Katia Sycara
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Greek-American computer scientist
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Computer Science
Katia Sycara's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Stanford University
- Masters Computer Science Stanford University
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Why Is Katia Sycara Influential?
(Suggest an Edit or Addition)According to Wikipedia, Ekaterini Panagiotou Sycara is a Greek computer scientist. She is an Edward Fredkin Research Professor of Robotics in the Robotics Institute, School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University internationally known for her research in artificial intelligence, particularly in the fields of negotiation, autonomous agents and multi-agent systems. She directs the Advanced Agent-Robotics Technology Lab at Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University. She also serves as academic advisor for PhD students at both Robotics Institute and Tepper School of Business.
Katia Sycara's Published Works
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Published Works
- DAML-S: Semantic Markup for Web Services (2001) (3263)
- Semantic Matching of Web Services Capabilities (2002) (2560)
- A Roadmap of Agent Research and Development (2004) (1752)
- DAML-S: Web Service Description for the Semantic Web (2002) (1102)
- Bringing Semantics to Web Services: The OWL-S Approach (2004) (944)
- Automated discovery, interaction and composition of Semantic Web services (2003) (700)
- Distributed Intelligent Agents (1996) (645)
- Automated semantic web service discovery with OWLS-MX (2006) (621)
- Reaching Agreements Through Argumentation: A Logical Model and Implementation (1998) (619)
- The Semantic Web - ISWC 2003 (2003) (615)
- WebMate: a personal agent for browsing and searching (1998) (600)
- Bringing Semantics to Web Services with OWL-S (2007) (562)
- Larks: Dynamic Matchmaking Among Heterogeneous Software Agents in Cyberspace (2002) (560)
- Bayesian learning in negotiation (1998) (547)
- Middle-Agents for the Internet (1997) (516)
- Importing the Semantic Web in UDDI (2002) (452)
- Dynamic service matchmaking among agents in open information environments (1999) (392)
- The RETSINA MAS Infrastructure (2003) (355)
- OWLS-MX: A hybrid Semantic Web service matchmaker for OWL-S services (2009) (322)
- Human-robot teaming for search and rescue (2005) (294)
- Autonomous Agents and Multi-Agent Systems (1998) (291)
- Persuasive argumentation in negotiation (1990) (282)
- Human Interaction With Robot Swarms: A Survey (2016) (276)
- Developing trust in large-scale peer-to-peer systems (2004) (273)
- Distributed constrained heuristic search (1991) (254)
- Authorization and privacy for semantic Web services (2004) (247)
- Multiagent Compromise via Negotiation (1989) (240)
- A Process Model of Cased-Based Reasoning in Problem Solving (1985) (231)
- Adding OWL-S to UDDI, implementation and throughput (2004) (220)
- Multiagent systems : Special issue on agents (1998) (219)
- Resolving Goal Conflicts via Negotiation (1988) (217)
- Security for DAML Web Services: Annotation and Matchmaking (2003) (211)
- Coordination of Multiple Intelligent Software Agents (1996) (208)
- Sharing inventory risk in supply chain: The implication of financial constraint (2009) (208)
- Brokering and Matchmaking for Coordination of Agent Societies: A Survey (2001) (203)
- Autonomous Semantic Web Services (2003) (190)
- A stable and efficient buyer coalition formation scheme for e-marketplaces (2001) (190)
- An Efficient Algorithm for OWL-S Based Semantic Search in UDDI (2004) (186)
- Argumentation: Planning Other Agents' Plans (1989) (177)
- Dynamic discovery and coordination of agent-based semantic Web services (2004) (170)
- Research Directions for Service-Oriented Multiagent Systems (2005) (166)
- Designing behaviors for information agents (1997) (165)
- Problem Restructuring in Negotiation (1991) (160)
- Customer coalitions in the electronic marketplace (2000) (151)
- Bootstrapping trust evaluations through stereotypes (2010) (151)
- Buy Now and Match Later: Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers (2010) (150)
- Negotiation planning: An AI approach (1990) (149)
- Adding security and trust to multiagent systems (2000) (149)
- FALCON: Feedback Adaptive Loop for Content-Based Retrieval (2000) (148)
- Bilateral negotiation decisions with uncertain dynamic outside options (2004) (147)
- Benefits of Learning in Negotiation (1997) (147)
- A taxonomy of middle-agents for the Internet (2000) (145)
- Multi-Agent Coordination through Coalition Formation (1997) (135)
- CADET: a case-based synthesis tool for engineering design (1991) (132)
- Matchmaking among Heterogeneous Agents on the Internet (1999) (132)
- Design of a Multi–Unit Double Auction E–Market (2002) (130)
- Towards a Semantic Choreography of Web Services: From WSDL to DAML-S (2003) (129)
- The role of trust in human-robot interaction (2018) (128)
- Using DAML-S for P2P Discovery (2003) (128)
- Semantic Web Service Discovery in the OWL-S IDE (2006) (127)
- Delivering Semantic Web Services (2003) (127)
- Intelligent Adaptive Information Agents (1997) (126)
- Matchmaking and Brokering (1996) (122)
- Resource allocation in distributed factory scheduling (1991) (122)
- Transparency and Explanation in Deep Reinforcement Learning Neural Networks (2018) (118)
- Literature Review on Multi-attribute Negotiations (2004) (117)
- No-commitment branch and bound search for distributed constraint optimization (2006) (115)
- A Generic Framework for Automated Multi-attribute Negotiation (2009) (114)
- The DAML-S Virtual Machine (2003) (112)
- Multi-Agent Meeting Scheduling: Preliminary Experimental Results (1996) (109)
- Agent cloning: an approach to agent mobility and resource allocation (1998) (107)
- Machine learning for intelligent support of conflict resolution (1993) (103)
- Algorithm for combinatorial coalition formation and payoff division in an electronic marketplace (2002) (99)
- A Broker for OWL-S Web Services (2004) (99)
- A Planning Component for RETSINA Agents (1999) (98)
- CABINS: A Framework of Knowledge Acquisition and Iterative Revision for Schedule Improvement and Reactive Repair (1995) (97)
- Supporting online problem-solving communities with the semantic web (2006) (97)
- Nonnegative Matrix Tri-Factorization with Graph Regularization for Community Detection in Social Networks (2015) (95)
- Combinatorial Coalition Formation for multi-item group-buying with heterogeneous customers (2010) (95)
- Preliminary Report of Public Experiment of Semantic Service Matchmaker with UDDI Business Registry (2003) (95)
- An integrated token-based algorithm for scalable coordination (2005) (94)
- Multiagent coordination in tightly coupled task scheduling (1997) (90)
- Literature Review of Teamwork Models (2006) (88)
- Efficient Multi-Attribute Negotiation with Incomplete Information (2006) (87)
- Exploiting Problem Structure for Distributed Constraint Optimization (1995) (83)
- How search and its subtasks scale in N robots (2009) (83)
- Trust Decision-Making in Multi-Agent Systems (2011) (81)
- Heterogeneous Multirobot Coordination with Spatial and Temporal Constraints (2005) (79)
- Customer Coalitions in Electronic Markets (2000) (78)
- A decentralized model for automated multi-attribute negotiations with incomplete information and general utility functions (2008) (77)
- Decentralized prioritized planning in large multirobot teams (2010) (77)
- OWLS-MX: Hybrid OWL-S Service Matchmaking (2005) (74)
- DAML-S: A Semantic Markup Language For Web Services (2001) (73)
- Communication efficiency in multi-agent systems (2004) (73)
- Distributed constraint optimization for teams of mobile sensing agents (2015) (73)
- Unified Information and Control Flow in Hierarchical Task Networks (1996) (73)
- Public Deployment of Semantic Service Matchmaker with UDDI Business Registry (2004) (73)
- Distributed Algorithms for Multirobot Task Assignment With Task Deadline Constraints (2015) (73)
- Provably-Good Distributed Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Robot Task Assignment for Grouped Tasks (2015) (72)
- A computational model for online agent negotiation (2002) (71)
- Scaling teamwork to very large teams (2004) (70)
- BiddingBot: a multiagent support system for cooperative bidding in multiple auctions (2000) (69)
- Learning Transferable Cooperative Behavior in Multi-Agent Teams (2019) (69)
- Intelligent agents in portfolio management (1998) (69)
- Mechanisms for coalition formation and cost sharing in an electronic marketplace (2003) (68)
- Team-Oriented Agent Coordination in the RETSINA Multi-Agent System (2002) (68)
- Joint Embedding of Hierarchical Categories and Entities for Concept Categorization and Dataless Classification (2016) (66)
- A transformational approach to case-based synthesis (1991) (66)
- The evolution of cooperation in self-interested agent societies: a critical study (2011) (65)
- Integrating intelligent agents into human teams. (2004) (65)
- Calendar Agents on the Semantic Web (2002) (65)
- Concurrent Execution Semantics of DAML-S with Subtypes (2002) (64)
- Towards a Formal Verification of OWL-S Process Models (2005) (64)
- Expressing WSMO Mediators in OWL-S (2004) (63)
- Neglect benevolence in human control of swarms in the presence of latency (2012) (63)
- Utility theory in conflict resolution (1988) (63)
- Geolocation of RF Emitters by Many UAVs (2007) (60)
- A cost minimization approach to human behavior recognition (2005) (60)
- Robust recognition of physical team behaviors using spatio-temporal models (2006) (60)
- Interoperability among Heterogeneous Software Agents on the Internet (1998) (59)
- OWL-POLAR: A framework for semantic policy representation and reasoning (2012) (59)
- Personal security agent: KQML-based PKI (1998) (59)
- Mechanism design for coalition formation and cost sharing in group-buying markets (2004) (59)
- Semantic Web Services, Part 2 (2007) (58)
- Financial News Analysis for Intelligent Portfolio Management (2004) (57)
- Coordinating very large groups of wide area search munitions (2004) (57)
- Distributed model shaping for scaling to decentralized POMDPs with hundreds of agents (2011) (55)
- Multiple negotiations among agents for a distributed meeting scheduler (2000) (55)
- Backtracking Techniques for the Job Shop Scheduling Constraint Satisfaction Problem (1995) (54)
- The RETSINA MAS, a Case Study (2002) (54)
- Polarity Related Influence Maximization in Signed Social Networks (2014) (54)
- Advances in Web Semantics I - Ontologies, Web Services and Applied Semantic Web (2008) (54)
- Human-swarm interaction (2013) (54)
- How Can an Agent Learn to Negotiate? (1996) (54)
- Stereotypical trust and bias in dynamic multiagent systems (2013) (54)
- Multi-agent Infrastructure, Agent Discovery, Middle Agents for Web Services and Interoperation (2001) (53)
- Constraint optimization coordination architecture for search and rescue robotics (2006) (53)
- Cooperative Negotiation in Concurrent Engineering Design (1991) (53)
- An incentive mechanism for message relaying in unstructured peer-to-peer systems (2007) (52)
- Multi-robot long-term persistent coverage with fuel constrained robots (2015) (52)
- Modeling and Discovery of Data Providing Services (2008) (51)
- In-Context Information Management through Adaptive Collaboration of Intelligent Agents (1999) (51)
- Adaptive Sampling and Online Learning in Multi-Robot Sensor Coverage with Mixture of Gaussian Processes (2018) (50)
- Agent Support for Policy-Driven Collaborative Mission Planning (2010) (50)
- Scaling effects in multi-robot control (2008) (49)
- Retrieval strategies in a case-based design system (1992) (49)
- An integrated approach to high-level information fusion (2009) (49)
- Distributed algorithm design for multi-robot task assignment with deadlines for tasks (2013) (49)
- Agent interoperation across multiagent system boundaries (2000) (48)
- Interleaving Planning and Execution in a Multiagent Team Planning Environment (2000) (48)
- Multi-Agent Integration of Information Gathering and Decision Support (1996) (48)
- Towards automatic mediation of OWL-S process models (2007) (47)
- Proceedings of the second international conference on Autonomous agents (1998) (46)
- Reasons for premature convergence of self-adapting mutation rates (2000) (46)
- Advertising and Matching DAML-S Service Descriptions (2001) (46)
- Experience-Based Reinforcement Learning to Acquire Effective Behavior in a Multi-agent Domain (2000) (46)
- Designing a Multi-Agent Portfolio Management System (1996) (45)
- Cloning for Intelligent Adaptive Information Agents (1996) (45)
- Developing a Testbed for Studying Human-Robot Interaction in Urban Search and Rescue (2003) (44)
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning for planning and scheduling multiple goals (2000) (44)
- Simultaneous Team Assignment and Behavior Recognition from Spatio-Temporal Agent Traces (2006) (42)
- Choosing Autonomy Modes for Multirobot Search (2010) (41)
- Human influence of robotic swarms with bandwidth and localization issues (2012) (41)
- Bounds of Neglect Benevolence in Input Timing for Human Interaction with Robotic Swarms (2015) (41)
- Relation between Trust Attitudes Toward Automation, Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions, and Big Five Personality Traits (2016) (41)
- Multi-robot assignment algorithm for tasks with set precedence constraints (2011) (40)
- Communicating Agents in Open Multi Agent Systems (2002) (40)
- Human control of robot swarms with dynamic leaders (2014) (40)
- Conversational Case-Based Planning for Agent Team Coordination (2001) (40)
- Frameworks and pattern languages: an intriguing relationship (2000) (40)
- Text clustering for topic detection (2004) (40)
- A Formal Treatment of Distributed Matchmaking. (1998) (40)
- Intelligent Backtracking Techniques for Job Shop Scheduling (1992) (39)
- The Many Faces of Agents (1998) (39)
- Teams organization and performance in multi-human/multi-robot teams (2010) (39)
- Specifying and Monitoring Composite Events for Semantic Web Services (2007) (38)
- Towards the Development of an Inter-cultural Scale to Measure Trust in Automation (2014) (37)
- Distributed Constraint Optimization for Large Teams of Mobile Sensing Agents (2009) (37)
- Comparing market and token-based coordination (2006) (37)
- Coordination of multiple agents for production management (1997) (37)
- Object-sensitive Deep Reinforcement Learning (2017) (37)
- Exploiting scale invariant dynamics for efficient information propagation in large teams (2010) (37)
- Coverage control for mobile anisotropic sensor networks (2011) (37)
- Models of Trust in Human Control of Swarms With Varied Levels of Autonomy (2020) (37)
- Integrating Agents into Human Teams (2002) (37)
- Exception Handling and Recovery of Semantic Web Services (2008) (37)
- Distributed Problem Solving through Coordination in a Society of Agents (1994) (37)
- News and trading rules (2003) (36)
- Reaching informed agreement in multispecialist cooperation (1993) (36)
- OWL-POLAR: Semantic Policies for Agent Reasoning (2010) (36)
- Agent aided aircraft maintenance (1999) (36)
- Semantic Web Services with Web Ontology Language (OWL-S) - Specification of Agent-Services for DARPA Agent Markup Language (DAML) (2006) (36)
- The process mediation framework for semantic web services (2009) (35)
- Agent Reasoning in Negotiation (2010) (35)
- Towards agent oriented application frameworks (2000) (35)
- Concurrent Semantics for the Web Services Specification Language DAML-S (2002) (35)
- Automated sequencing of swarm behaviors for supervisory control of robotic swarms (2017) (34)
- Using humans as sensors in robotic search (2009) (34)
- Agent Organized Networks Redux (2008) (34)
- Hypothesis Pruning and Ranking for Large Plan Recognition Problems (2008) (33)
- Index Transformation Techniques for Facilitating Creative Use of Multiple Cases (1991) (33)
- Reasoning about uncertain information and conflict resolution through trust revision (2013) (33)
- Learning the Quality of Sensor Data in Distributed Decision Fusion (2006) (33)
- Towards Better Interpretability in Deep Q-Networks (2018) (32)
- The RETSINA Multiagnet System: Towards Integrating Planning, Execution and Information Gathering. (1998) (32)
- The RETSINA multiagent system (video session): towards integrating planning, execution and information gathering (1998) (32)
- Transitioning multiagent technology to UAV applications (2008) (32)
- Service-Oriented Computing: Agents, Semantics, and Engineering, AAMAS 2007 International Workshop, SOCASE 2007, Honolulu, HI, USA, May 14, 2007, Proceedings (2007) (32)
- Heterogeneity, stability, and efficiency in distributed systems (1998) (32)
- Scalable target detection for large robot teams (2011) (32)
- Semantic Web Services Monitoring: An OWL-S Based Approach (2008) (31)
- Ontologies in Agent Architectures (2004) (31)
- Discovery of infrastructure in multi-agent systems (2003) (31)
- Emergent Constraint Satisfaction Through Multi-Agent Coordinated Interaction (1993) (31)
- A decentralized approach to cooperative situation assessment in multi-robot systems (2008) (31)
- Modeling Information Agents: Advertisement, Organizational Roles, and Dynamic Behavior (1996) (30)
- Adjustable Autonomy in the Context of Coordination (2004) (30)
- Varying the user interaction within multi-agent systems (2000) (30)
- Scaling Effects for Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Video in Multi-robot Search (2008) (30)
- Jumping the Line, Charitably: Analysis and Remedy of Donor-Priority Rule (2020) (29)
- Scheduling operator attention for Multi-Robot Control (2012) (29)
- Multiagent Coordination for Energy Consumption Scheduling in Consumer Cooperatives (2013) (29)
- Text Classification for Intelligent Portfolio Management (2002) (29)
- Agent-based sensor coalition formation (2008) (28)
- Distributed Environmental Modeling and Adaptive Sampling for Multi-Robot Sensor Coverage (2019) (28)
- Human teams for large scale multirobot control (2009) (28)
- Arguments of Persuasion in Labour Mediation (1985) (28)
- Recovery Mechanisms for Semantic Web Services (2008) (27)
- Neglect Benevolence in human control of robotic swarms (2014) (27)
- The Importance of Simplicity and Validation in Genetic Programming for Data Mining in Financial Data (1999) (27)
- Competitive analysis of repeated greedy auction algorithm for online multi-robot task assignment (2012) (27)
- Spinning the OWL-S Process Model - Toward the Verification of the OWL-S Process Models (2004) (27)
- Service level differentiation in multi-robots control (2010) (27)
- Toward a Semantic Web e-commerce (2003) (27)
- Addressing Challenges to Open Source Collaboration With the Semantic Web (2003) (26)
- 17. Scaling-up Human Control for Large UAV Teams (2006) (26)
- Process and Performance in Human-Robot Teams (2011) (26)
- The Benefit of Introducing Variability in Single-Server Queues with Application to Quality-Based Service Domains (2015) (26)
- A Decentralized Model for Multi-Attribute Negotiations with Incomplete Information and General Utility Functions (25)
- Scalable and reliable data delivery in mobile ad hoc sensor networks (2006) (25)
- Augmenting GAIL with BC for sample efficient imitation learning (2020) (25)
- Learning Approach for Planning and Scheduling in Multi-Agent Domain (2000) (25)
- Reconfiguration algorithms for mobile robotic networks (2010) (25)
- Improving System Performance in Case-Based Iterative Optimization through Knowledge Filtering (1995) (25)
- Human–Autonomy Teaming: Definitions, Debates, and Directions (2021) (25)
- Web services lookup: a matchmaker experiment (2005) (24)
- Matchmaking to Support Intelligent Agents for Portfolio Management (2000) (24)
- Probabilistic Plan Recognition for Intelligent Information Agents - Towards Proactive Software Assistant Agents (2011) (24)
- Agent-Facilitated Real-Time Flexible Supply Chain Structuring (1999) (24)
- CODE : A Development Environment for OWLS Web services (2004) (24)
- Agent-Based Aiding for Individual and Team Planning Tasks (2000) (23)
- Minimum k-Connectivity Maintenance for Robust Multi-Robot Systems (2019) (23)
- Increasing Resource Utilization and Task Performance by Agent Cloning (1998) (23)
- Distributed algorithm design for multi-robot generalized task assignment problem (2013) (23)
- Maintaining shared belief in a large multiagent team (2007) (23)
- Electronic trading in order-driven markets: efficient execution (2005) (23)
- A general model for pareto optimal multi-attribute negotiations (2008) (23)
- Dynamic Discovery, Invocation and Composition of Semantic Web Services (2004) (23)
- Evolutionary Search, Stochastic Policies with Memory, and Reinforcement Learning with Hidden State (2001) (23)
- Shared Understanding within Military Coalitions: A Definition and Review of Research Challenges (2009) (23)
- Predictive indoor navigation using commercial smart-phones (2013) (23)
- An Agent for Asymmetric Process Mediation in Open Environments (2008) (22)
- Browsing Schedules - An Agent-Based Approach to Navigating the Semantic Web (2002) (22)
- Case-Based Acquisition of User Preferences for Solution Improvement in Ill-Structured Domains (1994) (22)
- The Phase Transition in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Fist Results (2000) (22)
- The RETSINA communicator (2000) (22)
- Journal on Data Semantics V (2006) (22)
- Towards the understanding of information dynamics in large scale networked systems (2009) (22)
- Predicting trust in human control of swarms via inverse reinforcement learning (2017) (22)
- Human Control of Leader-Based Swarms (2013) (22)
- Pursuit-evasion in 2.5d based on team-visibility (2010) (22)
- An Empirical Model of Cultural Factors on Trust in Automation (2014) (21)
- Agent-based team aiding in a time critical task (2000) (21)
- The Effect of Culture on Trust in Automation (2018) (21)
- Solving non-zero sum multiagent network flow security games with attack costs (2012) (21)
- Executing Decision-theoretic Plans in Multi-agent Environments (1996) (21)
- Automatic Recognition of Human Team Behaviors (2005) (21)
- Activity Recognition for Dynamic Multi-Agent Teams (2011) (20)
- Cross-Country Validation of a Cultural Scale in Measuring Trust in Automation (2015) (20)
- Terrain-Based Information Fusion and Inference (2004) (20)
- Influence of Culture, Transparency, Trust, and Degree of Automation on Automation Use (2020) (20)
- Dynamic Supply Chain Structuring for Electronic Commerce Among Agents (1999) (20)
- RCal: a case study on semantic web agents (2002) (20)
- A Learning Personal Agent for Text Filtering and Notification (1996) (19)
- Effects of Alarms on Control of Robot Teams (2011) (19)
- An Agent Architecture for Prognostic Reasoning Assistance (2011) (19)
- A pareto optimal model for automated multi-attribute negotiations (2007) (19)
- Attention allocation for human multi-robot control: Cognitive analysis based on behavior data and hidden states (2018) (19)
- Task Characteristics and Intelligent Aiding (2000) (19)
- Automated Multilateral Negotiation on Multiple Issues with Private Information (2016) (19)
- Voronoi-based Coverage Control with Connectivity Maintenance for Robotic Sensor Networks (2019) (19)
- ANTIPA: an agent architecture for intelligent information assistance (2010) (19)
- An Empirical Study of Argumentation Schemes for Deliberative Dialogue (2012) (19)
- Levels of Automation for Human Influence of Robot Swarms (2013) (19)
- Credit assignment method for learning effective stochastic policies in uncertain domains (2001) (19)
- A decentralized approach to space deconfliction (2007) (18)
- Techniques and directions for building very large agent teams (2005) (18)
- Argumentation Schemes for Collaborative Planning (2011) (18)
- Abstraction of analytical models from cognitive models of human control of robotic swarms (2015) (18)
- Trust-Aware Behavior Reflection for Robot Swarm Self-Healing (2019) (18)
- MokSAF: How should we support teamwork in human-agent teams? (1999) (18)
- A Crowdfunding Model for Green Energy Investment (2015) (18)
- Automated Bilateral Multiple-issue Negotiation with No Information About Opponent (2013) (18)
- Making Informed Decisions with Provenance and Argumentation Schemes (2014) (17)
- A formal treatment of distributed matchmaking (poster) (1998) (17)
- Deception in networks of mobile sensing agents (2010) (17)
- Coordination of multiple agents in distributed manufacturing scheduling (1996) (17)
- Uncertain Information Fusion for Force Aggregation and Classification in Airborne Sensor Networks (2004) (17)
- Activity recognition for agent teams (2007) (17)
- Prognostic normative reasoning (2013) (17)
- POMDP based Negotiation Modeling (2009) (17)
- Evolution of Goal-Directed Behavior from Limited Information in a Complex Environment (1999) (17)
- Feature Selection for Extracting Semantically Rich Words (2004) (17)
- Cooperative Intelligent Software Agents. (1995) (17)
- Multiagent negotiation on multiple issues with incomplete information: extended abstract (2013) (17)
- Natural Emergence of Heterogeneous Strategies in Artificially Intelligent Competitive Teams (2020) (16)
- Information discovery and fusion: semantics on the battlefield (2003) (16)
- An investigation of the vulnerabilities of scale invariant dynamics in large teams (2011) (16)
- A constraint optimization framework for fractured robot teams (2006) (16)
- Hierarchical visibility for guaranteed search in large-scale outdoor terrain (2011) (16)
- An evidential model of multisensor decision fusion for force aggregation and classification (2005) (16)
- Influence of cultural factors in dynamic trust in automation (2016) (16)
- Teams for Teams Performance in Multi-Human/Multi-Robot Teams (2010) (16)
- Scaling effects for streaming video vs. static panorama in multirobot search (2009) (16)
- A dynamic pricing mechanism for P2P referral systems (2004) (16)
- Agent Support for Mission Planning Under Policy Constraints (2008) (15)
- Learning Text Filtering Preferences (1996) (15)
- Explicit vs. Tacit leadership in influencing the behavior of swarms (2014) (15)
- An Unsupervised Domain-Independent Framework for Automated Detection of Persuasion Tactics in Text (2019) (15)
- Deadlock Analysis and Resolution for Multi-robot Systems (2021) (15)
- A POMDP Approach to Token-Based Team Coordination (2005) (15)
- Policy recognition for multi-player tactical scenarios (2007) (15)
- Extending the ONESAF Testbed into a C4ISR Testbed (2004) (15)
- Perceptions of Domestic Robots' Normative Behavior Across Cultures (2019) (15)
- Integrating ACT-R Cognitive Models With the Unity Game Engine (2016) (15)
- Modeling Power Distance and Individualism/Collectivism in Negotiation Team Dynamics (2012) (15)
- The effect of display type on operator prediction of future swarm states (2016) (15)
- Collective Cognition: Exploring the Dynamics of Belief Propagation and Collective Problem Solving in Multi-Agent Systems (2010) (15)
- Multi-agent learning in extensive games with complete information (2003) (15)
- Using Haptic Feedback in Human Robotic Swarms Interaction (2013) (15)
- A strategy-proof multiunit double auction mechanism (2002) (15)
- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Autonomous Agents, Minneapolis/St. Paul, MN USA, May 9-13, 1998 (1998) (14)
- Computing and executing strategies for moving target search (2011) (14)
- The Impact of Vertical Specialization on Hierarchical Multi-Agent Systems (2008) (14)
- Distributed dynamic priority assignment and motion planning for multiple mobile robots with kinodynamic constraints (2016) (14)
- An Any-space Algorithm for Distributed Constraint Optimization (2006) (14)
- Models for Intercultural Collaboration and Negotiation (2013) (14)
- Towards a Totally Distributed Meeting Scheduling System (1996) (14)
- Negotiation and Argumentation in Multi-Agent Systems: Fundamentals, Theories, Systems and Applications (2018) (14)
- Adaptive Schedule Repair (1993) (14)
- Experiments in Coordination Demand for MultiRobot Systems (2008) (14)
- Distributed knowledge leader selection for multi-robot environmental sampling under bandwidth constraints (2016) (14)
- Demand Side Energy Management via Multiagent Coordination in Consumer Cooperatives (2014) (14)
- Managing Resource Allocation in Multi-Agent Time-Constrained Domains (1990) (14)
- An incentive mechanism for message relaying in peer-to-peer discovery (2004) (14)
- Detecting Type of Persuasion : Is there Structure in Persuasion Tactics? (2017) (14)
- Calibrating trust to integrate intelligent agents into human teams (1998) (13)
- Control of swarms with multiple leader agents (2014) (13)
- Automating Terrain Analysis: Algorithms for Intelligence Preparation of the Battlefield (2004) (13)
- Emergent Discrete Communication in Semantic Spaces (2021) (13)
- Prisoner's Dilemma in Graphs with Heterogeneous Agents (2009) (13)
- Imperfect Automation in Scheduling Operator Attention on Control of Multi-Robots (2013) (13)
- Characterizing human perception of emergent swarm behaviors (2016) (13)
- Personal Assistants for Human Organizations (2009) (13)
- A Markov Random Field Model of Context for High-Level Information Fusion (2006) (13)
- Evolutionary Algorithms: Exploring the Dynamics of Self-Adaptation (1999) (13)
- Supporting Trust Assessment and Decision Making in Coalitions (2014) (13)
- Distributed Coverage Control for Mobile Anisotropic Sensor Networks (2013) (13)
- Multi-Robot Persistent Coverage with stochastic task costs (2015) (13)
- Trust of Humans in Supervisory Control of Swarm Robots with Varied Levels of Autonomy (2018) (13)
- Information Sharing in Large Scale Teams (2004) (13)
- Representing and indexing design cases (1989) (13)
- Configuration management for multi-agent systems (2001) (13)
- Modeling physical capabilities of humanoid agents using motion capture data (2004) (13)
- An Easy-Hard-Easy Cost Profile in Distributed Constraint Satisfaction ☆ (2004) (12)
- Using case-based reasoning as a reinforcement learning framework for optimisation with changing criteria (1995) (12)
- Query restart strategies for Web agents (1998) (12)
- Towards an Understanding of Shared Understanding in Military Coalition Contexts (2009) (12)
- Towards an understanding of the impact of autonomous path planning on victim search in USAR (2010) (12)
- Event Outcome Prediction using Sentiment Analysis and Crowd Wisdom in Microblog Feeds (2019) (12)
- Intent inference using a potential field model of environmental influences (2005) (12)
- A Solution to Open Standard of PKI (1998) (12)
- MAME : Model-Agnostic Meta-Exploration (2019) (12)
- A decentralized variable ordering method for distributed constraint optimization (2005) (12)
- Collective Sensemaking and Military Coalitions (2013) (12)
- Robust and efficient plan recognition for dynamic multi-agent teams (2008) (12)
- GP and the Predictive Power of Internet Message Traffic (2002) (12)
- Dynamic Outside Options in Alternating-Offers Negotiations (2005) (11)
- Energy efficient data collection with mobile robots in heterogeneous sensor networks (2013) (11)
- Using case-based reasoning to acquire user scheduling preferences that change over time (1995) (11)
- Communications for Agent-Based Human Team Support (2009) (11)
- Probabilistic Plan Recognition for Proactive Assistant Agents (2014) (11)
- Reducing Untruthful Manipulation in Envy-Free Pareto Optimal Resource Allocation (2010) (11)
- Facilitating message exchange though middle agents (2002) (11)
- Toward an understanding of the impact of software personal assistants on human organizations (2006) (11)
- A game theoretic queueing approach to self-assessment in human-robot interaction systems (2011) (11)
- OWL-S and Agent-Based Systems (2004) (11)
- Trust Repair in Human-Swarm Teams+ (2019) (11)
- Self-Organized Criticality of Belief Propagation in Large Heterogeneous Teams (2010) (11)
- Towards Flexible Coordination of Large Scale Multi-Agent Teams (2006) (11)
- Agent-based support for human/agent teams (2000) (11)
- Two-Sided Matching for the U . S . Navy Detailing Process with Market Complication ∗ (2003) (11)
- Aligning coordinate frames in multi-robot systems with relative sensing information (2014) (10)
- Agent-Oriented Incremental Team and Activity Recognition (2011) (10)
- Allocating spatially distributed tasks in large, dynamic robot teams (2011) (10)
- Asynchronous Control with ATR for Large Robot Teams (2011) (10)
- Link recommendation for promoting information diffusion in social networks (2013) (10)
- An evolutionary game-theoretic model for ethno-religious conflicts between two groups (2011) (10)
- Deep learning, transparency, and trust in human robot teamwork (2021) (10)
- Distributed Constraint Satisfaction through Constraint Partition and Coordinated Reaction (1999) (10)
- Agent cloning (1998) (10)
- Behavior Mixing with Minimum Global and Subgroup Connectivity Maintenance for Large-Scale Multi-Robot Systems (2019) (10)
- EMMA: an architecture for enterprise modeling and integration (1992) (10)
- Processing Schedules Using Distributed Ontologies on the Semantic Web (2002) (10)
- Toward a Unified Negotiation Framework: Leveraging Strengths in Behavioral and Computational Communities (2013) (10)
- Parameter Identification for Multirobot Systems Using Optimization-based Controllers (2020) (10)
- Task-based Multi-agent Coordination for Information Gathering (1995) (10)
- A decentralized model for multi-attribute negotiations (2006) (10)
- Towards a semantic web of community, content and interactions (2006) (10)
- Challenges of Context and Time in Reinforcement Learning: Introducing Space Fortress as a Benchmark (2018) (9)
- Analyzing the performance of randomized information sharing (2009) (9)
- Community Regularization of Visually-Grounded Dialog (2018) (9)
- Adaptive Informative Sampling with Environment Partitioning for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems (2020) (9)
- The statistical mechanics of belief sharing in multi-agent systems (2010) (9)
- Asynchronous distributed information leader selection in robotic swarms (2015) (9)
- Modeling ill-structured optimization tasks through cases (1996) (9)
- Identifying Physical Team Behaviors from Spatial Relationships (2005) (9)
- Collective problem solving through coordinated reaction (1994) (9)
- Environmental Factors Affecting Situation Awareness in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2009) (9)
- Visitor-hoster: Towards an intelligent electronic secretary (1994) (9)
- Cost-Sensitive Access Control for Illegitimate Confidential Access by Insiders (2006) (9)
- A cognitive architecture for emergency response (2012) (9)
- Verbal Explanations for Deep Reinforcement Learning Neural Networks with Attention on Extracted Features (2019) (9)
- Using Option Pricing to Value Commitment Flexibility in Multi-agent Systems, (1997) (9)
- Electronic Market Making: Initial Investigation (2003) (9)
- Dempster-Shafer argument schemes (2013) (9)
- On the benefits of argumentation schemes in deliberative dialogue (2012) (9)
- Learning control knowledge through case-based acquisition of user optimization preferences in ill-structured domains (1995) (8)
- Geographic Routing in Distributed Sensor Systems without Location Information (2006) (8)
- Multimedia Queries by Example and Relevance Feedback (2001) (8)
- Multi-agent reinforcement learning for planning and conflict resolution in a dynamic domain (2000) (8)
- Interaction without commitments: an initial approach (2001) (8)
- Towards Modeling Other Agents: A Simulation-Based Study (1998) (8)
- Distributed AI, Schedules, and the Semantic Web (2002) (8)
- A Computational Framework for Integrating Task Planning and Norm Aware Reasoning for Social Robots (2018) (8)
- An Annotation Scheme for Cross-Cultural Argumentation and Persuasion Dialogues (2011) (8)
- Dynamics of helping behavior and cooperation across culture (2012) (8)
- Environmental Factors Aecting Situation Awareness in Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (2009) (8)
- Synergistic Integration of Agent Technologies for Military Simulation (2006) (8)
- Cognitive social simulation and collective sensemaking: An approach using the ACT-R cognitive architecture (2014) (8)
- Using Coverage for Measuring the Effect of Haptic Feedback in Human Robotic Swarm Interaction (2013) (8)
- Synchronous vs. Asynchronous Control for Large Robot Teams (2011) (8)
- Decentralized Method for Sub-Swarm Deployment and Rejoining (2018) (7)
- Capturing scheduling knowledge from repair experiences (1994) (7)
- Multi-Operator Gesture Control of Robotic Swarms Using Wearable Devices (2017) (7)
- An analysis and design methodology for belief sharing in large groups (2007) (7)
- Agent-based Approaches to Dynamic Team Simulation (2008) (7)
- A Distributed Algorithm for Constrained Multi-Robot Task Assignment for Grouped Tasks (2012) (7)
- Deadlock Analysis and Resolution in Multi-Robot Systems (Extended Version) (2019) (7)
- Indoor Pursuit-Evasion with Hybrid Hierarchical Partially Observable Markov Decision Processes for Multi-robot Systems (2018) (7)
- An Initial Evaluation of Approaches to Building Entry for Large Robot Teams (2009) (7)
- Modeling Ethno-religious Conflicts as Prisoner's Dilemma Game in Graphs (2009) (7)
- Semantic web services: current status and future directions (2004) (7)
- Quantifying the utility of building agent models: An experimental study (2000) (7)
- Prognostic agent assistance for norm-compliant coalition planning (2011) (7)
- Modeling teams of specialists (1994) (7)
- Using Immersive 3D Terrain Models For Fusion Of UAV Surveillance Imagery (2009) (7)
- Automated requirements-driven definition of norms for the regulation of behavior in multi-agent systems (2008) (7)
- Insights into the Impact of Social Networks on Evolutionary Games (2009) (7)
- Exploiting Robotic Swarm Characteristics for Adversarial Subversion in Coverage Tasks (2017) (7)
- Solving Pursuit-Evasion Problems on Height Maps (2010) (7)
- Neglect Benevolence in Human-Swarm Interaction with Communication Latency (2012) (7)
- Security infrastructure for software agent society (2001) (7)
- A mobile network for mobile sensors (2008) (7)
- Scaling Up Wide-Area-Search-Munition Teams (2009) (7)
- Buy Now and Match Later: The Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers (2008) (7)
- Human control strategies for multi-robot teams (2012) (7)
- Towards Extending Service Discovery with Automated Composition Capabilities (2008) (7)
- Comparing Mechanisms for Evolving Evolvability (1999) (7)
- A Model of Human Teamwork for Agent-Assisted Search Operations (2008) (6)
- Effects of Automation on Situation Awareness in Controlling Robot Teams (2011) (6)
- Task Switching and Single vs. Multiple Alarms for Supervisory Control of Multiple Robots (2014) (6)
- Requirements-Driven Contracting for Open and Norm-Regulated Multi-Agent Systems (2007) (6)
- The Cognitive Virtues of Dynamic Networks (2010) (6)
- An agent-based C4ISR testbed (2005) (6)
- Situating Cognition within the Virtual World (2015) (6)
- Towards a Cognitively-Based Analytic Model of Human Control of Swarms (2014) (6)
- Investigating Semantic Knowledge for Text Learning (2003) (6)
- Analyzing Team Decision-Making in Tactical Scenarios (2010) (6)
- Enterprise Management Network Architecture: The Organization Layer (1990) (6)
- Network-Centric Control for Multirobot Teams in Urban Search and Rescue (2011) (6)
- Innovative approaches to planning, scheduling and control : proceedings of a workshop held at San Diego, California, November 5-8, 1990 (1990) (6)
- Evolvability and Static vs � Dynamic Fitness (2004) (6)
- Augmenting ad hoc networks for data aggregation and dissemination (2009) (6)
- Investigating Neglect Benevolence and Communication Latency During Human-Swarm Interaction (2012) (6)
- OWL-S Technology for Representing Constraints and Capabilities of Web Services (2004) (6)
- A multi-agent system for automatically resolving network interoperability problems (2004) (6)
- Agent Roles in Human Teams (2003) (6)
- Anytime Cognition: An information agent for emergency response (2011) (6)
- Modelling the Dynamics of Collective Cognition: A Network-Based Approach to Socially-Mediated Cognitive Change (2010) (6)
- Backtracking Techniques for Hard Scheduling Problems (1993) (6)
- Potential scaling effects for asynchronous video in multirobot search (2008) (6)
- Modeling Physical Variability for Synthetic MOUT Agents (2004) (6)
- Individualized Mutual Adaptation in Human-Agent Teams (2021) (6)
- Random Walk Features for Network-aware Topic Models (2013) (6)
- An efficient information sharing approach for large scale multi-agent team (2008) (6)
- Decentralized coordinated motion for a large team of robots preserving connectivity and avoiding collisions (2017) (6)
- An approach to generate MDPs using HTN representations (2011) (5)
- Online decision making for stream-based robotic sampling via submodular optimization (2017) (5)
- Effects of unreliable automation in scheduling operator attention for multi-robot control (2012) (5)
- Social Networks for Effective Teams (2008) (5)
- Learning control knowledge through cases in schedule optimization problems (1994) (5)
- Discovery of information sources across organizational boundaries (2005) (5)
- Learning from failure experiences in case-based schedule repair (1994) (5)
- Stereotype and Perception Change in Intercultural Negotiation (2012) (5)
- Erratum to "Buy Now and Match Later: Impact of Posterior Price Matching on Profit with Strategic Consumers" (2010) (5)
- A Token-Based Approach to Sharing Beliefs in a Large Multiagent Team (2009) (5)
- Process Mediation, Execution Monitoring and Recovery for Semantic Web Services (2008) (5)
- Reasoning support for flexible task resourcing (2012) (5)
- Multiagent Communication Security in Adversarial Settings (2011) (5)
- Levels of Adaptation in Systems of Coordinating Information Agents (1998) (5)
- Towards an Understanding of the Value of Cooperation in Uncertain World (2011) (5)
- Implicit Commitments through Protocol-Level Semantics (2001) (5)
- Computer Mediated Communication in Negotiations: The Effect of Intragroup Faultlines on Intergroup Communication and Outcomes (2018) (5)
- Mind Your Language: Learning Visually Grounded Dialog in a Multi-Agent Setting (2018) (5)
- Predicting Human Strategies in Simulated Search and Rescue Task (2020) (5)
- Challenges in Building Very Large Teams (2004) (5)
- Exploring friend's influence in cultures in Twitter (2013) (4)
- Modeling Effect of Leaders in Ethno-Religious Conflicts (2010) (4)
- Locating RF emitters with large UAV teams (2007) (4)
- Using DAML-S for P 2 P Discovery (4)
- User evaluation of a GUI for controlling an autonomous persistent surveillance team (2010) (4)
- Impact of Multi-Agents in Hospital Environment (2011) (4)
- Flexible Coordination in Resource-Constrained Domains. (1993) (4)
- Deep Interpretable Models of Theory of Mind (2021) (4)
- Game Theoretic Modeling and Computational Analysis of N-Player Conflicts over Resources (2011) (4)
- Transfer Learning for Human Navigation and Triage Strategies Prediction in a Simulated Urban Search and Rescue Task (2021) (4)
- Robocup Rescue - Virtual Robots Team STEEL (USA) MrCS - The Multirobot Control System (2011) (4)
- Simultaneous Identification of Tweet Purpose and Position (2019) (4)
- Using Coverage for Measuring the Effect of Haptic Feedback in Human Robotic Swarm Interaction (2013) (4)
- Strategies for Querying Information Agents (1998) (4)
- Inter-cultural opponent behavior modeling in a POMDP based Automated Negotiating Agent (2013) (4)
- Hiding Leader’s Identity in Leader-Follower Navigation through Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (2021) (4)
- Efficient Discovery of Collision-Free Service Combinations (2009) (4)
- Decentralized Multiple Mobile Depots Route Planning for Replenishing Persistent Surveillance Robots (2019) (4)
- Toward Semantic Web Services (2003) (4)
- Self-Adaptation of Mutation Rates and Dynamic Fitness (1996) (4)
- Active Learning with Gaussian Processes for High Throughput Phenotyping (2019) (4)
- Tools for Semantic Web Services (2007) (4)
- Exploiting multi-agent interactions for identifying the best-payoff information source (2005) (4)
- RoboCupRescue-Robot League Team RAPTOR ( USA ) (2005) (4)
- Using cognitive architectures to study issues in team cognition in a complex task environment (2014) (4)
- Deep Interpretable Models of Theory of Mind For Human-Agent Teaming (2021) (4)
- Effect of Humans on Belief Propagation in Large Heterogeneous Teams (2010) (4)
- How Teams Benefit from Communication Policies : Information Flow in Human Peer-to-Peer Networks (2011) (4)
- Agent Based Aiding of Human Teams (2009) (4)
- Towards a model of agent-assisted team search (2007) (4)
- CABINS : Case-Based Interactive Scheduler (1992) (4)
- Team Synchronization and Individual Contributions in Coop-Space Fortress (2020) (4)
- Identifying Culture and Leveraging Cultural Differences for Negotiation Agents (2012) (4)
- Data Semantics V (2006) (4)
- Research directions for service-oriented multiagent systems : Ah hoc and P2P security (2005) (4)
- Learning from and about the Opponent (2006) (4)
- Cooperative Bidding Mechanisms among Agents in Multiple Online Auctions (2000) (4)
- Loss-annealed GAIL for sample efficient and stable Imitation Learning (2020) (4)
- Towards a Cognitively Realistic Computational Model of Team Problem Solving Using ACT-R Agents and the ELICIT Experimentation Framework (2014) (4)
- On representing planning domains under uncertainty (2010) (4)
- Validation of cognitive models for collaborative hybrid systems with discrete human input (2016) (4)
- A Broker for OWLS Web services (2004) (4)
- Connectivity Differences between Human Operators of Swarms and Bandwidth Limitations (2012) (4)
- Task Switching for Supervisory Control of Multi-Robot Teams (2016) (4)
- Why Does Symmetry Cause Deadlocks? (2020) (4)
- Inferring Non-Stationary Human Preferences for Human-Agent Teams (2020) (3)
- Journal on Data Semantics V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science) (2005) (3)
- An analysis on price matching policy (2006) (3)
- Probabilistic hierarchical planning over MDPs (2011) (3)
- Markov Argumentation Random Fields (2016) (3)
- Robotic Swarm Connectivity with Human Operation and Bandwidth Limitations (2012) (3)
- Enterprise Management Network Architecture Distributed Knowledge Base Support (1990) (3)
- Prognostic normative reasoning in coalition planning (2011) (3)
- Reasoning with uncertain information and trust (2013) (3)
- A Playbook-Based Interface for Human Control of Swarms (2019) (3)
- Fundamental Issues in Automated Market Making (2006) (3)
- The Effects of Asset Degradation on Human Trust in Swarms (2020) (3)
- Learning Context-Sensitive Strategies in Space Fortress (2019) (3)
- Normative approach to market microstructure analysis (2005) (3)
- of Introducing Variability in Quality Based Service Domains (2011) (3)
- Addressing reward bias in Adversarial Imitation Learning with neutral reward functions (2020) (3)
- Human vs. Deep Neural Network Performance at a Leader Identification Task (2021) (3)
- Cooperation between search and surveillance agents in DCOP MST (2010) (3)
- On measuring the usefulness of modeling in a competitive and cooperative environment (2002) (3)
- A game theoretic queueing approach to self-reflection in decentralized human-robot interaction systems (2011) (3)
- Human Factors issues for Interaction with Bio-Inspired Swarms (2012) (3)
- Using Dynamic Neural Network to Model Team Performance for Coordination Algorithm Configuration and Reconfiguration of Large Multi-Agent Teams (2006) (3)
- On time-optimal behavior scheduling of robotic swarms for achieving multiple goals (2017) (3)
- Planning and Monitoring Multi-Job Type Swarm Search and Service Missions (2021) (3)
- Exploring the Effects of Swarm Degradations on Trustworthiness Perceptions, Reliance Intentions, and Reliance Behaviors (2021) (3)
- Process Mediation of OWL-S Web Services (2008) (3)
- Team Faultline Measures: The Effect of Rescaling Weights (2018) (3)
- Determining Effective Swarm Sizes for Multi-Job Type Missions (2018) (3)
- Individual adaptation in teamwork (2020) (3)
- Human Theory of Mind Inference in Search and Rescue Tasks (2021) (3)
- Toward identifying process models in ad hoc and distributed teams (2008) (3)
- Feasible Region-based Identification Using Duality (Extended Version) (2020) (3)
- Crowdfunding Investment for Renewable Energy (2015) (3)
- Asynchronous Displays for Multi-UV Search Tasks (2012) (3)
- Safety in the Context of Coordination via Adjustable Autonomy (2009) (3)
- SUAVE: Integrating UAV video using a 3D model (2011) (2)
- Guest Editorial: Special section on social and economic computing (2013) (2)
- Full Stack Swarm Architecture (2)
- Joint Embeddings of Hierarchical Categories and Entities (2016) (2)
- Noncooperative Herding With Control Barrier Functions: Theory and Experiments (2022) (2)
- Monitoring execution of OWLS web services ? (2007) (2)
- Agents supporting humans and organizations in open, dynamic environments (2002) (2)
- An examination of remote access help desk cases (2003) (2)
- Human Interaction Through an Optimal Sequencer to Control Robotic Swarms (2018) (2)
- Subjective approximate solutions for decentralized POMDPs (2007) (2)
- Multiagent coordination for demand management with energy generation and storage (2014) (2)
- Towards True Lossless Sparse Communication in Multi-Agent Systems (2022) (2)
- Analyzing the Theoretical Performance of Information Sharing (2010) (2)
- Prioritized shaping of models for solving DEC-POMDPs (2012) (2)
- Optimized Execution via Order Book Simulation (2005) (2)
- Sowl: A security infrastructure for owl-s-an approach to c onfidentiality and integrity (2004) (2)
- Information Sharing for Collective Sensemaking (2016) (2)
- Using a Cognitive Architecture to Control the Behaviour of Virtual Robots (2015) (2)
- PC Co-chairs' Message (2004) (2)
- Using Haptic Feedback in Human-Swarm Interaction (2019) (2)
- Learning Complex Multi-Agent Policies in Presence of an Adversary (2020) (2)
- Creating physically embodied agents using realistic human motion models (2008) (2)
- Swarm Size Planning Tool for Multi-Job Type Missions (2018) (2)
- “Is something amiss?” Investigating individuals’ competence in estimating swarm degradation (2021) (2)
- Robust and Efficient Plan Recognition for Dynamic Multi-agent Teams (Short Paper) (2008) (2)
- Supervisory control for cost-effective redistribution of robotic swarms (2014) (2)
- Hybrid Model for A Priori Performance Prediction of Multi-Job Type Swarm Search and Service Missions (2019) (2)
- Agent technology: a new frontier for the development of application frameworks? (2007) (2)
- Place Recognition and Topological Map Learning in a Virtual Cognitive Robot (2015) (2)
- Emergence of Market Segmentation: A Multi-Agent Model (2001) (2)
- Modeling Multispecialist Decision Making (1993) (2)
- Automated aiding strategies for decentralized planning with interdependent policies (2009) (2)
- Handling state uncertainty in distributed information leader selection for robotic swarms (2016) (2)
- The Before, During, and After of Multi-Robot Deadlock (2022) (2)
- Distributed Topology Correction for Flexible Connectivity Maintenance in Multi-Robot Systems (2021) (2)
- Agent Based Aiding of Human Teams (2009) (2)
- An explanation for the efficiency of scale invariant dynamics of information fusion in large teams (2010) (2)
- Using Information Invariants to Compare Swarm Algorithms and General Multi-Robot Algorithms (2018) (2)
- Explanation of Reinforcement Learning Model in Dynamic Multi-Agent System (2020) (2)
- Exploiting Asynchrony in Multi-agent Consensus to Change the Agreement Point (2018) (2)
- SUAVE Integrating UAV Video Using a 3D Model (2011) (2)
- Using ACT-R to Model Collective Sensemaking in Military Coalition Environments (2013) (2)
- Addressing Insider Threat through Cost-Sensitive Document Classification (2008) (2)
- Experiments in Implicit Control (2)
- Interpretable Learned Emergent Communication for Human-Agent Teams (2022) (2)
- Being tough doesn’t always pay off: The culture of honor vs dignity in negotiation (2012) (2)
- Analyzing the impact of human bias on human-agent teams in resource allocation domains (2010) (2)
- Knowledge-Based Logistics Planning: Its Application in Manufacturing and Logistics Planning. (1991) (2)
- A framework for culturally adaptive policy management in ad hoc collaborative contexts (2009) (1)
- Cognitive architectures and virtual worlds: Integrating ACT-R with the XNA framework (2014) (1)
- Short System Descriptions: Introducing a New Feature of the Journal (2001) (1)
- Autonomous Web Services (2003) (1)
- A mechanism design model in robot-service-queue control with strategic operators and asymmetric information (2012) (1)
- Proceedings of a Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Planning, Scheduling and Control Held at San Diego, California on November 5-8, 1990. (1990) (1)
- Semantically-Aware Pedestrian Intent Prediction With Barrier Functions and Mixed-Integer Quadratic Programming (2022) (1)
- Intelligent Agents in Portfolio ManagementKatia Sycara (1997) (1)
- Combining Multiple Hypotheses for Identifying Human Activities (2006) (1)
- Multi-Agent Support for Coordinated Geospatial Planning Tasks (2000) (1)
- Task switching and cognitively compatible guidance for control of multiple robots (2014) (1)
- Securing multi agent societies (2004) (1)
- A Solution for Bilateral Negotiations in the Navy Detailing Process for the Navy Detailing Process, Cognitive Agents Technology Project (2003) (1)
- Gaining Competitive Advantage Through Learning Agent Models (2004) (1)
- Modeling Multi-attribute Negotiations in the Navy Detailing Process (2005) (1)
- Minimally Disruptive Connectivity Enhancement for Resilient Multi-Robot Teams (2020) (1)
- Towards Presenting Relevant Facts and Answers on Inconsistent and Uncertain Knowledge (2012) (1)
- Agent Reasoning in AI-Powered Negotiation (2021) (1)
- Chapter 1 Evolutionary Games and Social Networks in Adversary Reasoning (2006) (1)
- PuzzleBots: Physical Coupling of Robot Swarms (2021) (1)
- Robust Human Interaction with Robotic Swarms (2016) (1)
- Human control of bioinspired swarms : papers from the AAAI Fall Symposium (2012) (1)
- Explainable Action Advising for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (2022) (1)
- Maximizing revenue in symmetric resource allocation systems when user utilities exhibit diminishing returns (2011) (1)
- A Kalman estimation model of human trust in supervisory control of robotic swarms (2020) (1)
- Hierarchical visibility for guaranteed search in large-scale outdoor terrain (2011) (1)
- Agent Support for Collaboration in Complex Deliberative Dialogues . ( Extended (2012) (1)
- Case Based Reasoning in Engineering Design (1993) (1)
- Online Connectivity-aware Dynamic Deployment for Heterogeneous Multi-Robot Systems (2020) (1)
- Semantic Networks and Shared Understanding: A Network-Based Approach to Representing and Visualizing Shared Understanding (2010) (1)
- From the "Eyeball" Web to the Transaction Web (2003) (1)
- Coordination of Multiple Intelligent Agents in the Infosphere (1995) (1)
- Resolving Goal Conflicts via Negotiation 1 (1999) (1)
- The Best Laid Plans of Robots and Men (2006) (1)
- IEEE Intelligent Systems: Semantic Web - Calendar Agents on the Semantic Web (2002) (1)
- Exploring the dynamics of collective cognition using a computational model of cognitive dissonance (2013) (1)
- Distributed Multirobot Control for Non-Cooperative Herding (2023) (1)
- System Identification for Safe Controllers using Inverse Optimization (2021) (1)
- Dynamics of Information Propagation in Large Heterogeneous Networks (2011) (1)
- Effect of Human Biases on Human-Agent Teams (2010) (1)
- Introduction to the special issue on distributed artificial intelligence (1993) (1)
- RoboCupRescue - Robot League Team Team Corky, United States (2004) (1)
- Learning Embeddings that Capture Spatial Semantics for Indoor Navigation (2021) (1)
- Requirements-Driven Contracting for Norm-Regulated Multi-Agent Systems (2008) (1)
- Control Barrier Functions-based Semi-Definite Programs (CBF-SDPs): Robust Safe Control For Dynamic Systems with Relative Degree Two Safety Indices (2022) (1)
- Design Synthesis with Qualitative Influence Graphs: Steps Towards Multi-State Dynamical Devices * (1992) (1)
- Theory of Mind Modeling in Search and Rescue Teams (2022) (1)
- Agent-oriented architecture for monitoring and diagnosis in supervisory systems (2006) (1)
- Agents and Semantic Services: A Critical Review (2008) (1)
- Deadlock Analysis and Resolution in Multi-Robot Systems: The Two Robot Case (2019) (1)
- Restart Strategies for Web Agents (1997) (1)
- Agent Support for Policy-Driven Mission Planning Under Constraints (2010) (1)
- Infrastructure and Interoperability for Agent-Mediated Services (2002) (1)
- Influence of Culture on Reactions to Negotiation Deadline (2020) (1)
- Distributed constraint optimization for teams of mobile sensing agents (2014) (1)
- Planning over MDPs through Probabilistic HTNs (2011) (1)
- Cooperation in Face and Dignity Cultures: Role of Moral Identity and Gender (2015) (1)
- Adaptation in Human-Autonomy Teamwork (2020) (1)
- Process Mediation: Requirements, Experiences and Challenges (2011) (1)
- James Bond and Michael Ovitz: The Secret Life of Agents (1997) (1)
- Learning Time-Sensitive Strategies in Space Fortress (2018) (1)
- Modelling Bilateral Negotiations in the Navy Detailing Process (2003) (1)
- MA3: Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning (2020) (1)
- Demand Management with Energy Generation and Storage in Collectives (2015) (1)
- Multi-variate Distributed Data Fusion with Expensive Sensor Data (2011) (1)
- The ACT-R Unity Interface: Integrating ACT-R with the Unity Game Engine (2015) (1)
- A computational model based on human performance for fluid management in critical care (2016) (1)
- Introduction to prognostic normative reasoning (2011) (1)
- ARC - Actor Residual Critic for Adversarial Imitation Learning (2022) (1)
- Senior Program Committee Members (2004) (0)
- Socially-distributed cognition and cognitive architectures: towards an ACT-R-based cognitive social simulation capability (2014) (0)
- Risk analysis for security applications (2010) (0)
- Adaptive Agent Architecture for Real-time Human-Agent Teaming (2021) (0)
- In Retsina, the Authors Have Developed a Competing Approaches (2004) (0)
- Better Safe than Sorry: Evidence Accumulation Allows for Safe Reinforcement Learning (2018) (0)
- Opinion Dynamics Under Intergroup Conflict Escalation (Version 2) (2014) (0)
- On the Value of Commitment Flexibility in Dynamic Task Allocation via Second-Price Auctions (2009) (0)
- Preliminary Report on Generic Negotiator (1994) (0)
- Bridging Core Ontologies of Requirements and Norms towards Automated Engineering of Norm-Governed Multiagent Systems (2008) (0)
- MA 3 : Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning (2020) (0)
- MA: Model Agnostic Adversarial Augmentation for Few Shot learning (0)
- Multiagent Communication Security in Non-Zero Sum Adversarial Settings (2011) (0)
- iAGENT: A Novel and Intelligent Assistant to Personalised Search (2016) (0)
- Predicting Out-of-Distribution Error with Confidence Optimal Transport (2023) (0)
- Chapter XII Communications for Agent-Based Human Team Support (2016) (0)
- Editor's Introduction to the Special Issue on Quantitative Risk Analysis Techniques for Security Applications (2010) (0)
- Concept Learning for Interpretable Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (2023) (0)
- Trust Decision-Making with Controls (2012) (0)
- Heuristic-based Multiple Mobile Depots Route Planning for Recharging Persistent Surveillance Robots (2019) (0)
- A Solution for Bilateral Negotiations in the Navy Detailing Process: Cognitive Agents Technology Project (2008) (0)
- Prognostic normative reasoning in coalition planning (Extended Abstract) (2011) (0)
- Combining Model-Free Q-Ensembles and Model-Based Approaches for Informed Exploration (2018) (0)
- The Robustness of Human Advantage in Swarm Leader Identification (2022) (0)
- Multi-agent Deception in Attack-Defense Stochastic Game (2022) (0)
- Distributed Meeting Scheduling (2019) (0)
- Title: MIGSOCK II - Migratable TCP Socket in Linux (2003) (0)
- Effective Team Support: From Task and Cognitive Modeling to Software Agents for Time-Critical Complex Work Environments (2005) (0)
- Towards Optimized Discovery of Service Combinations without Collisions (2020) (0)
- Cognitive and Probabilistic Models of Group Decision Making (2015) (0)
- Towards the Analysis and Design of Large Scale Networked Systems (2008) (0)
- WI'09/IAT'09 Joint Invited Talks WI-IAT 2009 Agent Based Aiding of Human Teams (2009) (0)
- A cognitive architecture for emergency response (Extended Abstract) (2012) (0)
- Editorial (2004) (0)
- Multiagent Systems (1998) (0)
- Strategy Transfer Learning via Parametric Deviation Sets (2011) (0)
- Designing Context-Sensitive Norm Inverse Reinforcement Learning Framework for Norm-Compliant Autonomous Agents (2020) (0)
- Effective Team Support: From Modeling to Software Agents (2003) (0)
- Software Agents for Incremental , Team-Oriented Activity and Plan Recognition (2010) (0)
- Probe-Based Interventions for Modifying Agent Behavior (2022) (0)
- An Agent Architecture for Prognostic Normative Reasoning (2011) (0)
- An agent architecture for intelligent information assistance (2010) (0)
- WI 2009 Welcome Message from Conference Chair and Program Chair (2009) (0)
- Sequential Screening for Online Matching Platforms (2018) (0)
- Classification for Intelligent Portfolio Management (2002) (0)
- Public Experiment and Evaluation of Semantic Web Service Matchmaker (2005) (0)
- Modeling Cultural Factors in Collaboration and Negotiation (2014) (0)
- Chapter 1 OWLS AND AGENT-BASED SYSTEMS (2004) (0)
- Data-Efficient Behavior Prediction for Safe Human-Robot Collaboration (2021) (0)
- Reaching agreements through argumentation: (Preliminary Report)* (1993) (0)
- Emergent Dynamics of Information Propagation in Large Networks (2010) (0)
- Allocating virtual and physical flows for multiagent teams in mutable, networked environments (2012) (0)
- Recursive Query Rewriting by Transforming Logic Programs (1998) (0)
- Directions for Service-Oriented Multiagent Systems (2019) (0)
- Multiagent System Issues and Challenges (1998) (0)
- RoboCupRescue - Virtual Robots Team STEEL (USA) (2010) (0)
- Crowdfunding Investment for Renewable Energy (Extended Abstract) (2015) (0)
- Effective Coordination of Multiple Intelligent Agents for Command and Control (2003) (0)
- IAT 2009 Welcome Message from Conference Chair and Program Chair (2009) (0)
- Graph-based Simultaneous Coverage and Exploration Planning for Fast Multi-robot Search (2023) (0)
- Flexible Task Resourcing In Dynamic Environments (2010) (0)
- Risk management in natural gas supply chain (2002) (0)
- Perception Formation in Global Negotiations: The Role of Culture and Sacred Value (2014) (0)
- Human-in-the-loop Planning and Monitoring of Swarm Search and Service Missions (2020) (0)
- Requirements Engineering for Norm-based Multi-Agent Systems (2008) (0)
- In Appreciation (1930) (0)
- Service-oriented Computing Track Research Directions for Service-oriented Multiagent Systems Multiagent Systems Elements of an Mas Vision (2005) (0)
- Challenges in anticipatory information management under network constraints (2010) (0)
- Feasible Region-Based System Identification Using Duality (2021) (0)
- Towards a Process Mediation Framework for Semantic Web Services (2020) (0)
- Incremental, team-oriented activity and plan recognition for software agents (2011) (0)
- A constraint satisfaction model of collective sensemaking: insights into the effect of coalition communication environments on the dynamics of collective cognition (2012) (0)
- Intelligent information assistance for coalition operations (2010) (0)
- Intent-Grounded Compositional Communication through Mutual Information in Multi-Agent Teams (2022) (0)
- Simple UAV Environment (SUAVE): A viewpoint motion control evaluation (2012) (0)
- Network-C entric Control for Multirobot Teams in Urban Search and Rescue (2010) (0)
- SS-MAIL: Self-Supervised Multi-Agent Imitation Learning (2021) (0)
- Modeling Synergies in Large Human-Machine Networked Systems (2013) (0)
- On the Beaten Path : Exploitation of Entities Interactions For Predicting Potential Link (2006) (0)
- Behavioral Mimicry in Chinese and Canadian Negotiations: Frequency, Duration and Impact (2019) (0)
- Cost-Sensitive Learning for Confidential Access Control (2005) (0)
- FINAL REPORT Large Scale Distributed Computation for Human Agent Team Coordination in Dynamic Environments (0)
- Chapter 1 A BROKER FOR OWLS WEB SERVICES (2004) (0)
- Configuration Control for Physical Coupling of Heterogeneous Robot Swarms (2022) (0)
- Contributors (2021) (0)
- Computer maps of Greece representing population data per nome. (1980) (0)
- Combining Subjective Logic with DL-Lite (2012) (0)
- Distributed, agent-based high level information: Challenges and solutions (2007) (0)
- 2 2 . Overview of Constrained Heuristic Search (1991) (0)
- Policy-driven planning in coalitions - A case study (2009) (0)
- On the Role of Emergent Communication for Social Learning in Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning (2023) (0)
- Probabilistic Hierarchical Planning over MDPs (Extended Abstract) (2011) (0)
- Editorial - International Semantic Web Conference 2003 (2012) (0)
- The Effect of Asset Degradation on Trust in Swarms: A Reexamination of System-Wide Trust in Human-Swarm Interaction. (2022) (0)
- Distributing Production Control (1990) (0)
- Team Faultline Measures: Rescaling the Weights of Diversity Attributes (2018) (0)
- Sequential Theory of Mind Modeling in Team Search and Rescue Tasks (2021) (0)
- Content-Based Covert Group Detection in Social Networks (2017) (0)
- Journal on Data Semantics V - Preamble (2015) (0)
- Special Section on Social and Economic Computing (2013) (0)
- AD-A 233 070 Enterprise Management Network Architecture The Organization Layer (0)
- Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Semantic Web Conference (2003) (0)
- SWWS 2006 PC Co-chairs' Message (2006) (0)
- Large Scale Distributed Computation for Human Agent Team Coordination in Dynamic Environments Coordination in Dynamic Environments (2010) (0)
- Trust Assessment Through Continous Behaviour Recognition (2014) (0)
- The Enforcers: Consistent Sparse-Discrete Methods for Constraining Informative Emergent Communication (2022) (0)
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