Wolfgang Rindler
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Austrian physicist
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Wolfgang Rindler's Degrees
- PhD Physics University of Vienna
Why Is Wolfgang Rindler Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Wolfgang Rindler was a physicist working in the field of general relativity where he is known for introducing the term "event horizon", Rindler coordinates, and for the use of spinors in general relativity. An honorary member of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and foreign member of the , he was also a prolific textbook author.
Wolfgang Rindler's Published Works
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Published Works
- Spinors and space-time (1984) (2194)
- Spinors and Space–Time: Subject and author index (1984) (558)
- Spinor and twistor methods in space-time geometry (1986) (475)
- Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological (2001) (390)
- Spinors and Space‐Time, Volume I: Two‐Spinor Calculus and Relativistic Fields (1986) (361)
- Essential relativity (1978) (298)
- Two-spinor calculus and relativistic fields (1984) (289)
- Book-Review - Spinors and Spacetime - VOL.2 - Spinor and Twistor Methods in Spacetime Geometry (1986) (277)
- Kruskal Space and the Uniformly Accelerated Frame (1966) (272)
- Essential Relativity: Special, General, and Cosmological (1970) (224)
- Visual horizons in world models (1956) (197)
- Introduction to special relativity (1982) (188)
- Exact Solutions of Einstein's Field Equations. (1971) (181)
- Contribution of the cosmological constant to the relativistic bending of light revisited (2007) (146)
- Gravitation and the universe (1969) (76)
- Hyperbolic Motion in Curved Space Time (1960) (75)
- Rotating coordinates as tools for calculating circular geodesics and gyroscopic precession (1990) (63)
- Visual Horizons in World-Models (2002) (61)
- A new independent limit on the cosmological constant/dark energy from the relativistic bending of light by Galaxies and clusters of Galaxies (2007) (56)
- The relevance of the cosmological constant for lensing (2010) (51)
- Putting to Rest Mass Misconceptions (1990) (39)
- A phase-space representation of Friedmann-Lemaitre universes containing both dust and radiation and the inevitability of a big bang (1989) (39)
- More on lensing by a cosmological constant (2008) (38)
- Counterexample to the Lenz-Schiff Argument (1968) (33)
- The Lense-Thirring effect exposed as anti-Machian (1994) (29)
- Energy Conservation as the Basis of Relativistic Mechanics. II (1965) (28)
- Length Contraction Paradox (1961) (26)
- Spinors and Space–Time: spinors in n dimensions (1986) (25)
- The cosmic frontiers of general relativity (1979) (24)
- Scheil–Gulliver simulation with partial redistribution of fast diffusers and simultaneous solid–solid phase transformations (2007) (22)
- Computer simulation of the brittle temperature range (BTR) for hot cracking in steels (2000) (21)
- Elliptic Kruskal-Schwarzschild space. (1965) (20)
- Gravitation and Geometry: A Volume in Honour of Ivor Robinson (1989) (19)
- Relativity and electromagnetism: The force on a magnetic monopole (1989) (19)
- Local and Global Light Bending in Einstein's and Other Gravitational Theories (1997) (17)
- General relativity before special relativity: An unconventional overview of relativity theory (1994) (17)
- A Modified Hot Tearing Criterion for Steels (2002) (16)
- A simple relativistic paradox about electrostatic energy (1988) (16)
- Public and private space curvature in Robertson-Walker universes (1981) (15)
- Birkhoff's theorem with Λ-term and Bertotti-Kasner space (1998) (14)
- Einstein's Priority in Recognizing Time Dilation Physically (1970) (14)
- Spinors and Space-Time: Appendix: diagrammatic notation (1984) (13)
- Finite foliations of open FRW universes and the point-like big bang (2000) (12)
- Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics: Gödel, Einstein, Mach, Gamow, and Lanczos: Gödel's Remarkable Excursion into Cosmology (2011) (12)
- General relativity: general relativity and gravitation. (1985) (10)
- Book-Review - Spinors and Space-Time - VOL.1 (1986) (9)
- A Plain Man’s Guide to Bivectors, Biquaternions, and the Algebra and Geometry of Lorentz Transformations (1999) (9)
- Counterexample to the Tangherlini argument. (1969) (8)
- An electromagnetic Thirring problem. (1971) (8)
- Spinors and Space–Time: Summary of Volume 1 (1986) (8)
- The nonreciprocity of relative acceleration in relativity (1993) (7)
- Gödel, Einstein, Mach, Gamow, and Lanczos: Gödel’s remarkable excursion into cosmology (2009) (7)
- The multipole expansion far from an isolated source (1991) (6)
- A gravitationally induced (machian) magnetic field (1970) (6)
- Essential Relativity: Special, General and Cosmological (1970) (6)
- Remarks on Schrödinger's Model of de Sitter Space (1960) (5)
- Quaterions, Bivectors, and the Lorentz Group (1966) (5)
- What are Spinors (1966) (4)
- How to determine a Tolman-Bondi universe from ideal observable and theoretical relations (1989) (4)
- Spinors and Space–Time: Classification of curvature tensors (1986) (4)
- Spinors and Space–Time: Twistors (1986) (3)
- Time from Newton to Einstein to Friedman (2001) (3)
- Ideas of the Theory of Relativity (1975) (3)
- Spinors and Space-Time: Fields in space-time (1984) (3)
- Radiation Pressure on a Rapidly Moving Surface (1961) (3)
- On the Coordination of the Riemannian and Kinematic Techniques in Theoretical Cosmology, with Particular Reference to the Shift-Distance Law (1956) (2)
- World's Fastest Way to Get the Relativistic Time-Dilation Formula (1967) (2)
- Problems in relativistic cosmology (1956) (2)
- Spinors and Space-Time: The geometry of world-vectors and spin-vectors (1984) (2)
- How far can observable relations determine a Robertson-Walker metric? (1987) (2)
- Spinors and Space-Time: Spinors and world-tensors (1984) (2)
- Concepts of the Universe (1969) (2)
- Traveling at the speed of light (1983) (1)
- Analogies between Kruskal space and de Sitter space (1985) (1)
- Erratum: Length Contraction Paradox [Am. J. Phys. 29, 365 (1961)] (1961) (1)
- Survey of Relativity Theory (1961) (1)
- The Rise and Fall of Absolute Space (1977) (1)
- Real-metric spacetime properties of ‘rigor mortis’ accelerations—Born’s ‘rigid motion’ collinear scenarios—without Minkowski spacetime (2019) (0)
- On the transformation of force in relativistic statics (1970) (0)
- Spinors and Space–Time: Preface (1984) (0)
- Special relativity: kinematics (2020) (0)
- Spacetime and Four-Vectors (1977) (0)
- Torsion-Free World Lines in Curved Space-Time (1971) (0)
- Basic Ideas of General Relativity (1977) (0)
- Spinors and Space–Time: Conformal infinity (1986) (0)
- Special relativity: mechanics (2012) (0)
- Some New Results in Theoretical Cosmology (2002) (0)
- A gravitationally induced (1970) (0)
- Spinors and Space-Time: Differentiation and curvature (1984) (0)
- Local and Global Light Bending in Einstein ’ s and other Grav itational Theories (2000) (0)
- An Addendum to Birkhoff's Theorem (1997) (0)
- Formal Development of General Relativity (1977) (0)
- Successive Schwarzschild spheres and other rigidity frontiers in spherically symmetric dust-plus-vacuum spacetimes (1993) (0)
- Simulation of Multi-Component Multi-Phase Solidification with Back-Diffusion and Solid-Solid Phase Transformations (2001) (0)
- Relativity Theory and Astrophysics, Part 1: Relativity and Cosmology (Conf. Proc.) (1969) (0)
- Book review (1984) (0)
- Relativity and Electrodynamics (1977) (0)
- Higher-Order Calculations of Light Deflection and the Contribution of the Cosmological Constant to Einstein Radii around Clusters of Galaxies (2011) (0)
- The Contribution of The Cosmological Constant/Dark Energy to The Bending of Light and its Applications. (2008) (0)
- A Conversation with Wolfgang Rindler (2011) (0)
- A Novel Phase‐Space Representation and Classification of All Friedman‐Lemaǐtre Universes (1989) (0)
- Relativistic Particle Mechanics (1977) (0)
- Limits on the cosmological deceleration parameter II (2000) (0)
- Special relativity: electromagnetism (2012) (0)
- Black Holes and Horizons—The Geometry of Kruskal Space and Rindler Space (1990) (0)
- Spinors and Space-Time: Abstract indices and spinor algebra (1984) (0)
- EssentialRelativity: Special, General, andCosmological (1977) (0)
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