Influential Biologists Timeline

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  1. People are ranked by influence from left to right. What makes a person influential?
  2. Change the year with the buttons or the slider below the timeline.

300 BC

Timeline Series









Phaenias of Eresus

Phaenias of Eresus

Our interactive timelines let users see the top 10 most influential people of each year dating back to the year 400 BC! It's a fantastic way to learn about lesser known people of a particular discipline or compare the influence of well-known historical figures. You can also discover prominent people of the modern era.

Influence is measured using our Influence Ranking Engline by giving people scores based on their contributions to a their discipline or subdiscipline. For information on how people are ranked, learn about our ranking engine.

For more information on the person, click the influential person's image in the timeline. To see more timelines and other infographics, click here.

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