
Franklin University

#3332 / #869
Global Influence / U.S. Influence
University in Columbus, Ohio, U.S.

Franklin University Featured Rankings

About Franklin University

According to Wikipedia, Franklin University is a private university with its main campus in Columbus, Ohio. It was founded in 1902 to serve the needs of students beyond traditional undergraduate age. On-site courses are offered at the university's campus in Columbus' Discovery District. However, most students take courses online. The university has over 25 location centers in the Midwestern United States and a majority online population, and reports an average student age of 34 years.

Franklin University's Online Degrees

Franklin University Admissions, Retention, and Graduation Information

Graduation Rate

How Much Does Franklin University Cost To Attend?

Tuition (in-state)

How Much Do Franklin University Graduates Make?

If you graduate from Franklin University, then you can expect to earn an average of $53,800 per year. You also have a 87% chance of being employed after 10 years.

Franklin University's Demographics

Demographic data is for full-time, on-campus students.

Student BodyUnder-GradsGraduates

Where is Franklin University?

Franklin University is located at 201 S Grant Ave, Columbus OH 43215-5399

What Is Franklin University Known For?

Franklin University is known for it's academic work in the following disciplines:

Franklin University's Top Areas of Influence With Degrees Offered

World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
nursing Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
business Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
education Degrees
Political Science
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
political-science Degrees
Criminal Justice
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
criminal-justice Degrees
Computer Science
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
computer-science Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
math Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
medicine Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
psychology Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
communications Degrees
World Rank
Historical Rank
USA Rank
sociology Degrees

Who Are Franklin University's Most Influential Alumni?

Who Are Franklin University's Most Influential Faculty?

Januarius Jingwa Asongu
An American philosopher, scholar, journalist, author, entrepreneur, and activist.