John Logsdon
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American academic
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Political Science
John Logsdon's Degrees
- PhD Political Science New York University
- Masters Political Science New York University
Why Is John Logsdon Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, John Logsdon is the founder and from 1987 to 2008 was the director of the Space Policy Institute at George Washington University. In 2003, Logsdon was a member of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board. He is a former member of the NASA Advisory Council. He is frequently cited as an authority on space policy and history by press entities such as The New York Times and The Washington Post, and has appeared on various television networks.
John Logsdon's Published Works
Number of citations in a given year to any of this author's works
Total number of citations to an author for the works they published in a given year. This highlights publication of the most important work(s) by the author
Published Works
- Functional and Evolutionary Insights from the Genomes of Three Parasitoid Nasonia Species (2010) (819)
- Draft Genome Sequence of the Sexually Transmitted Pathogen Trichomonas vaginalis (2007) (739)
- Microsporidia are related to Fungi: evidence from the largest subunit of RNA polymerase II and other proteins. (1999) (516)
- A Phylogenomic Inventory of Meiotic Genes Evidence for Sex in Giardia and an Early Eukaryotic Origin of Meiosis (2005) (455)
- The challenger launch decision: Risky technology, culture, and deviance at NASA (1997) (355)
- A photosynthetic alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites (2008) (300)
- An Expanded Inventory of Conserved Meiotic Genes Provides Evidence for Sex in Trichomonas vaginalis (2008) (241)
- Functional genomic analysis of the ADP‐ribosylation factor family of GTPases: phylogeny among diverse eukaryotes and function in C. elegans (2004) (219)
- Testing the exon theory of genes: the evidence from protein structure. (1994) (215)
- A photosynthetic alveolate closely related to apicomplexan parasites (2008) (207)
- The recent origins of spliceosomal introns revisited. (1998) (204)
- Using a meiosis detection toolkit to investigate ancient asexual "scandals" and the evolution of sex. (2008) (196)
- Signs of sex: what we know and how we know it. (2009) (194)
- Intron "sliding" and the diversity of intron positions. (1997) (159)
- Broadly sampled multigene trees of eukaryotes (2008) (158)
- Seven newly discovered intron positions in the triose-phosphate isomerase gene: evidence for the introns-late theory. (1995) (137)
- Consensus nomenclature for the human ArfGAP domain-containing proteins (2008) (137)
- The recent origins of introns (1992) (136)
- The recent origins of introns. (1991) (126)
- Accelerated mutation accumulation in asexual lineages of a freshwater snail. (2010) (123)
- Genetic complementation in apicomplexan parasites (2002) (121)
- Protist homologs of the meiotic Spo11 gene and topoisomerase VI reveal an evolutionary history of gene duplication and lineage-specific loss. (2007) (109)
- Molecular evolution: Recent cases of spliceosomal intron gain? (1998) (108)
- Identification of Two Proteins Required for Conjunction and Regular Segregation of Achiasmate Homologs in Drosophila Male Meiosis (2005) (102)
- Functional evolution of ADAMTS genes: Evidence from analyses of phylogeny and gene organization (2005) (100)
- Molecular Phylogeny of the Salmonellae: Relationships among Salmonella Species and Subspecies Determined from Four Housekeeping Genes and Evidence of Lateral Gene Transfer Events (2008) (97)
- Recurrent paralogy in the evolution of archaeal chaperonins (1999) (96)
- A genomic survey of the fish parasite Spironucleus salmonicida indicates genomic plasticity among diplomonads and significant lateral gene transfer in eukaryote genome evolution (2007) (95)
- Eye in the Sky: The Story of the Corona Spy Satellites (1999) (88)
- Origin and evolution of eukaryotic chaperonins: phylogenetic evidence for ancient duplications in CCT genes. (2000) (88)
- Archaeal genomics: Do archaea have a mixed heritage? (1998) (85)
- Analyses of RNA Polymerase II genes from free-living protists: phylogeny, long branch attraction, and the eukaryotic big bang. (2002) (82)
- Phylogenetic analysis of the TATA box binding protein (TBP) gene from Nosema locustae: evidence for a microsporidia-fungi relationship and spliceosomal intron loss. (1999) (81)
- The Space Shuttle Program: A Policy Failure? (1986) (77)
- The Decision to Go to the Moon: Project Apollo and the National Interest (1970) (76)
- The lichen symbiosis re-viewed through the genomes of Cladonia grayi and its algal partner Asterochloris glomerata (2019) (64)
- Meiosis genes in Daphnia pulex and the role of parthenogenesis in genome evolution (2009) (62)
- Expression and phylogenetic analyses of three zebrafish FoxI class genes (2003) (59)
- Origin of introns–early or late? (1994) (55)
- Much ado about bacteria-to-vertebrate lateral gene transfer. (2003) (52)
- Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civil Space Program (1995) (51)
- Evolutionary genomics: Thermotoga heats up lateral gene transfer (1999) (48)
- Origin of antifreeze protein genes: a cool tale in molecular evolution. (1997) (48)
- Do Salmonella carry spare tyres? (2008) (47)
- Phylogeny of Parasitic Parabasalia and Free-Living Relatives Inferred from Conventional Markers vs. Rpb1, a Single-Copy Gene (2011) (42)
- Nine novel conserved motifs in BRCA1 identified by the chicken orthologue (2001) (42)
- Thermotoga heats up lateral gene transfer. (1999) (39)
- Evolutionary Genetics: Sex Happens in Giardia (2008) (35)
- The decision to develop the Space Shuttle (1986) (34)
- Meiosis gene inventory of four ciliates reveals the prevalence of a synaptonemal complex-independent crossover pathway. (2014) (34)
- The socioeconomic benefits of Earth science and applications research: reducing the risks and costs of natural disasters in the USA (2002) (33)
- Exploring the unknown: Selected documents in the history of the US Civil Space Program. Volume 1; Organizing for exploration (1995) (31)
- Genomic evidence for population‐specific responses to co‐evolving parasites in a New Zealand freshwater snail (2017) (30)
- Inventory and phylogenetic analysis of meiotic genes in monogonont rotifers. (2013) (28)
- Genome of the Parasitoid Wasp Diachasma alloeum, an Emerging Model for Ecological Speciation and Transitions to Asexual Reproduction (2019) (28)
- Comparative transcriptome analysis of obligately asexual and cyclically sexual rotifers reveals genes with putative functions in sexual reproduction, dormancy, and asexual egg production (2013) (27)
- Worm genomes hold the smoking guns of intron gain. (2004) (26)
- The Arf Family Tree (2004) (24)
- Radical amino acid mutations persist longer in the absence of sex (2018) (23)
- An archaebacterial homolog of pelota, a meiotic cell division protein in eukaryotes. (1996) (23)
- Cross-cultural management supporting global space exploration (2010) (22)
- Monographs in Aerospace History Series No. 11. Together in Orbit: The Origins of International Participation in the Space Station (1998) (22)
- SIVsm Quasispecies Adaptation to a New Simian Host (2005) (21)
- The decision to go to the moon. (1970) (20)
- The tigA gene is a transcriptional fusion of glycolytic genes encoding triose-phosphate isomerase and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase in oomycota (1997) (20)
- Missing Halley's Comet: The Politics of Big Science (1989) (20)
- Sex loss in insects: causes of asexuality and consequences for genomes. (2019) (18)
- Fragments of plastid DNA in the nuclear genome of tomato: prevalence, chromosomal location, and possible mechanism of integration (1991) (17)
- Male phenotypes in a female framework: Evidence for degeneration in sperm produced by male snails from asexual lineages. (2020) (15)
- Retention of Core Meiotic Genes Across Diverse Hymenoptera (2017) (14)
- U.S.-European Cooperation in Space Science: A 25-Year Perspective (1984) (14)
- After Apollo?: Richard Nixon and the American Space Program (2015) (14)
- A new US approach to human spaceflight (2011) (13)
- Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the US Civilian Space Program. Volume 3; Using Space (2019) (12)
- John F. Kennedy and the Race to the Moon (2011) (12)
- Why space exploration should be a global project (2008) (11)
- A Mutation in the FHA Domain of Coprinus cinereus Nbs1 Leads to Spo11-Independent Meiotic Recombination and Chromosome Segregation (2013) (10)
- Legislative Origins of the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958. Monograph No. 8 (2019) (10)
- Genomic evidence for population-specific responses to coevolving parasites in a New Zealand freshwater snail (2016) (10)
- Adaptation of a Diverse Simian Immunodeficiency Virus Population to a New Host Is Revealed through a Systematic Approach to Identify Amino Acid Sites under Selection (2006) (9)
- Challenger (2018) (9)
- Current Trends in Use and Reuse of Nickel-Titanium Engine-driven Instruments: A Survey of Endodontists in the United States. (2020) (9)
- Research evaluation activities of ten federal agencies (1988) (9)
- Organizing for exploration (1995) (9)
- Which direction in space (2005) (8)
- U.S. Access to Space (1989) (8)
- US–Russian cooperation in human spaceflight: assessing the impacts (2001) (8)
- Change and continuity in US space policy (2011) (8)
- Highly divergentCaenorhabditis andSaccharomyces tubulins evolved recently from genes encoding γ-tubulin (1996) (8)
- A very recent whole genome duplication in Potamopyrgus antipodarum predates multiple origins of asexuality & associated polyploidy (2017) (7)
- Why space science and exploration benefit everyone (1998) (7)
- International cooperation in the Space Station programme - Assessing the experience to date (1991) (7)
- The Socioeconomic Benefits of Earth Science and Applications Research: Reducing the Risks and Costs of Natural Disasters in the United States (2002) (7)
- Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the US Civil Space Program. Volume 5; Exploring the Cosmos (2001) (7)
- One Semi-Automated Forces (OneSAF): Capabilities, Architecture, and Processes (2008) (7)
- Growing the Future of Commercial Space (2013) (7)
- Asexuality Associated with Marked Genomic Expansion of Tandemly Repeated rRNA and Histone Genes (2021) (7)
- A security space capability for Europe? Implications for US policy (2002) (6)
- Prediction of Extreme Temperatures in a Reactor Using Measurements Affected by Control Action (2003) (6)
- Choosing big technologies examples from the U.S. space program (1992) (6)
- U.S.-Japanese Space Relations at a Crossroads (1992) (6)
- Correction: An Expanded Inventory of Conserved Meiotic Genes Provides Evidence for Sex in Trichomonas vaginalis (2008) (6)
- Reflections on Space as a Vital National Interest (2003) (5)
- Bridging the Gap: European C4ISR Capabilities and Transatlantic Interoperability (2012) (5)
- Was the Race to the Moon Real (1994) (5)
- An Evolutionary Genetic Approach to Understanding Plastid Gene Function: Lessons from Photosynthetic and Nonphotosynthetic Plants (1990) (5)
- International involvement in the US space station programme (1985) (5)
- Exploring the Unknown (2004) (5)
- The evolution of civilian space exploitation (1982) (5)
- Why did the United States retreat from the moon (2015) (5)
- Genome evolution in a putatively asexual wasp (2020) (4)
- A political history of the space age: by Walter A. McDougall Basic Books, New York, 1985, 555 pp, $25.95 (1986) (4)
- Creating a productive international partnership in the Vision for Space Exploration (2007) (4)
- A sustainable rationale for manned space flight (1989) (4)
- The Cambridge encyclopedia of space (2003) (4)
- Overview of Policy Issues: (1979) (4)
- Evolution of Meiosis, Recombination, and Sexual Reproduction in Eukaryotic Microbes (2013) (3)
- A new cooperative strategy for space in the twenty-first century☆ (1993) (3)
- Announcing the first signal: Policy aspects (1990) (3)
- Merchants and guardians : balancing U.S. interests in global space commerce (1999) (3)
- The Race into Space (1998) (3)
- The Survival Crisis of the US Solar System Exploration Program in the 1980s (2013) (3)
- Exploring the cosmos (2001) (3)
- International Relationships and the U. S. Space Program: The Missing Element? (1992) (2)
- Towards a new era in space: Realigning US policies to new realities (1989) (2)
- Space Policy, Law and Security (2009) (2)
- Male evolution under relaxed selection: Evidence for degeneration in sperm produced by male snails from asexual lineages (2019) (2)
- Status of space commercialization in the USA (1986) (2)
- The End of the Apollo Era (2015) (2)
- Eukaryotic Evolution: The Importance of Being Archaebacterial (2010) (2)
- Encouraging New Space Firms (2018) (2)
- ANALYSIS OF HUMAN SPACE FLIGHT SAFETY Report to Congress Independent Study Mandated by Commercial Space Launch Amendments Act of 2004 (Public Law 108-492) (2008) (2)
- Space stations - A historical perspective (1983) (1)
- Asia in Space: The Race to the Final Frontier (2020) (1)
- Analyzing the new Kennedy tape (2011) (1)
- Multiple separate cases of pseudogenized meiosis genes Msh4 and Msh5 in Eurotiomycete fungi: associations with Zip3 sequence evolution and homothallism, but not Pch2 losses (2019) (1)
- Human spaceflight : projects Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo (2008) (1)
- Opportunities for policy historians: The evolution of the US civilian space program (1985) (1)
- NSF Policy Analysis (1984) (1)
- NASA: what now? (2011) (1)
- Space Plans Reviewed (2010) (1)
- Solar power satellites - The institutional challenge (1983) (1)
- Exploring the Unknown: Selected Documents in the History of the U.S. Civilian Space Program: Volume 2; External Relationships (2013) (1)
- The new European Space Policy as seen from across the Atlantic (2008) (1)
- The Research System in the 1980's. Public Policy Issues. (1982) (1)
- The often uncounted payoffs from space (2001) (1)
- Arthur C. Clarke (1917-2008) (2008) (1)
- Meeting for sex in Iowa. (2010) (1)
- Assessment of the factors that could lead to a productive future international partnership in space exploration (2006) (1)
- A New Cast of Characters (2015) (1)
- The United States in Space (2020) (1)
- Requirements for international collaboration (1988) (1)
- National decisions. (1971) (1)
- Space and earth science (2004) (1)
- Single-molecule Sequencing of an Animal Mitochondrial Genome Reveals Chloroplast-like Architecture and Repeat-mediated Recombination (2022) (1)
- Report of the committee on a commercially developed space facility (1989) (1)
- The United States, the only space superpower (1997) (1)
- Space commercialization: how soon the payoffs? (1984) (1)
- Epilogue Richard Nixon and the American Space Program (2015) (1)
- Truths, Lies, and O-Rings: Inside the Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster (2009) (1)
- Highly divergent Caenorhabditis and Saccharomyces tubulins evolved recently from genes encoding gamma-tubulin. (1996) (1)
- Response: space shuttle development. (1986) (1)
- Space Law for Peace: A Critical Review (2016) (1)
- Book Review: The challenger launch decision: Risky technology, culture, and deviance at NASA. by Diane Vaughan University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1996, 575 pp, £24.95 (1997) (1)
- Were Changes in the Wind (2010) (0)
- Making the Transition (2010) (0)
- Nasa's dual challenge: Serving yet striving (1983) (0)
- Book Review:The Space Station: A Personal Journey Hans Mark (1987) (0)
- Genomic evidence for population-specific responses to coevolving parasites in a New 1 Zealand freshwater snail 2 3 Running Title : Lake-level responses to coevolving parasites (2016) (0)
- A Time of Transitions (2015) (0)
- Introduction (2020) (0)
- IAA Cosmic Studies, Dynamics of Space Exploration: a final update (2015) (0)
- Build a case for humans in space (2011) (0)
- Faculty of 1000 evaluation for Mutation load and rapid adaptation favour outcrossing over self-fertilization. (2014) (0)
- “Follow Our Dreams to Distant Stars” (2018) (0)
- Misbegotten Moon Shot (2007) (0)
- Do We Need a Cosmocentric Ethic? 1. What Is a Cosmocentric Ethic? (1997) (0)
- The Origins of International The Origins of International Participation in the Space Station Participation in the Space Station (1998) (0)
- Priorities and policy analysis: A response to Alex Roland (1987) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Variability in a taste-receptor gene determines whether we taste toxins in food. (2007) (0)
- The Space Shuttle Takes Center Stage (2015) (0)
- Utilization of space: today and tomorrow, Bernd Feuerbacher, Heinz Stower (Eds.). Springer, Heidelberg (2005), (410 pp., $79.99) (2006) (0)
- I Am Not That Interested in Space (2010) (0)
- Reconstituting the US space programme (1987) (0)
- Setting the Post-Apollo Stage (2015) (0)
- Prologue: “We Should Go to the Moon” (2010) (0)
- IAA Cosmic Study: Dynamics of Space Exploration (2014) (0)
- Single Stage to Orbit: Politics, Space Technology, and the Quest for Reusable Rocketry (review) (2004) (0)
- Space manufacturing and public policy formulation (1979) (0)
- A “Space Clipper” (2015) (0)
- Book Review: Space program funding - too many chiefs and not enough Indians. Can Democracies Fly in Space? The Challenge of Revitalizing the U.S. Space Program by W.D. Kay Westport, CT: Praeger, 1995. 256 pp, 59.95 (1996) (0)
- After the Moon, Mars? (2015) (0)
- The Home Stretch (2018) (0)
- Space Shuttle Issues: Round One (2018) (0)
- to alcohols catalyst for the catalytic hydrogenation of aldehydes (1987) (0)
- The Nixon Space Doctrine (2015) (0)
- International dimensions of solar power satellites: collaboration or competition (1981) (0)
- The Moon Race (2014) (0)
- The lichen symbiosis re-viewed through the genomes of Cladonia grayi and its algal partner Asterochloris glomerata (2019) (0)
- A process for preparing alcohols by vapor phase hydrogenation of aldehydes (1987) (0)
- Powering Apollo: James E. Webb of NASA: by W. Henry Lambright John Hopkins Press, Baltimore, 1995, 271 pages, US$35.95 (1996) (0)
- Faculty of 1000 evaluation for The parasexual cycle in Candida albicans provides an alternative pathway to meiosis for the formation of recombinant strains. (2008) (0)
- Evaluation of Human Space Exploration Missions Beyond Low Earth Orbit (2014) (0)
- Getting Started (2018) (0)
- Commercializing Earth Orbit (2018) (0)
- 25 years after Apollo — what next in space? (1994) (0)
- Viewing the Earth: the social construction of the Landsat Satellite System: Pamela E. Mack, (MIT press, Cambridge, MA, 1990) 270 pp., $27.50 (1992) (0)
- America's future in space (part III) (1991) (0)
- An Analysis: U.S. Participation in the OECD Committee on Scientific and Technological Policy (CSTP), (1979) (0)
- Recovering from the Accident (2018) (0)
- Precursor of aldehyde hydrogenation catalyst (1992) (0)
- Shuttle Wars (2018) (0)
- BookThe space station a personal journey: by Hans Mark Duke University Press, Durham, NC, 1987, 224 pp plus appendices, $24.95 (1987) (0)
- Method and improved catalyst for the hydrogenation of aldehydes (1987) (0)
- An Initial Reagan Space Policy (2018) (0)
- The Missile and Space Race by Alan J. Levine (1995) (0)
- Catalyst precursor, catalyst, and process for the hydrogenation of aldehydes (1987) (0)
- Once, We Went to the Moon (2002) (0)
- Fifty Years In Space - A Report Card (2008) (0)
- First Decisions (2018) (0)
- The reusable launch vehicle program: Financing the reusable launch vehicle (1997) (0)
- Debates and Disagreement (2018) (0)
- Dreams and Realities: The Future in Space (1985) (0)
- SIG (Space) Gets Started (2018) (0)
- Howard E. McCurdy. Space and the American Imagination. (Smithsonian History of Aviation Series.) Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. 1997. Pp. x, 294. $29.95 (1998) (0)
- The debate in the USA (1986) (0)
- Together in Orbit: Round One (2018) (0)
- Response : Space Shuttle Development (1986) (0)
- To Mars and Beyond (2005) (0)
- The real space debate: Defining policies for the 21st century (1985) (0)
- Where next in the US space programme (1993) (0)
- W. Henry Lambright.Why Mars: NASA and the Politics of Space Exploration. x + 320 pp., index. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 2014. $49.95 (cloth). (2015) (0)
- The Quest for Leadership (2018) (0)
- Together in Orbit: Round Two (2018) (0)
- What If? Paths Not Taken (2005) (0)
- Report of the Council for the session 2006–2007 (2007) (0)
- Changing of the Guard (2018) (0)
- NSF Policy Analysis. (1984) (0)
- Patterns of gene expression in ovaries of sexual vs. asexual lineages of a freshwater snail (2022) (0)
- Contributions of policy analysis to science and technology policy. Report for 1976-1977 (1978) (0)
- Finishing the First Term (2018) (0)
- Correcting a Policy Mistake (2018) (0)
- Mobilizing for human exploration - Historical perspectives (1990) (0)
- A Confused Path Forward (2015) (0)
- Influencing Government: Science, Scientists, and Public Policy . Dean Schooler, Jr. Collier-Macmillan, London, and Free Press, New York, 1971. xiv, 338 pp. Cloth, $6.95; paper, $3.95. (1972) (0)
- BookThe sputniks crisis and early United States space policy: A critique of the historiography of space by Rip Bulkeley Macmillan, Basingstoke, UK, 1991, 286 pp, £45.00 (1992) (0)
- Faculty Opinions recommendation of Mutation load and rapid adaptation favour outcrossing over self-fertilization. (2009) (0)
- National Security Requirements Drive Shuttle Design (2015) (0)
- Apollo under Pressure (2010) (0)
- Space stations: A policy history (1982) (0)
- The Reagan Space Legacy (2018) (0)
- A new cooperative strategy for space in the 21st century (1993) (0)
- Before the White House (2010) (0)
- Space and National Priorities (2015) (0)
- Space Shuttle Issues: Round Two (2018) (0)
- Single Stage to Orbit is thus a useful but flawed effort. More work is needed to understand the changes in the U.S. space program as it made the transition from its cold war roots to its post–cold war reality (2004) (0)
- No Sex, Please (2010) (0)
- The Rise and Fall of Bystander Recovery for Negligent Infliction of Emotional Distress in North Carolina (1995) (0)
- Toward a new Federal policy for technology: The outline emerges (1972) (0)
- The Apollo decision and its lessons for policy-makers (1970) (0)
- “There’s Nothing More Important” (2010) (0)
- First Steps on the Way to the Moon (2010) (0)
- Notices of Books (2002) (0)
- A pre-Summit Conference of the HEADS OF SPACE AGENCIES SUMMIT ON EXPLORATION 5) Space Exploration: The Imperative of Global Cooperation Evaluation of Human Space Exploration Missions Beyond Low Earth Orbit (2014) (0)
- The Next Logical Step (2018) (0)
- Asexual Daphnia genomes expose something old, new, borrowed, and blue (2013) (0)
- Resist the Pull of Mars (1988) (0)
- Catalyst and process for hydrogenating aldehydes. (1987) (0)
- Debating a Shuttle Decision (2015) (0)
- Response : Introns and the Origin of Protein-Coding Genes (1995) (0)
- Development of an Energy Consumption Model at a Multi-Product Chemical Plant (1980) (0)
- Manufacturing process of saturated neoalcohols. (1988) (0)
- The Space Station Decision (2018) (0)
- A Cowboy Comes to Washington (2018) (0)
- Comparative transcriptome analysis of obligately asexual and cyclically sexual rotifers reveals genes with putative functions in sexual reproduction, dormancy, and asexual egg production (2013) (0)
- Lessons Learned in Applying the HLA to the Joint Training Confederation (1999) (0)
- Retiring the Space Shuttle: What Next? (2013) (0)
- Richard Nixon and Apollo 11 (2015) (0)
- Space Commercialization (2018) (0)
- The Third Georgia Tech-Emory International Conference on Bioinformatics: In Silico Biology; Bioinformatics After Human Genome (November 15-18, 2001, Atlanta, Georgia, USA) (2001) (0)
- V.2. Genome Evolution (2013) (0)
- US space policy: still on hold? (1988) (0)
- Selling the Space Shuttle: Early Developments (2018) (0)
- The commercial development of space: is an international regulatory framework needed? (2004) (0)
- To the Moon Together: Pursuit of an Illusion? (2010) (0)
- Ronald Reagan and the Space Frontier (2018) (0)
- A Great New American Enterprise (2010) (0)
- Modeling / Computation A 26 Hierarchical Organization of Modularity in Metabolic Networks (2010) (0)
- Earth Resources Technology Satellite - Securing international participation (1970) (0)
- Which Shuttle to Approve (2015) (0)
- Early Attempts at Space Cooperation (2010) (0)
- Radical amino acid changes persist longer in the absence of sex (2016) (0)
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