Thierry Blu
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Computer Science Mathematics
Thierry Blu's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Université Paris Cité
- Masters Computer Science Université Paris Cité
- Bachelors Mathematics Université Paris Cité
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Why Is Thierry Blu Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Thierry Blu from The Chinese University of Hong Kong was named Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers in 2012 for fundamental contributions to approximation theory in signal and image processing.
Thierry Blu's Published Works
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Published Works
- Sampling signals with finite rate of innovation (2002) (1121)
- Interpolation revisited [medical images application] (2000) (819)
- A New SURE Approach to Image Denoising: Interscale Orthonormal Wavelet Thresholding (2007) (675)
- Low-bond axisymmetric drop shape analysis for surface tension and contact angle measurements of sessile drops (2010) (527)
- Interpolation Revisited (2000) (511)
- Sampling Moments and Reconstructing Signals of Finite Rate of Innovation: Shannon Meets Strang–Fix (2007) (453)
- Image Denoising in Mixed Poisson–Gaussian Noise (2011) (425)
- Sparse Sampling of Signal Innovations (2008) (409)
- The SURE-LET Approach to Image Denoising (2007) (389)
- Image interpolation and resampling (2000) (388)
- Monte-Carlo Sure: A Black-Box Optimization of Regularization Parameters for General Denoising Algorithms (2008) (336)
- Fractional Splines and Wavelets (2000) (334)
- Linear interpolation revitalized (2004) (275)
- Cardinal exponential splines: part I - theory and filtering algorithms (2005) (256)
- Fast interscale wavelet denoising of Poisson-corrupted images (2010) (231)
- Efficient energies and algorithms for parametric snakes (2004) (224)
- MOMS: maximal-order interpolation of minimal support (2001) (223)
- Complex-wave retrieval from a single off-axis hologram. (2004) (202)
- Wavelet theory demystified (2003) (186)
- Quantitative Fourier analysis of approximation techniques. I. Interpolators and projectors (1999) (185)
- Fresnelets: new multiresolution wavelet bases for digital holography (2003) (175)
- Mathematical properties of the JPEG2000 wavelet filters (2003) (174)
- Generalized Daubechies Wavelet Families (2007) (172)
- SURE-LET Multichannel Image Denoising: Interscale Orthonormal Wavelet Thresholding (2008) (138)
- Isotropic polyharmonic B-splines: scaling functions and wavelets (2005) (138)
- Real-time terahertz imaging with a single-pixel detector (2020) (135)
- Approximation Error for Quasi-Interpolators and (Multi-)Wavelet Expansions (1999) (134)
- Least-squares image resizing using finite differences (2001) (126)
- FRI Sampling With Arbitrary Kernels (2013) (103)
- Hex-splines: a novel spline family for hexagonal lattices (2004) (99)
- The fractional spline wavelet transform: definition end implementation (2000) (92)
- SURE-LET for Orthonormal Wavelet-Domain Video Denoising (2010) (86)
- Quantitative Fourier analysis of approximation techniques. II. Wavelets (1999) (86)
- Integrated wavelet processing and spatial statistical testing of fMRI data (2004) (84)
- Robust real-time segmentation of images and videos using a smooth-spline snake-based algorithm (2005) (80)
- Resting State EEG-based biometrics for individual identification using convolutional neural networks (2015) (79)
- Generalized smoothing splines and the optimal discretization of the Wiener filter (2005) (77)
- Sampling Piecewise Sinusoidal Signals With Finite Rate of Innovation Methods (2010) (75)
- Sampling Curves With Finite Rate of Innovation (2014) (74)
- Wavelets, fractals, and radial basis functions (2002) (67)
- Using iterated rational filter banks within the ARSIS concept for producing 10 m Landsat multispectral images (1998) (67)
- Multi-Wiener SURE-LET Deconvolution (2013) (65)
- A new design algorithm for two-band orthonormal rational filter banks and orthonormal rational wavelets (1998) (65)
- A Novel SURE-Based Criterion for Parametric PSF Estimation (2015) (61)
- MR‐based respiratory and cardiac motion correction for PET imaging (2017) (60)
- Towards Generalized FRI Sampling With an Application to Source Resolution in Radioastronomy (2017) (60)
- Iterated filter banks with rational rate changes connection with discrete wavelet transforms (1993) (58)
- Generalized interpolation: Higher quality at no additional cost (1999) (58)
- Multiframe sure-let denoising of timelapse fluorescence microscopy images (2008) (55)
- Terahertz pulsed imaging in vivo: measurements and processing methods. (2011) (53)
- Sparse Sampling of Signal Innovations: Theory, Algorithms and Performance Bounds (2007) (52)
- Generalized sampling: a variational approach .I. Theory (2002) (52)
- Quantitative Fourier Analysis of Approximation Techniques : Part II — Wavelets (1999) (51)
- Nonideal Sampling and Regularization Theory (2008) (51)
- Self-Similarity: Part I—Splines and Operators (2007) (50)
- WSPM: Wavelet-based statistical parametric mapping (2007) (48)
- Self-Similarity: Part II—Optimal Estimation of Fractal Processes (2007) (48)
- Sketch-Based Images Database Retrieval (1998) (48)
- Beyond interpolation: optimal reconstruction by quasi-interpolation (2005) (43)
- Orthogonal Hilbert transform filter banks and wavelets (2003) (43)
- Surfing the brain (2006) (42)
- On the multidimensional extension of the quincunx subsampling matrix (2005) (41)
- PURE-LET Image Deconvolution (2018) (41)
- Complex B-splines (2006) (41)
- Complete parameterization of piecewise-polynomial interpolation kernels (2003) (41)
- Sampling and exact reconstruction of bandlimited signals with additive shot noise (2006) (40)
- Unifying approach and interface for spline-based snakes (2001) (40)
- Minimum support interpolators with optimum approximation properties (1998) (39)
- Construction of fractional spline wavelet bases (1999) (39)
- A CURE for Noisy Magnetic Resonance Images: Chi-Square Unbiased Risk Estimation (2011) (37)
- An Exact Method for Computing the Area Moments of Wavelet and Spline Curves (2001) (37)
- Sampling of periodic signals: a quantitative error analysis (2002) (36)
- Compression of ECG as a Signal with Finite Rate of Innovation (2005) (35)
- Smoothing B-spline active contour for fast and robust image and video segmentation (2003) (35)
- Generalized sampling: a variational approach .II. Applications (2002) (35)
- Exact sampling results for signals with finite rate of innovation using Strang-Fix conditions and local kernels (2005) (35)
- Wavelet-based multi-resolution statistics for optical imaging signals: Application to automated detection of odour activated glomeruli in the mouse olfactory bulb (2007) (33)
- Fast Haar-wavelet denoising of multidimensional fluorescence microscopy data (2009) (33)
- A novel non-diffractive reconstruction method for digital holographic microscopy (2002) (32)
- Fast and accurate three-dimensional point spread function computation for fluorescence microscopy. (2017) (32)
- A complete family of scaling functions: the (/spl alpha/, /spl tau/)-fractional splines (2003) (31)
- Generalized Sampling : A Variational Approach . Part II : Applications (2002) (30)
- An Iterative Linear Expansion of Thresholds for $\ell_{1}$-Based Image Restoration (2013) (29)
- Analytic Sensing: Noniterative Retrieval of Point Sources from Boundary Measurements (2009) (24)
- Generalized Sampling: A Variational Approach (2001) (23)
- Hexagonal versus orthogonal lattices: a new comparison using approximation theory (2005) (23)
- A new high-resolution processing method for the deconvolution of optical coherence tomography signals (2002) (23)
- Which wavelet bases are the best for image denoising? (2005) (23)
- Local All-Pass filters for optical flow estimation (2015) (22)
- Single Antenna Power Measurements Based Direction Finding (2010) (21)
- An iterated rational filter bank for audio coding (1996) (21)
- Reconstruction of Finite Rate of Innovation Signals with Model-Fitting Approach (2015) (20)
- 3-D shape estimation of DNA molecules from stereo cryo-electron micro-graphs using a projection-steerable snake (2006) (20)
- Shift-invariant Spaces from Rotation-covariant Functions (2008) (19)
- Fitting instead of annihilation: Improved recovery of noisy FRI signals (2014) (18)
- Generalized L-spline wavelet bases (2005) (17)
- Non-linear Fresnelet approximation for interference term suppression in digital holography (2003) (17)
- Wavelets versus resels in the context of fMRI: establishing the link with SPM (2003) (17)
- Discretization of continuous convolution operators for accurate modeling of wave propagation in digital holography. (2013) (16)
- How a simple shift can significantly improve the performance of linear interpolation (2002) (16)
- A bulk modulus dependent linear model for acoustical imaging. (2009) (15)
- 3D reconstruction of wave-propagated point sources from boundary measurements using joint sparsity and finite rate of innovation (2012) (15)
- Local All-Pass Geometric Deformations (2018) (15)
- Spline kernels for continuous-space image processing (2000) (15)
- Variational approach to tomographic reconstruction (2001) (14)
- Local amplitude and phase retrieval method for digital holography applied to microscopy (2003) (14)
- High-quality causal interpolation for online unidimensional signal processing (2004) (14)
- Statistical analysis of fMRI data using orthogonal filterbanks (1999) (12)
- LEAP: Looking beyond pixels with continuous-space EstimAtion of Point sources (2017) (12)
- Detecting spontaneous brain activity in functional magnetic resonance imaging using finite rate of innovation (2014) (11)
- LAPNet: Non-Rigid Registration Derived in k-Space for Magnetic Resonance Imaging (2021) (11)
- Localization of point sources for systems governed by the wave equation (2011) (11)
- Optimizing wavelets for the analysis of fMRI data (2000) (11)
- An Overview of Wavelet-Based Techniques for fMRI Data Analysis (2006) (11)
- Undecimated haar thresholding for poisson intensity estimation (2010) (10)
- The Generalized Annihilation Property:A Tool For Solving Finite Rate of Innovation Problems (2009) (10)
- A sampling theorem for periodic piecewise polynomial signals (2001) (10)
- Sure-based blind Gaussian deconvolution (2012) (10)
- Finite rate of innovation with non-uniform samples (2012) (10)
- Sampling discrete-time piecewise bandlimited signals (2001) (10)
- 3D motion flow estimation using local all-pass filters (2016) (10)
- Blind optimization of algorithm parameters for signal denoising by Monte-Carlo SURE (2008) (9)
- The Fourier-Argand Representation: An Optimal Basis of Steerable Patterns (2020) (9)
- Chapter 28 – Image Interpolation and Resampling (2009) (9)
- 3-D reconstruction of DNA filaments from stereo cryo-electron micrographs (2002) (9)
- SURE-MSE speech enhancement for robust speech recognition (2010) (9)
- Sure-Based Wavelet Thresholding Integrating Inter-Scale Dependencies (2006) (9)
- Finding the minimum rate of innovation in the presence of noise (2016) (9)
- Pure-let deconvolution of 3D fluorescence microscopy images (2017) (9)
- Fresnelets: a new wavelet basis for digital holography (2001) (9)
- Approximationorder of the lap optical flow algorithm (2015) (9)
- FRI Sensing: Retrieving the Trajectory of a Mobile Sensor From Its Temporal Samples (2020) (8)
- Fresnelets: New Multiresolution Wavelet Bases for (2003) (8)
- SURE-LET for Orthonormal Wavelet-Domain (2010) (8)
- Analysis of fMRI data using spline wavelets (2000) (8)
- Non-uniform to uniform grid conversion using least-squares splines (2000) (8)
- All-Pass Parametric Image Registration (2020) (7)
- On-the-fly estimation of a microscopy point spread function. (2018) (7)
- A new family of complex rotation-covariant multiresolution bases in 2D (2003) (7)
- Comparison of wavelets from the point of view of their approximation error (1998) (7)
- FRI Sensing: Sampling Images along Unknown Curves (2019) (7)
- Deconvolution of poissonian images with the PURE-LET approach (2016) (7)
- Efficient image resizing using finite differences (1999) (6)
- P-multiresolution Analysis: How to Reduce Ringing and Sparsify the Error (2002) (6)
- Multiwavelet-like bases for high-quality image interpolation (2003) (6)
- Fractional derivatives, splines and tomography (2000) (6)
- Lossless filter design in two-band rational filter banks : A new algorithm (1993) (6)
- Analytic sensing: direct recovery of point sources from planar Cauchy boundary measurements (2007) (6)
- A New Technique for High-Resolution Frequency Domain Optical Coherence Tomography (2007) (6)
- Rethinking Super-resolution: the Bandwidth Selection Problem (2019) (6)
- Analytical Footprints: Compact Representation of Elementary Singularities in Wavelet Bases (2010) (6)
- Iterative fitting after elastic registration: An efficient strategy for accurate estimation of parametric deformations (2017) (6)
- Sparse image restoration using iterated linear expansion of thresholds (2011) (6)
- SURE-LET image deconvolution using multiple Wiener filters (2012) (6)
- Finite-Rate-of-Innovation for the Inverse Source Problem of Radiating Fields (2014) (5)
- An unbiased risk estimator for multiplicative noise — Application to 1-D signal denoising (2014) (5)
- FRI sampling and time-varying pulses: Some theory and four short stories (2017) (5)
- Image denoising in multiplicative noise (2015) (5)
- Wavelet-based fMRI statistical analysis and spatial interpretation: a unifying approach (2004) (5)
- Generalized biorthogonal Daubechies wavelets (2005) (5)
- Accurate 3D PSF estimation from a wide-field microscopy image (2018) (5)
- Generic FRI-Based DOA Estimation: A Model-Fitting Method (2021) (5)
- WSPM or How to Obtain Statistical Parametric Maps using Shift-Invariant Wavelet Processing (2006) (5)
- Generalized interpolation for motion compensated prediction (2011) (5)
- Wavelets and radial basis functions: a unifying perspective (2000) (5)
- Lap-Based Video Frame Interpolation (2019) (5)
- Probing chemical exchange using quantitative spin‐lock R1ρ asymmetry imaging with adiabatic RF pulses (2019) (5)
- A multi-frame optical flow spot tracker (2015) (4)
- Gaussian blur estimation for photon-limited images (2017) (4)
- Time-Varying Delay Estimation Using Common Local All-Pass Filters with Application to Surface Electromyography (2018) (4)
- Generalized YUV interpolation of CFA images (2010) (4)
- EEG source localization by multi-planar analytic sensing (2008) (4)
- Quantitative T1ρ MRI of the Head and Neck Discriminates Carcinoma and Benign Hyperplasia in the Nasopharynx (2020) (4)
- Fast Computation of Polyharmonic B-Spline Autocorrelation Filters (2008) (4)
- Wavelet regularity of iterated filter banks with rational sampling changes (1993) (4)
- Analytic sensing for multi-layer spherical models with application to EEG source imaging (2013) (4)
- Generalized Daubechies wavelets (2005) (4)
- Interpolation of signals by generalized piecewise-linear multiple generators (2003) (4)
- Construction of wavelet bases that mimic the behaviour of some given operator (2007) (3)
- Semi-orthogonal wavelets that behave like fractional differentiators (2005) (3)
- Quantitative L/sup 2/ error analysis for interpolation methods and wavelet expansions (1997) (3)
- Eigensensing and deconvolution for the reconstruction of heat absorption profiles from photoacoustic tomography data (2013) (3)
- Isotropic-polyharmonic B-splines and wavelets (2004) (3)
- Deep-learning based motion-corrected image reconstruction in 4D magnetic resonance imaging of the body trunk (2020) (3)
- An EEG blind source separation algorithm based on a weak exclusion principle (2016) (3)
- Brain--computer interface (BCI): is it strictly necessary to use random sequences in visual spellers? (2012) (3)
- SURE-LET multichannel image denoising: undecimated wavelet thresholding (2008) (3)
- Azimuth-elevation direction finding using power measurements from single antenna (2011) (3)
- Localization of point sources in wave fields from boundary measurements using new sensing principle (2013) (3)
- Single antenna power measurements based direction finding with incomplete spatial coverage (2012) (3)
- Efficient Multidimensional Diracs Estimation With Linear Sample Complexity (2018) (3)
- A new non-redundant complex Hilbert wavelet transforms (2012) (3)
- Recursive filtering for splines on hexagonal lattices (2003) (3)
- Parametric Registration for Mobile Phone Images (2019) (3)
- FRI Sensing: 2D Localization from 1D Mobile Sensor Data (2020) (3)
- Exploring the Geometry of One-Dimensional Signals (2021) (3)
- Local multilayer analytic sensing for EEG source localization: Performance bounds and experimental results (2011) (3)
- Fractional wavelets, derivatives, and Besov spaces (2003) (3)
- Complete parametrization of piecewise polynomial interpolators according to degree, support, regularity, and order (2000) (3)
- Using iterated rational filter banks within the ARSIS method for producing 10 m Landsat multispectral images (1996) (3)
- Relationship between high-resolution methods and discrete Fourier transform (1991) (2)
- Approximate Strang-Fix: sampling infinite streams of Diracs with any kernel (2013) (2)
- Towards a neural measure of perceptual distance - classification of electroencephalographic responses to synthetic vowels (2014) (2)
- Exact computation of area moments for spline and wavelet curves (2000) (2)
- Quantitative L/sup 2/ approximation error of a probability density estimate given by its samples (2004) (2)
- Short basis functions for constant-variance interpolation (2008) (2)
- Sure-based motion blur estimation (2012) (2)
- Recursive Evaluation of Sure for Total Variation Denoising (2018) (2)
- An Error Analysis for the Sampling of Periodic Signals (2001) (2)
- Application of a new sensing principle for photoacoustic imaging of point absorbers (2013) (2)
- D-SLAM: Diffusion Source Localization and Trajectory Mapping (2020) (2)
- On sampling lattices with similarity scaling relationships (2009) (1)
- Event-related potentials Source Separation based on a weak exclusion principle (2017) (1)
- An Iterative Sure-Let Deconvolution Algorithm Based on BM3D Denoiser (2019) (1)
- Harmonic spline series representation of scaling functions (2003) (1)
- Exact Local Reconstruction Algorithms for Signals with Finite Rate of Innovation (2006) (1)
- Shift error in iterated rational filter banks (1996) (1)
- Detecting Curves in Very Noisy Images Using Fourier-Argand Moments (2019) (1)
- Self-Supervised Motion-Corrected Image Reconstruction Network for 4D Magnetic Resonance Imaging of the Body Trunk (2022) (1)
- Advances in multirate filter bank structures and multiscale representations (2011) (1)
- A Nonlinear Steerable Complex Wavelet Decomposition of Images (2022) (1)
- Approximation Order : Why the Asymptotic Constant Matters (2002) (1)
- SURE-LET interscale-intercolor wavelet thresholding for color image denoising (2007) (1)
- Shape estimation of 3-D DNA molecules from stereo cryo-electron micro-graphs (2004) (1)
- Fast and accurate 3D PSF computation for fluorescence microscopy (2017) (1)
- Self-Similarity: Part II—Optimal Estimation of (2007) (1)
- Linear Time‐Frequency Analysis II: Wavelet‐Type Representations (2010) (1)
- Optimal Interpolation of Fractional Brownian Motion Given Its Noisy Samples (2006) (1)
- Non-Euclidean pyramids (2000) (1)
- On The Degrees Of Freedom in Total Variation Minimization (2020) (1)
- Localising Diffusion Sources from Samples Taken Along Unknown Parametric Trajectories (2021) (1)
- Non-Uniform Grid Conversion Using Least Squares Splines (2015) (0)
- Total Internal Reflection THz Devices for High Speed Imaging (2018) (0)
- Iterated Rational Filter Banks - Underlying Limit Functions (1992) (0)
- An iterative sure-let approach to sparse reconstruction (2016) (0)
- On the Multidimensional Extension of the Quincunx (2005) (0)
- Real-time terahertz imaging with a single-pixel detector (2020) (0)
- Robust sparse reconstruction of attenuated acoustic field with unknown range of source. (2022) (0)
- Annihilation-driven localised image edge models (2015) (0)
- Title Single antenna power measurements based direction finding( Main article ) (2010) (0)
- Method and apparatus for sampling and reconstruction of signals (2002) (0)
- Construction of an orthonormal complex multiresolution analysis (2013) (0)
- Complex wave and phase retrieval from a single off-axis interferogram. (2022) (0)
- Recent advances in biomedical imaging and signal analysis (2010) (0)
- Short basis functions for constant-variance interpolation - art. no. 69142L (2008) (0)
- Why restrict ourselves to compactly supported basis functions? (2001) (0)
- Minimum Support terpolators with Optimum A (1998) (0)
- Denoising of Three-Dimensional Fast Spin Echo Magnetic Resonance Images of Knee Joints using Spatial-Variant Noise-Relevant Residual Learning of Convolution Neural Network (2022) (0)
- A Fast Robust Phase Restoration Algorithm (2022) (0)
- For information on joining, write to the IEEE at the address below. Member copies of Transactions/Journals are for personal use only. (2007) (0)
- Empowering Networks With Scale and Rotation Equivariance Using A Similarity Convolution (2023) (0)
- (Microsoft Word - spie2003.doc) (2003) (0)
- Wavelet-Based Detection of Stimulus Responses in Time-Lapse Microscopy (2006) (0)
- Elsevier Signal Processing: Special issue Advances in Multirate Filter Bank Structures (2012) (0)
- Theoretical analysis of the projection error onto discrete wavelet subspaces (1999) (0)
- A Deep-learning Based Approach to Vehicle Reidentification (2018) (0)
- An Algebraic Optimization Approach To Image Registration (2022) (0)
- Blind Source Separation via a Weak Exclusion Principle (2022) (0)
- An EEG blind source separation algorithm based on a weak exclusion principle. (2016) (0)
- Diffusion SLAM: Localizing Diffusion Sources From Samples Taken by Location-Unaware Mobile Sensors (2021) (0)
- A Novel Gcv-Based Criterion for Parameter Selection In Image Deconvolution (2018) (0)
- On the Approximation Power of Splines: Orthogonal Versus Hexagonal Lattices (2003) (0)
- Vector-FRI Recovery of Multi-Sensor Measurements (2022) (0)
- Image Denoising — The SURE-LET Methodology (2010) (0)
- Towards real-time THz imaging with single-pixel detectors (2019) (0)
- Iterative Single-frame High-bandwidth Complex Wave Retrieval Algorithm (2022) (0)
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