Ranjan Ganguli
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Computer Science
Ranjan Ganguli's Degrees
- PhD Computer Science Stanford University
- Masters Computer Science Stanford University
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(Suggest an Edit or Addition)Ranjan Ganguli's Published Works
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Published Works
- The Use of Kalman Filter and Neural Network Methodologies in Gas Turbine Performance Diagnostics: A Comparative Study (2000) (233)
- Strength design of composite beam using gradient and particle swarm optimization (2007) (123)
- Damage assessment of structures with uncertainty by using mode-shape curvatures and fuzzy logic (2009) (123)
- Genetic fuzzy system for damage detection in beams and helicopter rotor blades (2003) (123)
- Design optimization of composites using genetic algorithms and failure mechanism based failure criterion (2008) (114)
- Structural damage detection using fuzzy cognitive maps and Hebbian learning (2011) (108)
- Free vibration and wave propagation analysis of uniform and tapered rotating beams using spectrally formulated finite elements (2007) (107)
- Uncertainty handling in structural damage detection using fuzzy logic and probabilistic simulation (2009) (104)
- Survey of Recent Developments in Rotorcraft Design Optimization (2004) (99)
- Identification of crack location and depth in a cantilever beam using a modular neural network approach (2004) (95)
- Closed-form solutions for axially functionally graded Timoshenko beams having uniform cross-section and fixed-fixed boundary condition (2014) (95)
- A Fuzzy Logic System for Ground Based Structural Health Monitoring of a Helicopter Rotor Using Modal Data (2001) (93)
- New rational interpolation functions for finite element analysis of rotating beams (2008) (90)
- Monitoring low cycle fatigue damage in turbine blade using vibration characteristics (2007) (87)
- Genetic fuzzy system for online structural health monitoring of composite helicopter rotor blades (2007) (86)
- Structural damage detection in a helicopter rotor blade using radial basis function neural networks (2003) (86)
- Application of Fuzzy Logic for Fault Isolation of Jet Engines (2001) (84)
- Modeling and compensation of piezoceramic actuator hysteresis for helicopter vibration control (2007) (79)
- Structural Damage Detection Using Modal Curvature and Fuzzy Logic (2009) (73)
- Aeroelastic Response of Composite Helicopter Rotor with Random Material Properties (2008) (68)
- Effect of matrix cracking and material uncertainty on composite plates (2010) (66)
- An automated hybrid genetic-conjugate gradient algorithm for multimodal optimization problems (2005) (64)
- Helicopter rotor blade frequency evolution with damage growth and signal processing (2005) (61)
- Helicopter Rotor System Fault Detection Using Physics-Based Model and Neural Networks (1998) (60)
- Damage Detection in Beams using Spatial Fourier Analysis and Neural Networks (2007) (60)
- Matrix Crack Detection in Thin-walled Composite Beam using Genetic Fuzzy System (2005) (60)
- An optimization approach to vibration reduction in helicopter rotors with multiple active trailing edge flaps (2004) (58)
- Nonlinear vibration analysis of composite laminated and sandwich plates with random material properties (2010) (57)
- Aeroelastic Stability Enhancement and Vibration Suppression in a Composite Helicopter Rotor (2005) (56)
- Filter design using radial basis function neural network and genetic algorithm for improved operational health monitoring (2006) (56)
- Damage assessment of composite plate structures with material and measurement uncertainty (2016) (55)
- Stiff-String Basis Functions for Vibration Analysis of High Speed Rotating Beams (2008) (53)
- Noise and Outlier Removal from Jet Engine Health Signals Using Weighted FIR Median Hybrid Filters (2002) (52)
- On the effect of progressive damage on composite helicopter rotor system behavior (2007) (51)
- Aeroelastic optimization of a helicopter rotor with two-cell composite blades (1996) (51)
- Helicopter vibration reduction in forward flight with induced-shear based piezoceramic actuation (2004) (49)
- Helicopter rotor health monitoring- a review (2007) (49)
- Free vibration analysis of rotating tapered blades using Fourier-p superelement (2007) (49)
- Modeling progressive damage accumulation in thin walled composite beams for rotor blade applications (2006) (48)
- Aeroelastic optimization of a helicopter rotor with composite coupling (1995) (48)
- Fuzzy Logic Intelligent System for Gas Turbine Module and System Fault Isolation (2002) (47)
- On the effect of matrix cracks in composite helicopter rotor blade (2005) (46)
- Shape and vibration control of a smart composite plate with matrix cracks (2009) (46)
- Health monitoring of a helicopter rotor in forward flight using fuzzy logic (2002) (45)
- The role of surrogate models in the development of digital twins of dynamic systems (2020) (45)
- Hybrid stiff-string-polynomial basis functions for vibration analysis of high speed rotating beams (2009) (45)
- Gas turbine diagnostics using a soft computing approach (2006) (44)
- Material uncertainty propagation in helicopter nonlinear aeroelastic response and vibration analysis (2008) (41)
- Detection of Helicopter Rotor System Simulated Faults Using Neural Networks (1996) (41)
- Aeroelastic optimization of an advanced geometry helicopter rotor (1992) (41)
- A direct adaptive neural command controller design for an unstable helicopter (2005) (40)
- Swarm intelligence algorithms for integrated optimization of piezoelectric actuator and sensor placement and feedback gains (2011) (39)
- Dynamics of rotating composite beams: A comparative study between CNT reinforced polymer composite beams and laminated composite beams using spectral finite elements (2012) (39)
- Aeroelastic Tailoring of Composite Couplings and Blade Geometry of a Helicopter Rotor Using Optimization Methods (1997) (39)
- Target vector optimization of composite box beam using real-coded genetic algorithm: a decomposition approach (2006) (39)
- Identification of Helicopter Dynamics Using Recurrent Neural Networks and Flight Data (2006) (38)
- Dynamic response of rotating beams with piezoceramic actuation (2004) (38)
- Adaptive Myriad Filter for Improved Gas Turbine Condition Monitoring Using Transient Data (2005) (38)
- The digital twin of discrete dynamic systems: Initial approaches and future challenges (2020) (37)
- Dynamic hysteresis of piezoceramic stack actuators used in helicopter vibration control: experiments and simulations (2007) (36)
- Rotorcraft Parameter Identification from Real Time Flight Data (2008) (35)
- Optimal Design of Composite Structures: A Historical Review (2013) (35)
- Simulation of Helicopter Rotor-System Structural Damage, Blade Mistracking, Friction, and Freeplay (1998) (34)
- Aeroelastic optimization of a helicopter rotor to reduce vibration and dynamic stresses (1996) (33)
- Finite Element Analysis of Free Vibration of the Delaminated Composite Plate with Variable Kinematic Multilayered Plate Elements (2014) (33)
- Exploring isospectral spring–mass systems with firefly algorithm (2011) (32)
- Gas Turbine Diagnostics : Signal Processing and Fault Isolation (2012) (31)
- Structural Health Monitoring Using Genetic Fuzzy Systems (2011) (31)
- Induced shear actuation of helicopter rotor blade for active twist control (2007) (31)
- Design of a stability augmentation system for a helicopter using LQR control and ADS-33 handling qualities specifications (2008) (31)
- Formulation of a Helicopter Rotor System Damage Detection Methodology (1996) (31)
- Experimental Demonstration of H∞ Control based Active Vibration Suppression in Composite Fin-tip of Aircraft using Optimally Placed Piezoelectric Patch Actuators (2008) (31)
- Fuzzy-Logic-Based Health Monitoring and Residual-Life Prediction for Composite Helicopter Rotor (2007) (30)
- An Experimental and Numerical Study of Calliphora Wing Structure (2010) (29)
- Closed-form solutions for non-uniform Euler–Bernoulli free–free beams (2013) (29)
- Effect of Piezoelectric Hysteresis on Helicopter Vibration Control Using Trailing-Edge Flaps (2006) (29)
- Use of single crystal and soft piezoceramics for alleviation of flow separation induced vibration in a smart helicopter rotor (2006) (28)
- Trend Shift Detection in Jet Engine Gas Path Measurements Using Cascaded Recursive Median Filter With Gradient and Laplacian Edge Detector (2004) (27)
- Stiff string approximations in Rayleigh-Ritz method for rotating beams (2013) (27)
- Vibration characteristics of a rotating blade with localized damage including the effects of shear deformation and rotary inertia (1990) (27)
- Partial delamination modeling in composite beams using a finite element method (2013) (25)
- Uncertainty Quantification in Helicopter Performance Using Monte Carlo Simulations (2011) (25)
- Rotorcraft parameter estimation using radial basis function neural network (2010) (25)
- Conceptual design of UAV using Kriging based multi-objective genetic algorithm (2008) (25)
- Modal tailoring and closed-form solutions for rotating non-uniform Euler–Bernoulli beams (2014) (25)
- Optimal placement of trailing-edge flaps for helicopter vibration reduction using response surface methods (2007) (25)
- Aeroelastic optimization of a helicopter rotor using orthogonal array-based metamodels (2006) (24)
- Optimization of Helicopter Rotor Using Polynomial and Neural Network Metamodels (2011) (24)
- Data Rectification and Detection of Trend Shifts in Jet Engine Path Measurements Using Median Filters and Fuzzy Logic (2002) (24)
- Non-linear Dynamic Analysis of a Piezoelectrically Actuated Flapping Wing (2010) (24)
- Jet Engine Gas-Path Measurement Filtering Using Center Weighted Idempotent Median Filters (2003) (24)
- Modeling Multi-Layer Matrix Cracking in Thin Walled Composite Rotor Blades (2005) (24)
- Conservative Design Optimization of Laminated Composite Structures Using Genetic Algorithms and Multiple Failure Criteria (2010) (23)
- Denoising jet engine gas path measurements using nonlinear filters (2005) (23)
- Robust design of multiple trailing edge flaps for helicopter vibration reduction: A multi-objective bat algorithm approach (2015) (22)
- Composite material and piezoelectric coefficient uncertainty effects on structural health monitoring using feedback control gains as damage indicators (2011) (22)
- Comparison of Calculated Vibratory Rotor Hub Loads with Experimental Data (1998) (21)
- Optimal Placement of Piezoelectric Actuated Trailing-Edge Flaps for Helicopter Vibration Control (2008) (21)
- Material Uncertainty Effect on Vibration Control of Smart Composite Plate Using Polynomial Chaos Expansion (2013) (20)
- Aeroelastic optimization of a composite helicopter rotor (1992) (20)
- Rotating Beams and Nonrotating Beams With Shared Eigenpair (2009) (19)
- Analytical test functions for free vibration analysis of rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams (2014) (18)
- Optimization of laminated composite structure considering uncertainty effects (2019) (18)
- Using the Complete Authority of Multiple Active Trailing-edge Flaps for Helicopter Vibration Control (2008) (18)
- Finite Element Model Updating for Helicopter Rotor Blade Using Genetic Algorithm (2003) (18)
- Data Rectification and Detection of Trend Shifts in Jet Engine Gas Path Measurements Using Median Filters and Fuzzy Logic (2001) (17)
- Aerodynamic characterization of a transonic axial flow compressor stage – with asymmetric tip clearance effects (2018) (17)
- Surrogate based design optimisation of composite aerofoil cross-section for helicopter vibration reduction (2012) (17)
- Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of an UAV wing using Kriging based Multi-Objective Genetic Algorithm (2009) (17)
- Damage-tolerant design optimization of laminated composite structures using dispersion of ply angles by genetic algorithm (2012) (17)
- Electromechanical analysis of piezoelectric bimorph actuator in static state considering the nonlinearity at high electric field (2016) (17)
- Multidisciplinary Design Optimization of Long Endurance Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Wing (2011) (16)
- Discontinuous Galerkin finite element in time for solving periodic differential equations (2006) (16)
- Correlation of helicopter rotor aeroelastic response with HART‐II wind tunnel test data (2010) (16)
- Effect of uncertainty on helicopter performance predictions (2010) (16)
- An experimental and numerical study of piezoceramic actuator hysteresis in helicopter active vibration control (2014) (16)
- Fourier Analysis of Mode Shapes of Damaged Beams (2007) (15)
- Helicopter blade flapping with and without small angle assumption in the presence of dynamic stall (2010) (15)
- Optimal location of centre of gravity for swashplateless helicopter UAV and MAV (2007) (15)
- Single-crystal piezoceramic actuation for dynamic stall suppression (2006) (14)
- Nonrotating Beams Isospectral to Tapered Rotating Beams (2016) (14)
- Non-rotating beams isospectral to a given rotating uniform beam (2013) (14)
- Genetic programming metamodel for rotating beams (2007) (14)
- Jet Engine Health Signal Denoising Using Optimally Weighted Recursive Median Filters (2010) (14)
- Minimum weight design of fiber-reinforced laminated composite structures with maximum stress and Tsai-Wu failure criteria (2011) (13)
- Aerodynamic behavior of a transonic axial flow compressor stage with self-recirculating casing treatment (2021) (13)
- Effect of Ply-Level Material Uncertainty on Composite Elastic Couplings in Laminated Plates (2013) (13)
- Violin string shape functions for finite element analysis of rotating Timoshenko beams (2011) (13)
- Rotating Beams Isospectral to Axially Loaded Nonrotating Uniform Beams (2013) (13)
- Estimating the Hausdorff-Besicovitch dimension of boundary of basin of attraction in helicopter trim (2012) (12)
- Rotating beams and non-rotating beams with shared eigenpair for pinned-free boundary condition (2013) (12)
- Nonlinear dynamic analysis of dragonfly-inspired piezoelectric unimorph actuated flapping and twisting wing (2012) (12)
- Influence of Temperature and High Electric Field on Power Consumption by Piezoelectric Actuated Integrated Structure (2009) (12)
- Soft Computing Application for Gas Path Fault Isolation (2004) (12)
- Aeroelastic Optimization of an Advanced Geometry Composite Helicopter Rotor (1995) (12)
- A Dragonfly Inspired Flapping Wing Actuated by Electro-active Polymers (2010) (11)
- Determination of Isospectral Nonuniform Rotating Beams (2012) (11)
- Large deformation dynamic finite element analysis of delaminated composite plates using contact-impact conditions (2014) (11)
- A feasibility study of a post-buckled beam for actuating helicopter trailing edge flap (2014) (11)
- Wave Propogation Characteristics of Rotating Uniform Euler-Bernoulli Beams (2006) (11)
- Effect of self-induced electric displacement field on the response of a piezo-bimorph actuator at high electric field (2017) (11)
- Analysis of weak solution of Euler-Bernoulli beam with axial force (2017) (10)
- Non-uniform beams and stiff strings isospectral to axially loaded uniform beams and piano strings (2015) (10)
- Design of a distributed compliant mechanism using spring-lever model and topology optimization for piezoelectrically actuated flapping wings (2019) (10)
- Robust Design of Small Unmanned Helicopter for Hover Performance Using Taguchi Method (2018) (10)
- Stochastic Aeroelastic Analysis of Composite Helicopter Rotor (2011) (10)
- Stochastic time domain spectral element analysis of beam structures (2018) (10)
- Modeling Helicopter Rotor Blade Flapping Motion Considering Nonlinear Aerodynamics (2008) (10)
- Survivability of helicopter with individual blade primary control failure (2007) (10)
- On the effect of mass and stiffness unbalance on helicopter tail rotor system behavior (2008) (10)
- Studies to improve the actuation capability of low-frequency IPMC actuators for underwater robotic applications (2019) (9)
- Helicopter Rotor System Health Monitoring Using Numerical Simulation and Neural Networks (1997) (9)
- Performance sensitivity of helicopter global and local optimal harmonic vibration controller (2008) (9)
- Engineering Optimization: A Modern Approach (2012) (9)
- Non-rotating beams isospectral to rotating Rayleigh beams (2018) (9)
- Fractal boundaries of basin of attraction of Newton-Raphson method in helicopter trim (2010) (8)
- Helicopter vibration reduction in forward flight with induced-shear based piezoceramic actuation (2004) (8)
- Optimal design of a smart post-buckled beam actuator using bat algorithm: simulations and experiments (2017) (8)
- Electromechanical dynamics and optimization of pectoral fin–based ionic polymer–metal composite underwater propulsor (2012) (8)
- Effect of Piezoelectric Hysterisis Nonlinearity on Helicopter Vibration Control Using Trailing Edge Flaps (2005) (8)
- Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Flapping Actuator Mimicking Dragonflies (2010) (8)
- Validation of Comprehensive Helicopter Aeroelastic Analysis with Experimental Data (2004) (8)
- Superconvergent Finite Element for Coupled Torsional-Flexural-Axial Vibration Analysis of Rotating Blades (2010) (8)
- Modified Newton, rank-1 Broyden update and rank-2 BFGS update methods in helicopter trim: A comparative study (2012) (8)
- Closed-form solutions and uncertainty quantification for gravity-loaded beams (2016) (7)
- Closed-form solutions of non-uniform axially loaded beams using Lie symmetry analysis (2020) (7)
- Unified nonlocal rational continuum models developed from discrete atomistic equations (2017) (7)
- Three‐dimensional sloshing: A consistent finite element approach (2011) (7)
- Formulation of a rotor-system damage detection methodology (1995) (7)
- Multi-fidelity analysis and uncertainty quantification of beam vibration using co-kriging interpolation method (2021) (7)
- Reliability based and robust design optimization of truss and composite plate using particle swarm optimization (2020) (7)
- Performance improvement of a piezoelectric bimorph actuator by tailoring geometry (2018) (7)
- Neural network based feedback error controller for helicopter (2011) (7)
- Exploring isospectral cantilever beams using electromagnetism inspired optimization technique (2013) (7)
- Multi-objective optimization of a triple layer piezoelectric bender with a flexible extension using genetic algorithm (2018) (7)
- Spatial Wavelet Approach to Local Matrix Crack Detection in Composite Beams with Ply Level Material Uncertainty (2013) (7)
- The Rotating Beam Problem in Helicopter Dynamics (2017) (7)
- Uncertainty analysis of vibrational frequencies of an incompressible liquid in a rectangular tank with and without a baffle using polynomial chaos expansion (2011) (7)
- Fish Inspired Biomimetic Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite Pectoral Fins Using Labriform Propulsion (2015) (6)
- Slope-Inertia Model of Non-Uniform and Inhomogeneous Bresse-Timoshenko Beams (2018) (6)
- Static and dynamic analysis of sandwich panel with spatially varying non-Gaussian properties (2018) (6)
- Fuzzy Cognitive Maps for Structural Damage Detection (2014) (6)
- Stochastic strain and stress computation of a higher-order sandwich beam using hybrid stochastic time domain spectral element method (2020) (6)
- A spectral multiscale method for wave propagation analysis: Atomistic-continuum coupled simulation (2014) (6)
- Conceptual Design of Medium Altitude Long Endurance UAV using Multi Objective Genetic Algorithm (2007) (6)
- A scientometric analysis of recent aerospace research (2008) (6)
- Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for Rotating Timoshenko Beam: a Locking-Free Shape Function Formulation (2016) (6)
- Finite element analysis of rotating beams (2017) (6)
- Damage detection in cantilever beams using spatial Fourier coefficients of augmented modes (2016) (6)
- Material Uncertainty Effects on Frequency of Composite Plates with Matrix Crack Induced Delaminations (2011) (6)
- A Collocation Approach for Finite Element Basis Functions for Euler-Bernoulli Beams Undergoing Rotation and Transverse Bending Vibration (2012) (5)
- Matrix Crack Detection in Composite Plate with Spatially Random Material Properties using Fractal Dimension (2014) (5)
- Nanomaterial-based ionic polymer metal composite insect scale flapping wing actuators (2016) (5)
- Ply level uncertainty effects on failure curves and optimal design of laminated composites using directional bat algorithm (2018) (5)
- Finite Element Analysis of Rotating Beams: Physics Based Interpolation (2016) (5)
- Analogy Between Rotating Euler-Bernoulli and Timoshenko Beams and Stiff Strings (2012) (5)
- Multi-fidelity response surfaces for uncertainty quantification in beams using coarse and fine finite element discretizations (2020) (5)
- Electromechanical analysis of tapered piezoelectric bimorph at high electric field (2015) (5)
- Effects of Structural Uncertainty on Aeroelastic Response of Composite Helicopter Rotor (2007) (5)
- Wavelet Based Damage Detection (2020) (4)
- Closed-form solutions for non-uniform axially loaded Rayleigh cantilever beams (2016) (4)
- Quadratic B-spline finite element method for a rotating non-uniform Rayleigh beam (2017) (4)
- Fish Inspired Biomimetic Ionic Polymer Metal Composite Pectoral Fins Using Labriform Propulsion (2011) (4)
- Three- and Seven-Point Optimally Weighted Recursive Median Filters for Gas Turbine Diagnostics (2011) (4)
- Physics based basis function for vibration analysis of high speed rotating beams (2011) (4)
- Multi-fidelity analysis and uncertainty quantification of beam vibration using correction response surfaces (2020) (4)
- Modeling the Effect of Nanomaterials on the Performance of Ionic Polymer Metal Nanocomposite Actuators (2014) (4)
- Detection of local matrix cracks in composite beam using modal data and modular radial basis neural networks (2017) (4)
- Analysis on enhancing the sensing behavior of ionic polymer metal composite based sensors (2020) (4)
- Impact of Material Uncertainty on Delamination Detection in Composite Plate Structures using Modal Curvatures and Fuzzy Logic (2019) (4)
- Enhancement structures for the bat algorithm (2018) (4)
- Multiobjective optimization of piezoelectric bimorph actuator with rigid extension (2015) (4)
- Genetic Fuzzy System (2011) (4)
- Meshfree Galerkin method for a rotating Euler-Bernoulli beam (2018) (4)
- Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for Rotating Euler-Bernoulli Beam (2015) (4)
- Ply Level Uncertainty Effects on Failure of Composite Structures (2014) (3)
- Structural Damage Detection using Spatial Fourier Coefficients of Mode Shapes of Beams Simply Supported at Both Ends (2011) (3)
- Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Tubes (2011) (3)
- Design of experiments approach to helicopter rotor optimization (2003) (3)
- Conservative Failure Criteria for Optimal Design of Composite Structures Including Effect of Shear Loading (2012) (3)
- Uncertainty analysis of higher-order sandwich beam using a hybrid stochastic time-domain spectral element method (2020) (3)
- Denoising Signals Used in Gas Turbine Diagnostics with Ant Colony Optimized Weighted Recursive Median Filters (2017) (3)
- Optimal design of damage tolerant composite using ply angle dispersion and enhanced bat algorithm (2019) (3)
- Smart Helicopter Rotors (2016) (3)
- Error estimates for inconsistent load lumping approach in finite element solution of differential equations (2007) (3)
- Random Eigenvalue Characterization for Free Vibration of Axially Loaded Euler–Bernoulli Beams (2018) (3)
- A Dragonfly Inspired Flapping Wing Actuated by Electro Active Polymers (2009) (3)
- Isospectrals of non-uniform Rayleigh beams with respect to their uniform counterparts (2018) (3)
- Structural Health Monitoring (2020) (2)
- Uncertainty Quantification of Sloshing Motion in Partially Filled Rectangular Tanks (2012) (2)
- Active filter driver for piezo-actuators for flapping-wing micro air vehicles (2016) (2)
- Optimally weighted recursive median filters for denoising vibration signals used in health monitoring of rotating systems (2017) (2)
- A Pedagogical Example for STEM using the Glauert Inflow Equation, Mathematica and Python (2019) (2)
- Computation of Rotorcraft Aerodynamic Derivatives Using Neural Networks (2006) (2)
- Concept to meet quality specificatoins of coal on a per-car basis rather than on a trainload basis (2001) (2)
- Aerodynamic Derivative Calculation Using Radial Basis Function Neural Networks (2017) (2)
- A comparative study of dragonfly inspired flapping wings actuated by single crystal piezoceramic (2012) (2)
- Matrix crack detection in spatially random composite structures using fractal dimension (2014) (2)
- Experiments on fly wing structure for biomimetic robotic flying insect design (2008) (2)
- Single Stage Axial Compressor Stability Management with Self-Recirculating Casing Treatment (2019) (2)
- Rotorcraft research in India: recent developments (2010) (2)
- Co-kriging based multi-fidelity uncertainty quantification of beam vibration using coarse and fine finite element meshes (2021) (2)
- Detecting width-wise partial delamination in the composite beam using generalized fractal dimension (2017) (2)
- The stochastic aeroelastic response analysis of helicopter rotors using deep and shallow machine learning (2021) (2)
- Aeroelastic aspects of Axial Compressor Stage with Self-Recirculating Casing Treatment (2021) (2)
- An Automated Gradient Enhanced Bat Algorithm (2018) (2)
- Nonlinear Dynamics of a Post-Buckled Beam for Actuating Helicopter Trailing Edge Flap (2013) (2)
- Robust design of small-scaled unmanned helicopter for hover performance using Taguchi method (2017) (2)
- Time domain spectral element-based wave finite element method for periodic structures (2021) (2)
- Structural Health Monitoring of Composite Helicopter Rotor (2011) (2)
- Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Method for RotatingEuler-Bernoulli Beam (2015) (2)
- Nonlinear dynamic analysis of dragonfly inspired piezoelectrically driven flapping and pitching wing (2011) (2)
- Spatial Fourier Analysis of a Free-Free Beam for Structural Damage Detection (2014) (2)
- Effect of mass loading on ionic polymer metal composite actuators and sensors (2015) (2)
- Robust Design of Helicopter Rotor Flaps Using Bat Algorithm (2018) (1)
- Piezoelectric Actuators in Helicopter Active Vibration Control (2014) (1)
- A Numerical Method for Constructing Isospectral Discrete Systems (2015) (1)
- Quadratic B-spline finite element method for a rotating nonuniform Euler–Bernoulli beam (2018) (1)
- Piezoceramic Actuator Hysteresis (2016) (1)
- A feasibility study of a post-buckled beam for actuating helicopter trailing edge flap (2014) (1)
- Optimization of a higher-order sandwich composite beam under uncertainties (2021) (1)
- Spectral Finite Element Method (2017) (1)
- Matrix Crack Effects on Composite Beams with Damage Tolerant Non-Traditional Layups (2013) (1)
- Fractal dimension method for delamination detection in composite beams (2012) (1)
- Damage Detection in Smart Composite Plates (2020) (1)
- Family of non-rotating beams isospectral to rotating beams: A discrete approach (2019) (1)
- Tailoring the second mode of Euler-Bernoulli beams: an analytical approach (2014) (1)
- Rotorcraft Research and Development in India (2009) (1)
- Deep Neural Network Surrogates for Optimal Design of Helicopter Rotor (2021) (1)
- Robust Design of Trailing Edge Flap with Orthogonal Array Inspired Response Surface for Helicopter Vibration Reduction (2013) (1)
- Design and fabrication of a post-buckled amplification mechanism to actuate trailing edge flaps for helicopter vibration reduction (2013) (1)
- Structural Optimization of Composite Rotor Blade for Unmanned Helicopter using Variational Asymptotic Beam Sectional Analysis and Multi-Objective Bat Algorithm (2019) (1)
- Reconfigurable Neural Controller for Helicopter (2006) (1)
- Symmetry analysis of an elastic beam with axial load (2018) (1)
- Modal Tailoring And Closed-Form Solutions For Rotating Beams (2013) (1)
- Physics Based Finite Element Interpolation Functions for Rotating Beams (2016) (1)
- A Qualitative Study Of The Effect Of Fatigue Damage Growth On Helicopter Rotor Blade Modal Parameters (2003) (0)
- Fundamental error estimation and accounting in the blasthole sampling protocol at a copper mine (2017) (0)
- Analytical test functions for free vibration analysis of rotating non-homogeneous Timoshenko beams (2014) (0)
- Existence of second spectrums of Timoshenko beam and Mindlin–Herrmann rod theories on the basis of atomistic studies (2019) (0)
- Stochastic aeroelastic analysis of composite helicopter rotor with material uncertainty (2007) (0)
- Piezoelectrically actuated insect scale flapping wing (2010) (0)
- Stiff String Basis Functions (2017) (0)
- Trailing-Edge Flap Placement (2016) (0)
- Airfoil-Section Rotor Blades (2016) (0)
- Non-uniform isospectrals of uniform Timoshenko beams (2019) (0)
- Digital Frequency Synthesizer with Auto-Sweep (1985) (0)
- Box-Beam Active Rotor Blades (2016) (0)
- Aircraft Composite Structure Preventive Maintenance (2015) (0)
- Existence of second spectrums of Timoshenko beam and Mindlin–Herrmann rod theories on the basis of atomistic studies (2020) (0)
- Damage Growth Monitoring in Composite Plates (2020) (0)
- Rational Interpolation Functions (2017) (0)
- Exploring isospectral spring–mass systems with firefly algorithm (2011) (0)
- Mechatronic Approaches to Synthesize Biomimetic Flapping-Wing Mechanisms: A Review (2022) (0)
- Finite Element Analysis in Space (2018) (0)
- Optimization of Unmanned Air Vehicle (2009) (0)
- Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive Neural Controller for Agile Maneuver in Helicopter (2006) (0)
- A Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Based Non-Linear Filters for Gas Turbine Prognostics (2021) (0)
- Violin String Shape Functions (2017) (0)
- Flap Configuration and Control Law (2016) (0)
- Closed-form solutions and uncertainty quantification for gravity-loaded beams (2015) (0)
- A Dragonfly Inspired Micro Scale Flapping Wing for Micro Air Vehicle Application (2007) (0)
- A Legendre spectral element model for sloshing and acoustic analysis in nearly incompressible fluids (2010) (0)
- Physics Based Basis Functions (2017) (0)
- Iso-Spectral Rotating and Non-Rotating Beams (2010) (0)
- Fractal Dimension Based Damage Detection (2020) (0)
- Damage Detection in Composite Plates (2020) (0)
- On Improving the Basis Functions for Finite Element Analysis of Rotating Beams (2009) (0)
- Development of Fuzzy Rules for Damage Detection and Location (2009) (0)
- Denoising Signals Used in Gas Turbine Diagnostics with Ant Colony Optimized Weighted Recursive Median Filters (2017) (0)
- Basin of Attraction of Newton Method in Helicopter Trim (2009) (0)
- Denoising Signals for Improved Fault Detection and Isolation Using Recursive Median Filter and Genetic Algorithm (2003) (0)
- Optimal design of damage tolerant composite using ply angle dispersion and enhanced bat algorithm (2019) (0)
- Serbia - public sector accounting review : report on the enhancement of public sector financial reporting (2017) (0)
- Preliminary Studies with Active Flaps (2016) (0)
- Structural Dynamic Behavior of Axial Compressor Rotor (2017) (0)
- Enhanced Performance of Piezoelectric Bending Actuator by Material Redistribution (2020) (0)
- Active Rotating Beams (2016) (0)
- PREFACE (1961) (0)
- Flow Behavior in a Transonic Axial Compressor Stage (2015) (0)
- Nonlinear aeroelasticity of rotating and flapping wings - a review (2010) (0)
- Robust Aeroelastic Optimization Of Composite Helicopter Rotor (2008) (0)
- Investigating particle size distribution of blasthole samples in an openpit copper mine and its relationship with grade (2017) (0)
- Nonlinear equations of motion for elastic bending and torsion of isotropic rotor blades with piezoceramic actuation (2003) (0)
- Helicopter Rotor Results (2018) (0)
- Benchmark analytical solutions from beams with shared eigenpair (2016) (0)
- Preliminary investigation of subsurface hydraulic parameter estimation using airborne electromagnetic surveys (2009) (0)
- Structural Health Monitoring of Beams (2011) (0)
- Image Processing Filters for Machine Fault Detection and Isolation (2019) (0)
- Fractal dimension indicator for damage detection in uncertain composites (2020) (0)
- Experimental and Computational Investigation of Piezoelectric Actuator Hysteresis Phenomenon in Helicopter Vibration Control using Dual Trailing Edge Flaps (2006) (0)
- Collocation Finite Elements for Rotating Beams (2009) (0)
- Modal Curvature Based Damage Detection (2020) (0)
- Rotating beams and non-rotating beams with shared eigenpair for pinned-free boundary condition (2013) (0)
- Uncertainty Handling using Fuzzy Logic in Structural Health Monitoring (2017) (0)
- Nonlinear Vibration Analysis of Composite Laminated and Sandwich Plates (2009) (0)
- Helicopter Performance Predictions using Blade Element Theory and Aerodynamic Uncertainty (2009) (0)
- Helicopter education in India (2011) (0)
- Stochastic time domain spectral element analysis of beam structures (2018) (0)
- Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) Based Digital Twin of Discrete Dynamic System (2022) (0)
- Detection of local matrix cracks in composite beam using modal data and modular radial basis neural networks (2017) (0)
- Robust Optimal Design of Composite Helicopter Rotor Blade Cross-Section (2008) (0)
- Correction to ‘Isospectrals of non-uniform Rayleigh beams with respect to their uniform counterparts’ (2018) (0)
- Active Flap Controller Evaluation (2016) (0)
- Gas Turbine Diagnostics Using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps (2009) (0)
- Material Uncertainty Effect on Damage Indicator for Smart Composite Structure with Matrix Cracks (2009) (0)
- Non-uniform beams and stiff strings isospectral to axially loaded uniform beams and piano strings (2014) (0)
- Dynamic Stall Alleviation Using Active Twist (2016) (0)
- Damage Assessment of Composite Plate Structures with Uncertainty (2015) (0)
- Family of columns isospectral to gravity-loaded columns with tip force: A discrete approach (2018) (0)
- Finite Element in Time (2018) (0)
- Delamination Detection of Rotorcraft Flexbeam using Fractal Dimensions (2013) (0)
- Optimally weighted recursive median filters for denoising vibration signals used in health monitoring of rotating systems (2017) (0)
- Identification of crack location and depth in a cantilever beam using a modular neural network approach (2004) (0)
- Studies to improve the actuation capability of low-frequency IPMC actuators for underwater robotic applications (2019) (0)
- Random Eigenvalue Analysis for the Free Vibration of Rotating Beams Using Inverse Problem Approach (2017) (0)
- Rotor Blade Finite Element (2017) (0)
- Fourier-p Superelement (2017) (0)
- 1 Spring-lever Model of a Compliant Mechanism and a Feasibil (2015) (0)
- A Legendre Spectral Element for Modeling Acoustic Fluids (2009) (0)
- Aerodynamic Uncertainty Quantification in Helicopter Performance (2009) (0)
- Structural damage detection in a helicopter rotor blade using radial basis function neural networks (2003) (0)
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