
Mary Edmonds

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Mary Edmonds's Academic­ Rankings

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  • Biology

Mary Edmonds's Degrees

Why Is Mary Edmonds Influential?

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According to Wikipedia, Mary P. Edmonds was an American biochemist who made key discoveries regarding the processing of messenger RNA . She spent most of her career at the University of Pittsburgh. Education and career Edmonds was born May 7, 1922, in Racine, Wisconsin. She received a bachelor's degree from Milwaukee-Downer College in 1943, a master's degree from Wellesley College in 1945, and a Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania in 1951. Following her Ph.D., she was a postdoctoral researcher at University of Illinois and University of Wisconsin , and then joined Montefiore Hospital in Pittsburg as a research associate from 1955 until 1965. Starting in 1962 she held appointments at the University of Pittsburgh, initially as adjunct and research professor positions, until she joined the faculty in 1971 and was promoted to professor in 1976.

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Mary Edmonds's Published Works

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What Schools Are Affiliated With Mary Edmonds?

Mary Edmonds is affiliated with the following schools: