Ed Corrigan
British mathematician
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Ed Corrigan's Degrees
- Masters Mathematics University of Oxford
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Francis Edward Corrigan FRS is a British mathematician, theoretical physicist, and professor at the University of York. Life He attended St Bede's College, Manchester 1957-65 and earned a BA and PhD at the University of Cambridge. He was Addison Wheeler Fellow in the Department of Mathematical Sciences Durham University 1972–74, CERN Fellow 1974–75, and worked at Durham from 1976 to 1999 . He then moved to the University of York where he was Head of Department of Mathematics 1999–2004, 2005–2007 and 2011–2015. He was Principal of Collingwood College, Durham, from 2008 to 2011. His publications can be found via INSPIRE.
Ed Corrigan's Published Works
Published Works
- First-order equations for gauge fields in spaces of dimension greater than four (1983) (312)
- Construction of instanton and monopole solutions and reciprocity (1984) (177)
- The construction of self-dual solutions to SU(2) gauge theory (1978) (155)
- A green function for the general self-dual gauge field (1978) (152)
- Scalar field theory and exact solutions to a classical SU (2) gauge theory (1977) (136)
- Classically integrable boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories (1995) (136)
- Aspects of Affine Toda Field Theory on a Half Line (1994) (118)
- Off-shell states in dual resonance theory (1975) (104)
- Classically integrable field theories with defects (2003) (101)
- Ann monopole solution with 4n — 1 degrees of freedom (1981) (94)
- Affine Toda field theories with defects (2004) (92)
- Magnetic monopoles in SU(3) gauge theories (1976) (82)
- Zeta Function Regularization and Multi - Instanton Determinants (1979) (78)
- A note on the quark content of large color groups (1979) (77)
- Some aspects of quantum groups and supergroups (1990) (77)
- Some aspects of jump-defects in the quantum sine-Gordon model (2005) (76)
- A new class of integrable defects (2009) (75)
- Extended Toda field theory and exact S-matrices (1989) (75)
- Instanton green functions and tensor products (1979) (70)
- Fermion-meson vertices in dual theories (1972) (69)
- Some comments on the ADHM construction in 4k dimensions (1985) (69)
- Calogero-Moser Models. I: A New Formulation (1998) (65)
- On purely transmitting defects in affine Toda field theory (2007) (63)
- Quantum versus classical integrability in Calogero-Moser systems (2002) (63)
- Generalised Calogero-Moser models and universal Lax pair operators (1999) (61)
- A Functional Equation for Exponential Loop Integrals in Gauge Theories (1979) (58)
- A New Formulation (1998) (57)
- Colour and magnetic monopoles (1976) (52)
- Recent Developments in Affine Toda Quantum Field Theory (1999) (52)
- On a generalised bootstrap principle (1993) (50)
- A transmission matrix for a fused pair of integrable defects in the sine-Gordon model (2010) (49)
- Evaluation of the scattering amplitude for four dual fermions (1973) (42)
- On duality and reflection factors for the sinh-Gordon model (1997) (38)
- Reflection factors and a two-parameter family of boundary bound states in the sinh-Gordon model (2000) (37)
- Comments on defects in the ar Toda field theories (2009) (36)
- The Absence of Ghosts in the Dual Fermion Model (1974) (31)
- Background field boundary conditions for affine Toda field theories (1995) (31)
- Integrable defects in affine Toda field theory and infinite-dimensional representations of quantum groups (2010) (31)
- LETTER TO THE EDITOR: Aspects of sine-Gordon solitons, defects and gates (2004) (30)
- Gauge conditions in the dual fermion model (1973) (28)
- The exceptional Jordan algebra and the superstring (1989) (27)
- Group theoretical calculation of traces and determinants occuring in dual theories (1975) (26)
- Boundary breathers in the sinh-Gordon model (1999) (25)
- The scattering amplitude for four dual fermions (1974) (23)
- Integrable field theory with boundary conditions (1996) (22)
- A string construction of a commutative non-associative algebra related to the exceptional Jordan algebra (1988) (22)
- Classical Integrability of the O(N) Nonlinear Sigma Model on a Half-Line (1996) (22)
- Aspects of Perturbed Conformal Field Theory, Affine Toda Field Theory and Exact S-Matrices (1990) (19)
- I. Self-dual solutions to euclidean Yang-Mills equations (1979) (17)
- Comments on the algebra of straight, twisted and intertwining vertex operators (1988) (16)
- Non-local charges for the supersymmetric σ-model☆ (1979) (16)
- General dual operatorial vertices (1972) (16)
- Quantum corrections to the classical reflection factor of the sinh-Gordon model (2000) (15)
- Bäcklund transformations and the construction of the Atiyah-Ward ansätze for self-dual SU(2) gauge fields (1978) (14)
- Twisted vertex operators and representations of the Virasoro algebra (1986) (14)
- A bosonic representation of the twisted string emission vertex (1988) (13)
- A representation of the exchange relation for affine Toda field theory (1991) (13)
- Construction of spherically symmetric monopoles using the Atiyah-Drinfeld-Hitchin-Manin-Nahm formalism (1983) (12)
- Recent developments in affine Toda field theory (1994) (12)
- Some comments on the non-self-dual Nahm equations (1985) (12)
- Static non-abelian forces and the permutation group (1979) (10)
- Type I integrable defects and finite-gap solutions for KdV and sine-Gordon models (2016) (9)
- Infinite dimension reflection matrices in the sine-Gordon model with a boundary (2012) (7)
- Aspects of affine Toda field theory (1992) (7)
- The off-mass shell physical state projection operator for the dual resonance model (1973) (6)
- Aspects of defects in integrable quantum field theory (2011) (6)
- Nonlocal charges for the supersymmetric s-model (1979) (4)
- On the Perturbative Expansion of Boundary Reflection Factors of the Supersymmetric Sinh-Gordon Model (2000) (4)
- Integrable models with boundaries and defects (2004) (4)
- Boundary bound states in integrable quantum eld theory (2000) (3)
- Purely transmitting integrable defects (2006) (3)
- Some comments on twisted ghosts (1987) (2)
- Aspects of Purely Transmitting Defects in Integrable Field Theories (2008) (1)
- Type II defects revisited (2018) (1)
- Boundary bound states in integrable quantum field theories (2000) (1)
- Some recent developments in affine Toda field theory (1993) (1)
- Classical Fields: General Relativity and Gauge Theory (1984) (1)
- Some comments on a cubic algebra (1985) (1)
- Toda's amazing lattice (1992) (1)
- Aspects of fermionic dual models (2012) (1)
- Integrable defects at junctions within a network (2020) (1)
- Infinite dimension reflection matrices in the sine-Gordon model with a boundary (2012) (0)
- QUANTUM FIELD THEORY AND TOPOLOGY (Comprehensive Studies in Mathematics 307) (1995) (0)
- Toda field theory on a half-line (2008) (0)
- David Ian Olive. 16 April 1937—7 November 2012 (2020) (0)
- Affine toda field theory: S-matrix vs perturbation (1992) (0)
- 0 Ju l 2 01 8 Type II defects revisited (2018) (0)
- Absense of ghosts in the dual fermion model (1974) (0)
- Aspects of Integrable Quantum Field Theories with Boundaries (2001) (0)
- Aspects of dual models many years ago (2008) (0)
- Boundary reflection factor of the supersymmetric sinh-Gordon model (2002) (0)
- Aspects of defects in integrable quantum field theory (2012) (0)
- David Olive: his life and work. (2020) (0)
- Boundary states in integrable quantum field theory (2000) (0)
- Type II defects revisited (2018) (0)
- Reflection factors and boundary states in the sinh-Gordonmodel (2017) (0)
- EUCLID - Integrable models and applications: from strings to condensed matter - Activity Year 2 (2004) (0)
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