Best Liberal Arts Colleges for English Degrees


The best English / literature liberal arts colleges are those with rich histories of influence, proven through the work produced by the program’s faculty and alumni. Beyond demonstrating scholarly impact in the field, the best English degree programs maximize your opportunities to interact with outstanding English faculty.

Top 10 Liberal Arts Colleges English Programs

Sort by:
  1. Wesleyan University
  2. Amherst College
  3. Williams College
  4. Swarthmore College
  5. Barnard College
  6. Middlebury College
  7. Pomona College
  8. Wellesley College
  9. Smith College
  10. Vassar College
  1. Wesleyan University
  2. Amherst College
  3. United States Military Academy
  4. Oberlin College
  5. Williams College
  6. Swarthmore College
  7. Smith College
  8. Wellesley College
  9. Bryn Mawr College
  10. Vassar College
  1. San Francisco State University 94%
  2. Mount Holyoke College 40%
  3. Oberlin College 35%
  4. Kenyon College 34%
  5. Reed College 31%
  6. Bryn Mawr College 31%
  7. Smith College 23%
  8. Vassar College 19%
  9. Washington and Lee University 17%
  10. Davidson College 17%
  1. San Francisco State University 19 to 1
  2. Barnard College 10 to 1
  3. Hamilton College 9 to 1
  4. Bowdoin College 9 to 1
  5. Reed College 9 to 1
  6. Mount Holyoke College 9 to 1
  7. Kenyon College 9 to 1
  8. Colgate University 9 to 1
  9. Davidson College 9 to 1
  10. Oberlin College 9 to 1
  1. Kenyon College $66,490
  2. Vassar College $64,800
  3. Reed College $64,760
  4. Wesleyan University $64,322
  5. Colgate University $64,290
  6. Amherst College $64,100
  7. Haverford College $63,628
  8. Hamilton College $62,670
  9. Barnard College $62,525
  10. Middlebury College $62,460
  1. Claremont McKenna College $65,574
  2. Colgate University $63,904
  3. Vassar College $63,840
  4. Wesleyan University $63,722
  5. Williams College $61,775
  6. Smith College $58,480
  7. Bryn Mawr College $50,730
  8. Oberlin College $29,692
  9. Mount Holyoke College $27,268
  10. Middlebury College $14,550
  1. Bryn Mawr College
  2. Hamilton College
  3. Mount Holyoke College
  4. Davidson College
  5. United States Naval Academy
  6. Washington and Lee University
  7. United States Military Academy
  8. Reed College
  9. Claremont McKenna College
  10. Haverford College
  1. Claremont McKenna College
  2. Davidson College
  3. Kenyon College
  4. Hamilton College
  5. Middlebury College
  6. Washington and Lee University
  7. Colgate University
  8. Pomona College
  9. Haverford College
  10. Reed College
  1. Pomona College 7%
  2. Swarthmore College 7%
  3. Amherst College 7%
  4. Williams College 8%
  5. Bowdoin College 9%
  6. Barnard College 9%
  7. Claremont McKenna College 10%
  8. United States Naval Academy 11%
  9. Hamilton College 12%
  10. United States Military Academy 12%
  1. Williams College 6 to 1
  2. Amherst College 7 to 1
  3. Pomona College 7 to 1
  4. Washington and Lee University 7 to 1
  5. Wesleyan University 7 to 1
  6. Vassar College 7 to 1
  7. Wellesley College 7 to 1
  8. United States Military Academy 7 to 1
  9. Swarthmore College 8 to 1
  10. Bryn Mawr College 8 to 1
  1. San Francisco State University $5,742
  2. Davidson College $57,340
  3. Mount Holyoke College $58,498
  4. Smith College $58,768
  5. Pomona College $59,238
  6. Swarthmore College $59,328
  7. Bryn Mawr College $59,330
  8. Claremont McKenna College $60,715
  9. Bowdoin College $61,528
  10. Washington and Lee University $61,750
  1. San Francisco State University $7,176
  2. Middlebury College $14,550
  3. Mount Holyoke College $27,268
  4. Oberlin College $29,692
  5. Bryn Mawr College $50,730
  6. Smith College $58,480
  7. Williams College $61,775
  8. Wesleyan University $63,722
  9. Vassar College $63,840
  10. Colgate University $63,904

Key Takeaways

  • The best liberal arts colleges for English majors are recognized for their track record of academic excellence, faculty credentials and influence, and student support services. Their bachelor’s degree programs in the English language and English literature are the training grounds for future teachers, public relations specialists, and authors, among other occupations.
  • Students interested in becoming an English major must possess above-average communication skills, both oral and writing skills. Liberal arts colleges are known for their selective admissions standards and qualified students have been carefully screened.
  • English as a liberal arts degree also demands soft skills like critical thinking and communication skills.

Featured Programs

A bachelor’s degree in English (also referred to as an literature major in many schools) is an excellent starting point for a career in journalism, education, publishing, and a host of other exciting and creative fields. As an English major, you’ll refine your compositional skills, engage in critical reading, and explore the connection between literature and a vast array of other disciplines, including philosophy, history, and business. The best schools for English / literature are those which are regionally accredited, which offer a full array of literature and English concentrations, and which give you the chance to work with the best and most influential professors and classmates.

Degree popularity: English bachelor’s degrees are the 23rd most popular undergraduate degrees across all student demographics, ranking much higher for women at 15th versus 39th for men. It’s most popular among White women for whom it ranks 14th, followed by Hispanic women for whom it ranks 24th, according to the number of degree earners reported by the National Center for Educational Statistics

Exploring English Degrees in Liberal Arts Schools

The best liberal arts colleges for English degrees introduce students to the wide range of literature and other works in the English language. But while there’s the possibility of personal fulfillment and professional success with an English degree, students interested in becoming English majors must also be aware of the challenges.


Admission Requirements

The challenge starts with admission into the best bachelor’s degree program of your choice! The best English degree programs have selective admissions criteria and requirements, thus, prospective students must be well-prepared with their academic credentials and documents.

While the admissions criteria (i.e., weight given to each criterion) differs among English degree programs, the common minimum requirements include:

  • A high school or an associate degree with minimum GPA
  • Minimum grades on prerequisite subjects, such as English composition
  • Official transcripts from schools attended
  • Standardized test scores (SAT/ACT)
  • Letters of recommendation
  • Personal statements (In essay form)
  • Current curriculum vitae

Many liberal arts colleges offering English degree programs also conduct interviews with qualified students to further determine their suitability (i.e., oral communication skills). Academic writing samples may also be required as proof of writing skills.

Average Time-to-completion

Bachelor’s degree programs in English typically require students to complete the academic requirements for 60 credit hours or its equivalent. This means an average time-to-completion between four and five years but the actual time-to-completion for each student can vary based on these factors:

  • Number of transfer credits from college-level courses, such as from an associate degree or Advanced Placement courses
  • Part-time or full-time matriculation
  • Internship or practicum hours required, if any

The choice between on-campus and online programs will also affect your level of academic success in an English degree program. Many of the best liberals arts colleges offer students the choice between these formats.

Academic Evaluations and Challenges

Since online and on-campus English degree programs feature the same curriculum, all students must meet the standards for academic excellence. Students must read a broad range of works in English literature, which demands above-average critical reading skills, and submit papers, among other requirements.

The methods for academic evaluations determine the students’ progress in the English degree programs, too. Liberal arts colleges use these evaluation methods:

  • Class participation in lectures, discussions and recitations
  • Assignment submissions including various types of papers
  • Journals and portfolios
  • Quizzes and exams

Academic misdemeanors, such as plagiarism and cheating, can be met with punishments, such as suspension or expulsion.

Internship and/or practicum opportunities may be available in the best liberal arts colleges, too. The hands-on experiences are gained in diverse workplaces, too, from colleges and universities to public relations firms.

Technical and Transferable Skills Development

The beauty of an English degree lies in the set of valuable skills that students develop during the program. Technical skills, such as professional writing skills, creative writing skills, and technical writing skills in the English language, are emphasized. But students also develop transferable skills including:

  • Critical thinking skills
  • Communication skills
  • Storytelling and presentation skills
  • Creativity

No wonder graduates of English degree programs in liberal arts colleges find gainful employment in diverse occupations and enjoy personal fulfillment, too! The bachelor’s degree is also a stepping stone toward a master’s degree and, if you so desire, a doctorate degree in English.

A liberal arts degree in English from a top-ranked program can open career opportunities in technical writing. Find out what else you can do with a liberal arts degree.

Tuition and Financial Aid

Per-credit costs for an English degree ranges between $180 and $600+ with the actual pre-credit costs depending on the type of institution (whether public or private). Financial aid is available in the form of federal and state financial aid, scholarships, and grants.

Like all other bachelor’s degrees, an English degree from a liberal arts college is what you make of it—leveraging it to your advantage is key to your success.

Frequently Asked Questions About English Bachelor’s Degrees

Mastering the English language has value well beyond the field of literature. Gaining greater depth, versatility and confidence with the English language will make you a better writer, a more confident speaker, and a more perceptive listener. These skills will pay dividends in fields such as public relations, marketing, teaching, and human resources, just to name a few.

In fact, the most influential literary scholars go on to achieve acclaim as bestselling authors, prominent professors, noted historians, and more. Today, top influencers in English are breaking new ground in historical fiction, graphic novels, poetry, and much more.

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Literature is an excellent major because it can provide a pathway into countless fields and career opportunities. If you’re looking for a well-paying and secure job, a literature degree is a great place to start. As an English major, you’ll be doing more than just reading literature. The primary objective of an English major is to achieve greater appreciation and understanding of the written word. This means you’ll learn how to deconstruct literature in search of meaning, character and culture; and to explore the innovative ways that language can be used as a form of expression. In short, you won’t be a passive participant in your reading. As an English major, you will learn to read actively, with thought, insight, and analysis. This means that literature majors bring strong communication, critical thinking, and creativity to a wide range of employment settings.

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Your concentration will determine many of the courses you’ll take as an English major. Likewise, you will be required to take a number of requisite courses on foundational topics such as Literary Critical Analysis and Comparative Literature. However, as an English major, you will also have the chance to develop your curriculum around the themes, cultural traditions, and literary periods that most interest you. Examples of traditional literature courses include:

  • Translating World Literature
  • Narrative Negotiations
  • Dreams and Literature
  • Children’s Literature
  • Creative Writing
  • Rhetoric and Composition
  • The Ancient Greek Hero
  • Persuasive Writing and Public Speaking

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The English degree is actually quite versatile. Earning a degree in literature can qualify you for a number of stimulating jobs in both practical and creative fields. In some cases, you’ll get a chance to use your compositional and communication skills, whereas in other instances, you’ll use what you have learned to help others navigate the English language. The following are among the most popular jobs for literature majors:

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If you think a research university may be a better fit for you, see our ranking of the best research universities for a bachelor’s in English.

Best Liberal Arts Colleges for English Degrees

  1. #1

    Wesleyan University

    Middletown , CT
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Wesleyan University

    Cost of Degree: $64,022
    Expenses: $20,850
    Starting Salary: $36,760
    Salary after 4 years: $54,574
    Cost Recoup Time: 21 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Wesleyan University English Major Concentrations:

    • Literature
    • Creative Writing
  2. #2

    Amherst College

    Amherst , MA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Amherst College

    Cost of Degree: $64,100
    Expenses: $19,550
    Starting Salary: $48,298
    Salary after 4 years: $71,704
    Cost Recoup Time: 18 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Amherst English Major:

    • English
  3. #3

    Williams College

    Williamstown , MA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Williams College

    Cost of Degree: $61,770
    Expenses: $19,230
    Starting Salary: $52,067
    Salary after 4 years: $77,299
    Cost Recoup Time: 17 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Williams College English Major:

    • BA in English
  4. #4

    Swarthmore College

    Swarthmore , PA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Swarthmore College

    Cost of Degree: $59,328
    Expenses: $20,686
    Starting Salary: $40,587
    Salary after 4 years: $60,256
    Cost Recoup Time: 19 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Swarthmore College English Major Concentration:

    • Creative Writing
  5. #5

    Barnard College

    New York , NY
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Barnard College

    Cost of Degree: $62,525
    Expenses: $21,884
    Starting Salary: $40,413
    Salary after 4 years: $59,997
    Cost Recoup Time: 20 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Barnard College English Major Concentrations:

    • American Literature
    • Creative Writing
    • Film Studies
    • Theatre
  6. #6

    Middlebury College

    Middlebury , VT
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Middlebury College

    Cost of Degree: $62,460
    Expenses: $19,800
    Starting Salary: $41,688
    Salary after 4 years: $61,891
    Cost Recoup Time: 19 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Middlebury College English Major Concentration:

    • Creative Writing
  7. #7

    Pomona College

    Claremont , CA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Pomona College

    Cost of Degree: $59,238
    Expenses: $21,958
    Starting Salary: $44,819
    Salary after 4 years: $66,540
    Cost Recoup Time: 18 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Pomona College English Major:

    • English
  8. #8

    Wellesley College

    Wellesley , MA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Wellesley College

    Cost of Degree: $61,920
    Expenses: $21,130
    Starting Salary: $41,630
    Salary after 4 years: $61,805
    Cost Recoup Time: 19 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Wellesley College English Major Concentrations:

    • English
    • English and Creative Writing
  9. #9

    Smith College

    Northampton , MA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Smith College

    Cost of Degree: $58,768
    Expenses: $23,366
    Starting Salary: $29,628
    Salary after 4 years: $43,987
    Cost Recoup Time: 23 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Smith College English Major Concentrations:

    • Literature Emphasis
    • Creative Writing Emphasis
  10. #10

    Vassar College

    Poughkeepsie , NY
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Vassar College

    Cost of Degree: $64,800
    Expenses: $18,810
    Starting Salary: $35,658
    Salary after 4 years: $52,939
    Cost Recoup Time: 21 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Vassar College English Major:

    • English
  11. #11

    Bowdoin College

    Brunswick , ME
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Bowdoin College

    Cost of Degree: $61,528
    Expenses: $18,862
    Starting Salary: $48,298
    Salary after 4 years: $71,704
    Cost Recoup Time: 17 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Bowdoin College English Major Concentration:

    • Creative Writing
  12. #12

    Kenyon College

    Gambier , OH
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Kenyon College

    Cost of Degree: $66,490
    Expenses: $17,310
    Starting Salary: $31,600
    Salary after 4 years: $46,913
    Cost Recoup Time: 22 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Kenyon College English Major Concentrations:

    • Literature
    • Creative Writing
  13. #13

    Oberlin College

    Oberlin , OH
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Oberlin College

    Cost of Degree: $62,024
    Expenses: $22,206
    Starting Salary: $26,381
    Salary after 4 years: $39,166
    Cost Recoup Time: 24 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Oberlin College English Major:

    • English
  14. #14

    San Francisco State University

    San Francisco , CA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Career Outlook for English degree at San Francisco State University

    Cost of Degree: $7,524
    Expenses: $21,601
    Starting Salary: $32,236
    Salary after 4 years: $45,648
    Cost Recoup Time: 12 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    SFSU English Major Concentrations:

    • Literature
    • English Education
    • Professional Writing and Rhetoric
    • Linguistics
  15. #15

    Colgate University

    Hamilton , NY
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Colgate University

    Cost of Degree: $64,290
    Expenses: $19,360
    Starting Salary: $47,022
    Salary after 4 years: $69,811
    Cost Recoup Time: 18 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Colgate University English Majors:

    • English Literature
    • Creative Writing
  16. #16

    Haverford College

    Haverford , PA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Haverford College

    Cost of Degree: $63,348
    Expenses: $21,120
    Starting Salary: $43,544
    Salary after 4 years: $64,646
    Cost Recoup Time: 19 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Haverford College English Major:

    • Creative Writing
  17. #17

    Claremont McKenna College

    Claremont , CA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Claremont McKenna College

    Cost of Degree: $60,715
    Expenses: $21,412
    Starting Salary: $54,038
    Salary after 4 years: $80,226
    Cost Recoup Time: 16 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    CMC English Major:

    • Literature
  18. #18

    Reed College

    Portland , OR
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Reed College

    Cost of Degree: $64,760
    Expenses: $18,550
    Starting Salary: $30,556
    Salary after 4 years: $45,364
    Cost Recoup Time: 22 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Reed College English Major Concentrations:

    • Creative Writing
  19. Other Rankings





    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    West Point English Majors:

    • English
    • Philosophy
  20. Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Washington and Lee University

    Cost of Degree: $61,750
    Expenses: $21,240
    Starting Salary: $54,096
    Salary after 4 years: $80,312
    Cost Recoup Time: 16 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    W&L English Major:

    • BA in English
  21. Other Rankings





    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


  22. #22

    Davidson College

    Davidson , NC
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Davidson College

    Cost of Degree: $57,090
    Expenses: $18,525
    Starting Salary: $41,224
    Salary after 4 years: $61,203
    Cost Recoup Time: 18 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Davidson College English Major:

    • AB in English
  23. #23

    Mount Holyoke College

    South Hadley , MA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Mount Holyoke College

    Cost of Degree: $58,498
    Expenses: $19,180
    Starting Salary: $31,252
    Salary after 4 years: $46,397
    Cost Recoup Time: 21 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Mount Holyoke English Major Concentration:

    • Creative Writing
  24. #24

    Hamilton College

    Clinton , NY

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Hamilton College

    Cost of Degree: $62,670
    Expenses: $17,710
    Starting Salary: $43,080
    Salary after 4 years: $63,957
    Cost Recoup Time: 18 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Hamilton College English Major:

    • Literature and Creative Writing
  25. #25

    Bryn Mawr College

    Bryn Mawr , PA
    Other Rankings

    Tuition + fees






    Student body


    Median SAT/ACT


    Career Outlook for English degree at Bryn Mawr College

    Cost of Degree: $59,330
    Expenses: $20,050
    Starting Salary: $35,368
    Salary after 4 years: $52,509
    Cost Recoup Time: 20 years
    Paid back at 15% of annual salary

    Bryn Mawr College English Major Concentration:

    • Creative Writing

Career Outlook for Students with English Degree

Go to Degree Finder tool

English Language And Literature

Degree Level: Bachelor's

  • Location: The U.S. (Private Schools)
  • Avg. Starting Salary*: $28,223
  • Avg. Salary after 4 Years*: $39,964
  • * denotes ‘annually’

Career Salaries

CareerJob GrowthAvg. Salary
English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary1.14%$69,035
Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education1.03%$61,619
Proofreaders and Copy Markers-4.17%$45,885

Average Career Salaries

Bottom 10%MedianTop 10%

Promising Job Markets

StateCost of LivingAvg. Salary
#2 New York5% higher than average$80,873
#3 Oregon11% higher than average$85,325
#4 Utah4% higher than average$69,470
#5 Connecticut18% higher than average$84,385
#6 Vermont13% higher than average$79,130

Top Industries

IndustryAvg. Salary
English Language and Literature Teachers, Postsecondary$69,035
Secondary School Teachers, Except Special and Career/Technical Education$61,619
Proofreaders and Copy Markers$45,885

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The Best English Schools in Your State

Go to the best english schools in Alabama! Go to the best english schools in Alaska! Go to the best english schools in Arizona! Go to the best english schools in Arkansas! Go to the best english schools in California! Go to the best english schools in Colorado! Go to the best english schools in Connecticut! Go to the best english schools in Delaware! Go to the best english schools in District Of Columbia! Go to the best english schools in Florida! Go to the best english schools in Georgia! Go to the best english schools in Hawaii! Go to the best english schools in Idaho! Go to the best english schools in Illinois! Go to the best english schools in Indiana! Go to the best english schools in Iowa! Go to the best english schools in Kansas! Go to the best english schools in Kentucky! Go to the best english schools in Louisiana! Go to the best english schools in Maine! Go to the best english schools in Maryland! Go to the best english schools in Massachusetts! Go to the best english schools in Michigan! Go to the best english schools in Minnesota! Go to the best english schools in Mississippi! Go to the best english schools in Missouri! Go to the best english schools in Montana! Go to the best english schools in Nebraska! Go to the best english schools in Nevada! Go to the best english schools in New Hampshire! Go to the best english schools in New Jersey! Go to the best english schools in New Mexico! Go to the best english schools in New York! Go to the best english schools in North Carolina! Go to the best english schools in North Dakota! Go to the best english schools in Ohio! Go to the best english schools in Oklahoma! Go to the best english schools in Oregon! Go to the best english schools in Pennsylvania! Go to the best english schools in Puerto Rico! Go to the best english schools in Rhode Island! Go to the best english schools in South Carolina! Go to the best english schools in South Dakota! Go to the best english schools in Tennessee! Go to the best english schools in Texas! Go to the best english schools in Utah! Go to the best english schools in Vermont! Go to the best english schools in Virginia! Go to the best english schools in Washington! Go to the best english schools in West Virginia! Go to the best english schools in Wisconsin! Go to the best english schools in Wyoming!
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