (1405) production by kaon photoproduction and radiative capture. (1991) (22)
- Electronic phase-purity in La2-xSrxCuO4- delta. (1989) (22)
- Charge-symmetry breaking in neutron-proton elastic scattering. (1987) (22)
- Mass effects in the theoretical determination of nuclear-spin relaxation rates for atomic hydrogen and deuterium. (1993) (22)
- Domain-boundary-induced metastable reconstructions during epitaxial growth of Si/Si(111). (1995) (21)
- Charge Correlations and Dynamical Instabilities in the Multifragment Emission Process. (1996) (21)
- Measurements of CsI band-gap closure to 93 GPa. (1986) (21)
- Extracting x rays, gamma rays, and relativistic e-e+ pairs from supermassive Kerr black holes using the Penrose mechanism. (1995) (21)
- Structural instability in single crystals of the high-Tc superconductor La2-x Srx CuO4. (1987) (21)
- Influence of spin-orbit coupling on the transport and magnetic properties of Co3Pd97. (1995) (21)
- Large angle elastic scattering of electrons from Ar+ (1995) (21)
- Chemical shifts and coupling interactions for the bonding vibrational modes for CO/Cu(111) and (100) surfaces. (1995) (20)
- Near-edge x-ray-absorption fine-structure observations of ordering and metalliclike behavior in organic conducting polymers grafted on a Pt surface. (1987) (20)
- Iron on palladium (111) studied with photoemission, low-energy electron diffraction, and Auger-electron spectroscopy. (1986) (20)
- Hyperfine structure of the Na2 0g- long-range molecular state. (1996) (19)
- Scanning-tunneling-microscopy investigation of the nucleation and growth of Ag/Si(111)-( sqrt 3 x sqrt 3 ). (1994) (19)
- Low-temperature microwave surface impedance of the conventional organic superconductor kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2. (1993) (19)
- Energetics of vicinal Si(111) steps using empirical potentials. (1995) (19)
- Unique potentials for the elastic scattering of 350 MeV 7Li from 12C and 28Si. (1995) (19)
- Critical effects in the reversible, nonlinear susceptibility of PdMn spin glasses. (1985) (19)
- Nonlinear theory and simulations of stimulated Brillouin backscatter in multispecies plasmas. (1995) (18)
- Search for an eta bound state in pion double charge exchange on 18O. (1993) (18)
- Multifragmentation in E/A=35m MeV collisions: Evidence for a Coulomb driven breakup? (1995) (18)
- Mixed-state magnetoresistance in organic superconductors kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2. (1996) (18)
- Motion of a polyelectrolyte chain hooked around a post. (1994) (17)
- Cross comparisons of nuclear temperatures determined from excited state populations and isotope yields. (1996) (17)
- Interfacial chemistry and Schottky-barrier formation of the Ni/InP(110) and Ni/GaAs(110) interfaces. (1985) (17)
- Antiabsorption resonances in infrared reflectance spectroscopy of alkali-Cu(111) adsorbate systems: Is the ground state a surface charge density wave condensate? (1994) (17)
- Vortex rings and finite-wave-number superfluidity near the 4He lambda transition. (1992) (17)
- Comment on "All-electron and pseudopotential force calculations using the linearized-augmented-plane-wave method" (1993) (17)
- Infrared synchrotron-radiation transmission measurements on YBa2Cu3O7- delta in the gap and supercurrent regions. (1990) (17)
- Interpretation of the low damping of subthermal capillary waves (ripplons) on superfluid 4He. (1996) (16)
- Electronic structure and superconducting energy gap in Rb3C60 single crystals studied by photoemission spectroscopy. (1994) (16)
- Hot-electron transport through Au/GaAs and Au/GaAs/AlAs heterojunction interfaces: Ballistic-electron-emission-microscopy measurement and Monte Carlo simulation. (1996) (16)
- Crossing-consistent analysis of kaon photoproduction and radiative capture. (1990) (16)
- Properties of the 800-nm luminescence band in neutron-irradiated magnesium oxide crystals. (1991) (16)
- Properties of the 800-nm luminescence band in neutron-irradiated magnesium oxide crystals. (1991) (16)
- Assessing the Evolutionary Nature of Multifragment Decay. (1995) (16)
- Phase separation and dynamical scaling in borate glasses. (1986) (16)
- Raman scattering from surface and bulk acoustic phonons in capped superlattices. (1989) (16)
- Pulses of oscillatory convection. (1987) (15)
- Inclusive scattering of 500-MeV pions from carbon. (1993) (15)
- 13C NMR line-shape studies of the organic superconductor kappa -(ET)2Cu (1996) (15)
- Spin echoes for micro+-spin spectroscopy. (1988) (15)
- Electron-induced extended-fine-structure measurements of thin-film growth and reaction. (1987) (15)
- Drake, Williams, Young, Estabrook, Kruer, Baldis, and Johnston reply: (1988) (15)
- Angle-resolved photoemission study of AuGa2 and AuIn2 intermetallic compounds. (1984) (15)
- Growth, chemical interaction, and Schottky-barrier formation of column-III metal overlayers on InP(110). (1985) (15)
- Structural study of amorphous hydrogenated and unhydrogenated titanium carbide thin films by extended x-ray-absorption fine structure and extended electron-energy-loss fine structure. (1988) (14)
- 12kBTc optical signature of superconductivity in single-domain Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8. (1991) (14)
- Excitation profiles of resonance electronic Raman scattering in ErPO4 crystals. (1989) (14)
- Comparison of high-temperature and laser-quenched Si(111) using low-energy electron diffraction. (1987) (14)
- Reduction of emission in the stimulated Raman scattering frequency band to thermal noise levels by collisional damping in a laser-produced plasma. (1989) (14)
- Extended vector meson dominance model for the baryon octet electromagnetic form factors. (1996) (14)
- Searching for the nuclear liquid-gas phase transition in Au+Au collisions at 35 MeV/nucleon. (1996) (14)
- Instantaneous Bethe-Salpeter equation. (1995) (14)
- Theoretical and experimental investigations of the electronic structure for selectively delta -doped strained InxGa1-xAs/GaAs quantum wells. (1995) (13)
- QCD and the relativistic flux tube with fermionic ends. (1993) (13)
- Specific heat of a d-wave superconductor stabilized by antiferromagnetic fluctuations. (1989) (13)
- Space-time characteristics of fragment emission in the E/A=30 MeV 129Xe+natCu reaction. (1995) (13)
- Semiempirical band structure of PtGa2. (1987) (13)
- Impact parameter selected excited state populations for 36Ar+197Au reactions at E/A=35 MeV. (1995) (13)
- Quasifree pion scattering at 500 MeV. (1993) (12)
- Charges and angular distributions of fast fragments produced in 3.2-TeV 16O collisions with Pb. (1987) (12)
- Determination of rank 4 multipoles and of the partial cross sections for He(3(1)D) excitation by electron impact. (1993) (12)
- Specific heat in zero and applied magnetic fields of the organic superconductor alpha -di (1990) (12)
- Corrugational instabilities of thin copolymer films. (1995) (12)
- Observation of stimulated Compton scattering from resonant electrons in a laser-produced plasma. (1990) (12)
- Transport and NMR studies of the effect of Ni substitution on superconductivity and the normal-state pseudogap in YBa2Cu4O8. (1996) (11)
- Three-wave parametric amplification in time-dependent media, with application to stimulated Brillouin scattering. (1991) (11)
- Detailed field- and temperature-dependent ac-susceptibility study of Ru-doped CeFe2. (1995) (11)
- Field-dependent ac susceptibility of amorphous (Fe1-xMnx)75P16B6Al3: Weakly frustrated regime. (1995) (11)
- Grain-boundary chemistry and weak-link behavior of polycrystalline YBa2Cu4O8. (1993) (11)
- Effect of temperature on InGaAsP alloy composition (1995) (11)
- Observations of transition to strongly coupled stimulated Brillouin scattering in laser-plasma interactions. (1994) (11)
- Investigating the Evolution of Multifragmenting Systems with Fragment Emission Order. (1996) (11)
- Measured transition from two-dimensional to three-dimensional electroabsorption as quantum-well barriers are lowered. (1992) (11)
- Energy dependence of multifragmentation in 84Kr+197Au collisions. (1994) (11)
- Electronic structure of Fe, Co, and Ni impurities in Pd. (1988) (10)
- Vortex dynamics and superfluid relaxation near the 4He lambda transition. (1993) (10)
- Bulk superconducting specific-heat anomaly in beta -di (1986) (10)
- Relaxation rates of the monopole, magnetic dipole, and electric quadrupole moments of the 3(1)P state of helium. (1992) (10)
- High-resolution low-energy electron-diffraction study of the phase diagram of vicinal Si(111) surfaces. (1989) (10)
- Transmission (e,2e) coincidence measurements of thin evaporated carbon, graphite, and aluminum-aluminum oxide foils. (1991) (10)
- Renormalization and chiral symmetry breaking in quenched QED in arbitrary covariant gauges. (1996) (10)
- Fermion confinement by a relativistic flux tube. (1995) (10)
- Suspension of superfluid helium using cesium-coated surfaces. (1996) (9)
- Static magnetic order in Bi2Sr2YCu2Ox and spin freezing in Bi2SrYCaCu2Ox detected by muon-spin rotation. (1989) (9)
- Coherent phonon-plasmon modes in GaAs:AlxGa1-xAs heterostructures. (1996) (9)
- Numerical study of a confining color-dielectric soliton model. (1987) (9)
- Validity of the reduced Salpeter equation. (1995) (9)
- Pion-induced double charge exchange on 12C, 24Mg, 32S, and 40Ca. (1991) (9)
- Vortex lattice dynamics in DyBa2Cu3O7/(Sr1-xCax)RuO3 multilayers. (1996) (9)
- Chiral nontopological solitons with perturbative quantum pions. (1988) (9)
- Low-temperature structure of Ba0.6K0.4BiO3. (1989) (9)
- Color-dielectric model as an explanation of the Nolen-Schiffer anomaly. (1986) (9)
- Surface and bulk tortuosity of porous ceramics near the percolation threshold. (1991) (9)
- Magnetoresistive effects associated with the field-induced suppression of the antiferromagnetic transition in Ce(Fe0.92Ru0.08)2. (1996) (9)
- Coherent excitation of the singlet-triplet mixed 1s4f state of helium. (1995) (9)
- Comment on "Nature of exotic negative carriers in superfluid 4He" (1988) (9)
- Evaporation residue, fission cross sections, and linear momentum transfer for 14N induced reactions from 35A to 155A MeV. (1996) (8)
- Model dependence of charge-symmetry breaking in the neutron-proton interaction. (1988) (8)
- Resonantlike desorption of negative ions by core-level excitation under electron bombardment. (1996) (8)
- Stimulated-emission cross sections and nonradiative relaxation of the L56' state of trivalent americium in fluorozirconate glass. (1992) (8)
- Soft-x-ray photoemission study of Co-n-type InP(110) interface. (1986) (8)
- Hall coefficient for oriented Tl2Ba2CaCu2O8+ delta thin films. (1993) (8)
- Analog of the T> giant dipole resonance in light nuclei. (1991) (8)
- Symmetric transmission electron momentum (e,2e) spectroscopy of an aluminum-aluminum oxide thin foil. (1988) (8)
- Relativistic quark-antiquark bound-state problem with spin-dependent interactions in momentum space. (1994) (7)
- Partial cross sections for excitation of He(3 1D) states by electron impact. (1996) (7)
- Structural studies of amorphous titanium diboride thin films by extended x-ray-absorption fine-structure and extended electron-energy-loss fine-structure techniques. (1988) (7)
- Luminescence of F+ centers in CaO crystals under pulsed-laser excitation. (1991) (7)
- Hyperfine splitting of the 3 (2)S state of 7Li measured using Stark spectroscopy of Rydberg states. (1995) (7)
- Luminescence of F+ centers in CaO crystals under pulsed-laser excitation. (1991) (7)
- Chiral symmetry breaking in quenched massive strong-coupling four-dimensional QED. (1994) (7)
- Changing source characteristics during multifragment decay. (1996) (7)
- Kinematically accessible vector meson resonance enhancements in p(K-,e+e-) Lambda, Sigma 0, Lambda (1405). (1993) (7)
- Vector resonances and electromagnetic nucleon structure. (1995) (7)
- Coherent nonequilibrium phonons: An induced Peierls distortion. (1992) (7)
- Comment on "Disorder and the superfluid transition in liquid 4He" (1990) (6)
- Angle-resolved photoemission studies of the valence-band structure of stepped crystal surfaces: Cu(S)- (1985) (6)
- Temperature dependence of the phase diagram of Cl/Ag(100). (1988) (6)
- NMR evidence for common superconducting and pseudogap phase diagrams of YBa2Cu3O7- delta and La2-xSrxCaCu2O6. (1996) (6)
- Two-photon photoelectron spectroscopy of GaP(110) after sputtering, annealing, and multishot laser damage. (1995) (6)
- Zeeman Splitting of the Coulomb Anomaly: A Tunneling Study in Two Dimensions. (1996) (6)
- Angular distribution for the elastic scattering of electrons from Na+ ions. (1996) (6)
- Extension of "Four-dimensional eikonal theory of linear mode conversion" to parametrically unstable media. (1987) (6)
- Purification of Single-walled Carbon Nanotubes Grown by a Chemical Vapour Deposition (CVD) Method (2002) (5)
- Nucleon Strangeness Content through Vector Meson Dominance. (1996) (5)
- Spin fluctuations and anisotropic nuclear relaxation in single-crystal UPt3. (1991) (5)
- Spin-fluctuation effects on superconductivity. (1991) (5)
- Isotope effect with energy-dependent density of states and impurities. (1992) (5)
- Comment on "Small-signal analysis in high-energy physics: A Bayesian approach" (1988) (5)
- Electron transport in La100-xAlx metallic glasses. (1986) (5)
- Effects of weak localization and superconducting fluctuations on the frequency dependence of the conductivity in copper-semiconductor sandwiches. (1994) (5)
- Dynamic morphology of the nonequilibrium solid-melt interface in silicon. (1989) (5)
- Elastic scattering of pi + and pi - from 4He between 90 and 240 MeV. (1991) (5)
- Magnetic-field dependence of the quantum-Hall-liquid-insulator transition. (1994) (5)
- Two-dimensional ion-plasma resonances under the surface of liquid helium. (1990) (4)
- Dynamical chiral-symmetry breaking in dual QCD. (1991) (4)
- Asymptotic limit for the thermodynamics of a boson-exchange superconductor. (1989) (4)
- Semiempirical band structure and partial density of states of CuCl. (1987) (4)
- Joint x-ray and neutron refinement of the structure of superconducting YBa2Cu (1988) (4)
- Observation of resonant electron transmission through a Ni/Cu/Ni(100) sandwich structure. (1987) (4)
- Comment on "Kinetics and reconstruction of steps at the Si(001) surface" (1990) (4)
- Surface states in the epitaxial growth of titanium on copper (111). (1986) (4)
- Luminescence properties of deformed CaO crystals. (1993) (4)
- Angular correlations between sequential cascading photons from n=3 atomic hydrogen. (1993) (4)
- Ultrasonic Attenuation and Velocity in AS / 3501-6 Graphite / Epoxy Fiber Composite (2000) (4)
- Magnetic and superconducting phase diagram of Bi2Sr3-xYxCu2O8 as determined by muon-spin rotation. (1989) (4)
- Luminescence properties of deformed CaO crystals. (1993) (4)
- Momentum dependence of the rho - omega mixing amplitude in a hadronic model. (1993) (4)
- Electrodynamics of the organic superconductorsinebreak kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 and kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu (1994) (3)
- Characterization of the Structural and Magnetic Properties of Gd Thin Films (2010) (3)
- Excitation functions for the production of 18F and 24Na from Al and Si with fast pions. (1985) (3)
- Constituent quark model of the nucleon-nucleon interaction. (1990) (3)
- Covariant model of a fermion-antifermion bound state with harmonic confinement. (1993) (3)
- Sticking of O/sub 2/ on a Pt(111) surface (1988) (3)
- Highly asymmetric electric-field gradients at the Nb sites in ferroelastic GdNbO4 and NdNbO4. (1991) (3)
- The iota (1440), anomalous Ward identities, and topological susceptibility for QCD. (1986) (3)
- 4He( pi, pi 'p)3H reaction: Quasifree and resonance scattering. (1990) (2)
- Spin-density-wave transitions in a magnetic field. (1987) (2)
- Electrodynamics of YBa2Cu3O7 films deduced from submillimeter synchrotron-radiation transmittance measurements. (1991) (2)
- Asymmetry measurement of pion elastic scattering from polarized 13C in the energy region of the P33 resonance. (1994) (2)
- Anomalous magnetic properties in the single-crystal kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu(NCS)2 superconductor. (1996) (2)
- Localized phonons in stage-disordered graphite intercalation compounds. (1986) (2)
- Mass dependence of high-energy pion double charge exchange. (1991) (2)
- Relativistic approach to photon-nucleon scattering. (1986) (2)
- Energy dependence of cross section for charge pickup of relativistic heavy ions. (1990) (2)
- Double charge exchange in 93Nb( pi +, pi -)93Tc at T pi =164, 230, and 294 MeV. (1993) (2)
- 12C( pi +/-, pi +/-'p)11B reaction near the giant dipole region. (1989) (2)
- Anomalous vortex dynamics in kappa - (1995) (2)
- Energy dependence of pion inelastic scattering from 208Pb. (1991) (2)
- Vacancy model for substitutional Ni-, Pd-, Pt-, and Au0 in silicon. (1995) (2)
- Pion elastic scattering on 28Si at T pi =400 MeV. (1994) (2)
- Asymptotic limit for Hc2 in Eliashberg theory. (1990) (2)
- Application of the constituent quark nucleon-nucleon interaction to the deuteron. (1990) (2)
- Reducibility and a new entropic term in multifragment charge distributions. (1996) (2)
- "Proper" choice of the generalized scaling field for a mean-field spin glass. (1988) (1)
- Eighteenth Annual Oak Ridge Symposium on Advanced Analytical Concepts for the Clinical Laboratory. April 17-18, 1986, Knoxville, TN. (1986) (1)
- 13C NMR studies of the normal and superconducting states of the organic superconductor kappa -(ET)2Cu (1995) (1)
- Selection of interfacial velocity in the presence of multiple relaxation rates. (1992) (1)
- Pair-breaking effects on the specific heat of a superconductor. (1993) (1)
- Energy dependence of pion inelastic scattering to the 1(+) states in 12C. (1988) (1)
- Sensitivity of large-angle pion elastic scattering to medium modifications. (1987) (1)
- He4( pi, pi 'p)H3 reaction near the P33 pi -nucleon resonance. (1992) (1)
- Concentration dependence of the zero-temperature spontaneous resistive anisotropy in (Pd1-xFex)95Mn5. (1994) (1)
- Electron-spin-resonance line-shape studies of the AsO44- center in RbH2AsO4 and RbD2AsO4. (1994) (1)
- Localized orbital theory of electronic structure: A simple application. (1995) (1)
- Electron paramagnetic resonance of a Au-Au pair in heat-treated silicon. (1996) (1)
- Unusual electronic structure near EF in the organic superconductor kappa - (1995) (1)
- Anisotropic thermopower of the organic superconductor kappa -(BEDT-TTF)2Cu (1991) (0)
- Pion double charge exchange on 16O at T pi =300-500 MeV. (1993) (0)
- Weak ferromagnetism in kappa -(ET)2Cu (1992) (0)
- Pion double charge exchange on 42,44,48Ca for 300 <= T pi <= 550 MeV. (1991) (0)
- Resolution of the twofold ambiguity in the E1 capture amplitudes for the 13C(p (1991) (0)
- Spherical Reference Systems for Nonspherlcal Hard Interactions G . 0 (2009) (0)
- Interference effects in non-analog pion double charge exchange. (1993) (0)
- Disordering of the (3 x 1) reconstruction on Si(113) and the chiral three-state Potts model. (1990) (0)
- Anomalous magnetization in single-crystal kappa - (1995) (0)
- Isospin dependence of double analog cross sections at T pi =400-500 MeV. (1994) (0)
- Erratum: Magnetic penetration depth and condensate density of cuprate high-Tc superconductors determined by muon-spin-rotation experiments (1996) (0)
- Final Report: Free Standing Quantum Wells, August 15, 1996 - May 31, 1999 (1999) (0)
- ESR study of two phases of di (1985) (0)
- Erratum: Electrical study of Schottky barriers on atomically clean GaAs(110) surfaces (1986) (0)
- Reply to "Comment on 'Mechanism of the electric-field effect in the high-Tc cuprates' " (1996) (0)
- Pion elastic scattering from polarized 13C in the energy region of the P33 resonance. (1990) (0)
- Field dependence of the ac susceptibility of the spin-density-wave incommensurate system YGd. (1989) (0)
- Hyperfine structure of 3He. (1987) (0)
- Antiferromagnetism and superconductivity in oxygen-deficient YBa2Cu (1988) (0)
- Stability of skyrmions in thin films of superfluid 3He-A. (1993) (0)
- Abstract Submitted for the DPP06 Meeting of The American Physical Society On constructing thermodynamic state variables for a dusty plasma from 3-D velocity measurements1 EDWARD THOMAS, JEREMIAH (2012) (0)
- Cesium , Optical Pumping , and Parity Non-Conservation (0)
- Topologically massive gravity with a two-fluid source. (1994) (0)
- Wosnitza et al. reply. (1992) (0)
- Electronic structure of organic superconductors kappa -(ET)2Cu (1995) (0)
- Raman Spectroscopy : Time-Dependent Pictures Stewart 0 (2001) (0)
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