Mathematics is the study of numbers, shapes, quantities, and patterns. Math majors explore the relationships, rules, and formulas that govern the behavior of numbers and which, consequently, shape the world around us.
Earning a master's degree in philosophy can open you up to a world of professional opportunities. An advanced degree in philosophy can help you refine your critical thinking, communication, and research skills and improve your qualifications to lead in a variety of fields from education and corporate governance to public service and policy analysis.
If you are interested in pursuing a degree or finding a job in the field of communications, everything you need is here. Find the best schools, career information, history of the discipline, influential people in the field, great books, and more.
United States foreign aid, also referred to as foreign assistance or international aid, is "aid given by the United States to other countries to support global peace, security, and development efforts, and provide humanitarian relief during times of crisis," according to This controversial topic divides those who believe there are strategic, economic, and moral imperatives justifying this use of American resources for foreign aid versus those who believe this is a misappropriation of funding that should instead be spent on domestic priorities. Because this is a highly co...
This how to guide explains the steps for getting a master's degree in biblical studies.
Find the best online colleges in New Hampshire ranked by the academic success of faculty and alumni associated with the colleges and universities and their online degree programs.
It's no secret that it takes a lot of money to run a successful university. When it comes to world class institutions, those numbers only grow higher. The richest universities have large endowments that allow them to hire top-tier faculty, and support their students through infrastructure, resources, and financial assistance. If you're shopping for which university to attend, it's worth taking into account how much wealth it has to its name.
Our Study Guide to Babbitt by Sinclair Lewis encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
The online master’s degree is gaining popularity at a time when degree programs at other levels are actually struggling to maintain enrollment numbers. In the shadow of the COVID-19 pandemic, colleges have seen a two-year enrollment decline after decades of steady growth. At the same time, more working professionals than ever before are setting their sights on an advanced degree.
An in-depth look at the purpose of the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Statement. Look for tips on how to write a great diversity statement with examples.
This comprehensive guide for getting into Harvard and MIT shows exactly what you must do to significantly increase your odds of being admitted to these schools.
Liberal arts colleges are a great option for students seeking a well-rounded education in an intimate campus setting. The best liberal arts colleges in New Mexico offer a diverse selection of degree programs with opportunities for a highly individualized educational experience.
Minimum wage refers to the lowest hourly wage that an employer may legally pay an employee under state and federal law. This controversial topic concerns the belief that a living wage should be a fundamental right for all American workers and is opposed by the belief that regulatory control over wage thresholds risk imposing undue economic burdens on employers with potentially deleterious effects on the economy as a whole. Because this debate topic impacts the lives of so many Americans, minimum wage is also a popular subject for a persuasive essay.
Our Study Guide to Soul on Ice by Eldridge Cleaver encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
Get help with your math studies at any level of education. Check out these free online tools for math students in K-12, college, grad school and beyond.
Law, in the academic sense of the term, is the study of all aspects of the legal institutions of human society, from the moral and philosophical foundations of the state and its legal and judicial institutions to the detailed workings of the legal system under its various aspects, from the constitution to the legislative, executive, and judicial branches of government. All of this is understood within the context of the English common law tradition, as well as its historical antecedents in Roman law. In addition, law includes the detailed study of the many specific rules, regulations, and pena...
We met with New York University's highly influential political scientist, Dr. Bruce Bueno de Mesquita to talk about the intersection of politics and game theory, COVID-19's impact on political coalitions, and so much more. Enjoy!
The United States Electoral College is a group of 538 delegates—representing the 50 United States and the District of Columbia—who meet every four years to elect the President and Vice President of the United States. Though the Electoral College is written into the U.S. Constitution, it is also a a fairly controversial topic. This is because the outcome of the electoral vote is the sole determinant of the presidency. Critics argue that this model renders the national popular vote meaningless, undermines the principle of "one-person, one vote," and results in widespread voter disenfranchisement.
We met with Dr. Dipesh Chakrabarty to discuss changing majors, using science to help understand history, and much more. Enjoy!
Our Study Guide to The Awakening by Kate Chopin encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
Find top-ranked online bachelor's in gender studies degree programs to equip students with a diverse set of skills and knowledge in fields like politics, literature, sociology, psychology, and history.
Professors come in a wide variety: the stodgy literature professor who hasn't cracked a smile from behind his mustache in 40 years; the searingly brilliant mathematician who can never remember where she put her car keys (spoiler alert: she rode a bike here); the aging-hippie history prof who schluffs around the front of the room in Birkenstocks, spinning captivating anecdotes about the Civil War but, who you know, in his heart, is still on Phish tour in the early-90s. And don't forget the long-suffering adjunct, subsisting on a diet of vending machine snacks and toiling in the cruel obscurity ...
Here are the top 25 college admissions consultant agencies in America. Learn to understand the difficulty of determining how one agency is actually better than the other — those that have the right balance between the quantity of students and the quality of service that each student gets.
Psychology refers to the academic discipline, scientific field, and healthcare profession which concern the human mind and human behavior. This critical area of study is dedicated to better understanding the relationships between thought, feeling and action, to illuminating the connections between neuroscience and individual behavior, to exploring the intersection between the conscious and unconscious mind, and much more.
Find top-ranked online associate in early childhood education degree programs to help students take the first step towards entry-level education and childcare positions.
If you are interested in pursuing a degree or finding a job in the field of philosophy, everything you need is here. Find the best schools, career information, history of the discipline, influential people in the field, great books, and more.
We met with Dr. Steven Pinker to answer the most pressing questions about human nature, including how language evolves in humans, and more. Enjoy!
Find the best colleges and universities in Iowa that meet your preferences and needs. Find Iowa's best school for your major!
In this article we provide an overview of the available routes of study in online master's degree programs. Under each subject listing, you'll find links to our rankings of the best online master's programs for that subject.
Find top-ranked online bachelor's in elementary education degree programs in the US to help students gain insight into childhood education and the stages of development.
We met with Stanford University political scientist Dr. Frank Fukuyama to discuss liberal democracy, populism, Marxism, voting, and much more.
Historiography encompasses both the primary-level study and written reconstruction of history---which may be defined as "what happened in the past"---and the meta-level history of how human attitudes towards the study of history have themselves changed through time, as well as the methods and techniques involved in it. Though we set out to identify the most influential books in the history discipline, historiography proved the more encompassing and informative terminology.
We met with MIT’s Ford Professor of Political Science, Dr. Kathleen Thelen to talk about the politics of labor and unions, how institutions form over time, and so much more. Enjoy!
Our Study Guide to Slaughterhouse-Five by Kurt Vonnegut encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
Find the best colleges and universities in California that meet your preferences and needs. Find California's best school for your major!
Are you interested in a doctorate degree, but are concerned about the high cost of college? We rank the most affordable online economics PhD degree programs.
We met with Dr. Herman Daly to discuss ways for students to strike a balance between subjects they truly enjoy and subjects they must take, and much more. Enjoy!
Find the best online colleges in North Carolina ranked by the academic success of faculty and alumni associated with the colleges and universities and their online degree programs.
Capital punishment refers to the use of the death penalty as a form of legal punishment administered by the state. Capital punishment in the U.S. has long been the subject of constitutional, philosophical and practical disagreement, and as such, has been subject to legal fluctuation. As of the time of writing, the United States is one of 56 nations worldwide, and one of just four developed democracies (alongside Japan, Taiwan, and Singapore) which uses death penalty. The U.S. is also the only developed Western nation to employ capital punishment.
Our Study Guide to The Education of Henry Adams by Henry Adams encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
The best religious studies degree programs are those with rich histories of influence, proven through the work produced by the program’s faculty and alumni. Beyond demonstrating scholarly impact in the field, the best religious studies degree programs maximize your opportunities to interact with outstanding religious studies faculty.
Our Study Guides series encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
The best history liberal arts colleges are those with rich histories of influence, proven through the work produced by the program’s faculty and alumni. Beyond demonstrating scholarly impact in the field, the best history degree programs maximize your opportunities to interact with outstanding history faculty.
Find the best online colleges in Massachusetts ranked by the academic success of faculty and alumni associated with the colleges and universities and their online degree programs.
Our Study Guide to Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontë encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
Find top-ranked online master's degree in biblical studies programs to prepare students to become professors, theologians, chaplains, and more.
The best history research universities are those with rich histories of influence, proven through the work produced by the program’s faculty and alumni. Beyond demonstrating scholarly impact in the field, the best history degree programs maximize your opportunities to interact with outstanding history faculty.
Our Study Guide to The Diary of a Young Girl by Anne Frank encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
Find the best colleges and universities in Kentucky that meet your preferences and needs. Find Kentucky's best school for your major!
Our Study Guide to The Left Hand of Darkness by Ursula Le Guin encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
We met with Harvard University’s political scientist, Dr. Theda Skocpol to talk social welfare policy, political reform, and so much more. Enjoy!
Our Study Guide to One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest by Ken Kesey encourages students to dig deeper in their understanding of great works of literature. #MasterTheText
Our ranking of the best US universities is based on the academic impact of the schools' faculty and alumni. We believe that schools with histories of hiring and developing influential faculty, and schools that produce students who become influential in their fields of study, are schools that demonstrate key indicators of academic excellence.
We met with University of Cambridge's Dr. Ha-Hoon Chang to discuss economic struggles in South America, schools of economic thought, politics, and much more. Enjoy!
Online education is now a firmly entrenched part of the traditional education landscape, but the cybersecurity measures used to protect our online education assets remain flawed, inconsistent, and vulnerable.
College is difficult, expensive, emotionally taxing, and for some, it may be difficult to adjust to a specific campus culture. How can you survive? Better yet, how can you thrive? Here are our tips on how you can survive college, get the most out of your experience, and walk away with a great degree!
Affirmative action refers to an array of policies and practices aimed at redressing historical and ingrained inequalities, especially those experienced by people of color and women as a consequence of systemic discrimination. Affirmative action usually takes the form of education and employment initiatives aimed at creating access and opportunities for individuals from groups that have faced such discrimination. As a controversial topic, affirmative action divides those who believe this is an effective way to push back against the sociological impact of systemic discrimination versus those who believe affirmative action is either ineffective or is, itself, a discriminatory policy.
We met with Dr. Ken Ono to discuss Indiana Jones, Olympic swim teams, unsolvable math problems, and much more. Enjoy!
Find the best online colleges in West Virginia ranked by the academic success of faculty and alumni associated with the colleges and universities and their online degree programs.
Our list of influential women in religious studies features women who have been highly cited and searched online over the last 10 years. They include a broad group of academics and practitioners who specialize in topics like feminist theology, philology, the Quran, and social activism.
Police brutality refers to the use of excessive or unnecessary force by law enforcement officers, but may also refer to excessive force used by corrections officers and prison officials. This debate topic centers on disagreement over the extent of force that law enforcement should be entitled to use while engaging suspects, perpetrators, prisoners, and other members of the general public. Those who believe that police brutality is a problem would argue that the current system of law enforcement gives officers too much discretion and impunity in using violent methods of engagement while those w...
We met with University of Oslo's highly influential anthropologist, Thomas Eriksen to talk about climate change, the speed of information, and so much more. Enjoy!
Graduate school may be a critical step in your higher education, whether you are interested in expanding your knowledge, learning a specialization, or earning advanced credentials required by your profession. The best graduate schools in Georgia offer advanced degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees, as well as opportunities for independent research, mentorships, and professional networking.
Graduate school may be a critical step in your higher education, whether you are interested in expanding your knowledge, learning a specialization, or earning advanced credentials required by your profession. The best graduate schools in Rhode Island offer advanced degrees, such as master's and doctoral degrees, as well as opportunities for independent research, mentorships, and professional networking.
We rank the most affordable PhD doctorate degree programs in business administration.
Find top-ranked online associate's in Biblical studies degree programs that will prepare students to pursue a wide variety of careers including social service positions, youth ministry, or missions-related positions.
Christian colleges and universities offer a faith-based higher education environment for traditional and online students alike.
The controversy over Critical Race Theory (CRT) centers on whether or not this subject should be taught in schools. And to an extent, this controversial topic also extends from differing views on exactly what defines Critical Race Theory. To supporters, Critical Race Theory refers to a university-level subject that addresses the intersection between race, law, and systemic inequality. To opponents, Critical Race Theory refers to any effort to inject discourse over race, gender, diversity, or discrimination into public school curriculum at any level of education. The result of these differing v...
Private colleges, unlike large public institutions, can be a great option for students wanting a more intimate campus experience, more personal attention from excellent professors, and more immediate access to support services.
If you are interested in pursuing a degree or finding a job in liberal arts, everything you need is here. Find the best schools, career information, history of the discipline, influential people in the field, great books, and more.
Which are the most affordable online master’s in music education in the US? We help you find the best master’s degree program at a price you can afford.
America's small schools are in crisis. It isn't a new crisis, but it is getting worse. Financial woes, flagging enrollment, and declining state-level funding have gathered into a big, black cloud and the nation's smallest colleges are in the eye of the storm. _The Chronicle of Higher Education_ reported in 2019 that the prior five years brought with them the shuttering of more than 1,200 college campuses and the consequent displacement of more than half a million students.
The best religious studies liberal arts colleges are those with rich histories of influence, proven through the work produced by the program’s faculty and alumni. Beyond demonstrating scholarly impact in the field, the best religious studies degree programs maximize your opportunities to interact with outstanding religious studies faculty.
Here are the most affordable colleges and universities in Oklahoma. Our list will help you find the right kind of school for you, at a price you can afford.